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Well-known member
sweeeet! natures ssri's. never heard of peu-r will have to check em out ya i do small batch just for the head or me and my friends to munch on. have you ever extracted them? buddy got a soxhlet extractor super neat piece of equipment to extract lipids fats n oils from plants and fungi check out if havent
View attachment 19054444
i'll be damned! i've got that very glassware set-up wrapped in foam in my basement. i broke the flask in a minor incident over thirty years ago, resulting in oil going all over my stove top. but we saved it all by soaking everything up with rolling papers and letting the alcohol evaporate out..."soxhlet" who knew ? certainly not i. thanks! :tiphat:


Well-known member

John Allen


PF Classic

And there might've been a couple more in there over time

Ban Hua Thanon

Beyond that, it's just gray shadows these days.

John Allen and Cambodian were repeats, done more than once. I don't ever hear much a
I've heard quite a few good reports about Cambodians, not much on the J.Allen though, or the Ban Hua Thanon. I'm assuming the latter is a Thai Cubie, I ran a 1-2 batches of Koh Samui many years ago, remeber they were not bad effect-wise, and some got pretty damn big with a standard PF-Tek. How did the J.Allen strain compare to the rest? I don't hear much about those.


Well-known member
PF-Classic on straw n h-poo from a few yrs back :


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Well-known member
they were dry when i did the 7 grammer trip and were amazonian type which are my favs those are potent its where the penis envy came from if i remember correctly i love those penis envy them things strong ive yet to try the albino penis evny (a.p.e's) but will fire up a batch in afew months got a print recently im stoked
I've heard so many glowing reports on the PE that I'm seriously considering pulling the trigger on a mss of those little dickheads ... Just in time for the upcoming elections😋. I'm eager to compare them to what I've experienced in Cubie-Land thus far. A sporocarp in the print-shop reveals these are heavy spore depositors indeed.


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Well-known member
I've heard so many glowing reports on the PE that I'm seriously considering pulling the trigger on a mss of those little dickheads soon... Just in time for the upcoming elections😋. I'm eager to compare them to all I've experienced with Cubes thus far. I've a sporocarp of the current PEU-R in the print-shop as we speak, will update on progress in another 12-18 hrs ...

moose eater

Well-known member
I've heard quite a few good reports about Cambodians, not much on the J.Allen though, or the Ban Hua Thanon. I'm assuming the latter is a Thai Cubie, I ran a 1-2 batches of Koh Samui many years ago, remeber they were not bad effect-wise, and some got pretty damn big with a standard PF-Tek. How did the J.Allen strain compare to the rest? I don't hear much about those.
Check Ralphster's for a small write-up. Both the Ban Hua Thanon and the John Allen.

I've stayed with John Allen and Cambodian since those first ones. Though it's been years since I grew any. Still have a 1/4-oz. in the freezer, heavily sealed and very cold.

The John Allen is nicely potent, reasonably productive.

It was the variety that the somewhat famous John Allen, aka Mushroom John, IDed and was later named after him.
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moose eater

Well-known member
If it's acceptable I can link to Ralphster's.

Not sure he'd/they'd want it, or if the site would be cool with it.


(*I still have a coupon for a free spore syringe from Ralphster's from a questionable syringe years ago).

moose eater

Well-known member
If it's acceptable I can link to Ralphster's.

Not sure he'd/they'd want it, or if the site would be cool with it.


(*I still have a coupon for a free spore syringe from Ralphster's from a questionable syringe years ago).
Seeing no input or objections, here is the posted link I offered...

Specific strains of cubensis (lots of them) are listed alphabetically at the site above...

Very nice and credible/reputable people.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Our German shepherds will alert, though once going off on whatever was there, they act as though it's still there.

But the opening of a food package or the refrigerator door has them more alert than anything I've ever seen. I suspect they can hear the ripping open of a cellophane wrapper from 100 yards. No bullshit.

And the memories of bee/yellowjacket stings have sometimes had the older one, my eldest baby, frightened of entering the garden gate.

Meanwhile the puppy chases any moving insects, including dragon flies, and the other day, she caught something in her mouth while I was walking her, and she held her head such that I initially couldn't get a good view of whatever she had. But she still had it in her mouth; hadn't eaten it or swallowed it. Probably didn't even intentionally kill it, holding it gently with her lips. So, I looked around to the side of her face and she had a dragon fly sticking out from under her lips. Still intact, whole. I guess she'd simply intended to stop its movement (movement often bothers dogs, apparently due to naturally dilated pupils) and to give it a ride, but it ended badly. Like Lenny in 'Of Mice and Men' petting the bunnies, or the woman's hair. Ooops.

moose eater

Well-known member
A few years back, I decided that - personally - and imho - I am too old for real hallucinogens. I gave away my last gift of shrooms without even sampling them and I don't even use edibles. I know that I'm a wuss but weed and my homemade bubble are quite enough. :rolleyes:
Several years back, I had an experience like big315 describes above, but it was 3 days in a row in my old tall moose hunting stand out in the bush, watching miles and miles of open fields in the middle of nowhere in the North Foothills of the Alaska Range. And 3 trips in a row I had some seriously battering, brutal mental exercises involving addressing things that weren't all that comfortable.

