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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Interesting topics, will comment later on when not doing opiods. :) Had tooth extraction/bone graft. 🦷:confused:

But I can post this ;):



Well-known member
Koh Samui are a personal favorite... apparently someone created a Koh Samui Super Strain so I took it upon myself to preserve the original lineage.

Australians are superb for hardy productive growth and are no slouch in the potency department.

Palenque had a very stimulating and spiritual effect, and yeilded very well.

I tend to clone instead of utilizing multispore solution. I wonder if it is worth the added effort.

I just can't bring myself to see a monotub flush unevenly.
Interesting, I've only worked with multispores having tried a number of cub substrains over the years, more often than not doing a simple BRF PF using 1 or 1/2pt. jars. A mono-tub would more than keep me and a few close buds in shrooms on a regular, allowing for a little experimentation along powdering 6g-7g dry and the Lemon- Tek method, which definitely makes them come on faster more intensely. However, The most potent ones I've ever had to date, came off a small 1/4pt. cake, and quickly began turning Indigo Blue - Black, letting me know they hold Psilocin a Plenty within. They were the PF-Classic spore race from good ole' Psilocybe Fanaticus, that came along with that 10-12 page instruction manual, popular in the 90's. I've been printing my own caps off of these for a some generations by the time this small cake was inoculated along with 7- other ''normal-sized'' (1/2pt. cakes). Other than that, The only parameters which deviated from the norm was the fact that being Late in the Fall the temps were starting to cool down, dipping into the low 60's more often than not. Had the monotub sitting in a spare bathroom by a window, so they were also cooler than usual. All the other standard 1/2pt. cakes produced ''normal'' specimens with the typical blotches of blueing here and there, along a more ''tame'' potency which @ 6g dry would still cause one to be temporarily shizophrenic in that amusing kind of way, for a better part of the day. I've never seen such intense blueing happen with any other type of cube, and the only thing similar have been pics of Panaeolus Cyanescens, and the ''wavy cap'' (Psilocybe Cyanescens), both of which are known to be around 3-5X more potent then most Cubies. According to what I've been able to gather, that strong Indigo- black discoloration of the stipes is directly related to a High Psilocin content. I remember they were really small, and I probably had no more than 3.5-4gm. when I cleaned that little cake, (had I allowed them to dry, which I didn't) eating them nearly fresh. Needless to say, I'm interested in repeating this experiment under very similar conditions, to see if a small jar which results in super-fast colonization of the substrate possibly increased their psilocin content, along with those brisk Fall temperatures. Those little devils were Incredibly potent, and literally ''blew-away'' other (Potent-Nevertheless), 5-6g dry doses. The visuals were So Intense and came on So Hard, that I remember coming close to having what I could only describe as an - ''out of body'' experience, all the while surrounded by everything morphing and melting, all with associated ''auditory hallucinations''. Been looking for ''That batch'' ever since then...
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Well-known member
Check Ralphster's for a small write-up. Both the Ban Hua Thanon and the John Allen.

I've stayed with John Allen and Cambodian since those first ones. Though it's been years since I grew any. Still have a 1/4-oz. in the freezer, heavily sealed and very cold.

The John Allen is nicely potent, reasonably productive.

It was the variety that the somewhat famous John Allen, aka Mushroom John, IDed and was later named after him.
Hmm... Interesting
Check Ralphster's for a small write-up. Both the Ban Hua Thanon and the John Allen.

I've stayed with John Allen and Cambodian since those first ones. Though it's been years since I grew any. Still have a 1/4-oz. in the freezer, heavily sealed and very cold.

The John Allen is nicely potent, reasonably productive.

