The gauges are very accurate.
I pulling to -10/-15.
I am not using after chillers.
This thing is FAST!!!
14 pounds of butane in about 1.5 hours!!
That doesn't seems very fast, what are you comparing it too?
The gauges are very accurate.
I pulling to -10/-15.
I am not using after chillers.
This thing is FAST!!!
14 pounds of butane in about 1.5 hours!!
GW you got one of these?
[URL=]View Image[/url]
I broke mine in yesterday!
Not sure if its the holy grail of recovery pumps BUT.....
Here is what I think of it........
Its sexy!
It works great!
Its fast!
Its quiet-ish.
Fast compared to what? I did not time the thing... Next time I will.
BUT Ive run my system with 2 appion's, then I switched to 2 diablos. Its faster than 2 appions or 2 diablos.
noise, It is more quiet than the diablos!!!! which are quieter than the appions.
now price, Its expensive. For the performance per dollar I could have bought 4 diablos for the price which I think would be faster.
I want a second one to run TWO!
15# recovered in about 30 minutes with a Haskel and 25' x 3/8" heat exchanger. I can't recommend enough that anyone serious about extracting start begining the upgrade process.
Instead of chasing the latest pump from china get your recovery system pneumatic. It will last longer and you can actually talk with professionals. Not to mention Haskel has answered every request to date from our industry.
3 phase is not required. Thcland is running his Haskel off 60 amps single phase. He said it was under 8k, Haskel included.
lol start calling up AC manufactures and see how much for an all stainless ac condensor. Making one out of SS might be viable but would require knowledge of a lot of things i don't have. I would love to have an all SS radiator and coils all cooled by ambiant air but i think theres more to it then that. I dont know about residential units but the mini slplit in the warehouse used quite a bit of power only being a 28k btu. A LOT more then my glycol filled freezer that cools my coils.
The 28k BTU is a beast of a mini split lol. we went over board but can cool the entire warehouse and grow room with some energy to spare lol. I dont use it to cool my coils lol, its to cool the warehouse. My chest freezer filled with glycol keeps the coil cold. start the day at aroud -10F and end the day at around 10F. Not to bad, im lazy and have been avoiding buying dry ice. Even at 10F im still getting a great looking product
ya im making another cooling coil thats smaller then my other one so i can fit in the middle of the other coil as my freezer can only fit 4 8" coils in it once they are in thier 10" containers. Then each pump will have its own chiller.
How would the butane be cooled without the use of the compressor? Fans, radiators and coils with ambient air wouldn't cool it much i would think, Specially in the heat of summer. Like i said im not an AC tech and dont really know how they work other then the basics. Isnt a residential AC just like a mini split but uses the houses air system instead of a stand alone?? Also 8 amps on what 120v or 240v, huge difference in power consumption. Watts would be a better thing to measure power by since thats how your charged not how efficiently your running it...
EDIT: The ac is only 24k btu, my bad lol
I have never ran across residential AC unit that were 120v. Amp draw is a good indicator of motor life and you can match it to the nomenclature. Also have never ran into folks using watts for their measurements in the professional world. Amps are always used. Our recovery pumps would be doing the compressors job if someone tried to make a coil. The compressor is not cooling at all, just compressing. The compressor actually generated a lot of heat in AC. All of the heat dispersion is coming from the coil and the fan. Mini splits are not ducted and use an inverter to power everything with dc keeping the power down. Mini splits are more efficient then standard central air AC.
Ahhh, as i said im not an ac tech so i wouldn't know they all come in 240v lol. In power consumption watts is what ive always seen but yes in the professional world when installing stuff, watts dont really matter, amps do, which i get and understand. Obviously if you know you know the other.... if you know the volts lol, which is where i was lost.
Very sorry but Im still not seeing how res a/c thing would work. After the hot butane comes out of the recovery pump it would go where to be cooled? The ambient cooled radiator/coil setup? Then back to the tank? I understand how an A/c works but im not getting how a residential ac unit would work as a cooler in the compressor was replaced by the recovery pump. Sorry if im just having a dumb moment but i dont think this would work at all.
Are you just suggesting using and air cooled "radiator" type thing to initially take away some temp from the pumps, then a cooling coil and then the tank? My pumps already have those in them lol(g5's). A bigger one would work better i guess? Im just gonna assume im lost.
Snake11, bless your heart!
"Are you just suggesting using and air cooled "radiator" type thing to initially take away some temp from the pumps, then a cooling coil and then the tank? My pumps already have those in them lol(g5's). A bigger one would work better i guess?
Yes, you may not even need a cooling coil anymore, or at least one that actually uses up much dry ice or whatever.
I could go and examine the label on the fan on my 3 ton unit outside, it's just a few screws, but why would it draw anymore current than any other fan with similar blades at the same rpm?
Those condensers are optimized for bringing the vapor back to liquid using just ambient air in a huge range of climates, you're getting a heap of coils and fins with a beefy ducted fan for cheap.
With summer rolling in, keep an eye out for discarded condensers, most people just replace the whole thing when the compressor goes rather than rebuild just the compressor, and it's the one component you don't need. You also need to nix the relay/contactor, bad sparky, and should no longer be necessary, just plug in the fan direct with your own switch. I'm just saying I think it really is this easy to give it a try, and see how effective it is... thanks for giving it a hash out.
Im already saving and deciding what compressor to run, save a few G's and get the cheaper or go big and get the screw compressor that will defiantly last longer..... Decisions decisions..... 15# in 30 min is freaking awesome! That would speed up my day so much. I wonder how the haskel would do on the MKIII? I still use that for under 300g runs. Only 25' of after coolers huh? Do you still just keep you tank at room temp? I've switched to a setup similar to yours and am LOVING it. Keeping a full 100# tank at room temp and feeding through 50' of -10F glycol chilled coil is getting awesome yields and potency results. Along with great looking stuff, right now i have 2 g5's feeding through 50' of 3/8 sitting in a -10F freezer surrounded by glycol, then the 100# tank just sitting next to the freezer.