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Tom Hill Haze


starin' at the world through my rearview
This reply just show how out of it you are. That’s one stupid argument

You’re just a dutch fan boy. Rafa Van der Vaart of icmag hah hah

Arjan has the whole western world and the more developed part of the rest of it to sell his shit to

He really doesn’t need to go to africa, india and so on to taint the heirlooms with his fem skunk1, widow, dutch haze hybrids

And you talk about him like he invented coffeeshops and the seed selling business. bullshit. all this was already going on before he jumped in. He’s just a coat tail rider, not a creator of anything

and cannabis didn't evolve in india, it was NE corner of Tibetan plateu. It was in E Europe millions of years before indian sativas started existing. Yes. Show us how ignorant you really are
Mongolia and south east Siberia...but Indian cannabis have the biggest impact on world.
Why do you smoke Dutch and US hybrids...your are life ignorant man.


starin' at the world through my rearview
this is untrue ,
yunnan in china is considered a place where cannabis was native to and originates from,
while there may be other places in asia , its ignorant to think it all came from India , if it even did and wasnt just taken there too from a place like yunnan ...
its always ironic to see folks telling others they dont know what they are on about ,
when they also dont know what they are on about ,, sad and crazy ...
No Yuannan its today Mongolia and South east Siberia Donald...you are sad and crayz Thai 3xpert.
What fungicides do you use still you dont tell us...


Well-known member
Uh man you dont have knowladge at all....Cannabis was always brought somwhere from India...over the years it will addapt to surrounding when it grow and will become landrace...even all of our western cannabis is higly breeded landraces from all over the world....
Its not that big or bad thing as you think.
There's an old saying; better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

You can be successful in business without being a horrible human being. Many people have done it, and will continue to do it. It doesn't require malicious intent.

Oh, and you know nothing about me, other than what I have typed here on this thread. Not too smart to make assumptions. But you seem pretty intent on showing your human qualities here.

One brief example; about two years ago, I was offered a position running a massive (1k+ light) operation in Colorado for one of the big MSO's (through a breeder friend who everyone here knows). The money and benefits were really good. I turned it down, even though it would have been better money than I usually make, because it goes against what I believe in. I love cannabis deeply, and I hate what is happening to the gene pool. I did not want to contribute to what I perceive as huge problem for the canna community. I do not worship money. Once you lose integrity, it's a slippery slope.

Anyhow, have a nice day. I'm not going to respond to you again. Reading your other responses, I'm not sure why you're even here in this thread? Just looking to argue and insult people?


Active member
Mongolia and south east Siberia...but Indian cannabis have the biggest impact on world.
Why do you smoke Dutch and US hybrids...your are life ignorant man.
Indian cannabis is average. i don’t even like it that much. To claim that most cannabis on the market is based on indian genetics is an idiotic claim.

Mongolia, siberia. Bullshit. you’re never done showing your ignorance

Cannabis split from hops when himalayan mountain range and tibetan plateu got created. it went from there to mongolia, siberia not the other way around. Cannabis was highland plant in the begging not lowland

European and US hybrids sure. let’s have some. but i also smoke and grow landraces, heirlooms and my own hybrids.

All you do is grow western hybrids. boring

You don’t even know what landraces are. You can’t call drug cultivars grown by humans for decades to 200 years true landraces because these are being fed and selected by humans. Sure they climatize but you can’t say they start to live only by the food they get from local soil because most of their food has been provided by humans. Another ignorant idea from you.

Do you have anything else about cannabis i have to explain to you? Send me a PM

Give it a rest. you’re not even interested in talking about pure Haze genetics and what created it


ACE Seeds Breeder
@dubi is it safe to assume that some oth x thai are potentially being looked at for future release?

We already did and released in 2009-2010 killer F1s between our still best Green and Purple Oldtimer's Haze mothers and Charlie's/CBG Meao Thai, called Green Haze Thai and Purple Haze Thai respectively. Those seeds were widely available in the subsequent years until about 2014 iirc. I have noticed that our OTH/Meao Thai genetics have been renamed and utilized by other "landrace" breeders, who claim they are their own sativa-landrace lines, disgusting.

