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Tropical Growing


Active member
jeje well brought the cable today...but camera died after a few pics so wasn't realy able to get a good one, and drawing still has alot to go....

Dragon vs Fenix...the Fenix is still kinda in question, might erase it....




hehe cool :D very tattoo influenced style of shading.. nice :D

reminds me of the stuff i used to do long time ago :D but now adays i just draw whats absolutelly necesary for work. in some way working with art takes away the fun of it!

keep it up bro!


Active member
Thanks Glock and Bone,

jeje figures why several have asked to buy it so they can go get it tattooed jeje honeslty that what you just said, my father has said many times...his problem is he restores art, so hes always fix'n others poepls art and doens't have time to do his own, good thing is has works with all aspects from furniture, to paintings, statues, murales, man you name it...jeje hes got the coolest toys

I love surrealism....go figure as I love to get high and draw...jeje that or shrums have given me the best influenced drawings, I do this at work...jeje at home ive got no time, here its durring a call I doodle a way on it sorta say little here little there some times a few days go by I don't touch it kinda a thing, but its been nice to get my mind going and practice on values, shades, and perceptions, like how there is alot of flow to this dragon, and its been real chalenge since i've been out of any practice what so ever fo so long, but its coming togther at its own pace jeje just like a sativa would.

Thanks agian, its always good too hear others thoughts, can always learn somethign new.



Chaman said:
but its coming togther at its own pace jeje just like a sativa would.


:D :joint:

hehe my last "fun"-piece is a watercolour drawing i started on ages ago.. its a lizard on a treebranch hehe but i havent gotten to finish it in 3 years! and ita tiny piece! i like watercolours (acuarell) and the watercolour pencils - you can do wicked shading and colour things easilly - and all that you draw with the water colour pens - afterwards you can smooth out the tones and shadings with a wet brush..

but that is if you get time!

to me it seems any spare time nowadyas goes to the growroom and the computer! hehe :D

i never liked oil or acrylics too much - even though i used acrylics for a lot of mural work earlier in my life. but honestly for murals i like to use a good selection of normal wall paints - the resistance in time is great compared to acrylics that bypassers can scratch off with fingers..

i did a lot of decorational painting indoors. last job was a bar we did the interior in - me and the girl - all egyptian interior design with hieroglyphs and some sculptures..

never the less now i dont work with that anymore..

hm - im trying to find a drawing or two i got somewhere in the gallery.. hm i got too many pics uploaded - its impossible to find anything! 150 pages in my gallery!

well - i might msn a thing to you :D



thanks on the answer Chaman. I'm planning to go into dry/wet seasonal country with 12/12 all the way. Will probaly go there when the dry season starts and plant some seeds of different strains (hybrids, sativas, indicas) Only problem is that i'll be there for only three moths. It's not so much about smokin, it's about growing and making some seeds, but guess i'll be only seeing the first one... :(


Active member
Gona have to try those water color pencils, i'm normaly shy with colors...only have done a few drawings use'n them realy now that I think about it jejej so that would be a trip, any ones you might recomend ? for my drawing the only thing i've used is a 0.5 Bic "softsider" mechanical pencil..... jejejej shit is that what you call it ? Lapiz de minas....jeje at home i've got a little more stuff my dad and mom handed me down, but don't realy use them lots of white like carton pensils, to use for shade'n with charcols and ink pens and stuff like that...need some colors, old oil pastels I had my kids took them...colors where awesome I give you that, intense indeed.

I used too tattoo jeje dida few friends and my self a few times, but with a home made machine that realy didn't work right, the ink at first looked great but in time like the thin lines fatten and lost detail, I love art...realy do, been around it alot, my father would be most proud if I did something with it, there are a few collages her that specialize in arts, but wow man they are more exp then the med schools I atteneded.

