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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
yeah seems my assumptions about this time in US history were wrong, seems the northern states were already against slavery a long time before the war started.

anyway, you should get a smile from this song about Andrew Jackson, or old Hickory.


It takes a big man to admit, when he's wrong. For that my friend you have my respect. I understand that America is believed to be the sole beneficiary of slavery. In reality slavery didn't start with America. In fact America stopped the vile practice, at a great cost. I find it disgusting that many Americans demand reparations from all White Americans. Those reparations were long ago paid in blood.


Well-known member
The great thing about history is we have documents to look at and see why the south seceded from the union.

So lets see what the CSA gave as their reasons for leaving the union.

Georgia Declaration of Secession

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slaveholding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic. This hostile policy of our confederates has been pursued with every circumstance of aggravation which could arouse the passions and excite the hatred of our people, and has placed the two sections of the Union for many years past in the condition of virtual civil war. Our people, still attached to the Union from habit and national traditions, and averse to change, hoped that time, reason, and argument would bring, if not redress, at least exemption from further insults, injuries, and dangers. Recent events have fully dissipated all such hopes and demonstrated the necessity of separation. Our Northern confederates, after a full and calm hearing of all the facts, after a fair warning of our purpose not to submit to the rule of the authors of all these wrongs and injuries, have by a large majority committed the Government of the United States into their hands. The people of Georgia, after an equally full and fair and deliberate hearing of the case, have declared with equal firmness that they shall not rule over them. A brief history of the rise, progress, and policy of anti-slavery and the political organization into whose hands the administration of the Federal Government has been committed will fully justify the pronounced verdict of the people of Georgia. The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party. While it attracts to itself by its creed the scattered advocates of exploded political heresies, of condemned theories in political economy, the advocates of commercial restrictions, of protection, of special privileges, of waste and corruption in the administration of Government, anti-slavery is its mission and its purpose. By anti-slavery it is made a power in the state. The question of slavery was the great difficulty in the way of the formation of the Constitution. While the subordination and the political and social inequality of the African race was fully conceded by all, it was plainly apparent that slavery would soon disappear from what are now the non-slave-holding States of the original thirteen. The opposition to slavery was then, as now, general in those States and the Constitution was made with direct reference to that fact. But a distinct abolition party was not formed in the United States for more than half a century after the Government went into operation. The main reason was that the North, even if united, could not control both branches of the Legislature during any portion of that time.

A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

South Carolina
Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

The people of the State of South Carolina, in Convention assembled, on the 26th day of April, A.D., 1852, declared that the frequent violations of the Constitution of the United States, by the Federal Government, and its encroachments upon the reserved rights of the States, fully justified this State in then withdrawing from the Federal Union; but in deference to the opinions and wishes of the other slaveholding States, she forbore at that time to exercise this right. Since that time, these encroachments have continued to increase, and further forbearance ceases to be a virtue.

And now the State of South Carolina having resumed her separate and equal place among nations, deems it due to herself, to the remaining United States of America, and to the nations of the world, that she should declare the immediate causes which have led to this act.
In the year 1765, that portion of the British Empire embracing Great Britain, undertook to make laws for the government of that portion composed of the thirteen American Colonies. A struggle for the right of self-government ensued, which resulted, on the 4th of July, 1776, in a Declaration, by the Colonies, "that they are, and of right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES; and that, as free and independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do."

A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union.

The government of the United States, by certain joint resolutions, bearing date the 1st day of March, in the year A.D. 1845, proposed to the Republic of Texas, then *a free, sovereign and independent nation* [emphasis in the original], the annexation of the latter to the former, as one of the co-equal states thereof,

The people of Texas, by deputies in convention assembled, on the fourth day of July of the same year, assented to and accepted said proposals and formed a constitution for the proposed State, upon which on the 29th day of December in the same year, said State was formally admitted into the Confederated Union.

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?

The controlling majority of the Federal Government, under various pretences and disguises, has so administered the same as to exclude the citizens of the Southern States, unless under odious and unconstitutional restrictions, from all the immense territory owned in common by all the States on the Pacific Ocean, for the avowed purpose of acquiring sufficient power in the common government to use it as a means of destroying the institutions of Texas and her sister slaveholding States.


The people of Virginia, in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in Convention on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression; and the Federal Government, having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States.


AN ORDINANCE to dissolve the union between the State of Alabama and the other States united under the compact styled "The Constitution of the United States of America"

Whereas, the election of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin to the offices of president and vice-president of the United States of America, by a sectional party, avowedly hostile to the domestic institutions and to the peace and security of the people of the State of Alabama, preceded by many and dangerous infractions of the constitution of the United States by many of the States and people of the Northern section, is a political wrong of so insulting and menacing a character as to justify the people of the State of Alabama in the adoption of prompt and decided measures for their future peace and security, therefore:

Be it declared and ordained by the people of the State of Alabama, in Convention assembled, That the State of Alabama now withdraws, and is hereby withdrawn from the Union known as "the United States of America," and henceforth ceases to be one of said United States, and is, and of right ought to be a Sovereign and Independent State.

