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The REAL Skunk Bud

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Well-known member
and remember .. Ye Searchers of the Skunk.

not only does it have to be Skunky it has to also smell like intense onions/garlic up close

Skunk smell becomes RKS when mixed with air..

anyone who has been up close with a dead skunk on your shovel knows that

From what I know and what @Jonestown88 has posted in this thread I cannot disqualify his statements as fallacy. I believe there is hope. I need to get up close and personal to be 100%. Anyone that knows the Skunk Bud can easily recognize it.

** fingers crossed **


Well-known member
I respectfully think that is opinion and not fact. I live on the east coast by the way, so I know what the animal smells like. Dead and the spray. Sulfurous yes. Garlic and onion, idk about all that. We can agree to disagree lol
skunk the animal and the real old skunk weed..

smells like skunk


the rest has to do with proximity and volatile oils..and not mixed with enough air yet

in then old days there was alot of skunky bud

but the best skunk bud I had did the same close up thing..before it smelled like “skunk"

yeh we’re good
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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
@medman Wait a minute; this night owl seeds guy joined yesterday and that’s the guys top pick? This is starting to look a little fishy.

Felt good yesterday 😌

I know alot of my elders have massive libraries that don't even use a cell phone or computer really. Country guys

No business like grow business homie

Usually facts are stranger then fiction right lol


Well-known member
Take a walk with me down Memory Lane... Early mid-Eighties..

In my old neighborhood we had a Universal Greeting -- "Hey man, gotta joint?".

This one grey cloudy day I was walking down the street. I came upon a smoking aquantance from the hood. I was faster on the draw: "Hey man, gotta joint?" Bashfully he tapped his pockets; "No, man. I dont. But I know where to get one.. 2 streets away. Lets go". So we began the short trek..

We arrived at the house and knocked on the back door. The door opened. My smoking buddy spoke to the person at the door and asked if I could enter. After a quick look over at me they said yes. After the obligatory introductions we took seats at the kitchen table. Small talk then smoking buddy asks if they can front him a joint. The lady of the house sends her teenage son to grab one in her bedroom stash.

Son returns with a fat doob and momma lights it. I'm thinking, "Whoah! Thats Skunk Bud!". I have puffed that weed on a few prior occasions.. unmistakable! The heavy stank immediately enveloped the room. Oh yeah, baby. I'm into something good! The Skunk was quite different from what was around before. The most stinkiest bud known to man. If you had a sack double bagged in your pocket and walked into a room everybody knew. Then of course you would hear someone say, "Hey man, you have a joint!".

After her exhale I smiled and said, "Thats the Skunk!" Everyone in the room nodded in agreement. Momma smiled and said, "Oh you know about Skunk weed?" I replied that I smoked it a few times before. Momma proudly said everybody that smokes it loves it. The teenage boy interjects excitingly, "My uncle grows it! Aint that right, momma!" Momma smiles, nods, and said, "Yup, he sure does!".

Now I'm thinking, "Eh, so what. Lots of people grow weed". Then it dawned on me.. Skunk Bud was seedless.. Where did this uncle get the seeds? So, I just had to ask.. "Where did he get the seeds?". Momma said that its a secret and he aint telling. She continues that his weed is famous from coast to coast. I ask, "So what you're saying is that uncle is the originator of Skunk Bud?". "Yes. He. Is." Momma sends the teenager to get the envelope of pictures. At this time my skepticism is running big time.. but hey, the joint gets passed to me.. life is good!

The teenager returns and shows me pictures of plants that appear to be growing at the foot of an inclined hill. Wood frame lean-to's with opaque plastic sheeting over a good number of plants.. pictures and pictures of plants. I said, "Your uncle is a serious grower".. "I told you! Uncle is famous for his weed!"..

Perhaps the look on my face said, "I think you're full of BS". Momma turns to cupboard and pulls out a large green Tupperware bowl from the early 70's. She sits it on the table and removed the lid. Holey Moley did that Skunk just spray up my nose! Inside the bowl there was about 1 1/2 pounds of raggedy untrimmed Skunk Bud. "We just came back from paying him a visit and he gave us a garbage bag full".

So I just had to ask, "Where is he at?".. "West Virginia". I made an in.. or so I hoped when I replied "My momma's side is from West Virginia". Then I sheepishly asked, "Can you take me down there with you? I love weed, I love West By God, and I'd love to meet your uncle!".

The room filled with laughter. Momma smiled and said, "Uncle protects his weed patch with his life. He knows he has something special. He's making more money than he ever has. If anyone other than kin goes into that holler I guarantee they aint making it out of there... shot full of holes and fed to the hogs".