It was the variety that the somewhat famous John Allen, aka Mushroom John, IDed and was later named after him.
Okay thanks, Checked out Ralph's lineup and the John Allen, Ban Hua Thanon and Cambos do seem worth running with the Cambos being in the ''best seller'' category. Which would you say are the most potent of the 3, generally speaking? The J.Allens look relatively smaller, while the Cambos are said to get Big, with a nice potency to boot. In my experience, the smaller often convoluted mutants have been very nice, often showing a deeper more intense blueing reaction than the stately ''picture perfect'' med-large specimens in the same batch. Australians are interesting as well, and I don't usually see many people talking about Aussies, save for the Pan-Cyan species which originate there. Does ICMAG have its own section for shroom threads and discussions, I wonder. I couldn't find anything when I searched on here.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Interesting, I've only worked with multispores having tried a number of cub substrains over the years, usually doing a simple PF-Tek BRF 1pt. or 1/2pt. jars. A mono-tub would more than adequately keep me and a few close buds n shrooms quite well, allowing for a little experimentation like weighing out 6g dry powdering them, and using fresh lemon juice / Lemon- Tek method, which definitely makes them come on faster and noticeably more intensely. However, The most potent ones I've ever had to date, came off a small 1/4pt. cake, and quickly turned Indigo Black, indicating the oxidation of psilocin. They were the PF-Classic spore race from good ole' Psilocybe Fanaticus, that came along with the 10-12 page instruction manual, popular in the 90's. I've been printing my own caps off of these for a some generations by the time this small cake was inoculated along with 7- other ''normal-sized'' (1/2pt. cakes). Other than that, The only other different parameters, was the fact that it was in Late in the Fall, and the temps were starting to significantly cool down, dipping into the low 60's more often than not. Had the monotub sitting in a spare bathroom by a window, so they were cooler than usual. I've never had this intense blueing happen with any other type of cube, and the only thing similar (Intense- Black) bluing reaction in shrooms such as Panaeolus Cyanescens, and the ''Wavy Cap'' (Psilocybe Cyanescens), which are generally known to be quita a bit more potent then Cubies. According to what I've been able to gather, that strong / black discoloration of the stipes is directly related to a High Psilocin content. I remember they were really small, and I probably had no more than 3.5-4gm. when I cleaned that little cake, (had I allowed them to dry, which I didn't) eating them nearly fresh. Needless to say, I'm interested in repeating this experiment under very similar conditions, to see if a small jar which results in super-fast colonization of the substrate possibly increased their psilocin content, along with those brisk Fall temperatures. Those little devils were Incredibly potent, and literally ''blew-away'' other (Potent-Nevertheless), 5-6g dry doses. The visuals were So Intense and came on So Hard, that I remember coming close to having what I could only describe as an - ''out of body'' experience, all the while surrounded by everything morphing and melting, all with associated ''auditory hallucinations''. Been looking for ''That batch'' ever since then...

I typically do a multispore full pint jar pf style for cloning purposes, then biopsy the best cluster for isolation and further testing.

I also drop spores from samples and play away... and am about to start A B breeding now that I have a decent laminar flow hood.

The hobby is great but vast and the next gold rush in my opinion.

Best of luck psychonaut!

moose eater

Well-known member
Hmm... Interesting

Okay thanks, Checked out Ralph's lineup and the John Allen, Ban Hua Thanon and Cambos do seem worth running with the Cambos being in the ''best seller'' category. Which would you say are the most potent of the 3, generally speaking? The J.Allens look relatively smaller, while the Cambos are said to get Big, with a nice potency to boot. In my experience, the smaller often convoluted mutants have been very nice, often showing a deeper more intense blueing reaction than the stately ''picture perfect'' med-large specimens in the same batch. Australians are interesting as well, and I don't usually seem many people talking about Aussies, save for the Pan-Cyan species which originate there. Does ICMAG have its own section for shroom threads and discussions, I wonder. I couldn't find anything when I searched on here.
I typically harvested when they were still very small and almost never with an opened veil. More potent per gram that way.

Hard to say which is most potent, as that was subjective for me. They all worked very well.

I never let anything go out to others until I'd tested it myself, simply due to the potential for serious toxic molds to develop, sometimes out of view, which could potentially get sucked into the mycelium, and the possibility of eating such things without necessarily knowing it. Any visible pastel-colored molds present and the entire cake went to the trash, as well as anything it might've contaminated, or, more aptly, the woods out back.

I can't recall if it was the PF Classic or the Amazon, but it was my first throw, and they were barely ready but dried (I built a couple drying boxes with desiccant underneath hardware cloth in wooden frames, raised up off the desiccant area in the bottom) and a former business associate was leaving to go someplace out of the area, and wanted some, so I was in a rushed sampling situation; something I don't really care to do but needed to.

