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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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3Strike Offendr

New member
cheese = skunk #1
the pure (old flying dutchman) = skunk #1

cheese x skunk #1 =skunk #1

i have said the cheese(aka Skunk #1) is the closest thing to Rks witch is skunk#1

nice work sam!

Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Cheese that Ive smoked, of the uk cut, is nothing like the 80's "rks" we had here...Cheese is definately on the sweet side and doesnt even look much like the one that was around for years up here...


Sam_Skunkman said:
Of course CHEESE is close, it was bred by me, named by others, it was Skunk #1 seeds that grew CHEESE.

From my perspective, it would be a mistake to associate road kill skunk with the Skunk#1. As somebody else previously mentioned, just because its labeled as skunk does not mean its automatically related to the world famous skunk #1.
Many varietys of cannabis have a very skunk like odor to them, which naturally will lead to some people describing or labeling their variety skunk because of its natural characteristics. Obviously the road kill skunk(if there truely is one RKS, and not many) are varietys that tend to be extraordinarily skunky compared to other varietys which are just average skunky(lol).

So just because there is a variety, thats garnered so much attention thats labeled Road Kill Skunk, does not mean its necassarily related to the skunk#1.

Most if not all of this thread is speculation, as apparently nobodys surfaced with a RKS the majority can agree upon as being the real deal road kill skunk.

If indeed there is no true RKS, but many incarnations or variations floating around acrossed the country (world) some of them have an excellent chance of being RKS by odds alone. SK#1 is one of the most used varietys in the industry today, but I dont think we can necassarily connect all 'skunk' varietys with skunk#1.
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Active member
quick question i have a jamican hybrid that i really have no clue what its been crossed with and it gives off a horrible rotting flesh,decomposing dead birds,dogs,cats smell.
wouldent say its skunky but a reek that unimaginabley stinky, and it also seems to get me very stoned(not high)indica style it start with this smell and sticks around tell week 7 and as it ripein giving off more of a earthy,sweetness.

do these skunk's smell like dead animals?
everything i grow is from seed

my parents sometimes say trinity smell's a little skunky, they also have been smoking for 40- years and know thier shit

anyway just interesting dont know if i could even smoke the plants if thier smell didnt mature and lightin a bit.


No they smell like a skunks ass, and nothing else, your brain is filled with the image of a dead skunk on the side of the road when you are within 500 feet of the herb, plants, trim, leaves, anything..RKS == weed dipped in a skunks scent, not rotting flesh


Active member
Sam_Skunkman said:
Of course CHEESE is close, it was bred by me, named by others, it was Skunk #1 seeds that grew CHEESE.


lol...sorry to break it to you but cheese is not even close....thats cool you bred it and all but cheese is no where near RKS....cheese don't grow like RKS...don't smell like RKS...don't taste like RKS...don't look like RKS....so how is it close?

i got cheese in my room and i have a jar of cheese i don't even touch.....when it comes down to it strains like bubba kush, ecsd, and og kush are closer to RKS then cheese....based on appearence and smell.

cheese is a decent cut but it isn't even close to any RKS i've seen or had....i wouldn't be disappointed if i never smoked cheese again but RKS is a different story.

people have selfed cheese and made cheese crosses how come no RKS type phenos have been found?


the Revenant
Time2Unite said:
lol...sorry to break it to you but cheese is not even close....thats cool you bred it and all but cheese is no where near RKS....cheese don't grow like RKS...don't smell like RKS...don't taste like RKS...don't look like RKS....so how is it close?

i got cheese in my room and i have a jar of cheese i don't even touch.....when it comes down to it strains like bubba kush, ecsd, and og kush are closer to RKS then cheese....based on appearence and smell.

cheese is a decent cut but it isn't even close to any RKS i've seen or had....i wouldn't be disappointed if i never smoked cheese again but RKS is a different story.

people have selfed cheese and made cheese crosses how come no RKS type phenos have been found?

I think you should show a little respect to Sam S. Sam is prob some of the few people who actually hold RKS seeds and the only reason there isnt much RKS around is cause he focused on the "sweet" skunk instead of stinky. Either way he deserves our respect for his years of dedication to a plant we luv.


Active member
oh pirate your so right...since i disrespected him so much lol.....i've heard the stories 1000 times and you bring nothing new to my thread.

i said thats cool he bred it and it's a decent strain...then i told the reasons why i think cheese is no where near RKS....is there a problem with that?

let me guess the RKS seeds he holds is skunk#2 right?

would you be happier if i told sam the cheese rules and is close to rks?


honey oil addict
well my mommy from the old bc skunk, as im gonna call it today, is getting so nice :) a bit wider than it is tall, and i think budding is coming soon. within 2 weeks i am gonna trigger it i think. this version of RKS is about to be resurrected. :) also i am gonna try and get a few more to pop. need a few phenos.

i tried for years from all my friends who grew this bc skunk to find me seeds, and finally one came through. so glad. cant wait.


Active member
does it smell like a skunk in veg? got any new pics of her?

thats cool you got some beans of it.....i'm interested in seeing the bud structure when u finally flower her out.

i'm in the process of making mine own version of RKS myself.

for you people that think roadkill skunk has anything to do with the smell of dead animals are way off base....if you have never smelled the odor of a skunk that has sprayed you won't ever know what we are talking about.


Pirate138 said:
I think you should show a little respect to Sam S. Sam is prob some of the few people who actually hold RKS seeds and the only reason there isnt much RKS around is cause he focused on the "sweet" skunk instead of stinky. Either way he deserves our respect for his years of dedication to a plant we luv.
Sam is definitely worthy of respect, but I would like to know why you think Road Kill Skunk is a variety that came from Sams skunk lines?

There are thousands of marijuana varietys who have a strong, pungeant smell to them very similar to a skunk. Skunk#1 and the numerous hybrids and reworked versions ofcourse are credited to Sam. But there are untold handful of varietys floating around the world who are labeled skunk generically who are not related to Sams lines. I have several varietys and pictures of varietys labeled as skunk but which were clearly not skunk#1 or a related variety.


ICMag Donor
Is Road Kill Skunk like the goose that lays the golden egg?

Other than hash-kut :yes: nice plant,, does anyone got any photos of RKS so we can compare it with Cheese and other musky types of Skunk #1 ?

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every skunk #1, super skunk, or any other skunk variation I have been told of hasn't been the real deal since I grew out my own...it's just a matter of getting lucky and nabbing that desired pheno....everybody seems to have the easily obtainable fruity skunk

man that sure brings back memories, I was in high school just about to start college and it was my first time ever growing mj...I harvested the plant which only gave me an oz dry....but it lasted so long, the high was something I have yet to encounter again...it also tasted like a skunk just farted in your dinner, but as weird as that sounds, it was very pleasant :bashhead: now you know that must be strong

:headbange till we meet again S#1


honey oil addict
its not just a matter of luck and getting that pheno. the genetics arent there. you need the old school shit to get that real skunk flavor. no strains have that funk anymore.


Active member
you could spend the rest of your life going through skunk#1 beans and end up being farther away finding RKS then u would be not trying at all.


honey oil addict
outlawed420 said:
Sure there are, you just may not find them listed in a Dutch seed list.

dutch seed list? thats definitely irrelevant, as i have only bought dutch seeds one time in my life (flying dutchman thaitanic). i live in b.c. canada, and i am talking about the multitudes of strains i have tried in my stoner culture. nothing tastes like skunk man. some things have a good dankness to them, but its always a different dankness. i have been smoking for over 25 years, and grown since 1985, to give you an idea of how much experience i may have with different terpenes and strain traits.
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