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Tropical Growing


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Mad B
Indoors, jeje going by parts.

Indoors even here is a pain. You need too watch out for the electric company as not too many houses will pull that amount of energy around here...unless you live in certian nieghborhoods that are higher class.

Why do I say that...well in my hood I bet I'm the only one who pays as much as I do on my light bill, its a middle, mabye low middle class hood, so most still use gas stoves, and sun dry their clothes and almost never use their ovens...take quick showers blah blah...have maybe 1 or 2 t.vs on at the same, no airconditiong, or heating. No water heaters, use only a few lights at a time...so it calls alot of attention that everyone pays lets say $20 a month..I pay $40 my self, can't figure out why and people all get like WOW you pay that much ? see...jeje already with the questions !!!

Now in nicer hoods they got all the damn tvs on, airconditionning blasting, all the lights in the house on, they use the kitchen stoves, and clothes drier, they use dishwashers...you name it, wher each house on the block is pulling shit loads of energy...you'd fit right in, jeje long as you use a gas stove, and sun dry your clothes still...if you know what I mean.

Humidity is such a prob i'd even recomend airconditioner for the grow, and a dehumidifier. Things can get real hot here...plus all the lights and balast you might need too bring down the temps and at the same time airconditiones suck the mositer out. The dehumidifier is an extra measure and an awesome tool to help dry your buds.

Ok, you chose your hood, its safe and make sure no one ever realy comes over..if they do you've got a plan too cover your self.

Indoors with sativas i'd not go less the 40lumens per square foot. (20be'n the minimum right) I'd mix HPS with MH. If posible give more MH early hrs and more HPS later hrs of flower time, and use florecents to veg and keep mother plants at around 20lumens per square foot lets say on 20hrs light.

I'd have plenty of fresh air coming in, hopefully sucking in air from a low area so it's cooler and rich in CO2. I'd be sure to have circulations fans too, and excelent extractor. I'd almost keep it in a neg air zone, meaning that there be more suction from the extractor and plenty of pasive intake air.

I'd keep pants off the ground and also have set up too drip system with very mild nutrient mix.

Pots would take into mind the 1foot of plant mater per every gallon of soil rule...in other words a plant that could reach 5 feet min goes in a 5gall bucket. Or one gallon of soil per every month life of a plant. A plant that takes 5months to finish should go in a 5gal contianer.

Unless you want too stress or push things. If you want too cut some finish time, use smaller pots to stress your plants into flower faster and sacrafice some wieght along with carefull water deprevation. Or putting more then one plant per pot also helps speed things up.

One plant per pot qive the typical cone shaped plants or unbrela kinds, putting sever plants in one pot gives just sing colas no branching and agian a faster harvest. Need too watch for hermis more if you putt more plants per pot as too just one.

Rotating plants here is important as too in nature a plant will wake up too a blue hue and finish to a red hue of light, and not too mention the whole plant is bathed in sun, starting at 6am on the east, mid day from the top (only position in indoors normaly) then finish the day on the west...so the plant was completey showered in sun. Unless you got light movers in your garden rotation is the key. Not too mention keeping plants of the same size together too avoid blocking each others light.

Strongly recomend clones and mothers as satvas from seed indoors can drive you crazy and take forever. Clones due much better and are more mature and controlable.

Keeping plans as close too the light source is important...if you can put your lights on pullies to adjust them often, and have blocks handy too raise plants too keep a level canopee.

jejje going too go for a smoke too think about if I missed anything.


Active member
green houses

jeje my favorite...get the best of both worlds and put them together into one truely magical place...unless you have a huge room dedicated to growing indoors, you'll never know the true feeling of walking amoungst your plants and sitting with IN a garden like you would outdoors or in a greenhouse, the whole vibes is crazy...you mix the feeling of I am your creator mad sientist feeling of indoors, with the happy hippie nature loving feeling of nature there to fill in where you may fail.

The heat of the sun and the cool breaze of the wind...and the option to shut off your exhaust fans, circulation fans too chill for a while in silence...no humming lights too, or to get burnt on jeje i've left a few layers of skin on those in my time.

