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The Search for Trip Weed

Donald Mallard

el duck
I dont think i have even seen you grow a Thai apart from Profs in all my years on line Donald zoidfuel and Web weed was your main fortay is what i remember mostly grown by you.

As i posted Donald i have grown Thai lines for over 40 years now some Thai lines can show sex once put into flower in 4 weeks but they still need a long flowering time.

Other Thai lines can go longer to show sex now for a guy that claims to be a Thai cannabis expert you seam to know very little on the topic.

Indoor growing is used by many University Ag departments around the world they can mimic any out door environment so spare us you live in the tropics and only i can grow good sativa bull shit.

Ow i chatted to a member of the forum that lives in Thailand and he told me the good old school Thai is still a live and well in its homeland.

I am so sick of your bull shit Donald why do you need to continually trash threads ?.
your a funny dude hempy ,
so highly strung and resentful ,
you should check your ego at the door man ..

only zoid and web weed , man until recently i grew 1000 plants a year , sometimes just in the shorter season , we have 2 where i live ,

i have certainly seen some plants and some varieties ,
all we see from you are rehashed pictures of overfed indoor herb that honestly is nothing like it should look in its natural setting ,,

so back to where i was ,, dont you think thai grows for only 5 months from seed to harvest ,,

suggesting your indoor setting is inferior to its natural setting??

of course your artificial setting is not going to cut it for such landraces ..

hey you know the laos i grew recently is pretty similar to thai weed , on the border where it was grown , the weed grows both sides of the border ,
you didnt recognize it as anything you were familiar with ,

because i said before , it was grown in the same latitude as it hails from , and outdoors , so of course it doesnt grow like your artificial habitat for plants ...

leave the personal shit at the side man ,
simply debate with real information and facts please ,

i know its difficult when you have little of either ,
but give it your best shot ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
just for the record , i dont claim to be an expert on thai strains ,
though i have grown many in my lifetime , but still no expert ,

my experience is with tropical growing , i have done it for 25 + years ,
and i have visited thailand more than a dozen times ,
one of the places known well for thai stick , udonthani ,
is exactly the same latitude as where i live , 17 degrees from the equator ,
so i have a fair idea how things work in those locations from the experience i have had both growing there ,
and having visited udon on several occasions ,
and i can compare the climate to ones around where i live ,
and how those same landraces grow in both places ..

'this gives much more insight than growing in an unnatural man made environment ,
in fact there is no comparison ...

in the past in Australia before there were many hybrids ,
and before there was indoor weed ,
the very best cannabis was grown in the northern parts of the country , like where i live , there should be no argument about this , it is a well known fact ...

Queensland heads were legendary ,, due to the varieties we had and the climate they were grown in ...

i consider myself lucky to live in such a climate, it is one of the 'sweet spots' for cannabis in the world ,

just like thailand , and other parts of south east asia and south america were back in the day.. its all about climate when you are growing pure sativas ,, anything else just doesnt cut it ..

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
Mr Duck said:i consider myself lucky to live in such a climate, it is one of the 'sweet spots' for cannabis in the world, just like thailand , and other parts of south east asia and south america were back in the day.. its all about climate when you are growing pure sativas ,, anything else just doesnt cut it ..

Been a while since I heard the phrase 'Queensland Heads'. I can remember when they were the holy grail here in the West. It wasn't long till at least almost half of anything on offer was the legendary 'Qld Heads'. I couldn't honestly say I ever had any of the genuine article. Majority of home grown off the street was uber shit for most part. MM was another that was whispered in respectful hallowed tones. Can't say for sure I ever tried that either? Not too much hash that was any good either. Bit of oil... most of which was usually pretty damn good. My bests in relation to bud were almost always SE Asian.

Not on 17 South... but I'd sure like to give some of the selected shorter SE Asians a shot. (33). Always enjoy your steady, rancour free informative input into this sea of excitability. Lj.


Well-known member
Pan-O-Haze, seeded



Well-known member
Thaibliss: what you found out in our Thaitick-cross (Floweringonset) is nothing new:
Hi snel,

If you are growing tropical sativas with hybrids in an indoor tent then it's much more convenient to flower the tropical sativas from clones, otherwise they will take their sweet time to start the real flowering until reaching their sexual maturity usually overgrowing the place. They flower much faster and stay shorter from clones rather than from seed.

