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True Terpenes VISCOSITY extract liquifier LAB TESTS: Mineral oil but no terps!!


Well-known member
I am going to disagree with you on this one (albeit, we are all different). I am a reverse engineer and math encryption is one of my things. When we reversed the encryption for DISH network's sat TV, I was totally stoned (aren't I always. LOL) I don't believe there is any way I could reverse math encryption straight. The amount of focus and concentration required just doesn't come to me straight. I am manic so it's hard for me to sit still. Sitting at my computer for almost 3 days without barely food or water was a pretty common occurrence.

Also, I recently read an NCBI report about how studies in grade school and high school age kids was showing better retention in short term with the use of cannabis. I found that very strange. I'll try to find that paper.

OK, I need to offer my most humble apologies to Mr. Gray Wolf. My search for the backup for my claim was very empty. I did find a number of articles backing my claim but they were all agenda based sites (like Leafly). About 90% of my finds supported your claim and about 10% mine. I still hold that I do math better stoned but apparently, I am the only one. LOL

On a similar note, a number of papers references tests on ELDER mice and rats and found better cognitive function on subjects when they were stoned. Tons of info on that one.




OK, sorry and back on topic.


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
OK, I need to offer my most humble apologies to Mr. Gray Wolf. My search for the backup for my claim was very empty. I did find a number of articles backing my claim but they were all agenda based sites (like Leafly). About 90% of my finds supported your claim and about 10% mine. I still hold that I do math better stoned but apparently, I am the only one. LOL

On a similar note, a number of papers references tests on ELDER mice and rats and found better short term memory on subject when they were stoned. Tons of info on that one.

OK, sorry and back on topic..

I didn't do any deep research, so just reporting personal experience, which as you have noted, varies person to person.

What cannabis did do for my engineering, was enhance my abstract reasoning, so as to help me think outside the box during the conceptual phases, before I started organizing details and crunching numbers.

It definitely enhanced my creative abilities and some of my best inspirations were conceived and the ribbon cutting subsequently celebrated stoned, but executed mostly straight.

Of note, is that in most cases I didn't sit down and ponder the unique solutions, they came to me as epiphanies at various times, while during other things, because our subconscious minds never shut down, and mine just reveals the eureka to me once it has already sorted it out.

I can also sit at an Auto Cad and detail conceptuals stoned with minimal mistakes, because there is something in front of me constantly reminding me of what I'm doing and where I'm at, but I can leave the room to pee and get lost doing something else on the way back.

Hee, hee, hee, I should probably also mention that I'm 76 years old, and sadly some of my symptoms have been documented to come with advancing age.

That of course may mean that I was better at it when I was younger, and just forgotten...........:biggrin:


Well-known member
I doubt True Terpene's monitors this thread but if you do, here is something for you to think about.

My best friend, well, my only friend is in ICU tonight from a bad vape. There is no way in Heaven or hell that I could ever trace it back to you, so this is certainly no kind of threat. But, if, by some chance or some miracle I actually found out it was you, your life would be in danger. Extreme danger.

Like I said, no threat. No claim. Just a thought.

I only mention it because I am suddenly looking at this situation in a different light than before. And, I am, perhaps a little more in tune with the people who have lost or nearly lost loved ones from this vape scandal bull shit that you are definitely a part of.

And, I can only imagine if one of the Fathers of one of the children who were killed who might have a background like mine. And, maybe he might not need as much evidence as I. And, maybe he might read this thread and blame you, right or wrong.

Wow, dude, if I were you I wouldn't sleep at night, ever. LOL

Sorry to the other readers if this post is a little morbid but, like I said, somehow it's a little different today than it was 2 days ago. At least in my mind. Bill's my only real friend. And, he is in ICU right now.

Just sharing my thoughts with the people who are causing it and giving them something to think about.



Well-known member
Ringodoggie, I hope your friend will be ok. In the haste it get these disposable carts to market people seeme to be more interested in getting the viscosity correct so they will work rather than the effect that the cutting agents will have on the people that use them. I am not blaming anyone cause I doubt anyone with a conscience would use the ingredients if they knew what ramifications they would have on the health of the user. It didn’t take long for people to become very ill so I hope the people that make these carts take them off the market immediately...


New member
Why does Extract Ninja have so little to say about this whole thickener debate. All of a sudden it’s not True Terps and he has no opinion? Just popping in to say that he WASNT the one that uploaded the HoneyCut vids. Why is that the sole reason for him to return to this forum? Makes me wonder if he is working for one of the companies that was selling Vitamin E Acetate. Hmmm.


Well-known member
Awesome first post bud. LMAO

I'll be the "E" in ExtractNinja stands for Vitamin E. It was clear all the time and we didn't see it.

Mr. Bud is big good. Mr good is big bud.... That's it. Mr Big is Bud Good.

I just keep hearing Bugs Bunny's voice saying, "What a maroon". LMAO



Just this guy, ya know?
Oh shit Mass Terpenes is based in Amherst that's right down the road. It's also a college town, I'd bet dollars to donuts it's just run by some kid out of their dorm.


