OK, Alabama can stay, provided I get a free stick-on bobble head of George Wallace in a wheel chair for the dash of my truck, along with a CD recording of Janis Joplin singing the plastic Jesus song to go with it.you left out the moose, 3 types of bears (4 counting polar/griz hybrids) caribou, blacktails, fish out the wazoo, incredible scenery... can't we keep Alabama? the fishing and hunting are incredible, and the people there are alarmingly friendly if not talking politics...as country as fried green tomatoes. give them Ohio & Illinois instead. i lost nothing there that i want back...
You know the one...
"I don't care if it rains or freezes, 'long as I got my plastic Jesus, sittin' on the dashboard of my car...
And I can go 100 miles per hour, 'long as I got that Almighty Power, sittin' on the dashboard of my car...
Well this plastic Jesus has gotta' go, the magnet's fucking up my radio, sittin' on the dashboard of my carrrrr.."
And with a signed copy, I'll even visit there.
Trouble was as a young hitchhiker that I vowed to rarely or never visit states where an ID check included lying face-down in the dirt, with a 12-gauge to the back of the head while they ran my ID, and a cop with a big chew of tobacco in his mouth and a goiter on his neck.
It was a huge safety policy for me, having learned from other thumb-travelers' experiences. Always better to let the other guy do those things and learn from them..
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