I began producing F2s from these F1s in 2012, and the project continued in the following years using reasonably sized populations until reaching the F3 generation. Now, these Purple Haze Thai IBL lines are becoming more homozygous for the main and only PHT F1 phenotype: consistently dark purple-blue plants with red and pink colors at harvest time, exhibiting traits of dark wood, incense, berry liquor, violets, and a distinctly mentally accelerated clean introverted effect. Unfortunately, while the traits remain the same, they lack the vigor, yield, and potency of the F1 generation. Same for Green Haze Thai inbred lines, very close to the F1 phenotype, but losing peaks.

At F2s and F3s is much more fun effort to look for those really good outliers, that do not resemble main F1 phenotype (if it's a true F1, of course).

Best plants from Purple Haze Thai inbred lines resembled as much as possible the best selected females from the F1. The only freak found in the purples was a very low yielding, and late flowering F3 that smelled divine to rose petals.

In the inbred lines of the green version also found in F2 and F3 a couple of females that stood out for having super refined fruity floral terpenes, not found neither in parent plants or F1.

I am particularly looking forward to examining the offspring of these purple and green outliers when the time is right to continue the project.


Active member
Given that Original Haze is quite inbred, (Oldtimer's Haze even more) and works best in hybrids. Then, an Original Haze crossed with an excellent Thai can easily outperform in the first outcross compared to inbred OH, but I bet not so much if the Haze Thai hybrid is inbred without excellence.
Yes true, however I found it crosses better with Pakistanis. Thhz that is. I’m presuming it is the Thai that does it.
My very Thai dominant male thhz sprouted many nice offspring, but mostly with broadleaved females.
Crosses with Panama, Ethiopian, Colombian weren’t as nice as the aof cross.
I have a generation of seed to go through.
Or two.
The Ethiopian is one from you.
It has a lovely high. Super vigorous in the tropics!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Of course I know that ot1haze contains purple phenos, but (at least in theory) it is not related to Sam haze...
I hope I explained myself better....

I'm of different opinion, i strongly believe both OH and OTH are early divergers from same Colombian genetic family.

And Sam made me understand once when we met in person at a fair that Oldtmer's Haze is Haze, and it comes from him. I replied him that this very old Haze came from Oldtimer.

Oldtimer's Haze is prior to Haze in Holland, and yes, should be related to Haze family Sam's knows.
He obviously is the person who preserved the Haze for the future.

But there's no accurate info of Haze development from the landrace lines to the peak hybrid generations, and the real people involved in breeding and growing of the strain. I'm sure there was much more people involved than the 3 Haze brothers than from currently 'accepted' Haze origin history.

Regardless of what happened in the end with Phylos, it is unfortunate that after Sam collected samples from many of us around the world for the origin of cannabis genome project, he did not share any Original Haze genotype reports with us. I could kept them private, but shared my Oldtimer's Haze mother results to the public in the interest of understanding and science, for both myself and others.


Dread & Alive
I'm sure there was much more people involved than the 3 Haze brothers than from currently 'accepted' Haze origin history.
I would say that we don't have the same ideas about everything, but i think the same as you, at least on this, i don't know if them are related, but I'm sure it was something bigger and less simple than people think (personal opinion)... wish I had a time machine to go back to those times and understand how things went, but unfortunately it is not possible....
our OTH/Meao Thai genetics have been renamed and utilized by other "landrace" breeders, who claim they are their own sativa-landrace lines, disgusting.
Unfortunately it's a fairly common thing, since landraces/heirlooms have become "cool"...
I have a couple of packs of those ot1hz thai, (my favorite in your catalog) from 2013 I think, and I made f2 of them...


Well-known member
But opening a money making business and being successful does not obligate you to bring western hybrid fem seeds to every place in the world where they are still working with more traditional heirlooms and ruin those genetics. right?

What an asshole he is, meaning Arjan. When he does that all he’s thinking about is himself and his company getting publicity
A good friend from South Africa told me how they ruined the few pure Swazi genetics that were left...
So fuck You Arjan! Fuck You GH company!


