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Tropical Growing

High Chaman !

Glad to see this thread still alive, it's a real gold mine of information for us the tropical ganja farmers .

Did you ever had problem with termites ?! had a really terrible termites attack on my favorite spot ( the termites are eating the roots of big mj plants especially in dry time ) , have lost dozens of 2 months vegged clones .

Never had such a critical problem with bugs but Termites seems very hard to fight.
Neem leaves could help but the few neem trees i have are to small and young to take leaves from them.

If someone knows something that works to prevent termites from eating my plants please help !


Active member
randude....when my wife killed all my seeds....dude...I'm still try'n too deal with it jejeje

Termites eh ? ejeje I wonder if Cal (white powder they use on soccer fields) would detour them as it works with ants. Termites don't do much harm out in the open is the good thing, so if you constantly destroy there "paths" and not let them get comfortable they should take off. I'd use alot of repellent type bug sprays, and bug tape along my stems and using Chile and garlic based sprays along with the Cal mixed well into the soil.

Also i'm wonderring if you could detour the bugs to another peace of wood...I'm sure they'd love a nice soft peace of un treated wood, as too your plants, maybe be some scrap wood, would do the trick.
I've been given the opportunity to spend almost an entire month in your beautiful country in June/July this summer. Absolutely can not wait! Love the pictures and I'll be following your thread prior to and during my trip!


Active member
Awesome, I realy hope you have a wonderfull time while your here, the northern pac is our drier and more stable climate this time of yr, but even then so you can count on some good rain, but i'm sure you'll be blessed with many great things too see. Carefull when going to the carribean it's lower land so lots of rain closes the roads down and stuff, but still a great a must visit place indeed. Bring bug spray, and sun lotion.

yeah...your best friend can be your worst enemy.

I've got a wish list all ready coming together of the seeds I need too get going agian...I just wish i still had more contact with the original people that had traded with me long ago. Not too mention I need to get something going here that i'll be able too ofer for a trade...jeje even think'n I should get a little frig just for my seeds with a lock on it and have it out in my greenhouse next too my clone/mother box. That way avoid all together probs with the wife and live in more peace...the less she can bitch about, and the less I got to worry about jejej but most of my seeds came from bushmen...people off the grid deep in there worlds far from everything that kept orginal seeds and landrace stocks...so it's going too be tuff indeed. jeje Realy miss Overgrow.com right about now.

Cool & Calm


Active member
jeje well after many many many drawings, i've come up with this one...its still incomplete and lacking the actuall measurements, but the idea is too make it about 5mts at the tallest, and about 9-11mts long +/- X 3-5mts wide. Depending on cost of materials.

Ideal would be metal aluminum painted in white frame work, and good cement bases and deep bed of gravel on the ground, with french drian system to keep all water far away as posible, offer realy high ceiling and plenty of air flow...but am prob going too end up using wood, painted in white sealent, and the rest the same. The plastic will be the most exp in my case.


Cool and calm

Left top, is left side view. Right top is the right side view, bottom left is a front view and the bottom right pic is an above pic more or less.


Active member
Area painted in Blus sguares is an electro soldered fence area i'm going too use as a pasive intave. About a 1,1/2 feet tall, all around the bottom of the growing area, this to asure rich CO2, and cooler air getting sucked in by the active exhuast fans.

Area painted in light blue are the to collect rain water and take it somewhere or to store it in a huge pvc water res I've been wanting too buy so I can water the yard in dry season.

Red i'll be use'n as measurement guides for when I decide too finaly build, jeje measure twice, cut and hammer once ;)

Gray area will be the bases, cement on each base going up, and then cinderblocks, about one row high all around, this area I want too fill in with a deep bed of gravel, about 6" deep, this too make sure things are dry and to avoid dust that a dirt floor makes in dry season. I want the least amount of water lingering around in there.

