Shit You Gotta Know Becuz I Do And I Am Gonna Stick You With It:
Lessee: The shortest sentence in the English language is "Go."
"Kayak" is derived from the Inuit word "qayaq" and came into the English language about 1750.
I bet you don't know anyone stuck with the knowledge that the word "swims" is an ambigram. <-- Am I right? For the unlettered here: "ambigram" means it reads the same upside down as it does right side up.
And I am stuck with the knowledge (which I am freely sticking you with) that the word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" -- which literally means, "unable to speak" or "speechless".
Now... don't you feel better?
Being of sound (?) mind and owie body, just gotta finish this off with one you already almost know:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. <-- But here is the sekrit: That's a pangram! A sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet.
Lessee: The shortest sentence in the English language is "Go."
"Kayak" is derived from the Inuit word "qayaq" and came into the English language about 1750.
I bet you don't know anyone stuck with the knowledge that the word "swims" is an ambigram. <-- Am I right? For the unlettered here: "ambigram" means it reads the same upside down as it does right side up.
And I am stuck with the knowledge (which I am freely sticking you with) that the word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" -- which literally means, "unable to speak" or "speechless".
Now... don't you feel better?
Being of sound (?) mind and owie body, just gotta finish this off with one you already almost know:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. <-- But here is the sekrit: That's a pangram! A sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet.