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Tropical Growing


Active member
love the pics everyone jeje keep them coming ;) sorry i lerk more then anything these days nba finals been going, but mostly just be'n carefull some friends had good scare so figured anyone they had been comunicate'n with lately could also be taged so been just read'n along...besides I don't have anything at this time too share, jejeje but will be share'n alot of pics the New Rans asked for, nature hikes and stuff like that.

Jah guide and protect us,


Active member
some bad news down here...

Policía destruye 337.000 plantas de marihuana en montañas de Talamanca
NICOLÁS AGUILAR R. | [email protected]
Publicado: 2009/06/01 | 12:28 PM

San José (Redacción). La Policía destruyó 337.000 plantas de marihuana en las montañas del cantón de Talamanca, provincia de Limón, informó esta mañana el Ministerio de Seguridad Pública.
Los sembradíos de la droga estaban en un área de 11.215 metros cuadrados, cerca de poblaciones indígenas, precisaron las autoridades.
Las plantaciones fueron erradicadas por miembros de la Policía de Control de Drogas (PCD) y la Fuerza Pública.
La marihuana es usualmente sembrada por indígenas a quienes los narcotraficantes pagan con alimentos y licor, de acuerdo con los informes en poder de la Policía.
Esta vez sorprendieron a dos hombres, de apellidos Aguilar y Molina con una carga de cinco libras de marihuana.
Los dos permanecen a la orden de un Juzgado Penal acusados de trasiego de drogas.
Los agentes antinarcóticos encontraron una nueva variedad de marihuana en Talamanca.
Se trata de una mata más pequeña y robusta, de acuerdo con informes de la Oficina de Prensa de Seguridad Pública.
Por su pequeño tamaño es muy difícil de detectar durante los sobrevuelos que realizan las autoridades en esa zona montañoso del Caribe nacional.

Pigs is all I got too say.


Active member
nothing going on here, just wish'n everyone well. Need to rebuild my green house and rearange my yard some so its going too be a while before a harvest comes around, jeje have been even buy'n that jamican brick weed...jeje its all good, have picked out some seeds already for when I get restarted agian....but no money so its going too be a while before I can get that going.

Blessings and abrazos,


Active member
hey chaman great to hear from you!! and everyone!! nice to c you all!!
hope everyone is really great!

good smokes everyone!



Active member
Blessings everyone just stop'n by to say high to alot of friends and wish everyone the best new yr ! still going too be abcent mostly, jeje but i'll be coming around here and there...just got a real nice harvest of some hybirds, just wait'n for them too dry jeje. Blessings much love


Active member
hey everyone, hope all's good...been getting out of dept..well try'n. Still owe alot so very limited on income and all that, but still shooting for mt goal too build my greenhouse some time soon I hope..reain season is here once agian, and my plastic is toasted finaly after many many yrs...maybe 7 almost. The wood has rotted at the bases and it's overgrown in grass...jeje and not the good kind. But still making the best out of it, jeje always got too be somehting in there. I've got some Jamican and some Moby Dick growing, and a cross of Canalope Haze with Moby Dick. I've got what seems too be the last of my destroyer and a few of my old sativa crosses...which one I don't know. I prety much grabed a hand full of alot of my old seeds and through them in a bucket too see what happens...after several tries, I finaly got a few to grow. Some Savia Dorium too jeje and morning glorries are all over along with my belladoñas...just missing some cows now with the rains here i'd have some shrums in no time and could creat my own Chaman in Wonderland jjee

Cool & Calm


Hello Chaman

A warm greeting to you my fellow tropical grower. I hope you continue to post here in your thread. My climate is like yours and i also like to grow rare fruits, orchids and exotic sativas :)
The wet season can be depressing at times, it can also be a time of great rejuviation for the plants and earth around you, As long as you have good sativa smoke its all over before you know it.

Here is a pic for you of a PNG highland male getting some love from a friend of the orchids.