No orange wierd light, or blue light...just pure white light (around mid day) no worries of climates too hurt your plants or thieves and pests. You can be realy creative about how you build your greenhouse depending on your needs, and tweek them to perfection. Can grow cannabis in any place of the world with one...only draw back I can think of is they draw attention. People will always ask whats in there...if you say somthing interesting they'll want too go..if you say something dumb, you look dumb for not taking better advantage of it...so thats why i've got mine in my Dog area. Larg fenced in area that I close in my 7 dogs when i've got visitors. Mastif Napolitano, Rott, 4 American Bulldogs and a beagle...jeje no one ever thinks about even going in there ;)

Then in a place like this you've got too think about the plastic you'll use the life long expectency from the investment and the durability.

Strong+translucent as posible+long lasting.

Green house plastic, cheapest option. Easy to work with. Lasted me awesome 5yrs, 7got toasted and is ripping all over. Is alsmot too transparent at first and i'd double it up. With time gets translucent and is at it's prime for me, difuses light all over and people can't see into your greenhouse...at first you shit bullets everytime someone comes over. (A friend (Uncle Ben) recomended a white wash, white paint realy diluted) BAD, this shit flaps like you'd never beleave no mater how well you tighten it, it still FLAPS and can get real loud. doubled up it won't puncture easy at all.

Curigated carbon plastic or acrlic pastic is too transparent...I'd shit myself everytime my neighbor works on his roof, or a helicopter flies over. Its realy strong, won't flap and can last many yrs. COST ALOT, jeje it's prety expensive.

Then you got this double wall carbon plastic that is just the best thing I've ever seen !!! but the most exp and hard too come by. It's a carbon plastic with long cells that run trught it, makes it thermaly awesome, flexible yet the most strong of all, and it's flat ! so light realy difuses the best, not like the curigates plastic, and this kind of plastic is translucent to different degrees you can choose from. It's just kick ass...but you'd need too have like a grant from someone, or realy well off too make a greenhouse of this entireley.

Glass...not an option. Realy exp, and realy dangerous. Things could get realy tosty quick too inside.

Building materials have too be waterproofed. Wood sealed and painted, and metals painted in the best anticorosives.

Floor has too have awesome drainage, I'd use a deep bed of grave from larger rocks too smaller rock, this too prevent unwanted dust from a dirt floor and keep humidity far away.

Waters should be carried far away from the greenhouse and i'd even make a french drian system. Internal water system of proper PVC tubes and whose conections.

Electric, proper braker box, and pvc coverd cables, and there coresponding outlets and light switches.

Several exhuast fans(2x min), and lots of pasive intakes, you can buy a special silk screen to cover these so bugs can't creep in. Pasive intakes should all be as low as posible and active exhaust as high up as posible, to alow rish CO2 and cooler air flow, hot stale air out.

A Few wall mounted circulation fans and thermometer,barometer are necesary tools.

I'd use pots and benches to not have too bend over so much, taller plants on the ground and blocks to raise the smaller plants so that no one shades another.

I'd have a proper veg/mother cabnett with floors on 20hrs and sure that no light polution escapes. This is impotant specialy for those Indicas or more Indica pron hybrids due too the constant 12hrs and these plants from more northern lat. they triger into flower as soo as they pop...and its sucks, you end up with little popiscal bud. No joke...3 hits its gone. So you veg them for a while and bring them out too flower.

I'd have a dry chamber too...since I can't dry plants in my bathroom anymore jejej but thats just me.

Plants should only take up to 30%+/- says a Greenhouse report Cervantes had made a while back, the remainning 70% should be for airflow. In greenhouse plants need room too breath, healthy plants give better buds and less problems...jeje I was always doing 70%+ plant and less then 30% air flow...and would sure enough encounter problems. Suckling branches taken away, plants off the floor and realy tall cielings with the fans and exhaust is the correct way.

Even with the greenhouse the Indicas will encounter trouble..they can rot from the center out...you don't see the mold till you touch it and it falls apart. Horrible way too go. With proper vent and carefull care you can find a way of care for a few indicas, but not all will respond the same...need to hunt down mold resistent types.

