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The Weed Experience


Well-known member

here´s a little report on my [NorthernLights x Oldtimer´s Haze] cross.

I grew out the seeds of the most afghan/BLD looking female Northern Lights plant. Low height, dark green big fanleafs, chunky little buds. The smell was candy, black hash, icecone, raspberry. Common black marked good weed smell i remeber from about 10-20 yrs ago, before pungent smell hit the market here. Sadly nanners throwing in late flower. The smell and appearance lead me to try the seeds of this plant. The mentholy hashy vapor/taste was also a thing that made me want to try this one. Effect was only a bodybuzz with a total clear had that made you just f*cking lazy. Kind of how CBD-weed should be, kind of interesting but nothing to keep...
The females have been open pollinated by three Oldtimer´s Haze males, so i didn´t know what influence to expect from this side.
The vigor and growth was really good even despite my little usual neglect with my own produced seeds...

So lets get to the most interesting part, flowers and effect!


When the flowers start to bulk up, my interest is bulking up also rapidly. Most of the time, thats the point where i start to regret my slightly neglections in the run-up.


The first plant was harvested about day 75/80 because of heavy nanner throwing. But the development was already at a point where i could harvest without a guilty consience. The others followed about day 90+. Nanners in everyone but nothing too worrying. Not a single seed in the dryed flowers.


Three different smells came out in the finished product flower. Two specimen 1:1 like the NorthernLights mother but without any mentholy character, 2nd citrus/Lemon smell, 3rd bread/gravy/strangeness not nice. Not very loud/stinky/tasty. Not a hint of aroma from the Oldtimer´s Haze side is noticable.


So now the effect. The flowers are aged for 4 Months now. I started to test at 3 Months aging in the jars because of the OT-Haze in this cross.


It hits you immediately after blowing out the vapor. A pumping strong rush from second one. Your ears become ringing, you can feel the blood pushing through your carotid artery. It totaly lifts you up, like a spinning UFO with flackering lights is slowly beaming you up with some kind of strange traktor-ray. BUT with the furniture you are sitting on! Heavy headrush but glued to what ever you are sitting on.
Headphones, music you enjoy and euphoria hits you heavenly. It works a bit like an amplifier and that is also the downside. If you like some heavy arguing at midnight on a regular Wednesday with your wife, so thats your sh*t. My wife described it as devastating and shit. A buddy of mine had a similar experience with his girlfriend. I also noticed, i get easily annoyed if i´m on this one.
On the next day you have this typical NL cottonpacked head feeling. I have to confess, i like this a little, it keeps me calm and unstressed.
So if you dance with this exotic gypsy-lady, remeber she carries a knife and if your dont keep your thoughts together or your hands where they belong, b*tchy gets stitchy.


The lazy bodystone and the the hazy headrush where transformed in this cross. Sadly there is no magic in it. Kind of strong but absolutely nothing special for me. Some of my buddys love it but they usualy drink 5-15 beers while „chilling“ so their goal is to get hit hard.
Maybe it gets better about Month 5-6 in the jars but my conclusion is: I better grow some Northern Lights and some Oldtimers Haze and enjoy every one on its own. But the joy while growing, processing and vaping was real as always.



White Window
Interesting cross!

The :love: is for the effort you put in this and the description... Bodystone + Headrush isn't my kind of high anymore too.

I always got some NL from a coffeeshop before i started growing and liked it for the stone to watch movies. Today i didn't like it that much, i still have some X-Dog weed in the stash but didn't vape that very often but it got that hashy pine NL taste. :yummy: From what breeder is your NL btw?

cottonpacked head feeling. I have to confess, i like this a little, it keeps me calm and unstressed.
I know that too, remembers me to the old times with blackmarket weed. I think that's just coming from mostly indica weed.


Well-known member
Yes the Northern Lights was always a Standard buy in the Coffeeshops. I also liked the chilled out stone. There where another Pheno in the Northern Lights, more of a "skunky" Pheno i would say, with a more pleasant/slightly euphoric stone. Maybe the Offspring with that Phenotype bring better effects?! The Northern Lights is from Sensi Seeds by the Way, i wanted to go the most original Way 😁 But to be honest, i dont know what to think about the NL from Sensi. And no need to dive deeper in that for me.

