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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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Hashmasta-Kut said:
dutch seed list? thats definitely irrelevant, as i have only bought dutch seeds one time in my life (flying dutchman thaitanic). i live in b.c. canada, and i am talking about the multitudes of strains i have tried in my stoner culture. nothing tastes like skunk man. some things have a good dankness to them, but its always a different dankness. i have been smoking for over 25 years, and grown since 1985, to give you an idea of how much experience i may have with different terpenes and strain traits.

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ICMag Donor
I'm not sure where the actual roadkill is. But if y'all are looking for some strains that reek of skunk, I can name a few that really stink it up once the buds are dried and ready to smoke. Abusive OG kush is real real strong in the skunk dept. I rolled a couple joints for a friend coming over and they smelled super strong. Katsu bubba kush royally stinks like skunk through 3 baggies. Also its some real strong medicine as well. HP1 smells like a male bodybuilder skunk and is super meds. The Jackie-o has an overbearing skunk coming through citrus stench. Don't forget about Schrom. It has a stinkyness that cant be denied. One more for the record would be Berkely. A good friend of mine is a skunk pot lover. He actually likes the stench of skunk the most as a flavor. He says that the Berkely is one hella stinky bitch. Whenever he gets some he hoards it all to himself. Not me though, I personally like the less stinky and more flavorful sweet pots but do enjoy a stinker. They are all available somewhere in the US. All these clone only cuts would very much satisfy the majority of skunk lovers appetite.
Good luck in your search for these highly coveted clones guys. I imagine finding the RK is gonna be more likely by searchin through some of these stinkers genes. not the sk#1. I'd steer you towards the afghani/pakistani indica genetics to find a "rk" pheno.

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Active member


so then the real question is what parents of road kill skunk was the smell of the roadkill skunk is probley coming form a parent and not a random mix and 1 off pheno
theres a daddy or a mommy that was making that smell and i bet sam has a idea of what it was and if he doesnt then it would definalty explain how the skunk he breeding taste so sweet.

i just got here and havnt read the whole thread

sam are you taking credit for having the road kill skunk and taking the line towards sweetness

or are you saying that it could have been something completely differn't from someone else

my parents alwasy smoking skunk you guys talk about( not anymore)

and we be in oregon and sam is breeding in california? did you let seeds slip ever sam,( is it possible someone got a few of your beans and they be growing road kill skunk?)

if we can just figure out the parents and would take alot less time to try to find the smell and tastes you love.

ive heard highland afghani said a few times and i admit to knowing so afghani with what could be conssider a weak skunk smell i guess.

imo we probley wont find a roadkill skunk or even a hybrid it seem's so now to get this smells back we are gona have to find parents and possibly make something similar or perhaps even better(not likely)

i dont have time for a rks project right now, but if i get this in clone or hybrid form i will share i have big strain avaliblity ill see what i can dig up.

oh complete differnt note i smoke skaze skunk and haze

unigue smells very odd taste but almost seem as if this skaze not have the same skunk 1 in it some other skunk

this is not skaze from seed catalog this skaze from oregon bred.


honey oil addict
chili berkster you dont know the smell of the origional skunk if you think BK smells like it. BK does have a great smell that is pungent, but its not reminiscent of the skunk terpene. it does have a more skunklike growth than any in my garden though, and it does get high ratings commmercially locally. i also have an OGcross that has no skunk smell in it either. it is dank, but a different dankness.
man you guys kill me with this kind of talk...the og's are always gona tell the new people that it wasn't as good as it was back in the day...I think yal miss being young my 2cents

I have had really skunky bud before and you guys teasing it like there was something better just lingers in our minds :bashhead:

nice day to all :joint:
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Active member
hash masta after only a few minutes of delibration with the heads ive been able to determine that road kill skunk comes from seed when they grew it and that there is no such known clone

heres the promblem something made those seeds and therefore there was in my oppinon some type of mother or father \

so therefore once you bypass the local old headies you find the parents and thats probley the where the real road kill skunk coming from

who knows bumper crop of skunk is easy to obtain its a nice plant so making many road kill yield is easy to imagine

working on a differnt smell the old jamican black and some other working good so far.