Not sure if I missed anything...jeje high off my ass right now


Active member
Hi chaman ,
Just for +1 rep , and I love your tread , your plantes and your photo .
I also in a tropical place and it's very good for growing natural weed !


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Highlighter, Bro, was reading some from your book, had no idea !!! let me know how I can get my hands on a copy of that book when it comes out please,
Highlighter has a book? I need to know about this.

I'm assuming you mean my BoEL thread and the Nick Schou book, 'Orange Sunshine'?
You can get it @ Amazon. Cool read fo sho. :smokey:
I'm just a compiler. :blowbubbles:



Excellent summary of the trials and tribulations of a greenhouse in the tropics Chaman. At first the 12hrs all year round can seem like a bit of a problem but with a little bit of work it works in your favour. I grow my plants out i a area where they get another 8-9 hours of light from a 20w floro, Now while they dont really get anything from the light when its on, it still stops them from flowering and the intense overhead tropical sunlight seems to make up for that. When they get to about 2ft tall i stick them outside in the jungle and let them do their thing. Its cool having a all year round bud cycle outdoors. :) Do you find that your plants under the plastic slower growing than the ones outside of the greenhouse? Do you know what % of light the plastic difuses? I would love to know about this carbon sheeting a bit more, do you have any links or names i can try and get some more info from. Good points about owning dogs, they never fail at keeping strangers and even friends away if well trained :) Chaman you have got me keen to get back outside and do some more gardening. Kind Regards and keep safe.


Active member
Hello Chaman!

I am an outdoor grower only and use fluoros for clones only. Im on the south side of the equator and our wet season starts in january and runs till about april/may. This year our wet season is exceptionally long and we have had around 1900mm rain since xmas so i'm finding it really tough with strains that are not mould resistant.

My growing process is as follows:

Once i have germed seeds they go under fluoros for a week or so then into a miniature greenhouse at their final plot. As far as soil mixes go i have been blessed with fertile soil here so all i do is mix in some manures, perlite etc and let sit for a month or so and then transplant in seedlings/clones.

I understand what you mean about the humidity levels they are always around 90 - 100 % here. I have made most success with haze/sativa crosses and yes your right indicas in the dry season only!

Best of luck!


Active member
thanks for stop'n bye, and kind words. Blessings and best of luck with your tropical growing.

jeje ok I understand now, was wonder'n bout that glad you cleared that up. jeje prety crazy read from that page you posted on the sativa thread. jeje fills in alot of questions for some people i'm sure.

Yeah ive seen plants out in the open grow with more vigor, jeje but i've got too many neighbors now and can't aford too do so anymore...sad, thay dance soo much nice for you out in the breeze.

THe plastic I use is dobled up and like I said before starts out quiet translucent, can almost see whats going on inside too well jejej it will start too get more opaco with time. As too the exact rate of difusion...i'd mabye say 25% but since I doble up it could cut it even more. The conrugated plastic even the exp kind I tend too stay away from since it has the waves in it, with will send your light all over instead of difuse it evenley, and the cannals get all dirty quick...not too mention it's about 100% see through..I can't have that, my nieghbors hose over looks my greenhouse and he's up on his roof a few times a yr. The best kind that I mentioned is realy exp, it's got ribs that make long cells through it that are awesome islotaltion for heat and cold, the difuse perfectly, and can be bent and cut into almost any shape and even can buy the snap together parts and all...but way too exp here where I live.

Its called...jeje going too google it. (Polycarbonate panels?)

I def agree, the 12hrs is a blessing jejeje the highest cost of an indoor grower is the flowering...jejeje we can just suplement with a little light too keep them from flower, I use a huge wooden box I made. Got 4x 48" daylight floros on pullies a extractor with light box so light don't get out at night, lights on a 20hr timer and a osculate'n fan in there too. Perty cool actually, it's painted white inside too.

jeje dogs are awesome, but bro....it's not going too work if you got little cute dogs jejeje, need some mean looking ones ;) If people new my mastif was a pup they'd be all over him, jeje but they see a big bull in a pen.

Glad you got that greenthumb itch'n, jeje just hope you don't have too hear no bitch'n.

