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Tropical Growing



Here is what I got in Houston last night. One ounce was about one bud. Getting some seeds too. Supposed to be diesel, but I don't think so. Good stuff anyway


Active member
damn bro one oz just about one bud jeje hope they didn't dust it in led man....;) just play'n but that must be a nice tight bud bro, def indoor grown. Specialy in TX after the hericanes...jejej looks nice man, I like Diesel alot, good luck on that !

And hey everyone i've been rock'n my friend station hard today !! real good reggae vibes.



jajaja , gas , grass or ass , i've heard that one before , jajajajajaja

today i smoked these pot , wich i had only smoked once before , its been a 4 hour ride , i feel like i have giant lips , bubble head , my eyes are red as hell (wich is not normal) , hahah , the one for experienced smokers , jajajaja , sooo high, its giving me the munchies ,, jajaja , just in time for lunch , these plant is not in cr , so i hope that somewhere in the future these cut can be in the country so that i can more often enjoy these amazing high ... :rasta:

on the greenhouse stuff , much congratz @ you chaman , there is nothing better than doing the right thing, thats why i have no private garden yet , becouse i dont want to do anything dumb like trying to make money growing pot , i would like to grow some pot at some point in the future , but kind of like your style : with no worries , growing only for smoking and smoking tranquilo con los amigos , i also hate buying weed and selling is not my game , what i enjoy is to get High with my friends ...

btw chaman , good luck with your proyects , i hope someday we can get high , take care chaman , keep it cool & calm , buena vibra~

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Active member
real glad that you liked that Bone, jeje been kick'n it today too.

Yeah, I got one lady in good flower that survived the bad season I had this rain season, then i've got about 12 0r 15 Destroyer X Panama little ladies just starting to flower, jeje only prob is that they are all in 2x 5gal buckets...realy was counting on more males jejej. Then i've got some Jamiacan seeds in that should be give'n sex real soon, and just put in Tom Hill Trian Wrecks, Jack Herrer X Jam, jeje can't think right now got to scroll up...Skizzel (sk1x NYSD) and maybe Congo X Nigerian or Mula both by Charlie. These las seeds i'm still wait'n to see if they pop in these days.

I'll post some pics soon, but realy not much to look at...jeje prob the most empty anyone ever seen.

Electro, enjoy the high !! jeje did you get a name on that what you had been smoke'n ? oh and all in due time bro...some thigns can't be rushed.

Cool & calm





Active member
thats a real nice pic Electro...the way things have been going today, wouldn't mind a flight in space like that about now. Thanks for share'n that


jejeje oh shit I can't stop laugh'n came run'n to come say soemthing...opened the edit...and am sitting here litteraly with no idea of what I was gona say anymore...just got side tracked with a post in Racos thread jejeje damn...jeje gona have to start mental exercises ! jeje memory isn't worht shit anymore.


still have not an idea..but hey, Bone I went out and bought a few art suplies yesturday....damn bro jeje shit ain't cheap few things I grabed added up, but hope for some inspiration now jejeje (even got some water color pencils by fabercastel) been checking alot of the landscape'n sites try'n to get ideas, prety wild some of the thigns these people do...gona first try a few things around the yard....but then agian woman has been going off agians about what a shit hole everything is and wants too move...she wants a gated comunity ( she almost go car jacked and killed )...she wants a yard with no dogs (house and kids are never clean), no shits (crap on kids shoes now and then), no mud, no dirt ( dirt tracked all over the house)...play areas for kids, and closer to the kids schools and her work ( we live about 30-40min no trafic from san jose, 1:20-1:30hrs when in trafic), and that i'm such a bad example, my life style (pot, bongs, pipes all over the house, and me smoke'n) jejej she went out, all I said was sure...keep on kicking while you got me down if it makes you feel any better...was totaly just goign ape shit on what a shit things are...She even said in one...why don't we sell this I'll go with the kids to a real nice condo, and you go out and buy your farm and live out in the woods, come visit and we'll go visit, deep down man I was like this is it...some things might start too come together, i'd have a capitla to start something, she'd be happy, "kids safe" and i'd be alot better to I say for now...jejeje but then last night she had dinner for me when I got home and was all love'y dove'y jjjej freak'n bi-polar man jejej well...ideas are out on the table though..kids growing up on a turist vacation type area not sure realy is the best of ideas....well my friend said it better...why do guys love going to the beach...girls are already half naked, and the turist life style of guys coming and going bla bla, and this and that and money flashing....yeah the last thing I need is any of that beach young blood constant spring brake feeling around my house...jeje then he finshes with you don't bring sand to the beach do you ? ejjeje asshole, hes right though most dont.

