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Tropical Growing



Hey Chaman, I posted the results on my long strange trip thread. It was a hairy court ordeal, but it is over. I still have California and Washington to settle, but I am getting there. I need to hire a lawyer in Cali and see if we can set something up. I am thankful to be breathing the free air right now, but I have to get some stuff to pass piss test now for the next 18 months. At least I am free


Active member
thats great news, I posted in your thread that night, bro just keep your head up and give thanks when you can.

here are a few updates from today....I think I was have'n some serious acid flash backs today....jjej you'll see why, lots of random crazy pics, most I was just flip'n out on all the colors !! jejej serious wicked colors, I was realy high so that help'd my foto jerny through my yard.




, love the update chaman ! ...

, i loved your pictures .. especially the one with the dogs .. i have a beagle shes 6 years old .... great picture :jump: ... im taking off tomorrow going to some vacations , maybe i can have u´r email when i get back ... ??muahahahahah ...., merry xmas ! happy holidays :rasta:

pura vida ! buena vibra !


Active member
Thanks Electro ! jeje Beagles are the shit, if you have soemthing to distract them and keep them busy...if not they can be very distructive.

In that pic, we are all just watch'n the babies grow jejejeje




Chaman I have always loved it when you took pictures outside of the greenhouse. That is the kind of stuff that tells us who you are. I love the tropics. Good dogs too. I am a dog person.

Merry Christmas Brother, You too Highlighter and everyone else in this thread!
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Active member
Thanks everyone jeje I was..almost tripoing that day, it was an early sun, all hazy eyed and high as can be like a bumble bee bounce'n around with that camera, jeje colors where just wild...wish you could see them that day like I did jej was awesome

I can only hope everyone hada safe and happy festivals and are looking forward to meeting many of their goals this yr...jeje I already messed up one of mine. I was gona add some pics today jeje and I left my "maya key" at home...jeje one of those I just closed the gate, took a few steps and said alll FU%K !! but my bus was coming and had no time to get back in jeje so yeah I owe you all a few pics ;) I hope to add them tomorrow.

I cut down like for or 5 from the bunch of destroyers in a bucket...well I'm think'n a few of these more early buds can ither be one of genetics showing up from the 4 way sativa cross. but deep down i'm think'n I had some Congo X Nigerian, but I only had one male. DESTORYER JJEJEJEEJEJEJ so now I might even have some 6 way sativas (Congo, Nigierian, Pamana, Thai, Mex, Colombian) jejeje kicks ass !! These where the first to mature, but don't have much a smell when you compare to the Destroyer X panama....did I wait to long, did I not wait enough and jump the gun...jeje only my pipe will tell !!! jejejeje well in a very high discusion between many i'm not free to say we had terrapins came into discussion. So this will be un interesting test for me too...one wise man said, when the smell was too great, strong the smoke wasn't as good. While other wise man said he could differ. I personaly, jeje love smell and taste, they are very big factors for I. I would rather smoke over and over sure a great taste'n weed that I just can't put down and smoke all day long like a champ, with the biggest smile on my face, as too taking a few tokes here and ther of the most potent cannabis on earth that doesn't have that taste that makes you want to light another bowl...best jejej idealy would be to cross the two.

But lets say the same weed at different times could do the same according to these wise men depending the strian ofcourse...maybe one sample was cut during a window of no smell and strong potency, while the other at a time in hight of smell and maybe over looked the getting into it with magnify'n glass's and the use of tools too check the tric's. follow me ? so....I left a couple of the same strains that I recently cut for a little longer to see waht happens...now this will differ in that mine aren't from the same plant or cut, they are same genetics but differnt seeds. Good thing is same mediums or varients...now the chalenge will be to dry in same conditions ;)

I put in more of these jam seeds today since none of the seeds I've posted that I was try'n out have born....NONE jeje its realy make'n me sad, but hey I try more seeds and cross my fingers, I had near a hundred strians...so going down the list.

Strong hug and best wishes for the new yr ya'll


Active member
oh and hey....you seen them Jam pics i've posted right.....when you close your eyes and think in ya mind Jamaica...whats the weed that comes to mind ? I personaly would a neva thought of it to be an indica.

