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Tropical Growing


Active member
think these are the last.

some of same babies fom dif angle.

These are the only 2 trian wrecks for now...but don't think anymore will come along, only these two had been born out of all those I posted, so I had to reseed today.

I also proped the plants so that they wouldn't be like the way I found them.

This last one a top of one of the ladies in the 14 girls in a bucket jeje Destroyer X Panama jeje a 4 way sativa that you can get to flower under 3feet with little branching jej if you put alot of them in a bucket jeje if not its a whole dif story i'd say. These ladies aren't soo old ither...I think I put them back finales de Oct, or beginning od Nov.

thats it for now, I planted more today.
DCx Colombian Rx G
More Skizels (sk1 x NYCD)
Calima x Lez Haze x Afghani X Jack Herrer x Jamaincan
Jack Herrer x Jamican
and lots and lots of no name seeds.




hehe this gonna be fun to see how they go :D

muy jamaicans are very resinous but its obvious the tropical sun is more potent than my lights at the moment and the yield is not getting too big :D im going to give em a try later on outdoors in some guerilla maybe and indoors with more light intensity.

all in all i gotto say its nice to see the inside of the greenhouse again! feels like one of those places many of us have been dreaming of visiting for a long time :D thanks man for bringing us back in there :D hehe

i bet the jamaicans are go well :D what else did you plant?

is that seeded bud what you are smoking, or are you picking the seeds for planting? would be a harsh smoke no?

peace mate!


Active member
I put a list of the last seeds I sowed today there at the bottom of the last post, they are all more indica prone plants, but with a sativa cross.

Then yeah man been picking the seeds out, those are all the seeds i've been keeping from the 3 destroyer x Panama laides I had a long ways back it seems, jeje but yeah hate smoke'n seeds jeje need to take time to roll proper ;) and in a pipe it would be worse then my kids cerael going snap crackel pop ! jejeje

The buds had been sitting out since then too...yeah I know, but hey man when you touch them they still stink ! jejeje and get me nice a high, prety cool if you ask me.. but little harsh...if I had put them in topa ware they'd have a killer cure by now. Oh well...burn baby burn !




that nugs after u pick out the seeds would make a extreme oil :D i bet! so well matured and cured it must be great :D

peace mate!


This is just to post after a pic later of some Destroyer x Panama, 14 in one 5gal bucket, and 4 in another 5 gal bucket to confirm things form me.

I like how when plants grow close to another they streach striaght up, but when given room they put out nice branches, i've got 14 Destroyer X Panamas in one 5 gal pot. They are all just striaght colas. But then i've got I think 4 in another 5gal bucket, and these have started to grow branches and grew a little taller, even took them longer to sex...so this confirms for me when plants compete they grow less and finish faster, when given some room they take their time and fill out more as they flower, they sexed almost a week and half later with ten sisters lesss jejejee Well kinda went off with the inspriration of these nice plants above.

I'll be back to post pics and such in a lill bit.


You know some times you are a genius. You cannot spell worth a shit, but in many ways you are the smartest one here.


Active member
jejejejejejjeje no I realy can't....jeje worst part is i'm normaly say'n the words in my head and often can't keep up, then i'm left handed so write'n backwards is common...so skip'n letters, words, and run on sentences and things going backwards is just me try'n to keep up with the trian of thought, then get me real high jejejejejeje this is waht you get indeed, but hey man I promise the conversation would be alot dif jejeje

Thanks for post'n that for me...I do need to go back and make a few corections, you know what was real funny as I started too read it I was like this shit sounds familiar...then it hit me jeje yup gues whos high agian !! jejeje jamiacan shits not bad...3 decent pipes with a friend and i'm sure high jejje but too much of this Jam can also put you out, reminds me a little of the Colombian Reds feeling...maybe they crossed a Lamdsbread to a colombian red jejej but that would be too much wishfull think'n, seeds are big and has alot of indica triats, but jeje i'm prety damn high right now...mind bolg'n indeed. Wish I could have gotten a better close up.

I been wonder'n about that...my camer..well used to be prety good, I'd take a good macrol pic, nice everything...but that was it unless i'd play with the digitial zoom or the zoom on the computer...why is it that many poeple can save and load that awesome zoomed pic, instead of just the simple one unzoomed ?

jejej kinda like a god joke I heard on family guy i think it was.."could god heat up his food so much that even he couldn't eat it ?" or southpark jeje

I just tried to scan a sticker thats on my agenda and e-mailed with an e-fax to try and post a pic of it here....jejej imagine the crazy shit thats ging through my mind jejeje well it actually worked, but black and white so I painted it jeje more or less this is what so of the Pacas of some of the Colombian Compress I used to get of good quality, it came in a think red package plastic that was prety darn tuff and wraped around several times then with like a swaran wrap too.