Well-known member
Wasn't Floraplex the ones who did a full disclosure on their dilutant on Future4200 after the Viscosity exposure?


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
The companies being served with the subpoena are Honey Cut Labs in Santa Monica, Calif., for its Honey Cut Diluting Agent; Floraplex Terpenes in Ypsilanti, Mich., for its Uber Thick agent; and Mass Terpenes in Amherst, Mass., for its Pure Diluent.

Sounds like Future is going to need to remove some more people from his GLG gang...

If you ask me there should better be placed a (temporary) ban on all these carts.

Never in history were there deaths with consuming Marijuana products and now the last couple of months the counter keeps going up. Healthier alternative...


Well-known member
Sounds like Future is going to need to remove some more people from his GLG gang...

If you ask me there should better be placed a (temporary) ban on all these carts.

Never in history were there deaths with consuming Marijuana products and now the last couple of months the counter keeps going up. Healthier alternative...
Hell of a business.

Mr D

Never in history were there deaths with consuming Marijuana products and now the last couple of months the counter keeps going up. Healthier alternative...

If the processed food doesn't kill ya, the processed cannabis will.

Never in the history of cannabis have people found more ways to bastardize it.


Well-known member
Ya know, if you think about it.... if action had been taken the day Extract Ninja first posted this back in January, 5 people who are dead, might still be alive.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your friend Ringodoggie, I hope he pulls through ok.

It is sad to see whats been happening. My friends on Oahu are heavy into carts and I've always turned them down because I didnt trust products with cartoon characters on them and the weird fake flavors. This pretty much seals the deal on me never wanting to try them again.


Well-known member
Actually, he got released today. Home resting but fucking ravaged. He was joking around so I know he is on the mend.


Well-known member
No offense to this guy but there is no way he "made millions" off anything he ever did. He just doesn't have that bright look in his eye. If this guy is selling millions of dollars worth of ANYTHING, there is someone behind him with brains using him as a puppet.

No way, this guy is triple digit IQ. His tie isn't even tied right. That Maynard G Crebbs beard. Nope. No way. LOL

And, the reason he wrote a letter to Leafly instead of being interviewed is because the brains wrote the letter, not him. I'm guessing he wouldn't do too well in a live interview. Can you even imagine the word preponderance coming out of that mouth? LMAO Nope, no way.

Perhaps a picture is not enough to judge but........ I am usually spot on with this type of thing. There is someone behind this idiot. I still say he looks like the 2-headed guy in the first Men In Black movie. Poorly formed frontal lobe and a narrow, pointy head is always a giveaway as well.



Señor Member
Did these videos give anyone else the late-night infomercial vibe? Kinda reminded me of that "millions of tiny classified ads" guy from twenty years ago. Remember him?



Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I would really like to hear Future about all these current problems with carts.
And that if he agrees it's that Vitamin E acetate or mineral oil or maybe something else.


Well-known member
Well, just got an email from the Hawaii Department of Health about the first case of vape related lung illness.

Hawai‘i Department of Health investigating case of
severe respiratory illness related to e-cigarette use

HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) is investigating the first report of a possible case of vaping-associated severe respiratory illness in a Hawai‘i Island resident under the age of 18 years. The serious lung injury was reported earlier this week and health officials are aggressively gathering patient information to determine the cause of the illness. The individual is currently hospitalized and still receiving treatment for their symptoms.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 450 potential or confirmed cases of severe lung injury have been reported, including at least 6 deaths, in 33 states and one U.S. territory. CDC indicated that many of these cases reported using illicit cannabinoid products, such as THC.

DOH continues to urge physicians to be on alert for signs of severe respiratory illness among patients who recently used vaping products, including e-cigarettes and THC products, and report any cases. Today, DOH sent a medical advisory with guidance to all physicians statewide. To date, there have been no confirmed cases in Hawai‘i of lung injuries associated with vaping.

“We are cautioning people about using e-cigarettes and advise against using unregulated THC-containing vaping products,” said Health Director Bruce Anderson. “We are monitoring the situation locally and nationally, and coordinating with federal and state partners to stay up-to-date on the latest information available. We have alerted Hawai‘i health care providers and emergency workers of this issue so they are aware, and will continue to investigate this possible local case and work to determine the cause of their illness.”

According to an update from CDC, evidence suggests the lung illnesses are likely linked to a chemical exposure, but the investigation has not identified any single product or substance common to all cases of acute severe pulmonary disease associated with vaping.

Symptoms of acute severe pulmonary disease associated with vaping or use of an e-cigarette device may include: cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. Anyone who uses e-cigarette products should monitor themselves for symptoms and promptly seek medical attention for any health concerns.

DOH advises people to avoid e-cigarette products off the street and not modify e-cigarette products or add any substances that are not intended by the manufacturer. People should avoid vaping illicit THC products, as the available evidence from other states shows many of the injury cases had exposure to such products. E-cigarette products should never be used by youth, young adults, pregnant women, or adults who do not currently use tobacco products.