Just so people belive me


New member
Responding to the original post, I am a new member but an OG grower and smoker. There was a strain that came around the Carolina’s in 1976-77ish it was called Bomba or Bomya and was African, it supposedly meant “killer” hence killer weed or was that Paraquat Pot, anyway it was some trippy weed. The trippiest weed ever, we all grew up on sativa’s AC, Mex, Thai, C’bo, Jammy, etc but this was like acid. Not LSD 25 but blotter or microdot which was really STP.

The first time we smoked it we all tripped out if we hadn’t had Ludes and Uncle Sams I don’t know what would have happened. From the start the weed was different it was long, skinny, stringy green-black color with no seeds(a rarity then). No smell, zilch smell and had an unusual sweet straw, maybe overripe banana taste. I remember this because we were in a customized van and someone ask if I had rolled it in the banana flavored papers, which I hadn’t just old Zigzag wheats. Rolling the weed was a job in itself and if you did keeping it smoking was another thing. We really thought it was acid laced, I smoked and shared that lid for a long time.

That was the trippiest weed ever and it was the African strain that I saw for many years.


Well-known member

Welcome to ICMAG. I love it when the first post is about trip weed.

I remember some Colombian was like that African. Just a black mess on a stick, unrecognizable as a flower. I think there is some magic that can happen during those sweat cures. Perhaps like the mold on wheat where LSD was discovered. I don't see it that far off of high quality/potency weed not cured the same way.
Thaibliss: what you found out in our Thaitick-cross (Floweringonset) is nothing new.
Hi Romanoweed - I think we are just talking about two different things here. Not sure you caught that the Thai plant last year was growing nine months before it started flowering, far from immature. In fact, the Laos plant has also been a cutting since April of 2019, and it shows no sign of flowering early this year. The Laos didn't start flowering until January, ten months of maturing. The Thai looks more like the Thai I tried to grow in the 1970s, but the Laos is even a later flowering strain, which is hard for me to believe. I think Dubi may have been referring to the indoor growing practice of flowering plants a month or two after sprouting, which is just not mature enough for these tropical beasts. I think they need four months minimum to mature enough.

Donald - I respect your knowledge. You, Bushy, and Kangativa are the only ones to have consistently displayed plants that really look like pure Thai from back in the day.

I do disagree with the inference that Colombian, from right on the equator, was the best from the West. Mexican and Jamaican, before the commercialization and indica invasion were superior to Colombian, IMO. Their character of highs were more closely related to Thai, more cerebral, energetic, and my definition of trippy. Those growing cultures didn't last long from my discovery to their demise. That's why people turned to the as of yet minimally blemished Colombian.

I believe the south of Mexico extends to almost the same latitude as Northern Thailand. Jamaica is the same. These range roughly around 15 to 20 degrees off the equator. Colombia ranges only as much as approximately 10 degrees off the equator.

Colombia and Costa Rica may be too close to the equator to be considered the home environment for Northern Thai strains. The fact that the famous Colombian Gold came from about 10 degrees off the equator give me hope for my Costa Rican dream location to try these Thai/Laos strains out. It's only my dream location because of the culture and climate. I'm sure Mexico and Colombia have areas really nice also. I just haven't experienced them. Maybe I'll try.

I don't care about disagreements, even heated ones, on this thread. As long as we keep it to what we consider world class trippy type weed, including Thai, I'm eating it up!



Well-known member
In my language,any slave language,Bonba,bomba is trerm for handgranate,or hellmashine.,anything what can explode.,and kill.
Tropical african weed can be like thet,specially if is from pygmmes.
10 min dillema,weed or poison ,was inicial in hardest high what I try in my life.
Pygmmes is users,all short life,
Bantu people have law,dead penality for smuglling weed in nigeria,
Thaibllis,no doubt,smoke is fermented,white and unordinary strong,high also ,
Congolese emigrants panama,portobello ,is reason why panama red is famous.
Biafra muslim grower weed ,one kilo,half was given to friend on another ship,in Rio,some hookers come aboard and few past away some time,ambulance come,and owner of hookers start to ask for making gram per gram of coke.
That weed was no fermented,and only few seeds was in kilo.
Thet man said,holyweed,santamaria...