Bro...a 4-5month rain season must kick ass !! jeje well...if you got where too store it for when it gets dry. I get way too much water !! jeje na but honestly it's what makes my country the paradice that it is. But I realy do know what you mean about the feeling of worring about your plants...such an awefull feeling, you just look up too the sky...and keep wishing for sun.

ejeje awesome that your use'n lights too help you out too, I used too be intouch with a few good friends from down under. (Wally, Southern Cross, 20'thai, Loader. Had given me some Bangladesh seeds and some original kick ass Mulumbimby Madness, and some Bush Man.) Haven't seen them around in a long time.

I like how you prepare your soil too, leave'n it a good time before acutally putting plants into it like that jejeje kinda like putting a fish tank together...you put the fish in right away, they all die...wait a few weeks and they'll be just fine.

Blesssings eveyone,
Cool & Calm

Ps...hey everyone, would you consider too use perlite outdoors too be polution ? mean...i'm realy not sure hoe biodegradable it realy is ? Ive always used rice hauls or coco fiber. So just wanted too ask.


Feeling good is good enough.
Well... the Jamaican mafia is taking over the local weed market and the Zetas are entering Costa and recruiting local gangs.

Have you notice the increase of Narco Trucks on the streets...?

That is what I mean.

I do have friends in low places... and they are telling me things...

I also grow my own in Chepe!


Active member
jeje Nice one bro ! real nice way too give thanks to an end of a day.

Ojo Rojo,
I'm glad your growing bro...everyone should. Honesly thats the only way we can get these fuckers out of Costa Rica. I wasn't alot happier giving my money to Colombian mafias, and tico Indians don't do such a great job, and in more then one way are puppets too...The Jamican mafia well...I know that everyday crime rates have been going up in Limon and more and more Gangs are be'n formed here in Costa Rica..we've got mexicans meeting with Colombians and Jamicans coming into...very sad, even kinda scarey. The best thing too do is stayaway from it all and go under the radar.

I've been teaching many of my friends too grow...you know like the say'n in the bible jeje give a man some bud and he smokes for a day, teach him to grow and he smokes for life jejeje. It's the only way...and it can be beneficial if done right.

But what was that about we need'n more Ausie growers here ? jeje are your originaly from Ausie bro ? Ive lost contact with my friends down under, but loved the genetics I had ried from them in the past.

Cops everywhere are pissing me off, i've said over and over...I swear I'd rather get mugged, then stoped by cops...at least when a thief tries too rob me I can defend my self, when a fucking cops mugs me I can't do anything about it...except offer more money so he leaves me alone...after he took my pot, my lighter and my pipe...assholes are worse then ratts. NO RESPECT FOR PIGS...thieves well, crack has them tied down...cops are just assholes. Never in my yrs in CR have I seen so many cops and operatives till recently...even get scared too smoke in friends cars now cuase i've been pulled over more then once on those surprise operatives they do all over. Even walk'n down the street they've stoped me...Profilling me, or make'n up some bullshit excuse to search me. Fuck them putos.

That Jam is very inconsistent and each time more shitty as those Jamiacans seem to care only about the bulk wieght, people are stupid and uneducated...and looking too buy what ever they can find...bet I could mix some oregano with some of that bud and sell it on the corner...and they'd still come back for more. Stupid desperate..sad, specialy how hard it is to come by money here.

Blessings, and stay safe.


Active member
haven't posted a pic here in ages so bare with me please....

ok...that didn't work. Something about my gallery, so i've got too load them first to my gallery then transfer to my post ? dude...thats some bullshit. Going too try and figure it out, jeje least i'm high off my ass jejeje


Active member
not sure whats going...went back to try and erase the prior post...couldn't...tried adding pics with advanced edit...no luck ither, so going too post agian, crossing my fingers this time.

it won't let me add more then one at a time...but i've seen others post serval at a time, so not sure what i'm doing wrong yet...jeje prob figure it out eventualy


Active member

wow...this is going too take a while. Each pic has it's details in the coments, not sure if you only see the coment in my gallery, or if I'll have too come back and edit in some info later...jeje teduous is little too say


Active member
na, after this one i'll pass...going too play videos games or watch family guy or something, jeje want too enjoy the last of my high and hr of work...hope too figure this out tomorrow. Also noticed I'll have too add the info on each along with the post, and the pics are realy small, I took them with my Camera phone, so not the best detial.