So need to re think things in a few ways jeje but realy do want too go out where its more dry troipical forest, and some changes are necesary...jeje besides right Peter Tosh said "Just cuase you come mek I change, na mean I can't change for the betta" well something like that.

Well well that wasn't what I was all excited about, jeje maybe after I
go smoke this spliff....i'll remember.

Raco....jeje you might want to reach pon down here come dec-Jan heard a happy bunch is coming down from them Cali Hills, to spend the nw yr here...the only plant i've got in flower i'll save for then, plan on buy'n herb in the mean time, so I can save as much good herb to share with the friends. I realy hope them Destoyer x Panama will hury the heck up too jeje but don't think they will be finihed in a month and a half... jeje So was looking for anything that says DCx What ever. jejej little fast midgets ;)


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jajajajajajaja , classic , :laughing:

i just got from a break in wich i traeated myself to a hit of these bud , wich i do know the name ,but dont wanna post it on icmag yet , and i have been typing these post with a smile on my face , glueed to my chair , feeling almost like those first times i smoked weed ... :rasta: ... what i've thougt as well is that when i run out of these bud , the cheese and white shark will deffinetly not be the same ... jajajajaja althought the cheese turned out to be a good strong smoke ... :joint:

yesterday i was so high , i went to classes and when i got to the place , i noticed i had no texts , no pens , no calculator , nothing :bashhead: ,
jajajaja , i got mad at first but obvioulsy i had to turn back to get my things ,
these bud is a killer so i didnt smoke these morning couse i dindt want to get to the workplace looking like cheech or chong ... jajajaja , i guess its too late now .. lol ...

anyways , its almost time for lunch now ,, jajajajajaj , i cant believe it took me 45 mins to type these post ..

oh , otra cosa , ~radio puerto caribe esta buenisimo~!!! :rasta: :rasta:

--cool&calm-- :respect:
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mate :D cool you found the watercolour pencils :D looking forward to see more artework :D

im so trashed today.. built one more growroom in the basement this past night.. finished at 8 in the morning.. lucky im my own boss.. or rather lucky my gf doesnt give me much shit hehe :D

i know sometimes i feel like you hehe :D get a darn farm in the hills :D hehe but yeah.. then my gf goes and makes me those awesome homemade burgers with her dads tomatoes etc.. and no way im gona give that away..

sounds like u gonna have fun this newyears :D

hehe aver que cuentas! :D




Chaman it doesn't surprize me one bit that you are so interested and talented in art. I think you are a pretty neat guy and exploding with creativity in many things. I know someone like that.

I have been expressing interest in buying and brokering art from Central America (along with some other not so cool things to make a buck down there) and have been working some of the Nicaraguan sites. I have a really cool friend that is a doctor that will be practising in Granada and he will be buying work for me to sell in the USA. I have lots of ideas in the fire, I am hoping to retire at a relatively young age in Central America. Here is an example of some of the work that I think would really take off in the USA. In what I am looking for I like when people paint ordinary things around them and throw in some flare.

That is so funny what your wife says about her life. If you really love her you may listen. Trying to grow where she wants to live sounds impossible. She probably felt guilty for riding your ass and then made it up to you afterwards, but she sent a pretty strong message to you.

Oh and that weed I got the other day is the freaking bomb. Very powerful stuff.


Active member
jejej hey guys, the realy way Peter said it was, "if he says that Im to move
That wont stop me from improve" Song "Leave my business".

Another grow room jeje man sounds like fun, mean best part is putting them togther, harvest is nice sure...jeje but the who play'n with leggos from when you where a kid comes out in you when you like to build things jeje. When you gona fire it up ?...maybe wait to the end of the month to compare light bills of one room vs 2.

That painting rocks man ! like it alot, yeah jeje where I live its named after something that has too do with cock fighting, they say it was a real big thing a long time ago, there are lots of parts in Guanacaste and down south that will stiill do. Think you've got a great idea, my fathers firends make great livings down here selling their art work to the states and Europe. Some of these paintings can be very exp here, can just imagine the resale price jejeje

jeje keeping us in suspence with that weed man !