honey oil addict
i cant really tell what you meant oldtoker. i know for a fact that we got a variety of roadkill that skunkman sez looks like maybe a cross he sold, moreso than his old pure skunk, but it was fully skunk smelling. very indica. obtained in 1980, i was only 12 then. i saw the truckload of clones that came from california. all the people in our circle grew it and cloned it for 20 yrs. it was preferred over all other types available by far. it was clone, not seed. any seeds obtained from late hermie selfed were never exactly like the mother. those seeds are what i have. although it wont be exactly the same, it will have to suffice. i have grown many of theses seeds before, and know what to expect.


Active member
i know where chili is coming from and i know what he means....i agree strains like og,bubba,ecsd, have the "skunky" odor...but not quite the RKS odor by any means.

i get whiffs of abusive, bubba, og, ecsd that remind me or RKS....i have 1 og that reminds me of RKS in a few ways....but not from any skunk#1 or cheese....thats why in a earlier post i said strains like those are way closer to RKS then cheese.

i grow some of the finest genetics around but none have had the overpowering skunk odor of RKS....but many are stinky and stank in there own way.


the Revenant
So can anyone speculate on RKS being Gainesville Green/Moonbeam Madness? If this is true then Rez for sure has a pack of seeds of GG.


Time2Unite said:
i grow some of the finest genetics around but none have had the overpowering skunk odor of RKS....but many are stinky and stank in there own way.

Im a little amazed you find kush hybrids more like sk than sk1.

Do you guys know how many different sk lines i saw in the 80s ?, Not just 1 sk line but many all stunk bad so bad a single bud in a zip lock back in your pocket would stink so bad all would look at you as you walked into a room.

I saw sk with red hairs and saw them with orange hairs lite green to dark green flower sk lines even saw a sk line very dark almost blue looking that was called blue sk all are still around here and can be found if one has the rite contacts so if we have it so does the us were it was from to start with.

Im also amazed some of you know more about sk than sam .

I also belive the lite green sk and the blue sk was the best.

I have a few old sk lines 1 i am not game to grow indoors any more as it smells so bad i wonder if you guys ever stoped and thort if infact it was the afgani side of the parent line in sk that gave it the strong smell ya think .


Interesting you mention the Red Hair skunk DH.
I have 2 (yes only 2 damn it) of Red Hair Skunk from 1982-1984 era.
Wondering if it s just a red haired pheno of an early skunk line, or if its something like Panama Red x Skunk.
I PM'd Sam about it, but didnt get a reply. Didnt expect one really, I am sure he is a busy man.
Anybody know anything about Red Hair skunk from the early 80's?


Active member
im trying to figure out where the orginal road kill is coming from if you say only the smell can come from the orignal clone

did sam skunkman make the clone that arrived in the truck you speak of?

i just trying to determine who make the road kill skunk and what the parental lineage of this is.

are you telling me that the road kill skunk in your oppinon is only around as clone and could never be obtained as seeds then?>

my friend say he grow the skunk from seed he probley using some type of cross or a s1 then......

he doesnt have this line anymore he not using since 90's didnt care for the high

my parents smoke not me and they smoke quite a list of strain's and the admit this be strongest of strongest smell and a nice high very stony but not the holy grail.

sam skunkman"""" easy ques for you my friend

if you were making the skunk when did the road skill skunk smells start appearing and what was the ratio of sweet to stinker's, did you have to cross the skunk hybrid to a differnt mom or father to make it turn sweet?

can you recall in general what cross was made or what was making the smells these guys love

is it truly some type of afghani that make this smell?

sam do you belive that road kill skunk was obtainable by seed sometime threwout its history

do you belive the seeds would be very uniform(uniform enough that if many people grow many differnt seeds we all still love it and know it as road kill skunk because its so well bred)

i belive its possible somehow these people were using seeds when they grow it. or sam do you say its clone?