Section 2. Be it further declared and ordained by the people of the State of Alabama in Convention assembled, That all powers over the Territory of said State, and over the people thereof, heretofore delegated to the Government of the United States of America, be and they are hereby withdrawn from said Government, and are hereby resumed and vested in the people of the State of Alabama. And as it is the desire and purpose of the people of Alabama to meet the slaveholding States of the South, who may approve such purpose, in order to frame a provisional as well as permanent Government upon the principles of the Constitution of the United States,

Be it resolved by the people of Alabama in Convention assembled, That the people of the States of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, be and are hereby invited to meet the people of the State of Alabama, by their Delegates, in Convention, on the 4th day of February, A.D., 1861, at the city of Montgomery, in the State of Alabama, for the purpose of consulting with each other as to the most effectual mode of securing concerted and harmonious action in whatever measures may be deemed most desirable for our common peace and security.

Yup. Slavery had nothing to do with the civil war says the people NOT SMARTER than a fifth grader.

Muh slavery

White Beard

Active member
Is this real ?

I mean really. I gotta know.

'Summa Cum Laude'
yes, real: three levels of graduation honor.

Cum Laude == “with praise”
Magna cum Laude == “with great praise”
Summa cum Laude == “with greatest praise”

It means he didn’t just *pass*, he aced the motherfucker....

“vat” said:
btw...that so called "Racist America" is who elected him.

Obviously not: you’re suffering from the implanted suggestion that ‘your side’ vastly outnumbers the rest of us...which simply isn’t true: we (US citizens of voting age who *don’t* identify with ‘your side’) outnumber y’all 2 to 1.


ICMag Donor
Obama was a Suma at Harvard Law

3.90 or higher: Summa Cum Laude
3.80-3.89: Magna Cum Laude
3.65-3.79: Cum Laude

White Beard

Active member
I’m glad you brought that up...

I’m glad you brought that up...

We are not a "real democracy", never have been, and were never intended to be.
I always marvel at the ‘gotcha!’ tone “conservatives” when they point out “it’s not a democracy, it’s a s frame always sends me ack to the mid sixties, when I was spending every Wednesday night being schooled in the “conservative” basics by no less than Larry McDonald (the guy Newt Gingrich wants to be when he grows up, google him).

He was the first to use that formula in my hearing but even more, he went on to explain to me that Plato’s Republic would explain it all. So I read Plato’s Republic...let’s just say I came away with an entirely different opinion of republics, and of the JBS.

So when people use that formula, it tells me that one of two things is true: either they’ve never read it and never thought about and are just caught up in “team spirit”, or that they have read it, and they’ve thought about it, and they recognize it as a blueprint for an absolute autocracy run by a superior class of philosopher-kings who make all decisions, and prescribe the ways of the people in that society.

If one has delved into it, seen it’s gaping holes and glaring flaws, and still uses that formula, it’s because they WANT that kind of government, that kind of society.

That second group I consider traitors at heart and absolutely corrosive to the success and well-being of the nation.
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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I always marvel at the ‘gotcha!’ tone “conservatives” when they point out “it’s not a democracy, it’s a s frame always sends me ack to the mid sixties, when I was spending every Wednesday night being schooled in the “conservative” basics by no less than Larry McDonald (the guy Newt Gingrich wants to be when he grows up, google him).

He was the first to use that formulaic my hearing but even more, he went on to explain to me that Plato’s Republic would explain it all. So I read Plato’s Republic...let’s just say I came away with an entirely different opinion of republics, and of the JBS.

So when people use that formula, it tells me that one of two things is true: either they’ve never read it and never thought about and are just caught up in “team spirit”, or that they have read it, and they’ve thought about it, and they recognize it as a blueprint for an absolute autocracy run by a superior class of philosopher-kings who make all decisions, and prescribe the ways of the people in that society.

If one has delved into it, seeen it’s gaping holes and glaring flaws, and still uses that formula, it’s because they WANT that kind of government, that kind of society.

That second group I consider traitors at heart and absolutely corrosive to the success and well-being of the nation.

And I always marvel at the aggrieved tone of people who theoretically should know better asserting that the US is a democracy, including numerous politicians and a former President who reportedly lectured on Constitutional law.

The Founders repeatedly warned of "the tyranny of a democracy", and democracy isn't even mentioned in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

One of Franklin's quotes is particularly relevant here - "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote".