Cool & calm


the new room is in function from day one :D i just ran out of space in the veg area and had to make a quick decision. hehe - i hope it doesnt get too expensive!


Active member
Ran out of room jejeje, thats awesome !

A friend of mine, he started with a 400W hps, and about 150 wats in floros for his babies, clones and mothers. Then he put in an additional 400w...hes said the thing doubled !! and now hes forced too sell a 1/4($100) a month to pay for it, but hes happy with the results indeed !! jej tight nuggets they are.

Least your in a basment so don't need to worry so about heat, how about cold though in the cold season...just run your exhaust less ? and more in summer ? in a basemente i'd imagine its more dificult too suck in air, and realy need too push out the old...lease in an attic its more about sucking out the old, plenty fresh air comes in from alot of places aslong as there is a forced exhuast, and even thats easay too install...just cna't forget too pust a mesh in the holes to keep out the birds and batts.

Your right man she realy would prefer things to be far from home...and shit man what man on earth wouldnt love his own smoke'n room !! jjjejeje Playstations, video chair, my posters !!!! man I miss my posters, buff bags, lava lamp, cool carpet, kick as stero with cable and a big tv, black lights jejeje and all my smoke'n utenciles jejeje man i'd never leave that room...and a grow in the closet !! jeje fuck yeah...so just got to figure out which kid to kick out first huh ? jejeje

She wanted too make a maids house out back...jeje I was already think'n in my head well sorry sweetie maid didn't work out...so I grabed all my stuff and moved into her room, jeje...just give me a holla well diner is ready jejej see that wouldn't fly cuase we'd have a room with locked doors in the house...and I hate locked doors, jeje even shit with the door open if ive got no visitors...sorry too much info prob...kids always wonder'n why dad dispears for so long in there jeje Its sad man...every time I go somehere the first things I check are if I can grow here, and where it might be cool to smoke...I'm sick man...jejeje hello, my name is Chaman...and I love Marijuana.

My original dream was too put one of them real huge metal contianers like an old gas truck gas thing and burry in in my back yard so that you only see a man whole in my garden...go down the stairs and i'd have a grow op, on one side, and my recreational area on the other jejejjeejje oh yeah and a punching bag would be cool too jejej...but the way it rains here that could turn into a underground pool..and don't know how long that would be before it rust though if it where to be water proof.

the best part is my kids realy are like the most sticky thing on earth when it comes to me, they stick to me better then crazy glue ! man little shadows that never stop folowing me around...I got to sneak off to tend my plants and not even finished water'n the first few when I hear "papito" and I'm like aww shit, and got to get out of there and reach them before they reach me...cuase they always end up asking me what i'm doing...then why, then if they can hang out and help too...thats why alot of other plants and vegies would come in handy to keep them busy, and still hang out with me. i'm in the bathroom and they come bug me all the time...seriously just no escape jejeje but a good friend Budular said, take adavantage of it now, cuase soon they will grow up...to true, they gro before my eyes almost, jeje but least dad still cool for now ;)

To rent a house aside to grow wouldn't be practical...I grow with alot of friends and that doesn't work...soemtimes they come around with some smoke for me, I set them up, tought them and gave them the first seeds, and still get calls now and then to go help them out, and they say i'll hit you up with some buds later jeje realy rare that they do so a grow with friend doens't work...least hasn't yet. Besides I smoke alot..if I got it, so need too think of a better way..besides stand'n in my greenhouse was sad today....mud up to my ankles, floor is a big puddle..morning glory has over taken it agian and a huge sage bush became a tree..and the plastic is all opaco but a new plastic would freak me out jejej way to transparent..well long story short this might be the last grow in that greehouse. I realy need to upgrade..wood has even rotted away in a few parts. So whit this in mind out with the old in with the new, I need too plan how to get it done...least started and functional untill I can complete it.

well, back to work...


sorry to hear your greenhouse is giving up on you! wood is one of those materials, it cant avoid rotting if its in contact with humidity and cant breath well. in short best bet is to try tolift up the whole wooden structure from the ground.

we thought of putting 4 layers of building blocks and then the structure on top - (thats for the veggie greenhouse of my gf).