My father always had his studio..but always worked at home too, mean its true right...if you do what you love you don't mind doing it...he'd perfer to go work on someones art then to sit around watch'n tv or something like that, but he didn't always see good times, mean there are lots of projects hes got too go out and find, and put purposels and stuff, most of his work is from reference, hes been aroudn and has done very important projects for smithsonian, captial, and many other government agencys as well as private, jeje some times it would scare me what he'd charge too...specialy when he made it seem so easy. I wouldn't realy know where to start in art...love so many things about it, but to be stressed about money is something I already know too well work'n 50hrs a week 6 days...My fatehr has several friends who have told me many times...let go and do it. Start painting find a style and do it, sooner or later you'll find a place or a person to apraise it... jeje this coming from artist who do very well in life and are some of the coolest people ive met.

Also don't know if poeple here would have the extra money too spend like they do in other places...my father earns well, as he charges well cuase he can...here people bitch man, and bitch till you make a deal on prices jeje even sell'n good weed is hard man ! jeje need to fnd the gringos that will 99 out a 100 times be actually greatfull for it and shit even give you a tip, if not even pull some out and smoke with you...grant that most Ticos don't make even half as much to live by. (jeje guitly) don't get me wrong there are very rich ticos too...but not sure my kind of sur realism would reach thier pale minds...surrealism is rebelious to the normal and routine...jeje why do only kids get too use their imagination jeje should be old poeple in never never land too damn it ! jeje

Just want too point out several, well things you might confront.
Dry season vegetation is very different to wet. The strenght and vigor of indigous plants vs cannabis. The longer a plant has been in an area, the more time its gotten to adapt to it. So plants that are "climatized" will know what too do when to do it, and all inclused, rain/season, as photo periods, you'd realy need some one to help the first few goes, maybe your staivas would adapt some day...jeje but go weedy if still unatended kinda sucks as we have bread for stronger cannabinoids then realy needed in the wild, plants in time would use that energy on other more important things, and just produce the needed amount to detour insects and other vegetarians. We have bred them this way....we need to be around I feel to keep them that way and from what i've been try'n to understand from a few books i'm reading. Indicas would be the first to go...as their name in my logicsays it, "indica" think that ment like man made. Hybirds due to think buds and molds killing off most thier seeds and due to indica crosses wouldn't grow enought to compete with wild vegetation. The sativas would grow fastest, and keep up posibly, Untill they resen thought they would be very vunerable jeje spanglish to insects and vegetarians. I've seen indicas suck up all my insects while sativas sit prety too so another reason why the indicas might not last too long, sweeter fatter leaves to hide under and eat on compared to the sativas where a lets say mantis hides perfectly and all insects stick out like sour thumbs, also Sativas are used to water, there are strains as I learned today that live in the mist of the amazons deep in brazil, but these are still cared for by natives. but linve in that deep jungle under that rain cuase they have adapted a more airey bud. jeje just need to grow more of them jeje damn i'm so high right now, love'n it...but yeah man so these are just some things off the top of my head right now a few minutes after come'n in smoke'n 2 pipes with a friend jeje give me a joint man i'll go for hrs...even think of soil problems and criters in the soil....man you seen what ants do in this country to a whole tree in hrs ? jejeje shave that thing blader the my head man...no leaf will stand....while other trees they will protect at no mercy...bullet frick'n ants that you just don't want too get bit from at all. Black ants will make farms in you roots if you added something to the dirt that would draw thier attention, as animals like racoons jejej so none of that yeah through some fish heads in the dirt talk...and carefull with you composts, besides if you put anything too tasty, other plants will want in on it too, so got too put up plastic around you prepared dirt too keep other root systemd out, then i'd even lay 1x1 inche mesh on the floor and stake it down over babies and seeds just put in as birds are little mother F$%kers and so are some animals that just can't ignore fresh mixed up dirt to go rump around in. might even want too try place'n plants that deture insects around them such as caterpillers cuase they too are hungry little bastards, snails and slugs...mant they are all over, so flow me ? need to realy pick out the spot, and think of every detail....and how these variables can aftect a plant down the line...where you see and open area for light too penetrate, you got to remember in a few months...it might get swolloed by branches and new grown vegetation...jeje i've lost more then a few sativas grows I tried doing Guerrillero....jeje went not a month later and had the hardest time try'n to reconginze any paths...specialy sinceI tried no too leave one jejej that sucked, need gps equipment...this off a few pipes, i normaly realy don't say much in life...get me high and talk'n about what I love man...this what you get jeje i'm gona go back too a few other threads while inspirated



ill check up tomorow what brand i got - its cost efficient since a little goes long.. also i use watercolour in tubes like the tubes oilpaint comes in - its incredinly strong pigment and goes very far.

