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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Haven't seen a fly or a cockroach - neither have I heard nor seen a Mossie McSkeeto - YET - on this trip - but it's early days - next week I should be up the jungle on some southern island (Koh Lanta) - where monkeys 🐒 (grey macaque's) steal your spliffs from the ashtray - when you ain't looking - and drink from the infinity pool - whilst masturbating and masticating upon anything that looks remotely edible - very free and liberated souls you might say - I'd say no-one taught them no manners - bad parenting - creating very very naughty monkeys -

- I'm sure all the mad tropical insects and other wildlife will be out there too - waiting to try and turn me into their next buffet 😉 - ahh but I have some tropical jungle strength 'Off' - for ankles and wrists - and anywhere else that takes ya fancy -
Hi Gypsy, you sound like your enjoying your travel time and that is good news:)

I remember as a child our neighbor having a Spider monkey as a pet... for awhile, it was a filthy minded little critter. I guess things don't change much in 65years for some monkeys. Stand back and don't let a gooey projectile of semen or some other bodily fluid find it's mark.🐒🚿

Thanks for posting the photos/comments. I can be an armchair traveller!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
some type of allergies

probably the cats , weed , and coffee

just kill me now
It goes thisaway: Good strong coffee with lotsa caffeine:

"...coffee can reduce the damage caused by the release of cytokines due to overactive T- and B-cells."

Then comes the next line:

"Cytokines transmit various signals for cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, and functional activity, circulate in picomolar concentrations, and may increase in magnitude almost a thousand-fold in response to an infection or inflammation."

I did a search to see if the vaxx had any effect on cytokines. Yup. Something called T-Cell memory:

Does the COVID vaccine affect T cells?

Differences in T cell memory after infection or vaccination

One dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine induced a similar magnitude of spike specific T cell response as previous infection, measured in peripheral blood by interferon γ ELISpot.Nov 22, 2023
sauce: https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...8kDHQfvEMsQzmd6BAgbEAY&biw=1920&bih=911&dpr=1


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Hmmm.....probably not since I don't know what a Dream Catcher is.

a dream catcher drinking coffee


Unca Walt

Well-known member
probably wouldn’t hurt that’s for sure

but alas , we have none of the above here so it’s a hot bath in epsoms salt or a hot shower
Look on the bright side:

You could be in your beautiful sailboat, just off the Canadian coast.

Wind picking up (even more), so you haveta take yer achin' arse out on deck in the freezing spray to:

"...weather her by the futtock shrouds d'ysee, with all plain sail clewed up to the heads, burn me buttocks."

Plus, somebody (you) hasta get the six inches of water out of the cabin before it reaches the battery... Ice on the sails and ropes is becoming a problem.

O, look! It's snowing!! While land is only forty miles away, the wind (30MPH) is blowing straight out to sea.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Wife called in a panic. Oldest boy disappeared. We live way out in the country so not much to worry about. She checked his normal places. Pond. Creek. Other pond in the woods. Finally found him way over and grandpas house. Waiting in the carport. They were all still asleep. Not even four and he done walked 3/8 of a mile through the woods and field by himself.
Glad he’s ok. Man I sure love being a dad but I can do without these stressful moments.
I did the same thing age 3 -- somehow found my way through a mile of neighborhood to knock on my favorite aunt's door. She was on the phone in a minute telling my mother a St. Bernard dog had dropped me off on her porch. Happy memory.


Well-known member
Same here, ship boilers as well as from brake jobs over the years and tearing old ducting in houses, but so far no issues, though my lungs show some scarring.

Given anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids, I wonder if the healthy amount I've kept in my lungs has provided any protection?????
Hello GW, the respirologist told me I had about 10 years left 15 years ago. So far no significant change. I did notice when I use to smoke that my lungs seem to clear up and could breathe easier but a couple hours later, the pain would start and my lungs felt like someone took course sandpaper and sanded the inside of my lungs. No more smoking, 1st rule don't do things to harm yourself.

People who smoke tobacco and have asbestos related disease usually die.

Yes, it has made me wonder if something within cannabis helped.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I had one a few months ago and it was ok. Thanks for the info though.
No problem, and I wasn't directing it at you per se. I only mentioned it since two people talked about it and how they resolved it by cutting caffine. Since there is another, potential more serious cause for "fluttering" that is fairly common among older folks, I figured it was a good idea to do a little PSA about it in this thread. Glad to hear your's is good and that they are checking it regularly that means it's unlikely you'll ever be caught off guard with a "Leaky Valve".
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Well-known member
I sometimes use a neti-pot, one word of caution. My respirologist told me never to use tap water in my neti pot that he gave me.
Later I read of a man who got some kind of brain eating parasite through his tap water, which he used in his neti-pot. Always boil the water or used a commercial product.

Hello and good day to you Sub:)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
JD, I would have this all put to bed long ago if it weren’t for my back, which I have a procedure in a couple of weeks to resolve that and the constant nagging nerve damage in my belly from the cancer surgery it’s become debilitating and I can only Hope that after my back procedure I will be back on my feet. There’s nothing much I can do at this point about my neighbors hostilities so I need to concentrate on putting a well in the ground so I can sell my real estate… I got a call earlier today from someone I’ve met at the gym and they’ve asked me if they can come over and help me with some of my yardwork. I am unable to do a whole lot of physical work and yes, there’s a feeling of being overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. As for hiring help right now because of the storm everybody’s busy and if you do find somebody, they want to ridiculous amount of money because they know the market is there… I am hoping and praying that once the RFA is done to my spine, I should be able to be much more active. I am just not in a happy state of mind right now, but I do appreciate your input and friendship.
I don't mean to dampen any hopes or expectations but so that you don't build it up in your mind and then feel let down, I wanted to warn you that the RFA may not do all that much for you if this is the first one. Typically the first time you get one done, the benefit is mild and it also tends not to last very long (a month or so is typical.) If you keep getting them every 6 months to a year though, the benefit increases and it takes more time for the nerves to regenrate (meaning the benefit lasts longer.) Of course as is usually the case, you're results may very since none of us are exactly the same.


Well-known member
Mr sub is rolling up an early version of the C99 which has been in the jar for a few days. I’ve been wanting to try it. Already it smells pretty crazy while he is rolling it. He said it was sticky and fluffy. Gonna burn one then go on a bike ride in hopes it makes me peddle faster (well at least enjoy the bike ride a bit more) 😳hope y’all have a good day 🥰✌️
Please let me know of the flavor, thank you sub

Enjoy your speedy but enjoyable ride, do you have one of your trusty canines with you?


Well-known member
I’ll be happy to just not have it rear it’s ugly head before my time ends on this planet.
You would know it if you did.
I' ve been through 10 years of compensation claims and was awarded a diagnoses of asbestosis finally, after hiring a lawyer. What gets me is, I'm the one who suffers from the asbestosis but it will be my Mrs. who will benefit financially from my asbestos related death. I have received a few thousand dollars and the lawyers have gotten just as much as I have.
At least now any costs associated with my asbestos exposure will be covered by the compensation board.

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