Active member
Randude, thanks for the warm welcome back...indeed it's been a while my friend. Hope too be around more often, had been working my ass off and enjoy'n the summer as much as I could with the family, kids are in exams all the time too so jeje pretty much i've been back in school. Teachers must get the best out of Karma...mean you mess with them your time around right ?...then they fuck with your kids and put you through it all agian ! It's all good though. I hope things been much better for your self my friend.

T. Rips,
Bro...I swear I wish I could...feel like cry'n every time I think about it, the great thing is I had given alot out when I had them. I can only hope some day a few make it back home jejeje. Seen I had a sad few yrs with my wife...mid life crissis I don't know jeje we where both freak'n out for a while I guess, in that process and her paranoia she took my seed box out of the freezer, failed to mention it...and I found them all gone too waste hidden in the back of my closet about a week or two later. Things looked alright...but nothing would ever grow. I tried in intervals of 5 each time labled pots and every 10days i'd try a new batch...still got seeds left too try, but its sad to never see them hatch.

I've been wanting too start over in a few ways and correct things i've done wrong in the past and choose better breading material, be more strict...but the Colombian that has been coming around the last few yrs, well its next too crap. This is heart braking.

Jamiacans have come in hard with a hybrid thats alot better, tastier and stronger...but alot more exp...but sure enough they took over, so less and less Colombian is seen around here then with assholes in government who state this 4yr term they have destroyed well over 6,500,000 + of marijuana plants in our territory that our indians grow on there reserves, which was offspring to those fabled Colombians that are less mis treated and alot fresher better smoke, but each time harder too come by as well.

With my family and all now I can't venture off to the lower uglier parts of town too look for Colombian anymore, and in my growing yrs i've lost contact with my old Colombian friends here and thier contacts...and have pretty much nothing to offer people for trades.

Sure jeje pull up a chair, I'll prob snap some pics on tues or wed to post on thurs by the latest of the little of whats going on....jejje everyone be awar, i've got an adhid prob and an ant prob...but some are too late going into flower too do anything about, others i've been to lazy too realy get into, after all jejej it's kind of depressing too walk into my greenhouse the way it is...but still, some lovely ladies ;)

Dr Troppo,
thats a beautifull pic, love the way you cuaght the bee all full of pollen. I love when poeple take the time to stop by and post a pic, so sure feel free, and i've like the idea too kind of compare growing conditions since we have similar climates.

Thanks agian everyone for stop'n by to say High ;)
Cool & Calm


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Good to see you posting again, my friend. :D

I have some things that might be perfect for your locale.
Give me a shout if you're interested. You're a good dude, and just like your schooling, karma will have it's say. ;)

Best to you & yours, HL


man thats a real bummer, i hope you start to come by some columbian soon, those plants were unbelievable!


Feeling good is good enough.
Costa is going down so fast it ain't funny...

And locals are running out of excuses for their apathy and laziness.

We need some Aussie growers here to work our local Outback!

You know who you are mates.


Active member
Hi Chaman,

I read this whole thread and found it really interesting. I myself live in a tropical region with high levels of rainfall in the wet season so its inspiring to see someone else growing in a similar climate.

Welcome back, im coming along for the ride :)


Active member
Mad B,
Do you work out doors, indoors or in a greenhouse ? be nice to have some detials...jeje you never know we just might be able too help each other out.

Out doors, here rians end in Dec. So I'd start my seeds in late oct, or early nov to get a good solid month of humid veg period for max vigor and higher number of females in raised beds or mounds to avoid drownning them, and keep critters away, i'd mix "Cal" along into the dirt to avoid ants latter too, and a plentyfull mix of nutrients to asure the plant would have all it needs during its time, and that there is excelent absorbing rate.(taking in mind how tall they get, and how long my plants will need.) Give as much direct sunlight I can find, specialy since we don't get too many hrs down here.

