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True Terpenes VISCOSITY extract liquifier LAB TESTS: Mineral oil but no terps!!


Just this guy, ya know?
Last time I looked into it, the carrier for a lot of vape juice is the same ingredient in dance hall fog machines. And if you read the jugs for fog juice, it says not to inhale it. Heck if you are in the theater there are specific limits on how much you can be around. Also from wikipedia.
Short term exposure to glycol fog can be associated with headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and tiredness. Long term exposure to smoke and fog can be related to upper airway and voice symptoms. Extended (multi-year) exposure to smoke and fog has been associated with both short-term and long-term respiratory health problems. Efforts should be made to reduce exposure to theatrical smoke to as low a level as possible.


Active member
That sounds pretty scary and harmful. These days there are fakes everywhere and other than buying from a known source, what else does one do to ensure authenticity?

BUY ONLY from.a trusted source. Beat is to find the extract artist who actually makes and fills carts. Do away with 1 or more middlemen.

Now adays , the ONLY dilutent that should be used ie TERPENES!!!!


Last time I looked into it, the carrier for a lot of vape juice is the same ingredient in dance hall fog machines. And if you read the jugs for fog juice, it says not to inhale it. Heck if you are in the theater there are specific limits on how much you can be around. Also from wikipedia.
Short term exposure to glycol fog can be associated with headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and tiredness. Long term exposure to smoke and fog can be related to upper airway and voice symptoms. Extended (multi-year) exposure to smoke and fog has been associated with both short-term and long-term respiratory health problems. Efforts should be made to reduce exposure to theatrical smoke to as low a level as possible.

Over 20 years ago I was playing laser tag in one off those trippy black light arenas. I was leaned up against a wall blasting away when I inhaled a giant cloud of fog/smoke. My throat and lungs hurt for days. Not sure what kind of smog it was. I could taste sawdust for weeks. Not burnt sawdust, which was weird. Surely that's not what's in these carts. Right?


Well-known member
The scary thing is that very FEW dilutant manufacturer's are saying what is in their dilutant. This, alone would be a red flag to me.

A couple of them list exactly what terps are in the bottle. But, I believe them like I believe it when it says "Sugar" on the bag. I know all the crap and chlorine and poison that's in that bag of white sugar.

Buying a 30 gallon drum of mineral oil for $300 and selling it for $80 and ounce is a pretty nice profit. And, apparently, most of them are probably doing it.

Greed is the worst sin.



Well-known member
Hasnt there been a test from the britisch Government, that says e zigs are 95% less harmfull than ziggarets?

So i would assume Health issues are more Related with carts?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Has anyone noticed we have our first US vaping death and a shit pot car load of seriously affected vapers, bringing into question the culprit?


Well-known member
I would wonder if these cart manufacturers were buying wholesale Viscosity and poisoning everyone but I am pretty sure TT is not the only rip-off in this game.

Personally, IMO, anyone who puffs on a cart right now, deserves what they get. Totally unregulated. People dropping like flies. Events like ExtractNinja proving Viscosity to be mineral oil.

Holy cow. If you're stupid enough to still be puffing on carts, you are one dump muther fucker. Killing you off might not be a bad thing for the world.

If I thought for one minute that I was affected by Viscosity, there wouldn't be anything left of their little plumbing store but ashes (and a few human bones).

Where is EN? Sure would like to know what they threatened him with.



Active member
Has anyone noticed we have our first US vaping death and a shit pot car load of seriously affected vapers, bringing into question the culprit?

ya, we've been talking about it for a few days here, and it seems like it's been noticed by the authorities going back a couple of months.

I understand they are in the process of testing multiple samples for a cause, so we might hear something soon?

Although some sources are quick to point to the THC carts and BM carts, I haven't seen anyone rule out licensed or nicotine carts as of yet. Lots of unfounded blame being spread around, but early logic points to manufacturing residues or dilutent toxicities. To many different products and locations to be anything else...


Active member
Great reads, GW!

