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Tom Hill Haze


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
p420 sibling at 69 days.. This pheno is older and not as far along in flower. She is growing but slowwww.. I have her in a corner out of the way.. That orange pole is a 6'er. She isn't getting a lot of light there but she takes up to much space to go anywhere else.


Active member
No. Just hunting for breeding stock.. This is the p420 mom used in the 78 Afghan projects @62 days. I got the leaf curl under control. I can go back to a normal feeding schedule
View attachment 18853769
View attachment 18853770

These are planned for release. Seeds are made I Still need to test both..
NHXOH) X Appalachian Super Skunk
78 Afghan x P420- in veg
That's to mush potassium usually if I remenber correctly. What's P420?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's to mush potassium usually if I remenber correctly. What's P420?
It's from being overfed in my case. I don't mix my feed differently for hazes. All get the same. The 2 most common causes are from overfeeding and overwatering.. I can tell which is the issue. After 10 days of RO there good to go.

p420 is the project#.. I can't keep typing all the genetics I used.. I can't even put it on the seed packs won't fit. This is the jist of P420
(N-haze x O-haze) x (THH x A5haze bx x Mac)


Active member
honest question here....
how do you test smoke 70 haze females? one a day for 70 days? then pick your winner clone after a short stay in the psych unit?
i feel like we need to assemble a sampling team. not even joking
Good questions, I will be hunting for the "keeper squad". Tom left the cheat code for what to look for. And he says its all there. "
Its all there guys, confirmed in breaking bud and sorting seed...the metal shop, the sour apple Thai, the purple the green the gold and brown, no excuses." TH
Hapi hunting


Well-known member
Smoke a whole bunch of them right after an initial cure. Eliminate any obvious fails. Then start smoking them from a sober baseline paying closer attention to the finer details. After enough sampling one should totally rip your head off. If not. Keep looking.

This is my strategy. I am using Tom's suggestions and my nose while backing up clones of the ones I'm working on. Taking a clone of each. Taking 2 or 3 of the ones I see and smell the most potential in. So I can run them again sooner and do some select chucks.


Active member
Hey how bout you clone them that make the first cut, then when they start to finish collect buds and dry or how ever, get a bunch of jars to put in the fridge and sample at your leisure. I imagine it will stay good even in a cool dark place. Just my 2 Pecos. Kinda like the young bull said to the old bull, hey let's run down the hill and nail us a few heifers, the old bull said why don't we walk down the hill and nail them all?

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