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
In my language,any slave language,Bonba,bomba is trerm for handgranate,or hellmashine.,anything what can explode.,and kill.
Tropical african weed can be like thet,specially if is from pygmmes.
10 min dillema,weed or poison ,was inicial in hardest high what I try in my life.
Pygmmes is users,all short life,
Bantu people have law,dead penality for smuglling weed in nigeria,
Thaibllis,no doubt,smoke is fermented,white and unordinary strong,high also ,
Congolese emigrants panama,portobello ,is reason why panama red is famous.
Biafra muslim grower weed ,one kilo,half was given to friend on another ship,in Rio,some hookers come aboard and few past away some time,ambulance come,and owner of hookers start to ask for making gram per gram of coke.
That weed was no fermented,and only few seeds was in kilo.
Thet man said,holyweed,santamaria...

Waiter, I'll have an extra helping of this gentleman's menu selection.


Well-known member
All great kokomarin, but it's slav language, not slave :)

Only italians and austrians called us that way.
Ciao = sciavo = schiavo = slave

I'd take a hiy of that right now :)



...como el Son...
All great kokomarin, but it's slav language, not slave :)

Only italians and austrians called us that way.
Ciao = sciavo = schiavo = slave

I'd take a hiy of that right now :)


Im not Italian but I think "ciao" canes from "scihavo vostro", and it from " sciao vostro"... (In my tongue is the same, but we sais "chao", no " ciao)"...
Anyway, in greek and in latín tongues, "slave" comes from "slavic".

In Spanish, specifically, the term "eslavo : slavic" is inherited from Latin (which I believe is taken from Greek). But after the decomposition of the Hispanic Umayyad Caliphate, many Slavs of exclave origin who had been liberated and promoted politically by the Umayyad State to high office, founded their own Hispano-Muslim Taifa Kingdoms. Then, the word "eslavo : slavic" lost its derogatory meaning as "exclavo : slave", and came to refer only to this Eastern European people.



Well-known member
Dang, after all you're right, everybody even ourselves call us slaves :)

Eye opening! Thanks for going further into.

The rise of the slavs :)

Cheers prijatelj


Well-known member

In fact, the Laos plant has also been a cutting since April of 2019, and it shows no sign of flowering early this year. The Laos didn't start flowering until January, ten months of maturing.

I think Dubi may have been referring to the indoor growing practice of flowering plants a month or two after sprouting, which is just not mature enough for these tropical beasts.


Who knows. I dont know what Dubi refferred too, if he refferd to a Type of faster becoming "Adult" , it could still give a Hint about a similar Process happening in faster Floweronset


Well-known member
Great posts! Turning into the Red Thread. Thanks for the Kalamata Red pics, Red! :biggrin: I couldn't help but jump back in.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Colombian. That Colombian Black, as I called it, that I already mentioned was super potent and great. There were so many varieties from Colombia. A real smorgasbord. The overall theme was a bit narcotic, but in a floaty way. I remember feeling like I had taken Quaaludes. Floating around like my head was in a fish bowl and not feeling like I was using my legs, just arriving at whatever destination I desired. I especially loved the Punto Rojo (red) and Mango Biche. We only knew it as Colombian, but thanks to Red Rider's pictures, I can say with confidence that this was what I was smoking. Both Punto Rojo and Mango Biche had red color, as well as green, gold, and brown. They weren't as red as Panama Red. Most had the Colombo Gold as the best, but I'm a different quirky dude.

O.K., back to Panama Red. I was gifted some Angola Red seeds. I gave some to a friend who grew them. Like Kokomarin, he declared them Panama Red, and I believe him. This guy is at least ten years older than I, and a heavy smoker throughout his life. He lives in Colorado. They have an event they call the Super Bowl to exhibit their strains. He thought it would easily win the competition they had at that event. So he regarded it highly, to say the least. And this was grown indoors. This is another disagreement I have with others. I should say that I have always thought outdoor weed was superior to indoor, until I grew the Neville's Haze freak (acid) pheno indoors and it was the best weed of my long life. Sorry Thai Stick. Please forgive me my holy one. No one is ever going to talk me out of Thai Stick not being part of the genetic history of Neville's Haze, even if Neville rose from the grave and told me himself (RIP).

Here is the funny thing. I've heard it suggested that Angola Red might have actually come from Cuba, just north of Jamaica. There has been a strong relationship between Cuba and Angola. I know Cuba has sent aid to that country as well as many others to build relationships as they have been strangled by U.S. sanctions for a very long time over their willingness to accept nuclear ballistic missiles from Russia to target the U.S. The U.S. government powers that be have held a incredible long term grudge over it. Wouldn't it be funny if the genetics came from Cuba to Angola, to Colombia/Panama. This Cannabis stuff really gets around, and I wouldn't doubt it.