hasmasta and sam and everyone else

i am not as versed in this strain at all so i take your info as more wieght then the info i am getting, while the old heads around here seem to be perrty on top of the shit sometimes the clouds can make a memory a lil differnt

excuse my grammer spelling and ect sorry not much else to say

I was driving through Oregon like a year and a half ago and I remember passing by this car going the other direction and they had there windows rolled down...that was the last time I got a wiff of that stinky stinky...even tho OG kush smells great and it has a hint of the skunk, it isn't as powerful and overwhelmingly stinky as the real skunk but I know what most of you are trying to get across...I can't touch what you guys are saying about the RKS but I can say that you can get extremely skunky bud from S#1 seeds, if you can get stinkier that what I have seen from these beans, I don't even know if I can handle it hahah

I'm thinking that there are still some of the purest untouched sativas down in S.A. that would have the smell we seek

edit: sour d smells real nice but I haven't found any real deal skunk in a coop, and wouldn't expect to but hey u never know

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Active member
my honest opinion is RKS is not related to skunk#1...until i see anything that even closely resembles RKS odor in any skunk#1 or cheese or any skunk#1 hybrid for that matter i just don't see it...or smell it lol

the buds we talk about that went around with the name skunk is because it smelled like a skunk....i see no proof or any smells coming from any skunk#1 that was like what we talk about...not even on the same map....i don't think it was the strain called skunk#1.

if i see a strain with skunk in it's title it should smell like a skunk....i wouldn't name a strain human feces if it smelled like roses.

if the name was changed to sweet#1 or fruit#1 it wouldn't even sell....people still buy the skunk strains today hoping to find the real skunk....which will never happen.

i'm not steppin on toes or disrespecting anyone...it's just my opinion on the matter...some people enjoy skunk#1...it's just not what i'm looking for....i've grown enough of them and crossed them every which way to realize it ain't it....i got thousands of skunk beans that i will probably never even germinate.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Verry nice thread here!I was reciently gifted some bean's from my mom,circa late 70's early 80's,without going into any specific's...is early eighty's too early for RK genetics...some of these bean's are kinda red..gonna try to get pics soon,as for I don't even know if these will germ...wml...............Mm


Active member
Dalaihempy said:
i wonder if you guys ever stoped and thort if infact it was the afgani side of the parent line in sk that gave it the strong smell ya think .

I am surprised more people havent clued into this one. It seems in my observations that the RKS started showing up around the same time as the afghanis started coming into the main scene, surprise surprise :nono: Now factor in that ALOT of the dutch sttrains , even the indicas, where probably crossed at some point to a sativa or hybrid and then bred from there, its no surprise that the modern afghan offerings from most dutch companies dont have that 'skunky' funk to them. So once more, who is chasing down thrugh the afghanis, or am I going to be the only one?


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
this is what I was trying to state....about how early was the indica introduced into eastern made cannabis....mid early 80's,btw the remark I made earlier about red seed's...one of my Older meddies told me that these red seed's could poss be panama red any one care to discuss....these are reddish peach right about where the bottom of the calyx or the fat end of the seed...(don't know the politically correct term)hoping I don't find allot of sativa influence,would like to find her RK that is...will post pics tomm..........................................Mm
hopefully sam can chime in.........for I am near that famous location....hehe
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Nice thread .... since 06' damn !!!!!

can't say i read it all but i have an idea.....

that RKS , sounds so good . the taste , high must be :headbange

i have not seen it.... the skunk#1 over here is not the rks... it's skunk1...

it's been arround for years now , only one time i saw those buds fill up the room with the strongest tangerine smell i have experiences so far from a bud...

nothing hazy or sour..... real citric , tangerine smelling......
check it out..

:rasta: ............................... come one .. i know someone has or can make a real RKS seedline ........ what y'all waiting for?!........
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