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The search for a proper recovery pump..


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Ewww keep me posted adeptextracts! I was thinking of moving to Oregon lol! Decided to stick it out here and see what happens.


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Links please

Links please

As far as bio accumulation from what we feed plants, that's a touchy topic I've done a lot of research on. There's soooo many variables. With a solvent extract, most of what the plan chelates should stay in the left behind plant material. The worst however is aluminum. Living soil with lots of humid acid can break the alumina silicate bond. The plant chelates the aluminum and when you smoke the plant material the aluminum can pass directly through the alveoli in your lungs and into your blood stream. However the extract should hopefully leave that behind. I've said it before and I'll say it again because I want people using safe meds. If you or any one you know is using products like azomite that has high alumina silicate content, tell them to stop using it and discard the soil (if possible) because it can linger in the soil for up to four years.

Any links or research papers to share that substantiate this claim?

Is this based on TCEC soil analysis to accurately identify the levels present then correlating plant tissue analysis?

Seems like a lot of research would of had to be done to come to that conclusion. Im ready to read any and all papers you have to offer.


Active member
Lol dude I'm not a pro - Bono research professional. I spent a long time figuring that out. This was about two years ago. I could go dig it all up and post it here for you. Or you could have just done it yyourself. I honestly detect a tone in your post there, like you don't believe me and think I'm a fool just parroting some unsubstantiated bull shit. If I was you I would have gone and done my own research, trusting that way more that what someone else (in this case me) would say, so here you are.
that's about smoking aluminum. And is from the American journal of medicine.

Here's where I found that link in a 5 second Google search. Gandalf the green lays it down in here and you should read his comments...


Google this and you'll find all sorts of stuff talking about humic acid breaking down the bond and plants chelating the aluminum, which obviously leads to it being received in the plant cell receptor sites...

humic acid alumina silicate bond chelate plants...

the university of Maryland also did a study on this. Now take all that info and evidence of the bond being broken and aluminum being taken up by the plants. Then add that to the study done on smoking tobacco with aluminum in it, and you have your evidence and proof.

Once again though just read about three pages of Gandalf the green, he provides lots of link and that just one forum. This was also discussed on icmag as well and pretty much all the herb growing forums. I personally looked at many studies but once again that was probably two years ago so I can't quote you anything or give you direct links to all the stuff I spent a long time researching back then. All i know for myself personally is I'm not using it anymore.

Furthermore you'll want to look into glomulus aggregatum. I wish you well with your research.

If you weren't being tonal in your text, then I apologize for taking offense, but as I said I can't give you what you want, you need to go find it. I gladly share all my recent finds and adventures here, but the azomite thing was a while ago.
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G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Copper and brass as poison, is ill directed.

Unless the poisoning is microorganism poison, which copper very much is and stainless isn't at all. I don't know why you guys won't at least use copper vacuum lines and brass fittings and everything has to be stainless for you.
some unsubstantiated bull shit.

The thing people believe in and trust the most.

With a solvent extract, most of what the plan chelates should stay in the left behind plant material.

The GW Pharma THC extract in that article had exactly the same Al concentration of 0.01-0.04% as the cannabis.

The article did not show that aluminum in cannabis is volatilized, or is in a bioavailable form if it is. They say the volatilized tobacco aluminum is bioavailable, without presenting any evidence that this is so.

It's strange to concentrate on this Azomite as a source of aluminum - Al is a major component of clay and clay soil - and humic acid as an acid, when any acid that will lower the pH sufficiently will release Al from clay. This harms the plant when this happens. If the plant is happy, it is not absorbing aluminum.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Unless the poisoning is microorganism poison, which copper very much is and stainless isn't at all. I don't know why you guys won't at least use copper vacuum lines and brass fittings and everything has to be stainless for you.

Copper sulfate makes a great moss killer, but our thread is about what finds its way into our meds from our extraction equipment and its effect on us.