I weighed out either 1 or 1.5 grams on a gunpowder scale (15.8 grains/gram) and ate them.

My first son was riding his bicycle around the downed spruce logs/trees in the back yards, like a maze of sorts, and each time he passed the raspberry arbor he'd pluck ONE, and -only- ONE raspberry, like watching a live version Monopoly or something. The raspberries and other red berries at tree line were dancing a bit, the ground and other objects were doing some breathing and a bit wavy, and some place in there my daughter needed a time-out, and I told her to take one, but I was so jovial, grinning and giggling, that it created uncertainty and a conundrum for her; "Are you serious or not?!"

The front doorknob had been malfunctioning a bit, so I disassembled it, and was nose down, on all fours in the entryway when my wife got home from town, and she immediately knew I was somewhere else. The knob was properly repaired, but what an adventure. "What's up?"... "Not much, you?" grinning the whole time.

Other than the 3 days in the moose hunting tree, I had no complaints about any of the spores I received or the produce they created, but that first batch of my own was probably the most jovial and pleasant 'shroom experience I had, and unfortunately involved neither J. Allen or Cambodian.

If I had to guess based on distant memory, I'd say the Cambodians were slightly more potent and produced well. The John Allen was more subtle in re. to any angst but also potent.

The 1/4-oz frozen and sealed in the freezer for a long while now, I'm pretty sure (without looking) are John Allen.

I moved on from the manual misting set-up I'd had and built a nearly automated set of (2) 10-gallon aquariums, with a cold-air mister from a suitable vaporizer using PVC fittings with large rubber bands like you find on broccoli in the store, to wrap around the base of the fittings and fixed in place with silicone. The mist is distributed by plastic defroster ducting from the auto parts store to a plexiglass lid inside a welded aluminum angle frame, with an inlet hole that also accepts similar PVC fittings, and an exhaust port covered passively with a sandwich baggy in the opposing corner for exhaust. The 'mister' is on a digital timer, and the aquariums still require being suctioned with a battery acid suction bulb.

moose eater

Well-known member
Hmm... Interesting

Okay thanks, Checked out Ralph's lineup and the John Allen, Ban Hua Thanon and Cambos do seem worth running with the Cambos being in the ''best seller'' category. Which would you say are the most potent of the 3, generally speaking? The J.Allens look relatively smaller, while the Cambos are said to get Big, with a nice potency to boot. In my experience, the smaller often convoluted mutants have been very nice, often showing a deeper more intense blueing reaction than the stately ''picture perfect'' med-large specimens in the same batch. Australians are interesting as well, and I don't usually see many people talking about Aussies, save for the Pan-Cyan species which originate there. Does ICMAG have its own section for shroom threads and discussions, I wonder. I couldn't find anything when I searched on here.
History and write-up on Ban Hua Thanon

Unfortunately, when I tried to find a good write-up on the John Allen strain, his name is so commonly affiliated with mushroom research and books, that those links are all that immediately appear, even though I reworded my search a couple times to try and make it clear that I was referring to the 'shrooms named after him, not he, specifically, as a person. The downfall of Google where fame is concerned.

This was the only pertinent link re. the Cambodian strain on the first page of search results. None of mine ever approached the sizes they're showing, but I'd have never let them get that large or open up like that, even if they'd had the potential.

Maybe I should've turned to the second page of links before I settled on the link above?

And this, for the John Allen strain.



Well-known member
Check Ralphster's for a small write-up. Both the Ban Hua Thanon and the John Allen.

I've stayed with John Allen and Cambodian since those first ones. Though it's been years since I grew any. Still have a 1/4-oz. in the freezer, heavily sealed and very cold.

The John Allen is nicely potent, reasonably productive.

It was the variety that the somewhat famous John Allen, aka Mushroom John, IDed and was later named after him.
Definitely interesting, all 3 of them, with the Cambos being on the Best Seller list. I've been reading good reviews on potency as well as their relative size as well... If you had to cho
I typically do a multispore full pint jar pf style for cloning purposes, then biopsy the best cluster for isolation and further testing.

I also drop spores from samples and play away... and am about to start A B breeding now that I have a decent laminar flow hood.

The hobby is great but vast and the next gold rush in my opinion.