This plant is one of 6 that I was blessed with from prob little over a hundre that i've tried too save from my old stock, finaly a just mix lots and through them in dirt.

This one seems a whole lota Destroyer.



Feeling good is good enough.
Hello Chaman,

You are very right about things... I am deep under and like it that way.

Besides, I am a MMJ from WA just waiting for the economy to improve so I can return home.

You see, being an Army disabled Vet (30%) I am better off, benefits and health care wise, moving back to the US than staying here.

Lets say I am just perfecting the craft more and more and more...

I hope by the time I go back somewhere in the PNW I can find a job growing for patients... that is my DREAM!


Active member

this is a pic of the purple top, jeje something tells me there is alot of ace seeds genetics in this one :) thanks Charlie and Dubie. This is the last of it...didn't seed it, didn't clone it...jeje i'm an asshole, I've got two males, but it would mean letting alot of the better high go too waste and end up with a real heavy knock out bud, almost like an indica due to the long wait while seeds mature...and seeds would be small, not the larger ones since shes past her main flower...so am think'n too just cut her down and savor every last hit from her.

Hope this worked jeje, thanks Randude.


Active member
jejeje felt like yell'n SON OF A BITCH !!! jejejeejeje but na...think my high ass cut and pasted the wrong code....




Active member
jeje ok !! Thanks agian Randude and High Lighter, glad I finaly learned too do this right...never was able too get the pics posted like that before jeje sweet !!

This one like the caption said : 1 of 6 plants to have grown from old stock of seeds I mixed together after desprate attemts of saving any. (Dalat, Bangladesh, Ausie seeds,Thais,haze's,friends from Ace seeds and Canabiogen, Colombians...its all in there, Panamas, and many more)

I can still seed these...but have no idea too what they are jejeje so many crosses I've made, and so many pures looked very much alike...and it's been so long my taste buds get all mixed up, smell too.



This one is a little more indica side of things...its fuzzy instead of nicely shaped cristal covered like a true sativa would be.

Moby Dick gifted by a great friend, i've got a cross too with Canalope Haze, ejej great smoke honestly, love every hit of it.


Moby Dick top, its a prety good hybird mix, but does go more indca, so carefull with fat buds in rain season, def want too avoid that.

2nd Moby Dick top, this one is even more indica pron.

1 of 6 plants to have grown from old stock of seeds I mixed together after desprate attemts of saving any. (Dalat, Bangladesh, Ausie seeds,Thais,haze's,friends from Ace seeds and Canabiogen, Colombians...its all in there, Panamas, and many more) but this one does look very Colombian too me !!! jeje but the Panama Red was also kind of similar at this stage...jeje the confusion drives me nuts.

Top of above plant that seems Colombian too me.

Top of another plant of the 1 out of 6.

Destroyer cross I made, jeje forgot with what...but I broke it in half when it was in early flower getting too the roof, and it umbrella'd realy nice getting a more even cannopy as too a cone shaped plant.

Destroyer cross top

1 out of 5 window sill seeds I found in my bathroom window. These I placed all close together in the same pot, gave real quick long spear type colas with no branching. Need too pass too a bigger pot and give more food for a better finish. Sacrafice wight for a faster bud, but there are several of them so you still get a good deal, plus different tastes and highs to play with.

5 window sill ladies in a small 2gall bucket after alot of water dep, and make'n sure they wouldn't go into grow spurt once I transpot them too a larger contianer, just fatten up nice for me now. Been watching close for hermies.

Good friend Rasta man Johnny Dread giften these too me, one female and one male. jeje little crazy growth at first but then leaves get normal. Bless Johnny !

Moby Dick babies under water dep...want too realy speed these up, climate will be more difficult for fat buds soon, so figure lots of plants per pot, no branching. Water dep to help speed them up and keep things as dry as I can, plus this won't let my buds get fat like the other 2...might just have found a way too doo little bits of good indica prone genetics in the tropics jejeje Good thing they can take the stress.

Next day after watering the Moby Dick babies

jeje now too see if this all fit, and worked.