If we wanted to expand the discussion, we would have to include hex and trivalent chromium from stainless, but that isn't poisoning our meds either.

Sticking to our specific subject, in the context it was intended, copper is not a health issue.

Our use extracting meds, in the manner discussed, is also not likely to affect microorganisims.


Active member
SS is just way sexier, period. It makes me feel better esthetically.

G.O. Joe. - for gardening, the aluminum isn't what's desired in azomite. It the 60 other minerals and trace elements and the silica. As long as a possibility exists that it can be poisoning, that's all I need to stay away from it. The burden of proof is on the azomite company to prove otherwise in my opinion. This goes hand in hand with the copper and brass versus stainless discussion. As long as there a theoretical possibility, I'll go with stainless because I can easily obtain it, and it much sexier, and it satisfies my narcissistic alter ego.I can just as easily use glacial rock dust instead, which has way less aluminasilicate.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
If we wanted to expand the discussion, we would have to include hex and trivalent chromium from stainless, but that isn't poisoning our meds either.

Sticking to our specific subject, in the context it was intended, copper is not a health issue.

Our use extracting meds, in the manner discussed, is also not likely to affect microorganisims.

Ya, get it - you're not talking about using copper and brass parts and health issues, you're talking health issues from the use of parts of copper and brass. Just wondering aloud what then is the reason copper and brass is always avoided in this forum when one benefit is killing viruses, fungi, bacteria on contact - the response is what it is. Thought you were all about the patients and safety blabla. A little chromium, iron, nickel, won't hurt you if it did come out, it shouldn't be in the high oxidation state. Not much to expand.


Active member
I think if you are vaping or dabbing at low temps, a majority of the heavier metal compounds would stay behind. I just constantly keep my cape pen wet and do an occasional alcohol soak and clean out. I figure as long as it doesn't get too dry and too hot only thc and terps should be coming out of there at around 400F.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ya, get it - you're not talking about using copper and brass parts and health issues, you're talking health issues from the use of parts of copper and brass. Just wondering aloud what then is the reason copper and brass is always avoided in this forum when one benefit is killing viruses, fungi, bacteria on contact - the response is what it is. Thought you were all about the patients and safety blabla. A little chromium, iron, nickel, won't hurt you if it did come out, it shouldn't be in the high oxidation state. Not much to expand.

So you say brother GJ, but I'm pretty sure you don't get it.

We drink water out of copper piping, because it is of such low risk in that use.

Like so many things, copper can be a problem under the right set of circumstances, but using that set of circumstances to evaluate those sets of circumstances where is is not a problem, is both misleading and a waste of time.

A 75% oxygen atmosphere will kill us, but no one is running in panic from the 21% oxygen atmosphere we live in.

If you look at what our bodies are actually made of, you might also note that many of the trace elements are highly toxic in any quantity, but some how we survived them arriving at lower levels and our bodies literally could not function or survive without them.

Perspective, perspective, perspective, followed by perspective.

This is a recovery pump thread, and it is that perspective that we should review the evidence.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Meanwhile, back to exciting fun news, hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort...........

A huge crate arrived at the lair, in which was a spanking new CM-EP-OL, donated for wanton abuse and evaluation.

Hot damn, sure a purdy thang and took two of us to load and unload. I helped load it, but slid into my old and feeble act once we got it to the lair, and a was brushed aside by dashing young hero, who helped WW unload it.

We unpacked it from the well made wooden crate it arrived swathed in foam in, and mah heroic helper immediately volunteered to test it and buy what pieces might be left of it after our tests conclude, providing they aren't bent so bad as to no longer fit.

His enthusiasm wasn't dampened, though he did cry out in pain, as he discovered that the gorgeous stamped stainless cover has sheared edges capable of drawing blood.

We quickly removed that puppy and set it aside to file the sharp edges from later, as well as to cast our eyes upon her inner charms.