Chaman, Mi Hermano, what I am saying is what you are finding out about crowding Sativas (or any plants) forcing them to finish faster is revolutionary in the pot world. If someone with an indoord setup reads this they are going to take your experience and grow with it. Myself, I was always wondering how I could ever grow a lanky sativa and finish it indoors. Many of us havent' got the luxury of being able to grow a sativa and we just continue to grow indicas and always wishing we could change. I am wanting to crowd a mess of sativas indoor now if they will stay small and finish sooner. I do not care about yield, I will grow for head stash. You may have opened up something without really even noticing it because you have different conditions than a north american grower. No offense on the spelling, you know I love ya man. I wrote a huge thread as a letter to You. I spell bad and write poorly to some, but they still read on because the message is clear still. Jah Love man
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i tried indoors with crowded setups growing tropical sativas. some like it more - but adding nutes like i did - the effect is less obvious. small root space is a must to flower and control a sativa indoors.

for example -my 2 meter tall guatemalan sativas are in a 3 and 6 liter pot. the one in the smaller pot got only slightly less bigger than the one in the big pot - and the one in the small pot also started to flower earlier.

its good conclusions u gotto chaman, indoors we do it the same way.. but we get much less in harvest - and smaller nugs :D although tasty :D

i cant find the pic of the mozambiquean sativa i flowered in a 1 liter pot.. but it sure was big!

peace mate!


Active member
yeah all those plants will give me the same amount as one good plant would have....but in a 1/2 the time almost, no kidding. So in a sence you save time and space, jeje kinda would be awesome sea of green with lots of clones to do this way to keep things more uniform, jeje can just imagine fix'n up rows of these in dirt jejej but the idea works ;)

I've always done the small pots for sativas and larg pots for indicas in hopes to get my sativas to finish faster and my indicas to put out more, but the putting more then one plant in one pot jeje originaly was to aviod hear'n my wife bitch, as she realy woundn't notice it was many plants in one pot, but sure as heck noticed quick alot of pots with alot of plants...so few pots with alot of plants blew by easier, then I started to notice the way they'd grow stright up and little branchings, and how they sex faster, and finish faster loose'n yield, but I had more variaety to smoke and in all a good yield give'n me a chance to try many of he great genetics i've been blessed with from my friends. Breeding this way is unfair, as you loose many triats you'd be looking for in a more natural enviroment and to carefully polinate ladies so close to another isn't a simple task, jeje specialy on a windy day jejeje, but you can cut clones of those you like and lots of other cool benefits too, Under lights if you can flaten things out and make a nice canopy this culd realy work several ladies ina bucket getting weaved through a chicken wire for a scrog comes to mind easy.

Ive been in a kinda hurry to try to get these to finish, jjee one am going dry ! jeje 2 friedns are coming to visit, its nice to have something for when they get here to share with them, and 3 jeje i'm going dry !!! jeje hate this feeling...put lots of seeds in these pots I prepared, so lets see what happens jeje some times I hope for males to thin things out even.

hey Bone if you find those picks share them ;)

If you notice these are all the same genetics, put in dirt the same day and the 4 plants are way behind, but even if you look a the 14 plants see the smaller ones and taller ones, so i've been lay'n down the taller ones getting more light to them and exposing the little ones to get a better harvest yet. those little ones will become very nice main cola buds and the ones I lay down now will take a little longer and should grow some branches, but will fill out more help'n the yield, so the little ones will be nice fat buds and harvested first, then the ones I layed down, then last the other 4 ladies so the good thing is I'll be perpetual harvesting jejeje once i cut a plant out if gives room and food to the others, and i'll have something to smoke while I wait.

jej getting alot of calls today...clients bitch'n about stuff so, i'll be around though



Well Chaman, you talk like this is old hat and I have never heard it before, and so do you bone. I guess I am seeing enough to want to try this one myself. I like the clone thing too, but to get 14 good clones I would have to have what, 4-6 good doners. I just haven't had that many seeds. I understand that the Mexican Brick is going to be around cheap and plentiful soon and that may be my chance to get some more seeds. I have enough weed to last me awhile, but when I start to see the good brick that comes around Christmas (Motaco told me about it here) I will get a bunch for doing the multi plant thing. I will have some indicas too by then and be doing those at the same time too.
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if you have acces to good liqiud nutes, you can easilly grow a sativa in a pint glas. just feed it all the time :D flush a bit regularly :D thats it. but in soil it might yield less doing this indoors that for example in coco with liqiud nutes.

the last pic is her in flowering :D the last pics are messier to find. she got quite fat nugs.



hey bro , here´s a pic of some thrics , i think it came out preety good , check it out ....




Active member
Those looked real nice Bone, jeje bet she drank alot of water ;) jeje

We have a 2 bottle evergreen hidro, "menor"=green bottle, and "mayor"= red bottle, thats about it...you'd heve too real do some looking around to find anything else or order it on line as many friends do. I've used it before, but didn't like the way the joint burned....just didn't burn the right way, and would have a thick black ash, maybe needed to flush more, but I had flushed very well in my opion.