one brand that springs to mind is windsor and newton.

all thru my youth i used to give away all my drawings and paintings and i dint sell anything really untill about 20. but it was all really small scale and just like extra money. i never thought id work with art. its not like most normal persons walk around thinking they are good. i never did and i still doubt all i do. sometimes i get very insecure but i think also i put my aims a lot higher than what the expectacions are from the clients. pressuring oneself is not fun but its the only way to evolve.

dam i think sometimes suffering is a necesary part of an artistic life - since without experiensing all emotions properly, its neither possible to express them hehehe

sounds like your dad did the rigth thing - there is a lot of money in that.. the world is full of old objects.. and we want them to stay nice :D

im sure in some countries in the world art is something wellpayed - i sometimes check what american or candian artists get for their work and i get baffeled. but here in spain things are different.. and most of the time SPEED is the most important thing..

well im talking too much :D

have nice day mate.




hey chaman....what strain is good for hawaii that turns purple? im looking for a strain that is sativa dom and productive,but still turns purple in hot temps.
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Active member
Thanks Randude !!

Real Supreme, thanks also prety cool football icon too...jeje remember my days play'n was defencive end, jejeje just loved that feeling to blind side a quarterback !! Lacorse was alot more fun though and on the move too, sports you don't see much of here at all. Need special cable or satilite packages to see most of them too.

Thats a good question, but i'm not sure if you'd like to intruduce a new genetic or use ones already aclimated, mean Hawaii has been famous already for some of its sats, jeje even herd of people doing guerrillera up in trees, little kinda tree platforms like for hunting...but for plants and bottles of water nailed up top with hoses to drip water them in dry season jeej people do some crazy stuff sometimes, glad the higher we get the better our imagination, jeje cops would have to start smoke'n to catch up with most. And if they started smoke'n maybe they'd be cool some day jeje

Well damn cops found this today here.

"La policía le destruyó un plantío de marihuana a un hombre que aseguró haberlo sembrado porque pasa una mala situación económica.
Una mala situación económica obligó a un hombre a sembrar en el patio de su casa 1.300 matas de marihuana, pero los operativos de control de drogas que realiza la Fuerza Pública en Limón permitieron destruirlas.
Cansado de pasar hambre y no poder pagar deudas, un hombre de 60 años sembró un plantío de marihuana en Casa Amarilla de Valle La Estrella, Limón.

Así lo manifestó a las autoridades el hombre, mientras que los policías quemaban las matas tras recibir una denuncia de los vecinos, quienes indicaban que en la vivienda vendían marihuana.

Al sospechoso le decomisaron una motocicleta y lo pusieron a la orden de la fiscalía. "

in the picture you see cops trough'n the plants into a huge fire...jeje pissed me off.



Chaman said:
Thats a good question, but i'm not sure if you'd like to intruduce a new genetic or use ones already aclimated, mean Hawaii has been famous already for some of its sats, jeje even herd of people doing guerrillera up in trees, little kinda tree platforms like for hunting...but for plants and bottles of water nailed up top with hoses to drip water them in dry season jeej people do some crazy stuff sometimes, glad the higher we get the better our imagination, jeje cops would have to start smoke'n to catch up with most. And if they started smoke'n maybe they'd be cool some day jeje

im actually planning on growing in 6 gallon buckets in trees right now. in fact i already have them all set up....everything except for seeds....i camo them with dry leaves glued to the buckets. it works very well and allows you to grow in some pretty weird places. my area is very rainy so i dont really need to water them often. but what i really want to do is grow some outdoor monster sativas in the ground. i was thinking of growing the mendo purps but i dont know if it will turn purple since the day temps are 80 degrees and nights are 70s.

all i really need now is some advice on a good potent sativa for my monsters grow and a good purple strain for my tree buckets.
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Active member
great song thats been stuck in my head these days jejeje seems to be proper too with whats going on in the world today....

