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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
i believe the desired implication is climate deniers have blocked change
change which could have reduced co2 emissions
there's a reasonable logic
Brown is Governor of a single state, not emperor of the earth

What does mismanagement of the forest in California have to do with climate change m pr co2 emissions. In theory a healthy forest would use more co2, probably a negligible amount but still something.

Much of that forest is federal, so plenty of blame to go around.


Well-known member
What does mismanagement of the forest in California have to do with climate change m pr co2 emissions. In theory a healthy forest would use more co2, probably a negligible amount but still something.

Much of that forest is federal, so plenty of blame to go around.

not saying mr brown's point was comprehensive
just he was talking that too much co2 is the root of the problem
it's his talking point, it's a well trod point, not going to change many minds though

St. Phatty

Active member
i believe the desired implication is climate deniers have blocked change
change which could have reduced co2 emissions
there's a reasonable logic
Brown is Governor of a single state, not emperor of the earth

People are 100% naive to think they're going to reduce emissions
without a massive population reduction.

CO2 is currently in the low 400's ppm & will keep climbing. It is a geologic force at this point. A combination of 7.5 billion people, and geologic forces set in motion, e.g. permafrost thawing out and starting normal compost de-composition. Which is a massive CO2 emitter. Almost all the bacteria that do the heavy-lifting in composting, emit CO2.

The STEM-impaired youngsters that are suing the oil companies for climate change, will be causing CO2 levels to rise during the entire time the lawsuit is pursued. Unless they are smart enough to do the entire lawsuit via Skype, and not drive to court, which would slow down the rate of CO2 increase.

Even if they drive to court in Priuses, it doesn't matter - the manufacturing process for the Priuses emit just as much as for gasoline cars. And the electricity the Priuses consume is also a CO2 emitter, including solar panels. Solar panel manufacturing is also a big CO2 emitter.

I'm not against making those changes, I just have little patience for the pseudo-science used to sell environmental projects to the public.

Al Gore flying a Boeing 727/737/747 to a climate conference being the gross example. If he hitch-hiked along the way, and ate earthworms for food at the rest-stops, he's be much closer to Walking the Walk.

I like Baby Ray's on my earthworms :woohoo:


time to drain the Swamp? :D

Drain the Swamp: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


hm, that certainly gives new meaning to the term. i hope these are the worst examples...lol.


Well-known member
People are 100% naive to think they're going to reduce emissions
without a massive population reduction.

.. :woohoo:

probably true, if we live long enough we can peek at the world of tomorrow
saw an interesting proposal out there today, i like people that dream big
plan is massive desalination project to flood the deserts, reforest the whole damn planet
no one thinks that it would really work, not even the proposers
kind of a cool thought though


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You can also thank union-busting Republicans like Mike Pence for weakening the unions.

I love taking shots at that dickface, but republicans busting unions ain't new, it's one of their cornerstones. It just adds to the level of her ineptitude and responsibility for what happened. There was not a single solitary thing for repubs to "win" when it came to unions. They have never tried to "win". Utter, complete destruction is the goal. And even with the largest bullshit Fantasyland fabrication of a PR campaign against a BLACK president, Obama STILL won the unions...how the FUCK does Hillary lose the union vote.
Obviously Jelly I'm no longer referring to your post, which is absolutely factual and true and relevant to my post, but on one of my semi psychotic bi polar rants because we are all hearing the Hillary 'rumors' rolling around and I'm about to lose my shit over it! Haha


they all hang together, separateness is the illusion. funny how fast things and people go past the radar and on to the next drama. i am still in shock over the last three or so things. i really hope most elites dont torture and eat kids, and i hope we get better but i met a lady today whose son died by drowning on mucus after police pepper sprayed him. not recently.
Have to fight for the right to ask questions and communicate. in some places a gathering of 3 or more people is illegal mob gathering and can be dispersed. without space for true free speech and practice of that free speech we have none.
talk to people about the wacky stuff you believe in public, its a dying art. as long as you dont physically scare them most people are happy to engage in a short conversation about reality.
its certainly easier with a stranger than aunt lucy who might hate you for years for your personal opinion.