Lots of interesting info in those stories, like "lipoid pneumonia", immune cells like those caused by mineral oil inhalation and experienced vappers felled by one bad cartridge. Seems to be something new and recent added to dilutuent formulations, perhaps just this year.

Should we start a poll as to what country TT is currently purchasing airline tickets for? lol


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫

Below is an excerp from the articles posted by GW. The doc's suspect it might be a dillutent that was used and not the typical PG/VG, flavouring (or nicotine in case of regular vape liquid).

The damage that was done to the patient(s) lungs are similar as to that of a person who accidentally had vaped mineral oil.

If somebody should place his bet on something what might be the cause, what would your guess then be?

Alexander Mitchell’s doctors at a hospital in Payson, Utah, were baffled when the tests came back negative for bacterial pneumonia and a host of common ailments. One exam, though, picked up something unusual — evidence of abnormal immune cells in his lungs — generally associated with a rare, potentially deadly pneumonia seen in older people who accidentally inhale droplets from oil-based laxatives like mineral oil.
The surge in cases may be the result of something recently added to the oils “to dilute or add to them,” said Scott Aberegg, a University of Utah hospital pulmonologist and critical care specialist, who cared for Mitchell and four other patients at his hospital and consulted on two others at another facility.

Some of the patients had vaped for months and years, he said, so if there had been a previous cluster of cases, “we would have recognized it earlier.”

Mr D

Here is an excerp from the articles posted by GW. The doc's suspect it might be a dillutent that was used and not the typical PG/VG, flavouring (or nicotine in case of regular vape liquid).

If somebody should place his bet on something what might be the cause, what would your guess then be?

Alexander Mitchell’s doctors at a hospital in Payson, Utah, were baffled when the tests came back negative for bacterial pneumonia and a host of common ailments. One exam, though, picked up something unusual — evidence of abnormal immune cells in his lungs — generally associated with a rare, potentially deadly pneumonia seen in older people who accidentally inhale droplets from oil-based laxatives like mineral oil.
The surge in cases may be the result of something recently added to the oils “to dilute or add to them,” said Scott Aberegg, a University of Utah hospital pulmonologist and critical care specialist, who cared for Mitchell and four other patients at his hospital and consulted on two others at another facility.

Some of the patients had vaped for months and years, he said, so if there had been a previous cluster of cases, “we would have recognized it earlier.”

Pure speculation on my part, but....

Could a potential criminal case be the reason why EN disappeared?

Could a grand jury be reviewing EN's findings as we speak?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Besides the Washington Post, the FDA is now involved and asking questions. They also have the resources for what ever tests they deem necessary, so I perceive that resolution is near.


Well-known member
i hope one day when this is all over that he posts again. i hate not knowing what happened even though deep down i'm sure true terpenes is silencing him with a cease and desist. i doubt he is helping with this new info although it would be karma if it ended up being TT products.


Señor Member
It's just as reasonable to assume that EN's silence is because he will be a witness in the TT trial. We don't necessarily have to jump to conclusions. I hope he's well. He's a true, capeless hero.


Just this guy, ya know?
I wonder if anybody at True Terpenes feels bad they have possibly killed somebody? Or are they just worried about themselves?


Señor Member
I wonder if anybody at True Terpenes feels bad they have possibly killed somebody? Or are they just worried about themselves?

Sociopaths don't have the capacity to feel remorse. And make no mistake about it, the only person who could create/operate a business like TT would necessarily have to be a sociopath. They were shitting on ethics right from the very beginning, when they were giving their company a name. I mean, only a sociopath would name their poison company something that's entirely ironic. It reminds me of how the U.S. government passes legislation that obliterates the foundations of freedom, calling it things like "the Patriot Act."

And then (according to information gathered from this very thread) when the secret is no longer able to be contained, they didn't change their formula, they just edited the copy on the merchandising.

Fucks like that make me wish I believed in karma.


New member
Howdy this is David Downs California editor at Leafly.
Longtime lurker on ICMag, and fan.
I'm reporting on mysterious diluent thickeners and want to interview you on your Viscosity lab test. Can you PM me as soon as possible? My email is [email protected].