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Tiger's Den 3 - TRC Sweet 13 and PlanB Brain Warp


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Well, that and the 20 wpsf :D

But, it appears she's already responding to the heavier nutes. Went down this morning to check the temps (only got down to 52, so, as predicted, nothing that would cause a problem) and she's got new growth everywhere! And I mean like that pale green, just unfolded new growth. Everywhere, all over, even tips I thought were dormant from the reveg.

Of course, it could be from starting 12/12 and I'm just being overly excitable about the heavier nutes. But I don't think so :D

But, I got a heater in there (had to take the faceplate off and tweak some stuff so it wouldn't pull too much current), so we should be covered.

On today's agenda is installing the new 30a circuit and finishing bucket prep.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Circuit got installed, but since we got some snow today, I was the designated driver for everyone, so I'm not done with the buckets yet.

I've got all the step by step pics of the circuit installation, but after some consideration, I don't know that it is a good idea to post them. I'd hate for someone to get confidence beyond their ability and get hurt.

Whatta you guys think, post it up or not?


Active member
picture time

picture time

Post it up, no reason all of us have to suffer because a few don't respect electricity.

I'm looking to pick stuff up then have an Electrician run everything to code(50A)


Active member
hey NT :wave: ...very nic thread and a hell of a setup you have

i saw that you had trouble with your clones wilting when you put them in the bubbler
.....next time you might try soaking them in cool tap water for about twenty min. right after cutting and before you put them in the bubbler..should help


oh and congrat's on the new job


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Ok then, let's walk through the new circuit.

[size=+2]Disclaimer: DO NOT ATTEMPT if you are not 100% comfortable with basic electrical concepts. If you fry yourself like a mutant KFC chicken, don't come whining to me, because I'll just point at your skin grafts and laugh.[/size]

Ok, lets start off with the breaker box. First step is to remove the face plate by removing the mounting screws. You'll see in the picture below that I've already removed the screws. I've also highlighted the two blanks that show available breaker slots.

Here's the main disconnect in my house. Shutting this off kills power to the entire house, so shut down your comp before shutting it down. In most newer houses, it's two large breakers mounted horizontally at the top, either two 50A, one 100A, or two 100A, depending on if you're wired for 100A or 200A draw. Flip off just like any other breaker. In older houses, you may have a large box fuse with a handle at the top of the panel. Yank her out with that handle. If you don't have either, you'll need to have the power company come out and pull the meter.

Note: In this picture, you'll note that the main disconnect is still on. You'll turn yours off. Let me say that again, TURN IT OFF! I'm used to working in hot boxes. If you're looking at this as a reference, you are not, so turn the disconnect off, okay? Dammit, I said turn the damn thing OFF!

Once you've SHUT OFF THE MAIN DISCONNECT and removed the box cover, you'll see the inner workings of the breaker panel. Hopefully yours doesn't look this bad, but it can look a bit overwhelming. In the picture below I've pointed out the main points of interest.

Here's a closer look at the available breaker slots. Note that this is actually two slots, not just one. The latch point is what locks the breaker into place. It'll correspond with a hook or notch on the breaker itself. Your breaker and panel will look different, as each manufacturer puts their own little spin on it, but it should become obvious as you look at it. The copper on your breaker obviously matches up to the copper points.

Here's a closer look at the common (aka neutral) bus bar. As you can see, the main common line is attatched to a strip with screw contacts that the common wires from the circuits connect to.

Now that you're familiar with the setup of the box, we leave it alone for now. It's time to go set up our outlet. First thing we'll do is take our Romex (brand of sheathed wires), and cut away the sheathing to get to our wires.

For this circuit, I'm using 10 gauge wire, your wire will be a different gauge, depending on you amperage requirements. Smaller the number, the bigger (and more expensive) the wire gets. Bigger the wire, the more amps it can handle. Make sure your wire is rated for the amperage your planning on moving.

Notice the black wires and the white wires, just like in the breaker box. Seeing a pattern here? :D

Here's our outlet box. I chose PVC, but you can get metal ones as well. Either one will have punchouts for the wire to come through. Punch 'em out in the appropriate places.


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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Here's our box mounted in place.

Now we prep our wires. You'll notice I cut off the ground wire. I did this because this old house doesn't have a ground. In newer boxes, you'll see a gound bus bar, just like the common bus, except it'll have green and bare wires coming out of it instead of white.