Area in the back will be a dark room...inther all the garden tools, and my light box, and i'll be drying in there too...no more dry'n in the house, or storring buds inside. Even plan too get a little fridge to store my seeds and extra buds and cannabutter and stuff like that...jeje put up my old posters, maybe a little fish tank...Personal chill/storage area, and the main reason will be so my nieghbor when he tries too look into my greenhouse all he will see is a Zink covered roof going up at about a 45*angle, little bit of luck it will block the view over the rest of the transparent greenhouse area. No more stress'n about the idiot on his roof no more....just helicopters jejeje but they aren't as common and a little weathering on the plastic, i'm sure no clear image would show of whats going on inside from their hieght. Planes fly by too fast too get a good look i'd think too...

well...there is the more final idea of what I want too doo...jeje lots of changes over the yrs, i'm glad I hadn't built it yet or I would have had too take it down a few times for improvementes...so far i've done all the improvements on paper, save'n time and money...need too see what happens now. I'm sure there will always be room for improvment thats for sure.

Of course everyone, if anyone here has an opion or an idea they'd like too add or critic, please feel free to do so...might be helpping more then just me.
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Active member
this is the french drianage I was talk'n about...hard ass work, and that PVC pipe, 5x elbows and 1 intersection won't be too cheap. The rocks are cheap, exp is pay'n the truck to drop them off and the few six packs for my friends to come over with wheel barrels to fill in the huge whole and gravel all around the green house and inside the greenhouse. jejeje beers and friends, and only the close best friends...others would ask too many questions...would have too kill them after too be safe and thats not cool to them



Active member
didn't say it... but the line behind the greehouse will be higher up then the rest at a good enough incline to push all water away from the greenhouse, also I was think'n too add another drian in the middle of the greenhouse floor under the gravel that conects too the PVC pipes too realy assure water doesn't sit arround inside the greenhouse.

Cool & Calm


Nice pics of the buds Chaman, I love seeing "real" plants with bugs n shit stuck to the trichs etc. I recon it all adds to the final taste in a good way hehe :) Ive been busy getting some ready, ive got some PNG x Thai going out soon ill post some pics of. There all clones of a mother that grows like a vine creeper, stinky pine n lemon and sticky all over a real tropical beast :)
Your greenhouse plans look sound, the only suggestion i have is to raise the greenhouse about a 30cm off the ground and still do all your drainage you described but by doing this you could use vents in the floors to suck up nice cool air to be exhausted at the top. Im not sure of your weather but if its like mine those greenhouses can get pretty hot in summer. I know its alot more work but i think the outcome would be quite good.

Stay high my friend.


Active member
Dr. Toppo,
Thanks for the opionion on the greenhouse floor, but I wouldn't be able too aford that...a floor that size would be costly.

But maybe with this drawing people will understand better


Oh Chaman,what a grower,what a thread!:good:...and what a greenhouse!...a tropical greenhouse...my dream!:canabis:

Just thinking,maybe a hole in the middle of the ceiling would be better for aeration instead of your exhaust fan being on the upper sides...


Active member
jeje not sure how this is going too work...but in the drawing I mention a few things...in hundreds of my drawings I had added dif layered roofing, and all sorts of ideas jejejejejeje one even with a motorized realy easy too do but prety damn expensive too pull off, but garage door opener a few sensors and a slid'n roof for those awsome sunny days or for those sad rainny ones jejjeje but not in my price range at all...


jejjee not the size I imagined it would be....cho



How do you dry in the humid climate there with out getting mold?


chaman :D

my experience with green houses is they do not need drainage if you use a earth floor covered for example with anti-vegetacion cloth and gravel. this also allovs for some extra temperature reserve because the water/humidity below the green-house will work as a buffer. this means very hot days there will be a micro climate inside the green house, with slightly lower temps :D

this method is used in various ways to stabilize temperatur4es in greenhouses. in some plans i have seen, a huge water tank is withing the greenhouse to work as slow buffer. the fact is the water will take heat from the surrounding air to heat down or vice versa - and since water heats slower, the ambient temperature will have smoother peaks.