By the time dry season steps in, plants should have all sexed and have a good 1-2 feet tall plants ready too soak up that sun. You have too be around often to water them, since staivas are very thirsty plants, unless you use a larg drip system (50gal drum a few feet off the ground that I used to collect rain water, or fill with a whose, drip emiters coming out the bottom each with valves to controll the amount of water)

If you space your plants you get full growth and can get prety crazy..its good to trim the suckling branches off, can clone them if you like...but the main idea is for better air flow under the plants and not waste energy on little branches that wouldn't get light till later...unless you like too try a first main harvest, then a smaller harvest from when you cut the tops and the little branches get there share of light to do there thing. (need too watch for hermies in secound or third harvests) If you put the plants closer together they grow in long slender colas with little too no branching, unless you can pull a sea of green here you'd get a smaller harvest, but much faster in my opion. Depending on the size and numbers most plants most would be ready by april, may the later ones...This is the best harvest of the yr.

I'd start some agian once the batch has been a few weeks into flower, but these only sativa dom as they'd be finishing along with the first rains...by this time everything grows wild and crazy, need too watch for invading plants and plants that out grow your pot to a sure they get the most light they can, when there is any between the clouds and rains. This secound harvest is ok. It can be a good heavy one, but not as awesome as the first, and need too watch your buds as they flower for molds all the time and even more so when you start too dry them...as the dry will take forever with so much mostier..unless you have a dehumidifier near where you hang them.

The third harvest which i'd start when the scound round was in good flower would be during the wetest time of yr and not have soo much tricombs, but lush wonderfull green heatly plants...remember Trics come to protect the plants from over drying...not of humidity...plants don't stress during wet season and grow and grow and grow !! jeje even in flower they grow, fox tailing the hell out of it's self, bif fuzzy fluffy buds jejej but half the trics you'd get in summer...3x the harvest though if you do it right. These plants will take the longest durning the yr and close your cycle...can squeez in more harvests if you use Hybirds, and alot more with indicas...but indicas in rain season go to shit litteraly, and hybirds are less giving and you've got too be realy on top of things observing well all the conditions.

Indicas are best only in dry season. Hybirds can play all yr, you just got too realy watch them...oh and as long as they are at least 50-75% sativa. If they are 75% indica you will be in for some headaches.

Ive seen also Indicas are very prone to insects...sativas will atract much less, maybe due to the smell, or becuase they give less shade, jeje or thier taste...but everytime, its the Indicas who i've got too watch closer for pests and molds.

100%humidity here is normal...ask any girl, they all bitch all day cuase they can't keep their hair stright. jeje

This is my opion on out doors in the tropics in a summary jejejejejejje


Active member
Randude, hey bro thanks man truely nice words. You been keeping your thread up too date on how you been...was think'n I 'd prob be able too catch up there maybe.

jeje what your say'n in a screw ball way makes sence man...your expieriencing a new beginning. Like all new beginnings aren't easy ither, but it's in your hands to mold it the way you like it.

Ojo Rojo,
Not sure what you mean by Costa Rica going down...my ass gets lazy sometimes jeje thats me, but my smoke is only for me, and those I care too share with...so could give a damn about it...mean long as it gets me high jejeje I get picky when I buy...but haven't needed too do that in a long long time, I give thanks for that.

People used too track me down and bug the hell out of me so I'd sell them some buds, they all claim they never had better...but that never works for me, and they come back for more, even if I realy over price it. Helped me when I was in need sure, but goes realy agianst what I try too stand for...not too mention leaves me with less for my self !! jeje not have'n that, i'd rather have weed then money any day.

Tico indians are have'n a hard time growing theirs too due to local law enforcement and help from D.E.A pigs that the only comercial stuff now is the Jamican "high grade" or "alaskan" that I smell people smoke'n.

Those like me perfer too stay quiet and do their own thing...there is awesome smoke in Costa Rica, just got too know where too look...the better it is, the less likely they will share it ! jejeje I only share my best with my real friends...when I go out too bars I cary a less type incase I get busted by cops, or need too be share'n with alot of people.

So realy not sure what you ment by your post...maybe you'll help clear that up for me later.

T. Rips,
yeah sucks...realy wish I could have saved those.

Bro, was reading some from your book, had no idea !!! let me know how I can get my hands on a copy of that book when it comes out please, and thanks agian for the offer and kindness

Strong hug, blessings