If you've never wired an outlet from scratch before, don't worry - it comes with instructions :wink:



Hook your wires and run them through your punchouts before attaching them to the outlet. Seems silly thing to have to say, but I've seen pros get caught up in what they were doing and end up having to redo it :pointlaug

All your screw holes will line up pretty obviously, screw it all together, and you end up with a nice outlet all ready for some juice!

Now it's time to head back to the breaker box, where the other end of your Romex is waiting. You'll find punchouts all over the sides of the box. Pick one and punch it out. I just take the end of my channel locks, give it a good rap and it'll pop up. Strip enough sheathing so that your wires will reach where they need to go. Find a space in your common bus, and screw in your white common wire. You'll do the same thing with the ground wire, if you've got one.

Now, take a look at your breaker. You'll see a contact point, usually a screw. Hook it up! Notice the breaker is OFF.


Now, I'm not going to go into the steps I took to make sure I was safe while working in a hot box at this point, because I don't want to encourage it. Needless to say, no metal tools were used and I was very careful of where my hands went. Those two big black wires just below where I'm installing the breaker are carrying 240V that can carry 100A. Getting across that, folks, will ruin your whole year.

What you'll do in your nice safe disconnected box is set the hook into the latch point first. Then the breaker will easily rock forward into the power connection. You'll feel it lock into place. Look ma, a new breaker in the box!

Now we flip the breaker and the main disconnect on. Take your handy dandy multi-meter over to your outlet, and you should see that, yes, indeed, you've got power :woohoo:

Wait, we're not done yet!

Go back to your faceplate, and remove the appropriate blank.

Reattach your faceplate, sit back with a nice fat spliff (since you haven't had one for about 12 hours before this little project) and enjoy your handywork.

And yes, I did lose the lower right hand screw for the faceplate. :pointlaug


Hey Nite tiger, that is a hell of a nice diy breaker circuit instalation. wish i knew how to do that kind of stuff. very handy indeed.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
And now for an update.

With the new circuit, I'm able to get both heaters running, which allows me to dial it in perfectly :joint:

Don't worry about that humidity reading, that's just for the flower room. The veg room is nice and humid. :D

The clones seem to like the steam. 2 of them have perked up quite a bit. 3 others still have standing stems, so I'm still hopeful for them.

The SWT13 reveg was sleeping, but I had to get some shots of her for you guys. She's showing a very very slight nute burn at the tips of just a few leaves. I'm guessing that's in response to the heavier nutes. The majority of leaves are quite happy, so I'll just keep an eye on it to see if it's just an adjustment period, or if I need to address it.

4 days into 12/12, and she's already putting out new hairs. Tried to grab a picture of them for ya, but I couldn't get good focus with the lights off. So you'll have to settle for a pic of the results of the S&M the other day. Notice how she's spread out much better now.

The BW seedlings are doing GREAT. One mutant though.

And here's a little surprise for you guys -
Mississippi Mud seeds freshly popped, they'll go into some medium tomorrow :woohoo:

'Til next time :wave:
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Heya Bud, Gaius, glad ya liked it!

You guys posted while I was doing the update, didn't mean for it to look like I completely ignored you guys :D


Occasional User
Hey Nite Tiger ...guess you missed me checkin in on the last page...lol....just teasin....great job on the tutorial...should let Pontiac have a look and see if he needs the shots for the DIY thread....Personally, I ran 12/3 wire and added 2 breakers and then have a split 15 plug in my grow area. That way I have 2 circuits but only had to fish one wire through the walls....great pics bro...peace...BG


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
BonsaiGrower said:
Hey Nite Tiger ...guess you missed me checkin in on the last page...lol....just teasin....great job on the tutorial...should let Pontiac have a look and see if he needs the shots for the DIY thread....Personally, I ran 12/3 wire and added 2 breakers and then have a split 15 plug in my grow area. That way I have 2 circuits but only had to fish one wire through the walls....great pics bro...peace...BG

I did miss ya checkin' in bro, sorry about that!

I thought about doing something similar, but decided I wanted to be able to run both 1ks (or both heaters, which is what I've done) off of the same point.

I was actually thinking about running another, but then I'll just end up wanting to expand the room, and I just don't need to do that :biglaugh:


Occasional User
hey NT ...no worries Mate ...ah yes I feel ya when you say always wanting to expand the room....for me I can see myself eventually having a much larger veg room but I think I'm set for Flower space for my needs...can't imagine needing more..but it seems never enough veg space....as for the electrical I'm not sure if we're on the same page or not but you could use the same plug you have there with 2 breakers and 12/3 ...you just snip the metal in between the screws and seperate the top plug from the bottom....I'm sure you know that...just makin sure we're on the same page.