The shelflife is also really shitty, 6 Month and the effects wear off... I have so much sativa Weed at the moment, i urgendly need some grounding stone Weed again 🤣


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

here´s a little report on my [NorthernLights x Oldtimer´s Haze] cross.

I grew out the seeds of the most afghan/BLD looking female Northern Lights plant. Low height, dark green big fanleafs, chunky little buds. The smell was candy, black hash, icecone, raspberry. Common black marked good weed smell i remeber from about 10-20 yrs ago, before pungent smell hit the market here. Sadly nanners throwing in late flower. The smell and appearance lead me to try the seeds of this plant. The mentholy hashy vapor/taste was also a thing that made me want to try this one. Effect was only a bodybuzz with a total clear had that made you just f*cking lazy. Kind of how CBD-weed should be, kind of interesting but nothing to keep...
The females have been open pollinated by three Oldtimer´s Haze males, so i didn´t know what influence to expect from this side.
The vigor and growth was really good even despite my little usual neglect with my own produced seeds...

So lets get to the most interesting part, flowers and effect!

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When the flowers start to bulk up, my interest is bulking up also rapidly. Most of the time, thats the point where i start to regret my slightly neglections in the run-up.

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The first plant was harvested about day 75/80 because of heavy nanner throwing. But the development was already at a point where i could harvest without a guilty consience. The others followed about day 90+. Nanners in everyone but nothing too worrying. Not a single seed in the dryed flowers.

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Three different smells came out in the finished product flower. Two specimen 1:1 like the NorthernLights mother but without any mentholy character, 2nd citrus/Lemon smell, 3rd bread/gravy/strangeness not nice. Not very loud/stinky/tasty. Not a hint of aroma from the Oldtimer´s Haze side is noticable.

View attachment 19047960

So now the effect. The flowers are aged for 4 Months now. I started to test at 3 Months aging in the jars because of the OT-Haze in this cross.

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It hits you immediately after blowing out the vapor. A pumping strong rush from second one. Your ears become ringing, you can feel the blood pushing through your carotid artery. It totaly lifts you up, like a spinning UFO with flackering lights is slowly beaming you up with some kind of strange traktor-ray. BUT with the furniture you are sitting on! Heavy headrush but glued to what ever you are sitting on.
Headphones, music you enjoy and euphoria hits you heavenly. It works a bit like an amplifier and that is also the downside. If you like some heavy arguing at midnight on a regular Wednesday with your wife, so thats your sh*t. My wife described it as devastating and shit. A buddy of mine had a similar experience with his girlfriend. I also noticed, i get easily annoyed if i´m on this one.
On the next day you have this typical NL cottonpacked head feeling. I have to confess, i like this a little, it keeps me calm and unstressed.
So if you dance with this exotic gypsy-lady, remeber she carries a knife and if your dont keep your thoughts together or your hands where they belong, b*tchy gets stitchy.

View attachment 19047962

The lazy bodystone and the the hazy headrush where transformed in this cross. Sadly there is no magic in it. Kind of strong but absolutely nothing special for me. Some of my buddys love it but they usualy drink 5-15 beers while „chilling“ so their goal is to get hit hard.
Maybe it gets better about Month 5-6 in the jars but my conclusion is: I better grow some Northern Lights and some Oldtimers Haze and enjoy every one on its own. But the joy while growing, processing and vaping was real as always.

Very descriptive - and exciting to read 📚 👏 -

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member

here´s a little report on my [NorthernLights x Oldtimer´s Haze] cross.

I grew out the seeds of the most afghan/BLD looking female Northern Lights plant. Low height, dark green big fanleafs, chunky little buds. The smell was candy, black hash, icecone, raspberry. Common black marked good weed smell i remeber from about 10-20 yrs ago, before pungent smell hit the market here. Sadly nanners throwing in late flower. The smell and appearance lead me to try the seeds of this plant. The mentholy hashy vapor/taste was also a thing that made me want to try this one. Effect was only a bodybuzz with a total clear had that made you just f*cking lazy. Kind of how CBD-weed should be, kind of interesting but nothing to keep...
The females have been open pollinated by three Oldtimer´s Haze males, so i didn´t know what influence to expect from this side.
The vigor and growth was really good even despite my little usual neglect with my own produced seeds...

So lets get to the most interesting part, flowers and effect!

View attachment 19047957

When the flowers start to bulk up, my interest is bulking up also rapidly. Most of the time, thats the point where i start to regret my slightly neglections in the run-up.

