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True Terpenes VISCOSITY extract liquifier LAB TESTS: Mineral oil but no terps!!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Wowza! Well that certainly might explain it.

Here is a Leafly link, including an interview with True Terpenes. Note that their chief science officer says Viscosity is for topicals, not inhalants.


Also check out the Viscosity MSDS sheet and note the properties are mostly unavailable, so how is a $8/gram diluent justified in a topical. What True Terpene marketing regales it for that purpose and justifies its cost?

Surely not to just thin or thicken it, with other cheaper and highly effective solutions available.
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Active member
10-1 nothing happens to the owner or he flees the USA to somewhere like Costa Rica....

Just saying....

Wowza! Well that certainly might explain it.

Here is a Leafly link, including an interview with True Terpenes. Note that their chief science officer says Viscosity is for topicals, not inhalants.


Also check out the Viscosity MSDS sheet and note the properties are mostly unavailable, so how is a $8/gram diluent justified in a topical. What True Terpene marketing regales it for that purpose and justifies its cost?

Surely not to just thin or thicken it, with other cheaper and highly effective solutions available.


Just this guy, ya know?
Wow almost as if their CSO didn't even read their own SDS before commenting. Emphasis mine.

Recommended Use Concentrated aromatic and flavor ingredient which may be used in flavor and fragrance compounds according to legal and IFRA or FEMA GRAS/FDAguidelines.
Flavor means you taste it. In your mouth. How does somebody attain the rank of CSO at a company without even knowing what they are selling?


Well-known member
What a scum bag. So, he knows his product is killing people but it's not his fault because they are not using it in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

That is a total manufacturer's cop out. Very standard bull shit. But, it does work in court.

They are going to walk on this, my guess.



Just this guy, ya know?
Either he knows it was registered as a flavoring, and doesn't care that people are using it as it was registered/advertised, or he literally didn't know what he was peddling to people. So at best he's incompetent, at worst he's a sociopath?


Well-known member
Contaminant found in vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses, state and federal labs show


“This was the only thing that seemed to show up in 10 of the 18 cannabis products,” said one state official who took part in the call.

The federal lab results seem to confirm findings from New York State. Late last week, its lab found “very high levels of vitamin E acetate in nearly all” its cannabis samples tested. More than a dozen cannabis samples were tested, a health department spokeswoman said Thursday. “Vitamin E acetate is not an approved additive for New York State Medical Marijuana Program-authorized vape samples and was not seen in the nicotine-based products that were tested."

“As a result, vitamin E acetate is now a key focus” of New York’s investigation, the department said Thursday.


Well-known member
Gee, what a surprise. Another victim of Rapeseed oil (better known as Canola Oil).

I can only imagine how easy it was to sell, claiming,

"It's fucking vitamin E, dude. It's fucking healthy and good for you. Don't you know nothin', man?"

Yep, I can almost hear the conversation.



Well-known member
Man, what a crazy thread this has turned out to be.

@Gray Wolf is it possible that the mystery substance in viscosity could be Vitamin E?


New member
Thickener / Vitamin E? Whats going on?

Thickener / Vitamin E? Whats going on?

This USA Today news article has me looking for answers about this topic, I was googling and found this thread. Please suggest a different thread if I am breaking any rules.

I'm hoping someone can help me here. I am not someone who reads scientific papers regularly but I have some decent common sense.

I've tried the viscosity product from true terpenes that they gave me at a trade show and I also got a small bottle of the uber thick online. The two products seem way different, the viscosity is thin and runny and the uber is like shampoo.

What I am reading on washington post and rolling stone is that the deaths are suspected to be caused by the use of this Tocopheryl Acetate compound (Vitamin E?)?

I am seeing everyone in my facebook groups say it is the Thickeners to be worried about, the products made to stretch CBD and THC without anyone knowing. The main ones I can find are this Honey cut, the uber thick, and the Clear cut all from different companies.

When I look up this stuff on a google image search it looks like the uber sorta in a still photo but I cant say and I know looks can be decieving.

See here

Here is a video for anyone that might not have seen the thickener before.

My questions...

1. People are saying these are just pure Tocopheryl Acetate.....Could that be true?

2. Does anyone know anything more about this?

3. What hardware is everyone using that allows you to just make good carts with just like 3% terps and distillate. This is what I'd really like to do.

Thanks everyone! Please share anything I might have missed or got wrong.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Man, what a crazy thread this has turned out to be.

@Gray Wolf is it possible that the mystery substance in viscosity could be Vitamin E?

The mystery substance was a mixture of long chain alkanes, and Vitamin E acetate, aka topopheryl acetate, is an alkene, which as I under stand it, is added to keep the cart from darkening with age.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The FDA is looking at everything, and we can expect regulation to follow.

Mr. J

Well-known member
I don't get it. Concentrate something only to dilute it later? What's the point? It's too thick to vape so you gotta thin it out. Okay, so the stuff makes it too thin and people don't like that because it looks like it's been cut so now they're adding thickeners? And all this because vaping is healthier and more convenient, I suppose? Pardon my language but holy fuck is that ever stupid, and all that before it kills you. I'll stick to my bong, thanks.


Well-known member
If True Terps has, indeed, been selling this Vitamin E Acetate product, they have to be shaking in their boots. The owners could be facing manslaughter charges.

I don't care how tough you are or how much money you're making, when your product kills somebody, you need to be worried. I don't care what kind of disclaimer you used.

I also had a thought regarding Extract Ninja. Perhaps there is no such person. Perhaps is was a sock puppet used by a more veteran member to expose True Terps without involving his/her own reputation. It's one possible reason why he has never been back.


Mr. J

Well-known member
This was bound to happen. I knew things would only go downhill once the dab bros hit the scene with their blowtorches looking like a bunch of crackheads. This is a natural progression, the result of stonerbros left to do anything their stoner imaginations could dream up. The lemmings followed, of course, and now they're all dying. It's Darwin at work.