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Well-known member
Putting shit in a box, poorly

The white float box is always watching the water level. As long as there is some, it will allow the circulation and air pump to run. One circulation pump is particularly interested in the pH & EC probes getting a good supply. If the F&D elsewhere takes the water, these pumps stop.

A timer out of shot controls the process here. It brings on feed stirrer pumps. It also allows the float signal to choose between fill the tank, or dose the tank. This timer is set to run the maintenance process, between the F&D timers cycles. Or a couple of them, each day. So, the timer will tell the float box to choose between fill or dose. Generally, it will power the fill solenoid until full, then flick over the power to dosing. This sends power to the dosing pumps, but only if the computer on the wall says either need to run. One dosing pump is seen here. It's a stepper motor, meaning it needs the black driver box, and the speed signal from the screen stuck to it. This is mega accurate, for the pH acid. The feed doser is just a 12vdc pump, that does 1.9ml per minute. I'm looking at a couple of minutes to fill, and 20 to dose. Nice and slow, so I don't over-shoot. All this time them feed stirring pumps are running, and one in the tank that lifts the water from the bottom, up to the pH & EC probes.

Load of shit in a box. I told you.

moose eater

Well-known member
Gsd's are often not excessively cuddly. They'll typically come by for a nuzzle or a cuddle, then assume their position at the nearest entry point, on duty and on guard.

This one is sometimes a bit different. Don't know if it's her sense that I'm in the downswing where longevity is concerned, or just our closeness as master and best furry friend, but this was my female, just over a year old, on our bed last night, in sleepy mode, snuggled up to my legs. I was hesitant to get up when I considered I might need to. Didn't want to disturb this moment, so my wife took the pic.


She's a nutbar, but a keeper, for sure. My wife's promised to be good to her and keep her when I go. She knows this dog's value to me and us. Same for our older 3-year-old+ female Gsd.

Edit: Yes, she typically sleeps immediately in front of the bedroom door at the nearest likely entry point, on duty.
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moose eater

Well-known member
And when people make (often religious based) claims that humans are the only beings with serious brain power or souls, I consider all of the times I've seen both domesticated and wild critters doing remarkably thoughtful or soulful things.

A former partner on the Tanana River, many years ago, raised Dobermans. Proud and distinctive protection dogs. Loyal and attached as can be.

moose eater

Well-known member
We received about 5.5 inches of warmer end snow, then the rain started falling at about +25 f., much heavier than the classic 'frizzle'.

And it's rained all fucking day now.

Driveway's turning gray from the heavily saturated snow that's now mostly slushy semi-liquid. Snowblower won't deal with this shit, but fortunately in the 'warmth' the snow is easily removed from the vehicles and in between the vehicles before it turns to coarse ice sculptures.

Have to use snow scoops to pull the wet deep slush away from the vehicles so they're not frozen into place tomorrow or whenever it freezes hard again.

Power and therefore internet have been on and off all day. I think the power's now gone out about 4 times, likely from heavy trees that caught snow when it was cold enough to set up, then saturated with water at 8-lbs./gallon.

Still have the boiler and HRV unplugged (despite in-wall surge protectors and a whole-house surge protector in the electrical panel) Better safe than financially impaired...

And now that I've eaten my Scottish meat pies, plural, oops, I'm back out to snow-scoops-ville, squeegee city, and snow broom town.... man...

Nature will ultimately win in the end, but we'll go down swinging.
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moose eater

Well-known member
The driveway's loaded with snotty slush from the ~8 inches of snow we'd received, with rain on top, and above-freezing weather.

I have an older track-drive Honda snowblower in decent, well-maintained condition and typically good functional ability, but it won't handle this snotty stuff worth a shit.

So, I phoned a guy to come out today or tomorrow morning to plow at a reasonable rate. I knew he was driving a crew-cab Dodge truck with an 8-ft. plow on it. But when I last spoke with him this evening, he stated he wouldn't be able to make it tonight but would be here early in the AM tomorrow morning.

Thus it was when my wife and I were outside this evening uncovering the vehicles for the umpteenth time so the ice wouldn't freeze into place, and make life more miserable than necessary, when a Dodge crew-cab with a plow on it backed into my fairly long driveway, put his window down, and I assumed it was the guy who'd just told me he wouldn't be here 'til morning. I figured he'd changed his mind and wanted to get it knocked out.....

So, I motioned with my hands to continue backing up to the camper van, realizing he was going to push out toward the road, and I wanted him to take a bigger bite without having to back-blade immediately.

That's when I walked up to the truck, still keeping my safe distance as I wasn't masked or shaved and began telling him the parameters of the job.

