As far as bio accumulation from what we feed plants, that's a touchy topic I've done a lot of research on. There's soooo many variables. With a solvent extract, most of what the plan chelates should stay in the left behind plant material. The worst however is aluminum. Living soil with lots of humid acid can break the alumina silicate bond. The plant chelates the aluminum and when you smoke the plant material the aluminum can pass directly through the alveoli in your lungs and into your blood stream. However the extract should hopefully leave that behind. I've said it before and I'll say it again because I want people using safe meds. If you or any one you know is using products like azomite that has high alumina silicate content, tell them to stop using it and discard the soil (if possible) because it can linger in the soil for up to four years.
Copper and brass as poison, is ill directed.
some unsubstantiated bull shit.
With a solvent extract, most of what the plan chelates should stay in the left behind plant material.
Unless the poisoning is microorganism poison, which copper very much is and stainless isn't at all. I don't know why you guys won't at least use copper vacuum lines and brass fittings and everything has to be stainless for you.
Stainless looks way cooler than brass and copper.
If we wanted to expand the discussion, we would have to include hex and trivalent chromium from stainless, but that isn't poisoning our meds either.
Sticking to our specific subject, in the context it was intended, copper is not a health issue.
Our use extracting meds, in the manner discussed, is also not likely to affect microorganisims.
Ya, get it - you're not talking about using copper and brass parts and health issues, you're talking health issues from the use of parts of copper and brass. Just wondering aloud what then is the reason copper and brass is always avoided in this forum when one benefit is killing viruses, fungi, bacteria on contact - the response is what it is. Thought you were all about the patients and safety blabla. A little chromium, iron, nickel, won't hurt you if it did come out, it shouldn't be in the high oxidation state. Not much to expand.
GW you got one of these? Image
I broke mine in yesterday!
Not sure if its the holy grail of recovery pumps BUT.....
Here is what I think of it........
Its sexy!
It works great!
Its fast!
Its quiet-ish.
Fast compared to what? I did not time the thing... Next time I will.
BUT Ive run my system with 2 appion's, then I switched to 2 diablos. Its faster than 2 appions or 2 diablos.
noise, It is more quiet than the diablos!!!! which are quieter than the appions.
now price, Its expensive. For the performance per dollar I could have bought 4 diablos for the price which I think would be faster.
I want a second one to run TWO!
How accurate do you feel the gauges are? How deep into vacuum can it effectively and safely pull? Does the manual specify anything like such?
Are you still using after chillers?
Yup, that's the one!
Ooops, how did you break it?
I picked up the butane and propane yesterday, but got side tracked on a contract, so will start recovery today.
This thing is FAST!!!
14 pounds of butane in about 1.5 hours!!