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True Terpenes VISCOSITY extract liquifier LAB TESTS: Mineral oil but no terps!!


Well-known member
I have a question. Not really worth a new thread but hopefully not too off topic for this one....

What's the difference between vaping rosin (oil) and V-E acetate (oil)?

They are both basically derived from plants. Both are vaporized and then solidified in the lungs, yes?

Just curious why one is deadly and one is fine. A brief answer giving me a lead to search would be awesome. Thanks



Señor Member
I have a question. Not really worth a new thread but hopefully not too off topic for this one....

What's the difference between vaping rosin (oil) and V-E acetate (oil)?

They are both basically derived from plants. Both are vaporized and then solidified in the lungs, yes?

Just curious why one is deadly and one is fine. A brief answer giving me a lead to search would be awesome. Thanks


It's next to impossible to give you a brief explanation of complex organic chemistry and human physiology. Just because things come from plants doesn't make them safe. Now, go look up "lipoid pneumonia."


Well-known member
It's next to impossible to give you a brief explanation of complex organic chemistry and human physiology. Just because things come from plants doesn't make them safe. Now, go look up "lipoid pneumonia."

Yeah, no problem. Thanks anyway.


Well-known member
Oh my, what does this mean I wonder?

Does this mean that Mr Extractor and ExtractNinja are the same person?

It would however proof a lot about as EN being a competitor and why he was so focused on discrediting TT and spending so much money on expensive specialised testing.

I remember hearing somewhere else a few months ago about the link with Mr Extractor before...

If so, then I just hope that it would not be his products then that causes the deaths, the irony would be to much...

Look at the captions on the videos, they all say the product is suspected of killing people...hes not trying to sell it. I think whoever is posing as EN just wanted to post the video somewhere public since MrExtractor removed the product from their site.
Last edited:


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Look at the captions on the videos, they all say the product is suspected of killing people. I think EN just wanted to post the video somewhere public since MrExtractor removed the product from their site.

Yes, you are correct. I'll edit out my post.


Señor Member
LOL, jesus christ, they couldn't even spell FDA complient (sp) properly? We've returned to the snake oil medicine show days, from what it seems.


On Wednesday, Oregon health authorities said a middle-aged adult who died in late July of a severe respiratory illness had used an e-cigarette containing marijuana oil purchased from a legal dispensary.

So it's not just the street carts like most thought.


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he's probably hoping the FDA or someone discovers those videos.

He definitely is using that YT channel to make backups of those vids. The channel is also only 12 hours old.

Look like he's preparing to point the finger again and this time at Mr Extractor and that Vitamin E cutting agent. Time will tell.

I think ExtractNinja will be popping up back soon again.
Also just noticed that a username EXTRACT NINJA posted that video yesterday. So, either he is still around or the sock puppet is back.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyuoQLAVukqpy7kagjZZ8QView Image Extract Ninja

Published on Sep 5, 2019
That is not me. No idea who that is.

I have been out contact becaus of health and family issues. Ill be back soon! sending in viscosity samples to the lab in FL one guy on Future suggested and doing all the simpler tests GOJoe suggested thorughout this thread.


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That is not me. No idea who that is.

I have been out contact becaus of health and family issues. Ill be back soon! sending in viscosity samples to the lab in FL one guy on Future suggested and doing all the simpler tests GOJoe suggested thorughout this thread.

Yeah. He's back!!!


Extract ninja, hey we all thank you for bringing this to our attention.

But.. straight up... Are you a TY competitor? Ex -employee? Both?

Thanks again.


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^Hossana Meus Fortuna Deus Protego Causa Fortuna, fortuna equis Ad pugnatoris in veritae

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