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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Shit You Gotta Know Becuz I Do And I Am Gonna Stick You With It:

Lessee: The shortest sentence in the English language is "Go."

"Kayak" is derived from the Inuit word "qayaq" and came into the English language about 1750.

I bet you don't know anyone stuck with the knowledge that the word "swims" is an ambigram. <-- Am I right? For the unlettered here: "ambigram" means it reads the same upside down as it does right side up.

And I am stuck with the knowledge (which I am freely sticking you with) that the word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" -- which literally means, "unable to speak" or "speechless".

Now... don't you feel better?

Being of sound (?) mind and owie body, just gotta finish this off with one you already almost know:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. <-- But here is the sekrit: That's a pangram! A sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I claim petulant pedantry. And I have been up all night.

Once started on it, I find it hard to quit. It ain't big words, necessarily... but just some words sorta stick on the "remember me" button for unique-atoodity.

For instinks:
"Bookkeeper" is the onliest word in the English language with three double letters together. <-- Now aren't you sooper glad to know that forever and ever, you will have this at one your mental fingertips anytime you want to destroy a conversation?

"Zenith" <-- Now, until to the end of yer life, every dang time you see that word you will KNOW that it is an Arabic word meaning "the path over one's head". And it went from Arabic through Old Spanish then Medieval Latin, then Old French finally to English. Now you cannot forget that "zenith" is an Arabic word.

One for our most Excellent Londoner: When English royalty refer to themselves as "we", it comes from good Ole Hank the Second somewhere in the mid-1100's who was referring to "God and I". Just sayin'.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning venerable brothers and sisters of the sacred herb! Happy St Patrick's Day!

Partly cloudy with sprinkles here, starting at 38F and predicted to reach 50F.

I heard back from my little sister in Gulfport and she says they got some wind and rain, but nothing serious.

Gym first thing this morning and then more indoor sports and debauchery!



Weird I can't mention you and pull your name up.......anyways cola whats your thought on the above?
I Opt For Neither. BUT .. A company came by our house and offered ms cola some solar rental deal. Left a card. Out of curiosity I called them. Said they would put solar on the house for free, or some such nonsense, and would buy back the electricity from me, and somehow or other I received a benefit on my electric bill. I paused and then thought that they likely would not last in business long, and that there was a high probability that they would not come yank their solar off my roof when they went belly up. So i would end up with solar for free. Then realized they might damage my tile. All just a pipe dream in my day dreaming mind, but that's the kind of lunacy that goes on. :D


Well-known member
Morning folks! I don't think it'll hit 60 but at least the sun is gonna shine. There comes a time in every man's life where ta go, 'what's that beeping sound?' so I'll be on the ladder changing batteries. The question is how many 9 volts do I have? I've got a list of stuff like that I need to do. I hope all are well.



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Well-known member
I read this whole discussion. You guys are on a level the same as winemaking connoisseurs discussing vintages, types, methods.

This grower knowledge is akin to violins: The art of violin is living. There are no books -- only passed-on knowledge. This is not the best thing.

The collective scientific and unique data/knowledge you have all forged into the previously non-existent variants, as well as discovered or even invented utterly complex methods should be formally taught in universities.

Weird world... a good percentage of the very fine people here have been in jail. Why? For having a piece of naturally-occurring shrubbery! I've never even seen a jail (TINS), and yet I have put people down and been praised, but to this day have never actually seen a real pot plant.

I do live in another world from the scientists here. I appreciate you guys taking in an ancient orphan.

Old dings have me this morning, and alas, my cupboard is bare and I do not take drugs. 📉
It's still not too late for drugs. Psychedelics and cocaine are GREAT! Like the Greeks said,'all things in moderation'.


Well-known member
I claim petulant pedantry. And I have been up all night.

Once started on it, I find it hard to quit. It ain't big words, necessarily... but just some words sorta stick on the "remember me" button for unique-atoodity.

For instinks:
"Bookkeeper" is the onliest word in the English language with three double letters together. <-- Now aren't you sooper glad to know that forever and ever, you will have this at one your mental fingertips anytime you want to destroy a conversation?

"Zenith" <-- Now, until to the end of yer life, every dang time you see that word you will KNOW that it is an Arabic word meaning "the path over one's head". And it went from Arabic through Old Spanish then Medieval Latin, then Old French finally to English. Now you cannot forget that "zenith" is an Arabic word.

One for our most Excellent Londoner: When English royalty refer to themselves as "we", it comes from good Ole Hank the Second somewhere in the mid-1100's who was referring to "God and I". Just sayin'.
'We' are mildly amused :cool:


Well-known member
Premium user
Evening fly by :wave: miss me :ROFLMAO:

Missed being incinerated by less than a 1/4 mile. Fire went just east of us. If it wasn't for a wheat field west of us and that we keep the field down back mowed short. We would be homeless. We did have a small fire from embers in our woods. We would go down back about every 20min to check. Found it burning and contained it before it got out of hand. Bush pumpers were amazed we had it out by the time they showed up.

Neighbors did lose their homes. Last count county wide 230 homes were burned.

Electricity went out @noon friday and we didn't get it back till this morning @5am. Fiber optic Internet will be out for at least a month they say. Using Blondie's phone as a hot spot ATM. So my time on the net will be very limited. I know ya'll be happy about that...

Have pics of the devastation but can't upload them yet.

IT'S not over yet. The next 2 days will be at extreme fire danger here and with all the stumps and rotting trees still burning. Fire will be close by again.

Haven't had a shower 3 days. Off the lean real hard against a bar O soap.

Till next time be safe and pray for us here among the oak trees and them damn cedars.
Wow. I’m so sorry yall are going through this. We had fire burning or area once in Georgia where I lived in the middle of a tree farm. It was very scary and our main road was blocked from getting out. Keep your eyes peeled which I’m sure you are. Hope you get a shower soon. Maybe now since you have electricity again…
Keeping You and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Take care little 🥰✌️

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
55 and raining. No walk this morning just spending a few minutes with Mom outside Starbucks. Nice and high. Plenty of seeds now getting spots ready. I also took over part of a demented Russians Iris plot and will be growing sunflowers and habenero. They don't know it was me and they planted irises all over the common garden areas. She took it over. Never really goes outside. Have to dig up those iris and rotate the soil a little. Fucking Russians. Dirtballs tried to turn the common planting areas into a retard bloc