Decades of serious hallucinogens and never once a bad trip with either hundreds of times with LSD, dozens or more times with 'shrooms, and some dabbling in both peyote and even extracted mescaline, and never a 'bad' trip.

And it's not that the 3 moose hunting days in reference were what many would necessarily define as a truly, stereotypical 'bad trip', but they were very serious and FAR less than humorous or enjoyable. Probably beneficial in numerous ways, but not recreational whatsoever.

That was the last time I did 'shrooms while regarding them loosely as a purely recreational vice. They're more than that for me now, just as peyote has been a sacrament for me since the early mid-1980s.

LSD is still a more fluid thing for me (no pun intended), both recreational and introspective in nature or experience, but it's intensity and duration still, more often than not, leaves me like I first dropped acid at age 13; best done alone in an isolated place when I can better control the stimuli.

Even my wife will look at me with that grin of shared anticipation and ask, "How is it??!!" And people seldom understand what a turn-off that can be at that moment.

By the time I was 15 or 16 I'd tripped enough times that I could hold a tab of blotter in my hand/palm and get the telltale tickle in the back of my throat.

Whereas there were times when I was 14 through 16 that I ate the stuff daily, literally, it comes far less frequently these days, with a lot more attention paid to schedules, demands, and expectations. Avoiding possible or perceived discomfort or awkwardness in any way whenever possible.
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ICMag Donor
Well, I did have a ‘bad’ trip one night way back in the early 70s and that was my 2nd to last acid drop. I went out in public alone just as I was starting to trip and things were really close to completely out of control. A friend knew that I was in trouble and got me home. That was the first and last time that I ever rode in a slot car – which should give you an idea about how high I was. A year or two after that I tried again - but in a very controlled environment – and all went well and we listened to side 3 of Voodoo Chile all night - but that was enough real brain frying for me. Shrooms were a lot more fun but I always had them in strange places, which made them even more fun, of course. I ate a handful in Vegas with my boss at a CES in 83 and Vegas never seemed so normal. And I had shroom tea on the beach in Negril in 1990 and went parasailing – which I highly recommend – but I wouldn’t do it again. Enough is enough. ;)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I've heard quite a few good reports about Cambodians, not much on the J.Allen though, or the Ban Hua Thanon. I'm assuming the latter is a Thai Cubie, I ran a 1-2 batches of Koh Samui many years ago, remeber they were not bad effect-wise, and some got pretty damn big with a standard PF-Tek. How did the J.Allen strain compare to the rest? I don't hear much about those.

Koh Samui are a personal favorite... apparently someone created a Koh Samui Super Strain so I took it upon myself to preserve the original lineage.

Australians are superb for hardy productive growth and are no slouch in the potency department.

Palenque had a very stimulating and spiritual effect, and yeilded very well.

I tend to clone instead of utilizing multispore solution. I wonder if it is worth the added effort.

I just can't bring myself to see a monotub flush unevenly.

moose eater

Well-known member
Well, I did have a ‘bad’ trip one night way back in the early 70s and that was my 2nd to last acid drop. I went out in public alone just as I was starting to trip and things were really close to completely out of control. A friend knew that I was in trouble and got me home. That was the first and last time that I ever rode in a slot car – which should give you an idea about how high I was. A year or two after that I tried again - but in a very controlled environment – and all went well and we listened to side 3 of Voodoo Chile all night - but that was enough real brain frying for me. Shrooms were a lot more fun but I always had them in strange places, which made them even more fun, of course. I ate a handful in Vegas with my boss at a CES in 83 and Vegas never seemed so normal. And I had shroom tea on the beach in Negril in 1990 and went parasailing – which I highly recommend – but I wouldn’t do it again. Enough is enough. ;)
As I became more rigid in my ability to experience hallucinogens in greater dosage, the saving grace of shrooms was the difference in time allotted or subjected to the high... and typically the difference in intensity.

A stout dose of serious fresh 4-way windowpane might consume 18 hours (or even more) of finding terra firma, whereas 'shrooms were a 4–8-hour issue as a rule.

I ate some decent blotter acid by myself around the time John Lennon was shot, and Jesse Colin Young and Leon Redbone (as separate gigs, but the same venue on the same night) were playing the concert hall at University of Alaska-Fairbanks, and I went by myself, tripping. Made sure I sat alone in my classic navy pea coat and wool tuque with my military canvas knee-high mukluks and put off a silent but apparently discernible vibe that said, "Please find someplace else to sit.. Thank you."

Seemed to work as I had the half-row all to myself.

I'd been a Jesse Colin Young fan for a LONG time then, going back to the homestead farm in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. But for part of his encore that night he did Lennon's Imagine, and the rawness of it, the timing to the events of Lennon being killed, and my acid influence, broke the levee.

Those types of moments weren't bad things, per se', or even necessarily negative feelings. But the rush of feelings that combined many losses into one moment in those types of experiences involved a reaction, internal and external, where, at least for the benefit of those even distantly near me, might've been better experienced at home in the safety of a bedroom or something.