He replied, "You'll get what you get." To which I thought, that's some unusual customer service attitude, especially at the rates these guys often charge (though the guy I'd called was relatively reasonable).

I addressed him by the name of the fellow who was supposed to be coming tomorrow morning, and he made a face at me. A sarcastic face!!

Wasn't that guy at all... It was my better boiler guy, who'd lost so much weight I literally didn't recognize him and had never seen him in this particular truck, who happened to be in the 'hood, said he saw my sizable driveway looked as fucked up as most, and thought he'd lend a hand.

He did 2 or 3 long runs out to the road, properly packed what he'd pushed into the berm on the opposite side, backed up, said that'd get us out of the driveway, then departed, honking his horn in a farewell as he descended my hill.

Now tomorrow morning will cost a bit less!! Too cool!!

Same boiler guy 'forgot' to send me an invoice 3 or 4 years ago, even after I told him about it. He was too proud to admit he'd given me a $350 freebie/gift that year, but I realized it after the second reminder call failed to produce a bill.

THIS is old-school Alaska behavior, through and through.

I've given him potatoes, carrots, and beer in the past for a job well done on a state-of-the-art boiler, but never offered him a doobie, as I wasn't sure. That might change this next visit in the very near future.

Now I'm back out to slush-ville.

moose eater

Well-known member
>>>""There is a little coffee shop, where two people arrive and approached the counter.
“Five coffees please. Two for us and three hanging.”
They paid, they took their two coffees and left.
I asked the waiter. "What’s this about hanging coffees?"
“Wait and you'll see."
Some more people came in.
Two girls asked for a coffee each, they paid & left.
The following order was for seven coffees and it was made by three women - ‘three for them and four hanging coffees.’
I was left wondering...what is the meaning of the hanging coffees, they leave.
Then, a man dressed in worn clothes, who looks like he might be homeless, arrives at the counter and asks sincerely...
“Do you have a coffee hanging?"
“Yes we do, sir.”
They serve him a coffee.... I got my answer.
People pay in advance for a coffee that will be served to whoever can't afford a hot drink.
This tradition started in Naples.
Amazingly, it has spread throughout the world’s cities and towns.
It’s also possible to order not only "hanging coffees" but also a sandwich or a full low cost meal.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all start doing this in the cities and towns where we live?
Small kindnesses like this can impact so many lives, in ways we could never imagine.
Maybe we should all try it....
Credit goes to the respective owner.""<<<


How cool and kind is that?


Well-known member
i often go to a small drive-through spot, which is a BITCH to get into if traffic is bad, and it's ALWAYS bad. if someone lets me in, then pulls in as well, i'll buy their food/drinks since i get to the pay window first. it has never been much, a large tea and fries, maybe a cheeseburger. not sure if i'd do that if it was a bus or something... :oops::D but, i've been treated a time or two as well, so it seems to be catching on. like i have always told my sons, "it doesn't cost you anything to be nice to people..."

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
>>>""There is a little coffee shop, where two people arrive and approached the counter.
“Five coffees please. Two for us and three hanging.”
They paid, they took their two coffees and left.
I asked the waiter. "What’s this about hanging coffees?"
“Wait and you'll see."
Some more people came in.
Two girls asked for a coffee each, they paid & left.
The following order was for seven coffees and it was made by three women - ‘three for them and four hanging coffees.’
I was left wondering...what is the meaning of the hanging coffees, they leave.
Then, a man dressed in worn clothes, who looks like he might be homeless, arrives at the counter and asks sincerely...
“Do you have a coffee hanging?"
“Yes we do, sir.”
They serve him a coffee.... I got my answer.
People pay in advance for a coffee that will be served to whoever can't afford a hot drink.
This tradition started in Naples.
Amazingly, it has spread throughout the world’s cities and towns.
It’s also possible to order not only "hanging coffees" but also a sandwich or a full low cost meal.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all start doing this in the cities and towns where we live?
Small kindnesses like this can impact so many lives, in ways we could never imagine.
Maybe we should all try it....
Credit goes to the respective owner.""<<<

View attachment 19088455

How cool and kind is that?

It's pretty cool if you can do it... either way.

I believe that a kind heart doesn't wish anything but good towards even bad people.

I also believe most of us are trying... try not wishing harm on others... that is much more kind than being wealthy enough to choose to feed others.


Well-known member

That's a burmese python in the Everglades. The snake is about to ingest a 77 lb. white tail deer. (They don't get very big way down south, but the snakes do.) Note the 'corkscrew' shape of the snake's tail wrapped around the deer legs. The snake used that as leverage to push the deer into its mouth.