Best of luck psychonaut!
I agree, the canna-shop not far away from me started selling various ms strains of cubies this year. I went there recently just to poke around, and couldn't resist asking if they carry prints, (for reaction purposes, mainly). The sales girl put her hands up as if seeing a rapidly-approaching battalion of Gestapo and said- "Oh - No, no...no. They're selling 5-6 varieties @ 30.00/ syringe. I wonder how many (any?) of those sales- people realize you can't load a syringe with spores, without taking a print in the first place 😆. And how is it that ''established'' businesses are allowed to circumnavigate legalities by (Obviously having to produce prints) in order to proceed to the loaded syringes at a 300% mark-up.


Well-known member
History and write-up on Ban Hua Thanon

Unfortunately, when I tried to find a good write-up on the John Allen strain, his name is so commonly affiliated with mushroom research and books, that those links are all that immediately appear, even though I reworded my search a couple times to try and make it clear that I was referring to the 'shrooms named after him, not he, specifically, as a person. The downfall of Google where fame is concerned.

This was the only pertinent link re. the Cambodian strain on the first page of search results. None of mine ever approached the sizes they're showing, but I'd have never let them get that large or open up like that, even if they'd had the potential.

Maybe I should've turned to the second page of links before I settled on the link above?

And this, for the John Allen strain.

Thanks Moose, I've been on mycotopia for a short while, but IDK what's up there, no one ever responds to comments, and there seems to be a generalized stagnation present there, instead of interactive threads and discussions. I'll take some time to check out the links you posted👍 which look full of just the kind of info I've been looking for.

moose eater

Well-known member
Definitely interesting, all 3 of them, with the Cambos being on the Best Seller list. I've been reading good reviews on potency as well as their relative size as well... If you had to cho
I assume you were asking "If I had to choose..."

I'd stick with both the John Allen and the Cambodian, as I am very much a creature of habit.

The Ban Hua Thanon were likely one of the syringes that I had that was bad (contaminated) and for which I received a free syringe coupon.

I send cash wrapped inside printer paper in a business envelope, and they've always been responsible and expedient for me. And when there's a problem, or they simply want to show appreciation to someone who's done previous business with them for a while, they're pretty generous with throwing in a free spore syringe coupon.

Edit: Any direct conversation with them regarding cultivation is a quick way to guarantee a non-reply.
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Well-known member
Clonal liquid culture is worth that price.

Capitalism has its caveats.
Very True, knowing me though I'd sooner figure out how to do it all myself, before paying those prohibitive retail prices, especially since a single monotub with ms produces more than is needed these days. I am interested in substrate / alkaloid content, and relative info, as the relatively few ''weak'' experiences were nothing to write home about, and while I know that variation is common (expected) I want to zero-in on something better than a crap-shoot. While I do my research on Pan Cyans, and just obtain those spores for some testing - sessions. I don't want to completely write-off cubies, but if I'm going to keep a few around, I want to have the ones (generally regarded) as '' above average'' for Cubes. I feel I've found the PF-Classic to be a good representation of this template, in my own experience.
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Well-known member
I got burnt out with wood lovers. Too much work if you aren't headed for an outdoor bed imo.

PE are certainly enough to ring my bell, but I am past the stage of finding my limitations.

Potency is not the only concern for me anymore.