View attachment 19047958

The first plant was harvested about day 75/80 because of heavy nanner throwing. But the development was already at a point where i could harvest without a guilty consience. The others followed about day 90+. Nanners in everyone but nothing too worrying. Not a single seed in the dryed flowers.

View attachment 19047959

Three different smells came out in the finished product flower. Two specimen 1:1 like the NorthernLights mother but without any mentholy character, 2nd citrus/Lemon smell, 3rd bread/gravy/strangeness not nice. Not very loud/stinky/tasty. Not a hint of aroma from the Oldtimer´s Haze side is noticable.

View attachment 19047960

So now the effect. The flowers are aged for 4 Months now. I started to test at 3 Months aging in the jars because of the OT-Haze in this cross.

View attachment 19047961

It hits you immediately after blowing out the vapor. A pumping strong rush from second one. Your ears become ringing, you can feel the blood pushing through your carotid artery. It totaly lifts you up, like a spinning UFO with flackering lights is slowly beaming you up with some kind of strange traktor-ray. BUT with the furniture you are sitting on! Heavy headrush but glued to what ever you are sitting on.
Headphones, music you enjoy and euphoria hits you heavenly. It works a bit like an amplifier and that is also the downside. If you like some heavy arguing at midnight on a regular Wednesday with your wife, so thats your sh*t. My wife described it as devastating and shit. A buddy of mine had a similar experience with his girlfriend. I also noticed, i get easily annoyed if i´m on this one.
On the next day you have this typical NL cottonpacked head feeling. I have to confess, i like this a little, it keeps me calm and unstressed.
So if you dance with this exotic gypsy-lady, remeber she carries a knife and if your dont keep your thoughts together or your hands where they belong, b*tchy gets stitchy.

View attachment 19047962

The lazy bodystone and the the hazy headrush where transformed in this cross. Sadly there is no magic in it. Kind of strong but absolutely nothing special for me. Some of my buddys love it but they usualy drink 5-15 beers while „chilling“ so their goal is to get hit hard.
Maybe it gets better about Month 5-6 in the jars but my conclusion is: I better grow some Northern Lights and some Oldtimers Haze and enjoy every one on its own. But the joy while growing, processing and vaping was real as always.

Very interesting combination! I have a passion for NL and understand the passion people hold for Hz, after reading so many threads here on ICM.

I know Nevil thought the combo of NL and Hz was the best thing he ever did in cannabis and it looks like you're following in his footsteps! Got a soft spot in my heart for OT1 from my days on the BCGA site as well. :)

Nice work!


Well-known member
@CharlesU Farley

I followed some of your posts and your passion for NL is known to me 😁
I'm toying with the idea to pop some F2 of my NL, i would love to hear your thoughts on the pictures the plants give then. I'm not shure what to think about sensis NL line but its to a big part because of my lack of experience growing this Line.

Seems linke OT1 was a cool guy. The ESB line is something i always wanted to try but not so easy available for me here in europe.


Well-known member

sadly i had some real issues with RH since about June. The same problems appear always about January/February and in summer about July/August. This year it´s just extreme, such a long time...


About two Weeks ago i noticed a stagnation in flowerdevelopment. The colour of the stigmas kind of faded from pure blazing orange to some kind of grayish appearance... Also the scent faded significantly. No mold was visible and i was cheering about the vigour, strength and resistance the OT-Haze gave the KaliMist. But after some time it became more and more suspicious, so i checked:


Seems like just the died off stigmas molded. Impossible to spot with the eye. What a sh*t... 😭



This two went straight to the trash, what a bummer...

I bought a dehumidifier yesterday because i cant get that sh*it under control. A few hundred bucks again, oh man.

BUT i already have two nice sparkling sweet reaking jars of the cross in the cupboard and two nice looking specimens that seem to be not affected by mold.

I also started some KarmaGenetics Sour Diesel bx2. So lots of good stuff still alive and the show can go on.



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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member

sadly i had some real issues with RH since about June. The same problems appear always about January/February and in summer about July/August. This year it´s just extreme, such a long time...