Our initial impression is that it was well thought out and made. I've arranged to pickup some tanks of Ecogreen R-600 and R-290 today from the test lab, where Sean had them tested for solids and GC/MC content, and JColtrane has a test sample of Praxaire 99.5% Instrument grade headed our way later this week, sooooo we will start our tests distilling oil using a trap and mol sieve filter.

We will then switch to flushing "Beast", a newly completed Mk VC, all pressure tested and ready for cleanup before running a dummy load.

Followed by hooking it up to a local Mk VB running daily production 12/18 hours a day, to get feedback where the rubbers meet the road.

As committed, if we still can't see inside the cylinder and head at that point, I will take one off and share dirty peeectures of what ah find.

Every test rig deserves a name, and we've decided to name our test pump "Slick", cause it looks slick and male.

Mostly because it it is the sort of simple direct masculine design that would be created by an engineer, before handing it to the "artists" to have their way with it, and purdy it up for marketing.

A stainless tubular frame on locking casters. Covered by a simple ~16 ga stamped SS cover, with openings cut at appropriate locations.

A fully enclosed fan cooled motor, directly coupled to the pump and fan, with large stainless heat exchanger. Kiss!

I like that in a design and will share pictures as light improves, but so far it looks purdy much perzactly as RHH previously shared.

Hee, hee, hee, gentlemen, start your pumps........

Mothers lock up and guard your daughters!

Let the fun begin!!!


Active member
Yaya yay! Oh please do share the recovery rates of that knew cmepol vs two tr21's I'm so dieing to know Mr wolf!

Sean told me the next load he gets should have aa valve to bypass the stock heat exchanger if desired.

Please do report on the noise level vs two tr21's as well!.

So your trying the ecogreen pane eh? Please do also report on that good sir!

Sorry for contributing to the derailment of this thread. Lets get back to pumps!


Active member
GW you got one of these?

I broke mine in yesterday!

Not sure if its the holy grail of recovery pumps BUT.....
Here is what I think of it........

Its sexy!
It works great!
Its fast!
Its quiet-ish.

Fast compared to what? I did not time the thing... Next time I will.
BUT Ive run my system with 2 appion's, then I switched to 2 diablos. Its faster than 2 appions or 2 diablos.

noise, It is more quiet than the diablos!!!! which are quieter than the appions.

now price, Its expensive. For the performance per dollar I could have bought 4 diablos for the price which I think would be faster.


I want a second one to run TWO!



Active member
How accurate do you feel the gauges are? How deep into vacuum can it effectively and safely pull? Does the manual specify anything like such?

Are you still using after chillers?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
GW you got one of these?

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=52217&pictureid=1410263View Image

I broke mine in yesterday!

Not sure if its the holy grail of recovery pumps BUT.....
Here is what I think of it........

Its sexy!
It works great!
Its fast!
Its quiet-ish.

Fast compared to what? I did not time the thing... Next time I will.
BUT Ive run my system with 2 appion's, then I switched to 2 diablos. Its faster than 2 appions or 2 diablos.

noise, It is more quiet than the diablos!!!! which are quieter than the appions.

now price, Its expensive. For the performance per dollar I could have bought 4 diablos for the price which I think would be faster.


I want a second one to run TWO!


Yup, that's the one!

Ooops, how did you break it?

I picked up the butane and propane yesterday, but got side tracked on a contract, so will start recovery today.


Active member
How accurate do you feel the gauges are? How deep into vacuum can it effectively and safely pull? Does the manual specify anything like such?

Are you still using after chillers?

The gauges are very accurate.
I pulling to -10/-15.

I am not using after chillers.

This thing is FAST!!!

14 pounds of butane in about 1.5 hours!!

A6 Grower

This thing is FAST!!!

14 pounds of butane in about 1.5 hours!!

My 2 g5's do about that(2 passes of ~ 8 lbs per pass takes me about 2 hours from start to hard vac for finish, collection pot at 60F), but that's with after coolers and heat mats on the column. Although that could be sped up if i got another after cooler instead of the 2 pumps sharing one.

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