Momma grabbed a handful of the Skunk laying in the bowl and laid it on the table in front of my smoking buddy. My buddy pushed 4 buds in front of me. I picked up the buds, put them in a cigarette pack cellophane, and stashed it in my shirt pocket. Eventually we bid farewell to everyone.

My smoking buddy and I part ways at the driveway. About 5 minutes later another smoking buddy pulls over in his '69 Chevelle. . "Hey man! Get in!". I hop in and the cammed up 396 massaged my body. Immediately he looks at me and says, "Hey man.. I KNOW you have a joint!".
Hey man, Southern va here, I've talked about this style bud for awhile, we used to have it here around Christmas time a little before, dark green, and it wreaked, I don't know if my nose became accustom to the smell of weed, but i've only been able to get the smell minorly through breeding none of that putrid funk.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I wished I could transport the only unclosed rks thread I ever found that has been running strong on riu for a long time now. Very few and far between skunk trolls and minor debates.

No shit it took me like 2 months off and on to read it. I thought my wife was going to divorce me last summer lol

Its worth the time and effort to read. Lots of good info. Noodles is on there too with an in depth story about his dad.

Skunk was everywhere here in bc by 1975. Right after Hawaiian import ended. Basically anyone 45 or older here grew it, smoked it or sold it. The wirlds best data mine imvho

The irony is that afghani in bulk showed up after skunks And people crossed afghani to the skunks to shorten flowering time and bump yields. This story is a common thread from Kentucky to bc with the actual growers that were there. Those first crosses are most likely what we refer to as RKS the first generation of skunks and ghanis. Donkey dick colas.

Everyone I data mine with all grew it for decades or more. They don't sell weed or seeds.


Well-known member
I wished I could transport the only unclosed rks thread I ever found that has been running strong on riu for a long time now. Very few and far between skunk trolls and minor debates.

No shit it took me like 2 months off and on to read it. I thought my wife was going to divorce me last summer lol

Its worth the time and effort to read. Lots of good info. Noodles is on there too with an in depth story about his dad.

Skunk was everywhere here in bc by 1975. Right after Hawaiian import ended. Basically anyone 45 or older here grew it, smoked it or sold it. The wirlds best data mine imvho

The irony is that afghani in bulk showed up after skunks And people crossed afghani to the skunks to shorten flowering time and bump yields. This story is a common thread from Kentucky to bc with the actual growers that were there. Those first crosses are most likely what we refer to as RKS the first generation of skunks and ghanis. Donkey dick colas.

Everyone I data mine with all grew it for decades or more. They don't sell weed or seeds.
I annoy my buddy in Washington state about once a year about "donkey dick" Someone on one of the islands of WA/BC has to still have it.


Chasing the Present
This will probably get alot of flaming 😆 but to me the first time I ever tried Diesel it reminded me of the first Skunk bud I ever tried around 93-4 , was same loud wall pentrating FUNK, this guy who sold it drove around with it in Turkey bags because of the smell , would stink out the whole house just from opening the bag , and crazy potent
Sour D definitely comes from old skunk, I haven’t a doubt in my mind, but so few have the real old Sour D, and even fewer skunk…. 80’s - early 90’s skunk was dark green leafs, limey / yellow golf ball like flowers, it was widespread in the biker gangs up through even mid / early 90’s then poof it disappeared @1995 in all the circles I knew, upstate NY is where I roam, home of the Real Sour D and plenty of skunk variants though very few if any still @

Peace, Nice thread Johnstown & GL with your project, read a great book on the Johnstown flood as a kid, never forget it but looks like you may be from a different Jonestown

@medman Wait a minute; this night owl seeds guy joined yesterday and that’s the guys top pick? This is starting to look a little fishy.
Was thinking the same thing but curious to see how this plays out, a path we’ve all seen often the past decade or two :)


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I annoy my buddy in Washington state about once a year about "donkey dick" Someone on one of the islands of WA/BC has to still have it.
That's an original skunk bud! 110% and that would be the area too! Where it can be grown safely.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Sour D definitely comes from old skunk, I haven’t a doubt in my mind, but so few have the real old Sour D, and even fewer skunk…. 80’s - early 90’s skunk was dark green leafs, limey / yellow golf ball like flowers, it was widespread in the biker gangs up through even mid / early 90’s then poof it disappeared @1995 in all the circles I knew, upstate NY is where I roam, home of the Real Sour D and plenty of skunk variants though very few if any still @

Peace, Nice thread Johnstown & GL with your project, read a great book on the Johnstown flood as a kid, never forget it but looks like you may be from a different Jonestown

Was thinking the same thing but curious to see how this plays out, a path we’ve all seen often the past decade or two :)
Becuase busts were getting out of hand people moved away from skunk bud and northern lights #2 (pre dutch afgahnxthai) and went to the nl#5, bc big bud etc that had lower odor.