Sativas do not flower like this ever....no oposite phylo, no dis numeration in leaf digits (7-to 5-to 3-to single digit leafs in flower.) long nodes, thick fat stubby leafs jejeje the only thing is the light green color but that is prob my fualt for not give'n them all enough N. These remind me in every which way of a Indca type. fat stalks that are hollow too. jejeje this is what happens on a small island when you introduce genetics I guess....their original pure sativas have all prety much gone to this ?

I had prue staivas when I in my youn 20's...then about to reach my 25th I remember growing out sone real nice hybirds, indica at first but finished as pure sativas almost...these at 31 yrs old from the same dealers i've always delt with when it came to Jamican comercial weed, this is what I ve gotten, not just me but all those i've seen grow these too.

can only hope that Beenie Man special is a thrive'n sativa well preserved some where if he indeed...I remember Marleys Collie some where out there even had some wierd crosses, wasn't a pure Lambs bread.

Cool & Calm


Active member
hey everyone, i've got those pics jejej, sad part has been that I feel as i've been talk'n to my self agian jejejeje wish some one of some experience with the Jamaican seeds too would bumb heads with me a while so we could talk about all that...but thats not happen'n it seems...why i've got no clue.

Jamaican have no dam internet ? jeje I know they doo....but I guess not the right ones...Rastas out in the bush jejeje so untill then I guess i'm just screwed...oh and I can only with you all could touch these plants then sniff your fingers....WOW jeje they smell almost as great as my destroyers X Panamas..the Destryoer x Panama X Congo x Nigierians don't smell as great yet.

Well here are some pics...they are from yesturday morning...oh, some don't look as great as before I went to the beach for the weekend I haddn't watter'd them and didn't get a chance till almost 4 days later...and its been hot so some got a little ugly jeje but are recuperate'n.




Active member
those where from a friends house on new years eve, most of them are Jamaican, and others are my cusin cross x Jack herrer and Jamaican x Jack herrers. Plants are out door since birth. They too are about 3 months and a few days.

Feliz Reyes magos !!! jeje happy 3 kings to those who celebrate the 6th insteado of the 25th.

These are mine...



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hola Chaman, Happy New Year! :wave:

I'm guessing those last few shots are the Destroyer X Panama? :D

so now I might even have some 6 way sativas (Congo, Nigierian, Pamana, Thai, Mex, Colombian) jejeje kicks ass !!

I'll say! Your very own Haze! :biglaugh:

Be well, HL


Active member
Hey ! thanks and same.
The Congo X Nigierian still alive pics for some reason I didn't close up on them, and the rest of those have been cut out and are dry'n as we speak I hope jeje.

The rest of them in these pics are Jam (indicas) or Destroyer x Panamas...the Destroyer x Panams have dif phenos since these are like f3's or f2's...not 100% sure but you can see the Mex style thinner longer buds in my opinion, the Colombian style some look red while others gold and the Thai styles too taht are more aired out and last bu not least the panamas...but the panamas are very similar to the colombians....

thanks for take'n some time to post,



Active member
jeje you'd prob talk like you've never talk'd before bro ! jejeje the kinda that keeps you to your self is indica...sativas make you want to express your self.

Friend once told me..."have you ever take'n a real good look at what the assholes on line grow?" then he said..."Indicas" jejeeje makes me laugh too cuase hes the coolest on earth, but has a certian way to him that others if not more sensible could think he's an asshole in someways and he's a true indica man. I personaly think the dude is awesome, and am greatfull for his friend ship...but have seen that sativas can bring out alot in a smile ;) and a good laugh.

Well we lived the earthquake, 6.2 just at our feet too...and about 2000 after shocks mostly in the ranges of 4.0+/-'s jejeje fun times, you get too see what some people are realy made of...and who they beleave in.

I just hope the Volcaneo doens't go to shit jejejeje clouds of ash could slow my harvest damnit ! jejeje Volcan Poas is one of the largest crators on earth too... epicenter was right at her skirts...and there was one 2 days before that 5.2 or something...same place. jeje and to freak us out even more the strongest to the moment has been 154 yrs ago....in the same damn place. You'd ask your self why people live there !!! ejeje but they do.