View attachment 19053946

About two Weeks ago i noticed a stagnation in flowerdevelopment. The colour of the stigmas kind of faded from pure blazing orange to some kind of grayish appearance... Also the scent faded significantly. No mold was visible and i was cheering about the vigour, strength and resistance the OT-Haze gave the KaliMist. But after some time it became more and more suspicious, so i checked:

View attachment 19053948
Seems like just the died off stigmas molded. Impossible to spot with the eye. What a sh*t... 😭

View attachment 19053950

View attachment 19053951
This two went straight to the trash, what a bummer...

I bought a dehumidifier yesterday because i cant get that sh*it under control. A few hundred bugs again, oh man.

BUT i already have two nice sparkling sweet reaking jars of the cross in the cupboard and two nice looking specimens that seem to be not affected by mold.

I also started some KarmaGenetics Sour Diesel bx2. So lots of good stuff still alive and the show can go on.

View attachment 19053955
View attachment 19053956

Because of the environmental conditions with my tents in the basement, high humidity has been a major problem for me as well. Since the basement is 2,200 ft² of unheated space, trying to use anything other than an industrial size dehumidifier is like farting in the wind. :)

I've been working to provide an alternate physical structure for the cannabis I'm developing, where I have smaller size buds but more of them, in attempt to minimize the botrytis and PM that come with high humidity and high temp conditions with the large buds that NL produces.

In the meantime, this is the best way I've found to treat / prevent PM and botrytis, in the type of environment you're working in now:

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Well-known member
My room is also in the basement. Ironicaly also the only room without a radiator installed. Not the best environment for a growroom. I hope the dehumidifier will work...
Thanks for the tip with your spraysolution! But at this stage of flowering i had to throw them away.
I may be from Europe but i dont consume moldy sh*t 🤣


Well-known member
I just checked the climate. From 83% 22 C to 35% 26 C in six hours. That thing sucked 3 Liter water out of the air and raised the temperature as sideffect, yesss 😁
Good mood again, kids are in the bed, my wife has something to watch @tv, so time to hit the vape for me 😶‍🌫️



Well-known member

The first thing i did at 1. April (legalisation) was to order some seeds directly from holland to my privat adress, paying for it with my regular bankaccount and using my regular email. My long awaited step into freedom! Yes!

Usually i purchased some seeds every few years, always paranoid... The strains i picked the years before were mostly some indica and sativa basics to have something to cross and something to rely on if the situation here gets more difficult and the seedmarket isn´t available anymore. That was always a point to consider for me.

With the change in laws, i wanted to try all the good stuff i always just read and dreamed about. (I will never complete that quest)

So time to get some good Karma (Genetics) for me! Currently running some Sour Diesel bx2 on day 48 12/12 and some Road Dawg day 23 12/12.

The good thing about the cannabis-isolation down here, i´m totally unbiased. The smell of the Sour Diesel bx2 reminds me of „for men“ shower gel/aftershave/laundry, strong, strange and absolute new for me. Nothing sweet, spicy or hashy. What a cool experience!

I choosed the Road Dawg because of the Chem and the OG genetics in it. So a few days ago it was the first time to get some smell of the tiny Road Dawg resinglands. What should i say... the exact same smell as the Sour Diesel bx2 ?!? What the fuc*... I expectet also something mindblowing new. I just don´t know what to think about the legendary sour diesel smell? Chem, OG sneaker, tennisball, garbagecan smells? Either i am stupid or what ever... Maybe it is just about to develop or you have to smell the real cuts in the US of A. But i didn´t expect such an exact simillar smell.

The Sour Diesel bx2 is thirsty, hungry but picky it seems. I cant help but the look always reminds me of Charly Sheen in Platoon (the rainy night scene) It´s the dark green droppy look i guess. :ROFLMAO:

Vietnam jungle flair again.

Really nice buds, i love frosty sugarleaf edges!

Road Dawgs looking promising!


Good Vibes ✌️


New member

The first thing i did at 1. April (legalisation) was to order some seeds directly from holland to my privat adress, paying for it with my regular bankaccount and using my regular email. My long awaited step into freedom! Yes!

Usually i purchased some seeds every few years, always paranoid... The strains i picked the years before were mostly some indica and sativa basics to have something to cross and something to rely on if the situation here gets more difficult and the seedmarket isn´t available anymore. That was always a point to consider for me.

With the change in laws, i wanted to try all the good stuff i always just read and dreamed about. (I will never complete that quest)

So time to get some good Karma (Genetics) for me! Currently running some Sour Diesel bx2 on day 48 12/12 and some Road Dawg day 23 12/12.