Electro, nice close up jejej realy doo need to make these screens scratch and sniff jejej

here is a real quic drawing of the greenhouse use'n that plastic from Charlies pic. in 2x tones, clear and a little opac.




man im too stoned - i forgot the subject :D

flowering boosters :D

im just sure the rigth pushes of the rigth minerals in the rigth moments will increase yield. atleast in hydro it works great. in soil the problem is the fact soil retains a lot of things very easy. instead that practise could work against the purpose..
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Chaman, Bone, these past few days have been inspirational to say the least. Thanks for the tips.


wazzzaaaaaap chaman , jejejej , i really wasnt happy with that pic ... so check out theeeezzzeeeeee , try scraching and let me know how it works . . :rasta: .... i might say these is a good cheese ... :joint:




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Active member
kick ass close ups !! jeje last one is like a magical carpet of tricombs jejeje I imagine a real dank but sweet smell, thats good medicine bro jeje thanks for posting the pics

Like how about 15-20% of them where going amber, and the rest are cloudy to clear.

Here is a little update from yesturday I think it was...battery died so didnt get a chance to take too many.


prety nutts how the 14 in a buckets are so much ahead of the 4 in a bucket. Check out how the fantastic 4 jeje have branches too and are about 3-4feet long...walk by and touch them, jeje the smell is awesome, even more so from the 14 in a bucket, very strong smell.

I've found many more females in my Jamaican babies too, no males so far jeje things are looking good, those are far behind though....wish I had put them in sooner. way things are going I might finish these 4 way pur sativas in less then 3months. Prety freek'n cool if you ask me...will I get alot? no. But plenty while I wait for the rest and hope to have a nice thing to share for the up coming holidays
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Right on Chaman Broder. Sounds like you do not have to wait too long. Too bad we were not closer, I would like it if you tried this Diesel I got. Very good weed indeed.


Active member
Bro, today is the 10th...and your still post'n ! jeje awesome. I hope to read about that later in your thread.

jeje the wait...well its gona be a lot less then normal thats for sure !

That Diesel sounds great, jejeje i've had no luck with my Sk1 x New York Sour Disel...(skizel) jeje smells and taste like the tropical berry skittles. Sad....Some Perfection seeds I had too...nor the Colombian RxG X DC f2's, lots of seeds...just not pop'n

The Jamiacans are now almost at 1.5 feet in just less then a month and have all sexed prety much, so far all females too ! jejeje might be some mails, only a few left to sex. These look very indica right now...thick hollow stem, long internodes, fat and stuby leaves. Smell is getting nice too. Destoryer X Panama just rock ! jeje Kind of smoke and taste I wish everyone could try.

I've still got many more of my seeds to try, but so far it's been heart brake'n not see'n these seed pop, as summer is getting closer and would love to take advantage of every secound posible of it. every day that goes by is a day lost, and space wasted...jeje not that i'm pay'n the bill for the big bulb in the sky, but still have that feeling of needing to fill in and not go through what i've had too...I'm a joint man, I like'm nice and chubby jejeje not pinners, and i'm sick of my pipes and bongs, i'm greatfull i've got nice ones jejeje but I didn't have them in mind for everyday all day use....walk'n around with pipes and bongs all day, constantly need a refill jejej

got it in my pocket right now even...lighter, pipe and stash box. jeje never know when a hit can be gotten away with and i'd hate to miss the opertunity to maintain my high.

I bet that first joint of Destroyer X Panama is gona be so tasty, can almost imagine the high...



Active member
hey does anyone know about cell phones ?

I don't have one....haven't had on in a long time, I don't have an I pod..got this shity mp3 plays that can't hold more then 100 songs that by the end of the day I could have herd 1x and half, and barely stores info 215...my camera kinda recently went to shit, fuji 4** something or other....so, i've been looking into kinda getting a cell phone, camera, juke box, and then was think'n at work i've got hundreds of internet restrictions, and at home I don't even have internet...so Internet access and navigation would kick ass too...so its phone, camera, music, laptop all in one....but i don't have $500 to buy a dang Iphone, and needs to me GSM UNLOCKED too...since I started looking around the wife got jealous and wants one too....so I figure I've got $500 total, about 250 per phone give or take...jejeje mine could have more toys ;) after all she just wants camera and phone, she realy doesn't know how to figure out all the cool toys on things unless I take hrs to show her...

I was looking at the Motorola Rokr E6 or this Motorola Rizr Z8 both got for about $230-$250 so would work out...but i'm not real sure which would be the best, and have great reception too cuase where I live...only a few I know have ever gotten reception with older phones, these new gsm one I would hope do better.

Iphones rock from what I read, but i'd need a unlocked, something about out of jail phones no att&t crap...even then they range way over my budget and too get jumped and have it stolen would suck...figure $250 is more then i'd like to spend but if I can get all that in one could kick ass...my camera was good, but now it sucks, so figure anything could be better, and i'd not need too carry so many things that in seprate would cost alot more then 250 anyways.

I just don't know how to read all the technical mombo jombo...its all chinese to me.