:D keep those nice drawings coming mate :D its inspiring :D

peace! :D


Active member
ehy guys thanks !!

Rushchaser, jejeje funny name bro.
Well...depends on the season and the buds honesty.
In sumer you want too dry slow...so I'll barely trim at all so that the leaves protect the buds and give a longer slower dry.
In rain season....you want too dry faster, so you trim as much as you can, and you hang the buds in a dark, with slight ventilation...not too much, O2 degrades THC, but enough to avoid stale air that molds and crap like that like soo much. I liked...liked cuase I can't anymore...I used too hang them in my bathroom shower...bathroom has a small window face'n south, but I've got a long over hang roof so slight indirect light, and a soft breeze comes in. But since kids and wife complian so much, i've had too dry them in my roof. They dry realy fast here and can give a "grass taste" at first, but after I bring them down from the roof and let sit around on a rainny day they get a little more rehumid, and I can start to cure them to fix that britle feel and green taste.

I had a big wooden box with screens layed across inside, sliding doors and a little exhuast fan to pull air out, was awesome !! jeje but my Rot, "Kaya" took over that long ago and made it her bed in my greenhouse. When I remake it, i'll prob have too kick her out of it and make her a new bed cuase I dis like the roof method...besides I realy want too keep everything away and out of the house and family.

Hope this gave some ideas, or clear'd up any doughts

Bone, jejej thanks bro, paint app can be a little bit of a pain, but i'm getting the hang of it...the perspective and angles aren't at all like my drawings made by hand with all the details on even how i'm going too cut the wood so it all fits together. jeje it's going too be awesome...what sucks is, I suck at saving up...had $300, took me a while, was going too buy wood and sealents...kids schools stuff, and a few things I had too do around the house, and a vet bill....and it's all gone agian, sucks but starting over agian like I have so many times.

jejeje what I need is too find some northern american, or cannadian to invest jejejejeje these are the only ones who pay top dollar for smoke here and exceed it, won't settle for less and don't mind pay'n the price...so get 2of these dudes together and be like....look, give me each $1000 now, and I'll bring you an OZ every 2 weeks for 3 months.

That would be a great deal since If I want I can sell 1oz at $400, they'd get 6oz's saving $400, or getting an OZ for free while having a constant supply hassel, stress free, deliverd.

I'd not have too worry about running around finding a buyer, or splitting it up into 8th's (stingy Ticos) and realy risking my self and familiy. Once i'm done go back to just growing for my self and keep the new greenhouse.

This seems like a perfect plan jejejejejejej but, can't find the right investor yet...needs too be an elder, family man with just as much too loose as me, but with money saved up too invest upfront...not an easything too find honestly. Or ask several of my friends to get together and instead of them buy'n weed I'd grow it for them for a certian time period, but this is a much bigger risk and too many hands on my pot !!! jejeje...silent partner is the best idea so far.



Well-known member
wonderfull picturas and developing there chaman ... maybe you remember me from og days(had a other nick there "Themisto") ... we both had a comment tread about loaders bangladesh sativa ....
all the best wishes and greetings :wave:

stay save :)


New member


i love this thread u guys. i am a tropical grower at 14 degrees north. This has givin me alot of insight into how the plants respond especialy clones. Do you root your clones under natural daylength Chaman?


New member
Great thread and reading, many thanks Chaman and all other contributors. Learning a lot.

I'm in the US - spent some time in wonderful Seattle (hempfest!!) and I'm soon heading to Guyana. Thinking about maybe experimenting with a personal grow, this thread has helped a lot in what i need to know. Many thanks!!

Any information on the Ganja culture, what's available, prices, etc in Guyana and/or growing in Guyana and/or any other tips/advice would be greatly appreciated.

One love.