Well-known member
Landrace literally means 'country-breed' (German: Landrasse)[14] and close cognates of it are found in various Germanic languages. The first known reference to the role of landraces as genetic resources was made in 1890 at an agriculture and forestry congress in Vienna, Austria. The term was first defined by Kurt von Rümker in 1908,[7] and more clearly described in 1909 by U. J. Mansholt, who wrote that landraces have more stable characteristics and better resistance to adverse conditions, but have lower production capacity than cultivars, and are apt to change genetically when moved to another environment.[7] H. Kiessling added in 1912 that a landrace is a mixture of phenotypic forms despite relative outward uniformity, and a great adaptability to its natural and human environment.[7]


Well-known member
Landrace literally means 'country-breed' (German: Landrasse)[14] and close cognates of it are found in various Germanic languages. The first known reference to the role of landraces as genetic resources was made in 1890 at an agriculture and forestry congress in Vienna, Austria. The term was first defined by Kurt von Rümker in 1908,[7] and more clearly described in 1909 by U. J. Mansholt, who wrote that landraces have more stable characteristics and better resistance to adverse conditions, but have lower production capacity than cultivars, and are apt to change genetically when moved to another environment.[7] H. Kiessling added in 1912 that a landrace is a mixture of phenotypic forms despite relative outward uniformity, and a great adaptability to its natural and human environment.[7]
RedRider has been saying this for years "apt to change genetically when moved to another environment"


Well-known member
I agree with your last paragraph. Oldtimer's Haze genetics display Colombian sativa traits, green and purple phenotypes, along with terpenes and effects that perfectly match the old Original Haze pictures and smoke reports. The ACE Oldtimer's Haze analyzed mother confirms that OTH is entirely Colombian. There are many good Colombian samples at Phylos, and in my opinion, the Colombian results at Phylos are quite accurate (unlike others).

I also believe that Oldtimer's Haze diverges from an earlier point, prior to Sam's Original Haze selections in Holland, as Oldtimer's version is wilder and has a longer flowering time, while Sam's Original Haze is more tamed, has a shorter flowering time, and works best indoors. Both share many Colombian sativa traits.

The THH samples I had the pleasure of smoking were indeed Thai dominant, indeed excellent Thai traits. From what I understand by reading Sam's texts here on ICMag, Original Haze was and is for him entirely Colombian; therefore, the later hybrids with Thai were considered Haze hybrids.

Given that Original Haze is quite inbred, (Oldtimer's Haze even more) and works best in hybrids. Then, an Original Haze crossed with an excellent Thai can easily outperform in the first outcross compared to inbred OH, but I bet not so much if the Haze Thai hybrid is inbred without excellence.

Ot1 line is old Colombian gold line not really related to Haze at all

Thai stick is was most want so go for Tom's Haze or Haze A phenos


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Regardless of what happened in the end with Phylos, it is unfortunate that after Sam collected samples from many of us around the world for the origin of cannabis genome project, he did not share any Original Haze genotype reports with us. I could kept them private, but shared my Oldtimer's Haze mother results to the public in the interest of understanding and science, for both myself and others.
Imnsho, Phylos was doomed from the start. As long as the people submitting their samples could choose what _name_ the sample was, how could anyone determine with certainty with a sample actually was?

To give an example, just like everybody else, when they first came out I thought it was a pretty great idea. Was thinking about submitting my IBL of NL to see if it was genetically different than standard Sensi NL, because of the intense light levels I've used for many decades now.

When I checked the Phylos Galaxy database, there were already three submitted versions of NL and _all_ of them were completely different in their genetic makeup?!?!?!?!

I can only imagine how many versions of Hz they had on there, not to mention TH's version??

When the people submitting their samples can "name their own strain", who you going to believe???


Active member
I dunno why skunk1 wasn't drilled down more to its constituents within Phylos. Columbian gold, Acapulco gold, Afghan? Not really much use when it says everything has skunk in it when skunk is a polyhybrid itself with sativa and indica constituents.
Porque la Skunk de hoy en día es una indica de 8 semanas cuando al principio era 75% sativa. A excepción de esto 👇


Well-known member
Because today's Skunk is an 8-week indica when it was originally 75% sativa. Except for this👇

i think you maybe miss the point i was trying to make, it doesnt really matter.

You show me whats in yours but i'll keep mine hidden is the vibe i get from Phylos which i understand as a commercial enterprise, it was just not how it was initially put forward when everyone sent in samples.

But to imply most vars have skunk in them is a bit misleading.

That is not to take anything away from the person who brought us so many excellent weed vars when none was previously available.

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Active member
i think you maybe miss the point i was trying to make, it doesnt really matter.

You show me whats in yours but i'll keep mine hidden is the vibe i get from Phylos which i understand as a commercial enterprise, it was just not how it was initially put forward when everyone sent in samples.

But to imply most vars are related to skunk is a bit misleading as it is a polyhybrid.

That is not to take anything away from the person who brought us so many excellent weed vars when none was previously available.


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