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for long, long years
Stole many man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
(woo woo, woo woo)

I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
(woo woo, woo woo)

I shouted out,
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me
(who who, who who)

Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay
(woo woo, who who)

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
(who who)
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
(who who, who who)

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
(woo woo, who who)

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
(who who, who who)

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
(woo woo)
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
(woo woo, woo woo)

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
(who who)
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
(woo woo, woo woo)

Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
(woo woo)

Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame

Oh, who
woo, woo
Woo, who
Woo, woo
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Oh, yeah

What's my name
Tell me, baby, what's my name
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name

Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Oh, yeah
Woo woo
Woo woo

jeje I'll be back in a little bit...work has me busy jeje


Active member
jeje hey bro, in order to hear all your favorite Stones songs...think you'd need a festival ;) just too darn many.

I had a friend that i've saved seaveral times give me some of this Jamiacan Brick they call Alaskan. Man, i'll be honest, its prety decent shit jejeje gets me all high, has body, great smell and taste prety darn good...I do wish I could get higher some times jejeje but hey man its better then shit up a creek with no paddle.

jejeje Damn, little dog is brave...and seems like your gone have too watch your stash man cuase you got a little smoke'n budy now jeje I used to wish my wife would smoke but in times like these when things are look'n slim I COULDN'T BE MORE HAPPY SHE DON'T !!!! jejeje

Good hear'n from you, hope things are better each day.


Active member
things are slow this morning jeje
Well I put in dirt:
Tom Hill train Wrecks,
Skizzel jeje (SK1 X NYSD)
Jack Herrer x Jamiacan
Congo x Nigerian or Mula
Ive got maybe 10 Destroyer x Panama Females
And one of my crosses just about to harvest jejejeje got a smile on my face agian...crossing my fingers the seeds pop in these days.
I've also got some I don' t know whats going jejeje 3 buckets with lots of babies but not sure what they are ejejejejej man i've got some mix ups going on.

Plan on getting some more soil mixed up to try my Colombians and my Ausie Strains like Mulumbimby Madness, Bush Man and some Ausie Green, Red and yellows to see what pops.

Still so many to try jeje but if I keep going at this rate I can be risk'n my family a great deal so i'm concious that I need too wait these out for a while before I go to crazy...besides i'm realy interested in getting my greenhouse remodeled and set up the way i'd realy like, jeje put i'd prob finish the pond, as the greenhouse will be a much bigger investment...could pay its self a little devil on my shoulder keeps say'n jejej but na not try'n to go down that road anymore. (shit nothing worse then have'n people call'n you bug'n for weed, then have'n too be drive'n around meeting people carry'n all that mota around.)



Hey Chaman, looks like you got some seeds. Isn't some of that stuff some indoor weed? Glad to see you are getting the spirit going again.

Man, I am paranoid Just buying weed, I could never sell. I have had too many bad things happen to me in the last year or so and I have to just lay way low.

Got some yummy stuff last night though.


Active member
jejej yeah stand'n around wait'n for the good doctor ain't fun bro, wehn you sell your weed just inst the same too...it becomes a different ride, not the same love and devotion.

Bro, yeah man you can consider some to be more indoor types but remember its summer time !!! jeje well soon. So by the time they sex they should be in love'n the nice dry sumer breez and hot constant piercing sun !

Oh hey everyone a friend put this together, and i recomend it, if you enjoy some nice real Roots Reggae.


check it bro jejeje buen roots, con fotos muy tuanis....casi para llevar tu espiritu a un lugar mejor...mientas tu cuerpo esta aqui atrapado.