Peace Bro...couldn't sleep so I checked in on things.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yep. we're on the same page :D

I just misphrased it. I wanted to have a 30A circuit, so I considered 2 15s like you're talking about, but that would've used both of my last slots. So, I decided I'd do a 30, and leave me a space in case I wanted it later.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Thanks mrgrowmez!

Here's where we are now:

Had to remove the humidifer from the veg room, something went weird in it, and it was popping the 30A circuit :yoinks: I also fixed the light in the veg room - I had left one end too short for it to fully adjust :pointlaug That's fixed now, so we got rid of all those stacked up buckets you may have noticed holding the seedlings at the right height.

Seedlings and the clones don't seem to mind at all. One clone has put out a little root, with another one popping out root bumps. Out of the other four, 3 have perked up a bit, but it looks like one is a total loss. Stem still hasn't fallen, so they'll stay in there until I know they're dead.

The seedlings are popping out nice healthy leaves with nice tight nodes. Watered them yesterday with plain water, and it appears they're a bit hungrier than I thought, as they've got a very very faint yellowing starting. One good thing about the low humidity - I'll be able to water them again tomorrow :D

The Sweet13 Reveg has adjusted to the heavier nutes, as hoped. She's popping out hairs, branches, and leaves like it's going out of style :joint:

The Mississippi Mud went into soil night before last, and under the flouros. None have popped the surface yet.

On the day I put them into soil, my test beans of Green House seeds White Rhino Feminized arrived, per Gaius' recommendation earlier in the thread. Thanks for the heads up Gaius! They went into a bowl of water last night, and all had sunk by today. None have cracked yet. If you're interested in following the test grow, follow the link in my sig, although it'll still be updated here, just mixed in with all this other stuff :D

Gotta give much thanks to the wonderful IC community. I started this thread with no genes, and now I've got genes coming out of my ears :D

The only problem is that I may have to construct another flowering pod for these White Rhinos. The schedule for the main pod is, obviously, very full. If all goes as advertised, I'm going to have 10 additional females that I hadn't planned on, and about 8 other plants in the current flowering pod :yoinks:

kinda gonna blow the shit outta my self imposed limit, but I should have enough bud outta the next few months to last me years, literally :biglaugh:

Good thing this is a good show, I may stop for about 2 years after all this finishes up, just so I can get through all this bud :D


Til next time :wave:


hey that's cool that you got the white rhino, should be a rewarding grow for you. i think you have forgoten to post the link to the test grow. or is it in the test grow section of gh section?

i for one will be most interested to see what you get out of them WR? i noticed it looks like you got sent 9 seeds, funny number? lol.

the MM is another one i look frward to watching, great stuff NT.

peace :wave:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Nope, the link is there in my sig, just above the link to this thread :D As a matter of fact, I just noticed I screwed up the formatting in my sig when I added it LOL.

Yeah, I saw that empty bubble too, thought I only got 9. But then as I looked closer, I noticed the blister below the empty one has two seeds in it. Now that you're looking for it, you'll be able to see it in the picture :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Weren't expecting another update so soon, eh? :D

Well, I couldn't let ya go without pics, now could I?

Plus, we got a coupla MM sprouts overnight, and everyone loves baby pics.

So, here's the pics!

First, we'll start off with the Brain Warp seedlings (you didn't think I'd go straight to the MM did ya? I'm gonna make ya wait :D)

Here's a top view of the Sweet13 Reveg. As you can see, the bending and twisting didn't phase her a bit, she's already filled in the gaps.

A side shot to give you a better perspective.

An up close and personal view, she was definately ready to flower. Keep in mind, today is day nine of 12/12.

And finally, here's our Mississippi Mud babies :woohoo: Only two so far, but I'm confident the others are not far behind.

Two of the Swt13 clones are ready to move out of the cloner. One will go into soil as a mom, and the other will go into a DWC bucket for a few days, then off to join mom in the flower room :joint:

Yeah yeah, forgot to get pics of 'em :p

Remember, while all this new stuff is still in veg, and usually I only update every 3-5 days in veg, we also have Flowering going on, and I update a lot more often in flower. So keep checking back regularly, because now the Reveg is gettin' back into the swing, and the fun is starting!

Til next time :wave:

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