The good thing about the cannabis-isolation down here, i´m totally unbiased. The smell of the Sour Diesel bx2 reminds me of „for men“ shower gel/aftershave/laundry, strong, strange and absolute new for me. Nothing sweet, spicy or hashy. What a cool experience!

I choosed the Road Dawg because of the Chem and the OG genetics in it. So a few days ago it was the first time to get some smell of the tiny Road Dawg resinglands. What should i say... the exact same smell as the Sour Diesel bx2 ?!? What the fuc*... I expectet also something mindblowing new. I just don´t know what to think about the legendary sour diesel smell? Chem, OG sneaker, tennisball, garbagecan smells? Either i am stupid or what ever... Maybe it is just about to develop or you have to smell the real cuts in the US of A. But i didn´t expect such an exact simillar smell.

The Sour Diesel bx2 is thirsty, hungry but picky it seems. I cant help but the look always reminds me of Charly Sheen in Platoon (the rainy night scene) It´s the dark green droppy look i guess. :ROFLMAO:
View attachment 19065264

Vietnam jungle flair again.
View attachment 19065265

Really nice buds, i love frosty sugarleaf edges!
View attachment 19065266

Road Dawgs looking promising!
View attachment 19065270
View attachment 19065274

Good Vibes ✌️ visit our site
It's somewhat strong, but nothing special in my opinion. Some of my friends love it, but they usually down 5-15 beers while "chilling," so their aim is just to get hit hard.


Well-known member

last week i did some clean-up for the upcoming harvests. I made some hash out of the remaining Oltdimers-Haze and the NlxOT-Haze.

Out of the NlxOT-Haze cross, i tend to prefer the NL scent ones. Raspberry icecream like. One Pheno had a very nice effect after some curing. I think I have to add this to my report of the NLxOT-Haze cross.

It´s like a perfect blend of the positive effects from the NL and the Oldtimers Haze. The last weeks i was looking for some counterweight for my sativa stash. This NLxOT-Haze pheno has all i was looking for ironically. Once again the Oldtimers Haze gives me the impression, that i don´t need to look for other varieties (but i will do it anyways...).

The NL Mother had that lazy, all good, relaxing, comfortable bodyfeeling but was totaly lacking of head effects. As i mentioned almost like CBD-Weed. This transfered into the cross but the Oldtimers-Haze added the calming, dreamy, childhoodmemory bliss and the euphoric satisfaction that I enjoy so much. The perfect Weed to chill out after a stressfull day of labour. Mild enough to have some conversation with my wife and leads to good sleep.

The Hash is also really nice. I did some 220 micron drysift. Absolutely low budged and low effort style. The outcome was below like 1% but thats no Problem for me. A few good evenings of outcome at least!

The effect is like a Head-Stone. Barely any Bodyeffects, very functional body wise. But your Head is fully loaded Stoned. Yeah :LOL:. I have to confess i missed some good hash. Good, mainly maroccan, hash was the major thing we were smoking during my teens and twentys. I will definitely make some more hash in the future.




Well-known member
There are also some things to say about my currently flowering Plants.

Last week or so i upgraded from a Sanlight EVO 3-60 to a Sanlight EVO 1.5 4-120. After my first change from HID to LED i got into some common troubles. After the upgrade, it seems like the Plants did again suffer from the high sience-fiction radiation comming from that devices. When i look into the chamber with the LED on 100%, I tend do think my eyeballs start to hurt after some time. Also im totaly blinded after closing the door of the chamber, walking throug my unlighted basement. I bought some Cal/Mag and turned the lights to 80% yesterday. It´s no catastrophy but i can clearly notice that my plants do not like something...

The Sour Diesel bx2 start to bulk up nicely. Today it´s day 60 12/12. This will be the last week of nutrients added to the water.

One Pheno, SD#3, looks nice. The calyxes swell and they get that look what i would call typical for SD. Atleas from pictures i guess, thats my first encounter with that variety. Smell is also very good. But i have to say again, the scent is really special but i can´t smell diesel/gas. I work with heavy machinery so diesel-smell is common to me... Thats my personal impression, i don´t claim anything because i´m in no way an expert for Sour Diesel. It´s more like a scientific approach :ROFLMAO:




SD#2 has a very leafy appearance. It seems like there are only resin-stalks with barely any heads on it. This specimen also has barely any smell... Looks always very „droppy“, faded fanleafes and clawing dark green sugarleafs. Picky Frankenstein.