No shade on your path, however.
None taken bro, I can imagine it, as after routinely doing a 1/4oz. dry on a bi-monthly basis for years, I could see how it can happen. Haven't tripped in about 2- yrs, so I'm hoping my upcoming dose of PEU-R's will ring that same bell as well 🤯. The entire reason I became a fan in the first place (Late 90's) was that I've been trying to soothe some pesky cptsd related issues, and psychedelic shamanism has Always been more appealing to me than pharma-d. Apropos wood-lovers, how would you compare the (overall) experience between Psilocybe Cyanescens and Psilocybe Azurescens? I've heard that the latter are generally ''too potent'' for most, even causing some physiological issues like muscle weakness and such. So maybe potency is not the best word to use here, rather I'd like to experience more of what I had that one time, when the stipes of those little PF-C's turned - Black within about 2 days after pickinng. Every time I checked on them , they got Blacker, so wasting no further time, I just ate them all, still fresh. Liken it to being fired out of the muzzle of an Atomic Cannon... really, like a DMT trip you commonly hear about these days. This was around 12 years ago, and I've been looking to swim in similar waters ever since, obviously becoming mildly disappointed when 15 runs later, none have even come close. I really think It must have had something to do with the mycelium colonizing that little 1/4pt. cake in record time, thereby somehow producing Much Higher Psilocin content in just that One Cake. All the other 1/2pt cakes were Good, but not even in the same species, it seemed. Those shrooms were also some of the smallest (for a first flush) that I've seen up to that point, or since. Temperatures were also lower than average, so I'm thinking this combination had to affect those wonderfully atypical Cubies somehow. Other than those 2- factors, everything was the same as with all the other cakes, yet those small ones were at Least 3X stronger.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
None taken bro, I can imagine it, as after routinely doing a 1/4oz. dry on a bi-monthly basis for years, I could see how it can happen. Haven't tripped in about 2- yrs, so I'm hoping my upcoming dose of PEU-R's will ring that same bell as well 🤯. The entire reason I became a fan in the first place (Late 90's) was that I've been trying to soothe some pesky cptsd related issues, and psychedelic shamanism has Always been more appealing to me than pharma-d. Apropos wood-lovers, how would you compare the (overall) experience between Psilocybe Cyanescens and Psilocybe Azurescens? I've heard that the latter are generally ''too potent'' for most, even causing some physiological issues like muscle weakness and such. So maybe potency is not the best word to use here, rather I'd like to experience more of what I had that one time, when the stipes of those little PF-C's turned - Black within about 2 days after pickinng. Every time I checked on them , they got Blacker, so wasting no time, I just ate them all. Like being fired out of the muzzle of an Atomic Cannon... It was around 12 years ago, and I've been looking to swim in those waters ever since, obviously being mildly disapointed when none (before or since) have even come close. I really think It must have had something to do with the mycelium colonizing that little 1/4pt. cake in record speeds, somehow producing Much Higher Psilocin content in Only that One Cake. The shrooms were also some of the smallest (for a first flush) I've seen up to that point, or since then.

I've never had the pleasure of lib caps.

Cyanescens just wasn't worth the work.

I had/have a habit of doing multiple hallucinogens simultaneously so I doubt that I am the best researcher.

I just got back from a Phish festival and did explicit research on one experiment.

Maybe I'll be doing topically pertinent research the next time around... but then again I would have to grow lib caps and Cyanescens.... that seems like a colonoscopy instead of packing for a vacation lmao


Well-known member
I've never had the pleasure of lib caps.

Cyanescens just wasn't worth the work.

I had/have a habit of doing multiple hallucinogens simultaneously so I doubt that I am the best researcher.

I just got back from a Phish festival and did explicit research on one experiment.

Maybe I'll be doing topically pertinent research the next time around... but then again I would have to grow lib caps and Cyanescens.... that seems like a colonoscopy instead of packing for a vacation lmao
Hmm.. Interesting. I didn;t know it was possible to do Liberty Caps indoors, then again if P.Azurescens and P. Cyanescense can be done @ home then why not L. Caps, right. I'm seriously considering Pans, as I don't think I will have much trouble with them, aside from the fact I know they Do Like their Warmer Temps, and I want to let whichever variety I'm working with colonize / flush naturally in their environment, without the need of creating special incubators / temp / humidity controls, etc. For this reason alone, I'll probably postpone the Pans until next Summer before giving 'em a shot🎯

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
There was a sclerotia forming Mexican strain whose fruitbodies looked like Paneolous.

I recall ingesting a smoothie blended from colonized rye grain.

Deja vu and Wallace and Grommit... one of my hardest trips 25 years ago.


Well-known member
There was a sclerotia forming Mexican strain whose fruitbodies looked like Paneolous.

I recall ingesting a smoothie blended from colonized rye grain.

Deja vu and Wallace and Grommit... one of my hardest trips 25 years ago.
I vaguely recall reading something about this sclerotia -producing shroom, years ago but can't remember the exact details on it. P. Mexicana is the only one that comes to mind, I'm sure there are others as well though. Have you noticed any positive changes in caps grown on say, millet? I've read that rye and oats also result in higher than average alkaloid content.
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