The first rule of any investment is protect it....no one wanted to go to jail. Leo was def onto skunk at that point lol.


Well-known member
skunk the animal and the real old skunk weed..

smells like skunk


the rest has to do with proximity and volatile oils..and not mixed with enough air yet

in then old days there was alot of skunky bud

but the best skunk bud I had did the same close up thing..before it smelled like “skunk"

yeh we’re good

If we agree skunk the animal and skunk weed smelled the same, what else is there lol. I don’t remember needing all these perfect conditions for our bags to stink the whole house up


Chasing the Present
Becuase busts were getting out of hand people moved away from skunk bud and northern lights #2 (pre dutch afgahnxthai) and went to the nl#5, bc big bud etc that had lower odor.

The first rule of any investment is protect it....no one wanted to go to jail. Leo was def onto skunk at that point lol.
Yup, NL, bubblegum etc killed the Skunk Bud Radio Star right @1995; it’s just odd how all of a sudden it was across most of NA, skunk around for 15-20 years then poof mid 90’s - Gone , it was always stinky & a risk, it was only in part lost due risk imo, recessive in nature & people went for looks & sweet, sad really….


@Rgd the old swamp grower is right - Garlic & Skunk have very much in common, and Sulfur really squeezes out the Thiols, Mercaptans etc in both ;)


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Yup, NL, bubblegum etc killed the Skunk Bud Radio Star right @1995; it’s just odd how all of a sudden it was across most of NA, skunk around for 15-20 years then poof mid 90’s - Gone , it was always stinky & a risk, it was only in part lost due risk imo, recessive in nature & people went for looks & sweet, sad really….


@Rgd the old swamp grower is right - Garlic & Skunk have very much in common, and Sulfur really squeezes out the Thiols, Mercaptans etc in both ;)
I vouche for that! Last time I saw the road kill cut in bud form was 95/96. That old cut was also starting to hermie. So that didn't help things either

There was a huge bust outside winnipeg on a hudderite colony. Minster grow for mb and the time. It was skunk. Then a massive drought. Next year 0 skunk. Imagine losing millions in set up costs and revenue. It causes major supply chain ripples.

Fate is a funny thing. Skunk was way ahead of its time...now that grows are legal, no skunk lol good old Murphy in action!


Well-known member
RGD been in growing game nearly 60 years brother, east coaster too - very few folk have had the experiences he has, just something to note ;)


I’m not discounting what he said at all, I just don’t agree with the garlic / onion part being what roadkill is. But then again, it doesn’t matter because i feel confident saying “ skunk bud “ was not one particular variety so no wonder we get all these slightly different opinions. That’s why everyone is running in circles because I don’t think we all had the exact same thing as skunk back in the day.


🦫 Special 🍆
not sure what are the parents today but sensis Shiva Shanti II
should be a cross with garlic bud

Shiva Shanti »»» Garlic Bud x Unknown Kush x Skunk #1
Shiva Shanti II »»» Garlic Bud x Skunk x Afghani

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Active member
With so many seed companies popping up its hard to keep track of them. Honestly, I haven't heard over half of them.. @Jonestown88 did mention earlier that he had a difficult time drumming up interest with breeders.. granted, it has been many years since the term 'skunk' has been thrown around and its meaning can get diluted. In my experience, there is only one Skunk Bud.

The seed bank that I have been dealing with here is NASC. A quick search I found:

Even though I never heard of this breeder until now there appears some legitimacy. Maybe Daz is the only cat to take Jonesy up on his offer. Yet, I would implore Daz to keep this strain pure (at least at first before any cross breeding).

I, for one, still offer my services to the cannabis community in positively identifying it as The Real McCoy.
How did you know my name?


Active member
@medman Wait a minute; this night owl seeds guy joined yesterday and that’s the guys top pick? This is starting to look a little fishy.
@medman Wait a minute; this night owl seeds guy joined yesterday and that’s the guys top pick? This is starting to look a little fishy.
I never said daz was my too pic csi or notsodog was my two top pics but they blew me off oldschool chronic marketed to many fake skunk seed so i didnt trust him you scammed people i dont trust you and i didnt get daz here a guy that messaged eastcoast joe did he wanted my cut and i asked him if daz would vouch vouch for him and he told me he messaged daz and asked him to join the discussion ain’t nothing fishy except the giant list of people i my inbox trynna kiss my ass thinking im a dumb hick who can be fooled!
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