Active member
It takes a big man to admit, when he's wrong. For that my friend you have my respect. I understand that America is believed to be the sole beneficiary of slavery. In reality slavery didn't start with America. In fact America stopped the vile practice, at a great cost. I find it disgusting that many Americans demand reparations from all White Americans. Those reparations were long ago paid in blood.

While I am opposed to reparations on technical grounds; I find it to be a bit tragicomic that a lot of white folks act like injustice toward blacks ended when slavery did. In truth, the slavery model not only did not end with the end of the American Civil War, but it in fact was extended to include whites. Slavery had never been officially condemned or approved of by federal law, until the 13th Amendment legalized slavery to be practiced on anyone convicted of crime. Suddenly, if you needed slaves, you just had to come up with stuff to charge people with(even if it wasn't true). Southern sheriffs put many blacks right back into manual labor along with many poor whites in the form of "Chain Gangs". Now, in the 21st Century, prison labor is making a huge come back. Slavery is alive and very well unfortunately.


Well-known member
the US is an indirect democracy. a democratic republic. a representative democracy

of course the US isn't a direct democracy lol. we should be when voting for the president though.

St. Phatty

Active member
Obama was a Suma at Harvard Law

3.90 or higher: Summa Cum Laude
3.80-3.89: Magna Cum Laude
3.65-3.79: Cum Laude

A lot of times it means -

Summa Cum Laude = Uncle Tom est

Magna Cum Laude = Uncle Tom er

Cum Laude = Cum Laude

Obeys his masters with true distinction.


ICMag Donor
Yeah, I don't think so. My son made the grade. He's the real deal.

In Obamas case, Well look at it this way - Almost half voted for a guy who is a complete idiot so under appreciation is a certainty.

A lot of times it means -

Summa Cum Laude = Uncle Tom est

Magna Cum Laude = Uncle Tom er

Cum Laude = Cum Laude

Obeys his masters with true distinction.

St. Phatty

Active member
Yeah, I don't think so. My son made the grade. He's the real deal.

In Obamas case, Well look at it this way - Almost half voted for a guy who is a complete idiot so under appreciation is a certainty.

Yes, good point.

Especially with STEM stuff - learning that is important and if your child learns it well, more power & scholarship $$$$ to them.

With history, a lot of that is indoctrination.

Besides enough money that they are free to study as much as they want, I think one of the things that is good to give a child for their education is a roll of 50x 1/10 ounce Gold Eagle rounds. It's basically $6000 in the palm of your hand - at today's prices.

It puts them in a position to use the local coin dealer as their ATM machine. Once they find an honest one, they have a window into the entire world of Commodities.


ICMag Donor
I agree with you that there are allot of people enslaved at all levels. Generally though, knowledge is power and freedom.

White Beard

Active member
Taxation and states rights were primary purpose. Slavery was a personal decision NOT a decision of the STATE. This is the watered down muddy bullshit that has been pushed the last 40 years.
If you want the muddy bullshit that has been pushed for the last forty years, all you need is to read your posting history. I know, because I’ve been watching them dish out the swill this whole time.

The slave states didn’t give a rat’s ass about “states’ rights”: they demanded that non-slave states recognize slaves as property when brought into a free state by his/her master/mistress; in essence, the Slavers argued that *their* right under *their* state’s laws to keep slaves applied (or should apply) when said slaves were brought into free states - contrary to the laws of those states. For the viewing audience at home, prior to the Slaver rebellion, the Slaver attitude toward free states’ rights amounted to “fuck your rights!”....

They cared about slavery, and about their own pretense of aristocracy. Only *after* Appomattox was it retconned into “States’ Rights” and everyone agreed to pretend that the South was not populated by traitors and fratricides...and the Slavers got down to the business of piecing together a form of slavery that was barely legal if not really examined (a.k.a. ‘Jim Crow’).

White Beard

Active member
Not exclusively. It also = states rights to decide to legalize cannabis.
Gotta say I fundamentally disagree with you on this one: IMO the states had neither the right or a compelling interest in passing laws governing cannabis before the federal government took cannabis prohibition under its law-enforcement wing.

This was never a local or state ‘problem’ until the DoJ decided to make it a national issue, so it *can’t* be thrown *back* on the states. Prohibition started at the top. It needs to be ended from the top, for the nation as a whole.

Wipe the slate clean, across the board. Then, if some state(s) want to undertake a law to prohibit cannabis again, they’re certainly allowed to try.

White Beard

Active member
Jefferson had 4 Children with a slavewoman. He was together with her (not in public) after his wife died. She was the former maid of Jeffersons wife. The 4 Children were becoming their freedom.

(Just saw it today in USA documentation.)
I highly recommend the article below, it is in fact a view of the man - drawn from his own paperwork - that I never found elsewhere in my many years of study and admiration.


Slaves were not considered human by the “standards” of the times, and were seen more as smart livestock and trainable monkeys than as human beings capable of human abilities (again, as seen by the times).
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