Well-known member
I love taking shots at that dickface, but republicans busting unions ain't new, it's one of their cornerstones. It just adds to the level of her ineptitude and responsibility for what happened. There was not a single solitary thing for repubs to "win" when it came to unions. They have never tried to "win". Utter, complete destruction is the goal.

unions have to be destroyed so shareholders get maximum dollar out of their investments. if unions are in, the actual workers (not shareholders) get a slice of the pie. obviously, this is unacceptable to shareholders. "IT'S MY FUCKING PIE! MEMEMEMINE!" until unions get back in the saddle, the folks actually doing the work are going to be paid bare fucking minimum. are unions perfect? nope, way too much corruption involved. money and power are potent magnets (see Teamsters history/Jimmy Hoffa) for thugs and thieves (see also politics). admitting that unions can be and -are- hotbeds of corruption, workers in union jobs are also better taken care of than anyone else. the only places where salaries are close to union wages are those industries that actively try to deny unions entrance BECAUSE they know unions will kick labor costs even higher. sort of a monetary preemptive strike...:tiphat:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nice one! Potus
At last somebody has put that vile dwarf of a French president Macron in his place!
Listing it to this prick trying to dictate to us made me sick!,,total psychopath and elitist,,
I do hope him and his security guard other half will be happy though lol after he divorces his grandma,,,,,s2


ICMag Donor
Nice one! Potus
At last somebody has put that vile dwarf of a French president Macron in his place!
Listing it to this prick trying to dictate to us made me sick!,,total psychopath and elitist,,
I do hope him and his security guard other half will be happy though lol after he divorces his grandma,,,,,s2

You can't be serious. That was one of the dumbest comments yet. Trump made the entire country look like idiots by not going to pay his respects. Thousands died and numbnuts can't go with all other world leaders to pay respects because the weather is unsafe for helicopter ops. Macron represented the opinion of all Europeans by denouncing nationalism (white supremacy). If you had ever been to a nazi prison camp or know people who survived then maybe you could understand just a bit of the sentiment and just how badly trump is perceived by our friends in Europe.

unions have to be destroyed so shareholders get maximum dollar out of their investments. if unions are in, the actual workers (not shareholders) get a slice of the pie. obviously, this is unacceptable to shareholders. "IT'S MY FUCKING PIE! MEMEMEMINE!" until unions get back in the saddle, the folks actually doing the work are going to be paid bare fucking minimum. are unions perfect? nope, way too much corruption involved. money and power are potent magnets (see Teamsters history/Jimmy Hoffa) for thugs and thieves (see also politics). admitting that unions can be and -are- hotbeds of corruption, workers in union jobs are also better taken care of than anyone else. the only places where salaries are close to union wages are those industries that actively try to deny unions entrance BECAUSE they know unions will kick labor costs even higher. sort of a monetary preemptive strike...:tiphat:

You aint kidding. The US has some of the worst workers rights laws of any of the civilized countries. In other countries the laws protect workers and the unions take it several steps further. In a fairy tale world we wouldn't need unions, but the fact is that they're not giving away money. Greed is the game and if people can not stick up for themselves they will end up with nothing. If your politicians were working for you we would have similar work laws to other civilized countries. I admire the Europeans because they have no qualms about stopping everything if their work rights, benefits or compensation are encroached on.

The US is famous for getting the best out of workers and then replacing them with juniors at half the cost. The concept of being vested in a company or that you should be a benefactor from your own contributions is a joke. Youth are encouraged to play along and benefit themselves so they can find out later that they are old and out. Most decent jobs in this country used to have pensions but workers were screwed out of that. Good management jobs have contracts. In Europe, all jobs have contracts. In America you are an at will employee which means you aint shit.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nice one! Potus
At last somebody has put that vile dwarf of a French president Macron in his place!
Listing it to this prick trying to dictate to us made me sick!,,total psychopath and elitist,,
I do hope him and his security guard other half will be happy though lol after he divorces his grandma,,,,,s2

I for one, took in what he said and appreciated it.

I for one, think trump not paying his respects due to rain, not only showed the people supporting him that he does not have one single gram of patriotism, love of country, respect for veterans or military, and it shows that he doesn't even care if people know it. He is 100% involved in nothing but himself. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a..........let's say.....a confused individual. I'm trying.


Well-known member
I for one, took in what he said and appreciated it.

I for one, think trump not paying his respects due to rain, not only showed the 'people' supporting him that he does not have one single gram of patriotism, love of country, respect for veterans or military, and it shows that he doesn't even care if people know it. He is 100% involved in nothing but himself. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a..........let's say.....a confused individual. I'm trying.

Isn't this pretty much why so many people voted for him? So we can trash and conume anything we want?

If we were all cockroaches I probably would support trump. It would just make more sense.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I, for one, am glad another world leader with nukes told Trump nationalism isn't a good thing.

Maybe some people will listen.

But, to quote John Prine, some humans ain't human.


Boreal Curing
You aint kidding. The US has some of the worst workers rights laws of any of the civilized countries. In other countries the laws protect workers and the unions take it several steps further. In a fairy tale world we wouldn't need unions, but the fact is that they're not giving away money. Greed is the game and if people can not stick up for themselves they will end up with nothing. If your politicians were working for you we would have similar work laws to other civilized countries. I admire the Europeans because they have no qualms about stopping everything if their work rights, benefits or compensation are encroached on.

That started when Regan fired the air traffic controllers. Bust the unions.


ICMag Donor
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