Now for the real kicker. I've also heard speculation that Panama Red was actually from Costa Rica mostly. LMAO! So the point is that perhaps the equator is a perfectly excellent place to grow world class weed, though I still liked Thai Stick above all others and the home would be closer to 20 degrees off the equator than the equator itself. I've applied for my passport because I have to try!!! 9 or 10 degrees sounds like a reasonable compromise. Hahahaha. I crack myself up (or just cracked :crazy:).

Rampant Speculator ThaiBliss. Apparently, I'm obsessed and have too much free time to think.


...como el Son...
Here is the funny thing. I've heard it suggested that Angola Red might have actually come from Cuba, just north of Jamaica. There has been a strong relationship between Cuba and Angola. I know Cuba has sent aid to that country as well as many others to build relationships as they have been strangled by U.S. sanctions for a very long time over their willingness to accept nuclear ballistic missiles from Russia to target the U.S. The U.S. government powers that be have held a incredible long term grudge over it. Wouldn't it be funny if the genetics came from Cuba to Angola, to Colombia/Panama. This Cannabis stuff really gets around, and I wouldn't doubt it.

Now for the real kicker. I've also heard speculation that Panama Red was actually from Costa Rica mostly. LMAO! So the point is that perhaps the equator is a perfectly excellent place to grow world class weed, though I still liked Thai Stick above all others and the home would be closer to 20 degrees off the equator than the equator itself. I've applied for my passport because I have to try!!! 9 or 10 degrees sounds like a reasonable compromise. Hahahaha. I crack myself up (or just cracked :crazy:).


Cuba not only sent food, educational and medical aid to Angola.
In fact, its army was the main trump card for victory in at least two wars, against South Africa and the US "mercenary" forces.
Without Cuban support, Angola and Namibia would not be independent, and South African apartheid would dominate all of southern Africa.
In Cuba there is a generation of ex-soldiers with severe war trauma, equivalent to the US generation that fought in Vietnam.



As for Angolan marijuana, its seeds arrived in my country not via Cuba, but directly from its origin, mainly by merchant sailors and workers there displaced from Portugal (which was a colonizing power) and Spain, which historically have had strong relations with Angola.
When I was a child and adolescent, before the boom of the Dutch banks, the little marijuana that was cultivated used to come either from America (Mexico, Colombia, Parguay) or from Africa (either from Morocco, or from Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique and Angola)

As for "tica" marijuana (as we other Hispanics call Costa Ricans), several tico growers have told me about local landrace "Talamanqueña", of which the grower Sukia aka Talamanca has shared beautiful photos in the Topical Seeds Company forum: I will look for them to share them here...
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Thanks BL, your garden looks fantastic!
Well there is a lot of variation in my strains, so I will discuss the dried Bud that I posted. Which is close to my ideal. It is a 50% C5 hybrid.

That one is a creeper. Very euphoric up high, as long as you don't mix with other weed there is no real come down. No ceiling, if you smoke too much you can get vertigo. Like dry heaves if you move your head 1/2 inch kind of vertigo, must be careful. No tolerance build up, sneaks up on you and surprises you every time. Makes me hear music sometimes detailed riffs like you can pick out the instruments and stuff, but it's all in your head. Totally mind blowing. Lots of shadows out of corner your eye, mistaking floaters for bugs, real Paisleys in the periphery if you take too large a hit, etc.
Inexperienced smokers can freak out. I can't take more than one bonghit at a time, and can't handle more than 2 sessions a day, 4-6 hour high. my high Kush lines barely effect me, smoke them in evening because they help me come down. Don't smoke this stuff in the evening if you want to sleep at night.
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man i wish i could get a few of them beans,it is what i have been looking for,super potent and long lasting high i am 51 and have been smoking since i was 12 and you cannot find quality sativa anywhere around where i live!!!only hybrids that make you lazy or sleepy


Well-known member
@Better Bud

I am hunting SE Asian strains since long time.

Finally i found many links. Some Strains i should get are private, and some are for sale. I have the problem that im broke. If you want i have SEasain Buy-Links, pretty realdeal, i might give you some links. we can comunicate over Personal page.

-Gypsy Nirvana Thaistick
-Bodhi Sativa Reeferman
-possibly alleged Northern Cali Gooey (SEAsian hybrid)
-Sumatran x Thai

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