SD#1 was a little sicky looking seedling with a strange mutation on some leafs. She has the best smell! Not very bulking lately but maybe that will come the next days. Also a little pale looking.


Last but not least the Road Dawg. Looking good besides the red leafvains on some fansleafs. I suspect it´s the LED but nothing dramatical. Normaly it is to early to show or say something but i have to say again: The scent is so similiar to the Sour Diesel bx2, almost identical! That let me question some Stoner-urban-Legends-talking in general. Maybe i should listen to the plants and stay with the Oldtimers Haze and my Kali Mist hehe.

Have a good time ✌️


Well-known member
Karma Sour Diesel bx2

The Sour Diesel bx2 is in the jars for several weeks now, so i start to get a picture of that strain.


Out of five females, i flowered three. Pheno #3 seems to leave the most impression. A big impression i have to say. It was also the best looking specimen in my taste. In terms of smell intensity peno #1 was more intens. Flower Structure of Pheno #3 was like big round calyx-bubbles, in pheno #1 it wasn´t that pronounced. Pheno #2 wasn´t very impressive smell- and resinwise and i haven´t tried the bud yet (maybe the ugly duck? ...I dont´t think so)

Pheno #3

I had the usual slight difficulties keeping them all green all the time. Had to use plastic-pots and had to redial in my watering shedules. The first flowerweeks i had very high RH lvls before i got me a dehumidifier. That was at the time my KaliMistxOTH ladys got mold issues. I also installed a more powerfull LED during the floweringperiod on top of that sh*t . That was also a issue that brought some struggles and a little fried tops. But still as always, the weed is slapping!


The resinsmells on the living Plants is first pungent. Burning plastic, abrasive angle grinder, hot brake pads, slipping clutch and strong aftershave, men showergel scents. Than a smell of sourness that makes your mouth water. I have to confess, not very appealing for me at first.

The smell doesn´t change very much during the dry period. But now after 3-4 Weeks in the jar, the smell settled in some kind.

If you grind it up and leave the weed around openly, a very destinctive beer smell is noticeable. Like the smell when you open up a bottle of very intens spicy pilsener.
When the vapor hits the mouth and your throat, you get a heavy taste of Lemon/citrus yellow sour stuff.
In germany we have candy called „Nimm2“, the lemony taste is exactly (!) like the taste of the yellow „Nimm2“ Bonbons. The Vapor is very ethereal/essential oil like mentholy or tiger balm effect. It cools your broncials and that feeling stays for some time. I like weed that does that, a very pleasant effect! It feels like you did your body somethin good herbal. I don´t like the term medicinal because i love weed for it recreational effects and i´m not a sick person.
Mixed up with that citron/beer taste and the effects, ooh weee that´s something that leaves an impression in your brainmemory.


The effect is something in it´s own category. I can comprehend how it is called sativa effect sometimes but i don´t think it fits generally. It absolutely does not overwhelm me and it has not a single hint of a headrush. No mental „keep your shit together, stay calm!“ stuff. You keep functional and clear in some way if you don´t overindulge. You can have normal conversations but you can´t hide that you are loaded hehe

One point that makes it special is that it gives you that super cosy/warm bathtub feeling. Full bodyrelaxation and well feeling but without heavyness.

And now it comes, it carries such a strong euphoria in the lower belly, even stronger than what i experience sometimes with OT-Haze and my crosses with it. But without that „first drop in a roller coaster“ tunnel vision effect that totaly takes your attention and makes you feel like tied down at the front of a running train.

Thats how i like my weed, functional-MDMA-Opium-style. I also don´t experience any hangover effects the next day. If vaped at lower temps (180°-195°), it has no heavy comedown when consumed in moderation during the day for me.

All in all a little to good, my weed consumption when up like... I have to read a book about selfdiscipline i think. (Maybe a youtube video will be enough... tomorrow...)


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Well-known member
Last week i popped the remaining 8 Karma Sour Diesel bx2 seeds.
I hope to get at least three males this time. Pheno #3 gets pollinated for shure. Pheno #4 and #5 will be grown out the first time with the remaining 8 Sour Seeds. I will do a sensimilla run and a F2 run parallel. Maybe i put the SilverHaze clone in there too but the cutting disapoints me at the moment. So maybe Karma sour F2 and SilverHazexSD.