the basement if quite cold indeed - even in summer. rigth now we are in the cold season and im having fairly cold temps really, but i dont dare to pull down on on ventilation etc, because of the high humidity we have. got one room with 30 plants, and other with 17, and then the seedlings - really creates a lot of humidity too. fresh air comes in under the door all the time - and the warm used air (loaded w oxygen from the plants) goes up into the house. it doesnt really smell much at the moment hehe..

i had for a while now around 1100 W in fluoros for veg. i took away 400W and put in one 600W hps for flowering. its still a lot off W's but i dont know what to do indoors to make up for my huge smoking needs. i smoke around 4-5g a day.. im getting pissed off soon if i cant get this thing under controll :D gotto become self suficient. hate buying crappy buds, or cheap hash. the market here sucks.

later im going to sell a bunch of popcorn nugs to some friends. i dont think i will make a lot of money since i just cant bear to sell it expensive hehe :D i thought of just doing them a favour, and my gf gets happy i sell some. anyway its good mates, but they dont know jackshit about buds and they are more than happy with little nugs etc - they know anyway me buds will get them way more stoned than what they will normally.

but id rather just smoke it all myself :D hehe

peace mate :D pura vida



good post anyway mate :D im still lauging from recognizing my self in your words :D hehe



:yes: :yes: :canabis:

:rasta: nice post ~ , good vibes to you chaman , :smoweed:
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I wish I could grow right now, but I am in a place that would put you in prison for a single plant. I can travel and plan to someday, and when I get to a place that is more accepting I will be growing again. I will most likely be growing indoors and I am doing research now trying to figure out what kinds of seeds to get. I do not care if the finish in 8 weeks or not, I just want a decent sized harvest and the best bud I can find. If I ever live someplace that would support the growing of a sativa I will do it for sure. I do think I live in a place now that would support growing a sativa, but like I said, the risk is just too high here.

I am hearing people say a lot about Jack Herer in my thread about called what is the best pot. You have grown that haven't you Chaman? What I want is a weed that will get you really lit off of a small amount, get all laughing and silly, and no paranoia. If I find a good one like I describe I will make sure I always have some.

For now I have t buy it and pay crazy prices. It is safer than trying to grow it here.


Active member
Well first off...jeje some pics,. this first one was some realy strong sweet smelling inticing almost oruidea...as did the ants think the same ?

Next ones are these little ones i've brought back from the carribean side, very delicate, but the shine of the water didn't let me get the pic right and the camera no longer lets me use certian buttons...like to turn off the flash for one.

then this was my last plant...it was so nice a week ago, then we got this shit weather and it doesn't even look half as nice anymore so I just went and cut it before it went to waste because we are in for some more crapy weather it seems...young ones are looking nice and the high humidity during there bringing up has given me almost all females, had maybe 4 males in the whole crowd so far.

then this was me sitt'n down looking for all the more indica prone plants I could find, and also found alot of seeds with no name jeje so curuisoty killed the cat right jeje

Then this is some Jamaican press...and you'll see why in the last pic cuase thats all I had left.

and i'll be right back agian....

This is just to post after a pic later of some Destroyer x Panama, 14 in one 5gal bucket, and 4 in another 5 gal bucket to confirm things form me.

I like how when plants grow close to another they streach striaght up, but when given room they put out nice branches, i've got 14 Destroyer X Panamas in one 5 gal pot. They are all just striaght colas. But then i've got I think 4 in another 5gal bucket, and these have started to grow branches and grew a little taller, even took them longer to sex...so this confirms for me when plants compete they grow less and finish faster, when given some room they take their time and fill out more as they flower, they sexed almost a week and half later with ten sisters lesss jejejee Well kinda went off with the inspriration of these nice plants above.

I'll be back to post pics and such in a lill bit.

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Active member
I hope this works this time....

Orquidea with some water damage...i've got 2 plants totaly different that flower very alike its a trip to see them side by side as you'd never think they have asimilar flower.

Some more tipo LLuvia de oro, many of these coming out aroudn teh yard, smell nice and had a wonderfull high light of colors to the trees and yard

the greenhouse from out side, jeje looks like shit. Huge sage tree to the left, morning glory taking over and a belladoña to the right jeje and grass has grow agian...too fast. (you can see the dam tv antena that the dude next door always get up on the roof to mess with...)

these are the Destroyer X Panama 's that I was talk'n about.

these are JaMAICAN babies, from what they call the Alaskan press i've got a pic above in my hand of.
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