My flowering chamber is a bit empty right now. The dissapointing SilverHaze cut and one Guerilla Fume that looks much better. I look forward to the Guerilla Fume, always wanted to grow some LuckyDog stuff. If that cut impresses me, i will definitely go to get some Chem Fuego and Guerilla Fume Seeds in the near future.

Guerilla Fume




Shitty SilverHaze Cut. Exaggerated candy-bubblegum smell. That smell was also dominating in the Where is my Bike V2 but a little bit different.


I also got some Road Dawg F2-making going on right now. On top of that i put the Sour D bx2 #4, #5 and the Guerilla Fume with in. I´m smoking the Road Dawg #5 right now (since yesterday) and that stuff is fuck*ng awesome. Satisfying Stonedness...

Bottom left Guerilla Fume, bottom right and back angle right (the hungry ones) Karma Sour #4, #5, other ones Road Dawg. Two males, two females. I will dive deeper into that for sure, i really like that weed already.


We will see if the Guerilla Fume stuff will live up with the chem91 reputation, but i don´t think genetics with such reputation will dissapoint me. So the GuerillaFume x RoadDawg may be something special in the end. Definitely excited.

The Road Dawg seem to be the right stuff to smoke on a rainy gray December in germany.

The Where is my Bike V2 F2 pregnant ones are drying right now. Together with the two Sour Phenos that got pollinated, i will get surely about 500 Seeds. Very unlikely to not find somethin cool in that, although i haven´t smoked WIMB yet.

Cosy maternity ward


Save ✌️


Well-known member
Well almost a month later...

The sprouted 8 Karma Sour bx2 seeds all developed well except for one mutant. Two days ago i took cuts of all seven, so hopefully all will root. Nothing to see at the moment besides choped up tiny plants.

The six cuttings of Sour bx2 Pheno #3, #4 and #5 all rooted well and are potted up already in 0,7 Liter pots. In 2-5 days, i will uppot them in 7 Liter pots and veg them for another week or two. I hope they keep on growing nice like at the moment. But my yellow-leaf-sh*t fear is following me like a shadow.

Sour bx2 Pheno #3

One Road Dawg mother is remaining. I did´t flower her out because of nanners in week two 12/12. But i can´t overcome to toss her... Maybe i´ll giver her another try.


The Guerilla Fumé chunks up nice. She got really rusty the last few weeks and gave me a few headaches, but overall i like her a lot. Oldschool looks and really nice flavors/smells. Almost planty smells at the beginning, reminds me of my NL/OT-Haze crosses in some way. Very subtle but hits something inside me.
I think she will go about another 10-14 days. I cut off the nutrients a few days ago, maybe she makes it through or the rusty stuff is taking her completly (I hope not).

Guerilla Fumé day ~53


Have a nice day


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Official English Seed Tester.
ICMag Donor
Well almost a month later...

The sprouted 8 Karma Sour bx2 seeds all developed well except for one mutant. Two days ago i took cuts of all seven, so hopefully all will root. Nothing to see at the moment besides choped up tiny plants.

The six cuttings of Sour bx2 Pheno #3, #4 and #5 all rooted well and are potted up already in 0,7 Liter pots. In 2-5 days, i will uppot them in 7 Liter pots and veg them for another week or two. I hope they keep on growing nice like at the moment. But my yellow-leaf-sh*t fear is following me like a shadow.

Sour bx2 Pheno #3
View attachment 19126224 View attachment 19126227

One Road Dawg mother is remaining. I did´t flower her out because of nanners in week two 12/12. But i can´t overcome to toss her... Maybe i´ll giver her another try.

View attachment 19126231

The Guerilla Fumé chunks up nice. She got really rusty the last few weeks and gave me a few headaches, but overall i like her a lot. Oldschool looks and really nice flavors/smells. Almost planty smells at the beginning, reminds me of my NL/OT-Haze crosses in some way. Very subtle but hits something inside me.
I think she will go about another 10-14 days. I cut off the nutrients a few days ago, maybe she makes it through or the rusty stuff is taking her completly (I hope not).

Guerilla Fumé day ~53 View attachment 19126244
View attachment 19126242 View attachment 19126240 View attachment 19126241

Have a nice day
The Road Dawg mothers are from seed you made or from karma???.. They are on my radar next time they are in stock so hopefully just a one off 🙏 ..

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