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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
oldmanbc… all I know is the TIPS braddah…unless later on became more colorful…..

start day with few rips on nasty bong and recent LL… moved to Nashville like many others….

ganj on

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
WTF ???? 🤔 I think I missed something. Are you on a world cruise or something ? Happy birthday Farmer John . 🥳
Naa - I'm on a mission - to seek out new life - and new civilizations - to boldly go where no man has gone before -

- but I doubt very much if I will find it - where I'm going end of the first week in November - but allegedly it will be all new to me - and the plan is to spend a coupla days there - discovering things - then posting what transpires - because it may well be of interest to others - as it seems to be of interest to me now -
<does curiosity abound?>

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

(British joke) A man walks into a bar....​

- He says to the bartender "Hey, if I show you something amazing can I drink for free?" The bartender agrees, and the man proceeds to pull out a tiny, one foot tall man with a miniature piano, places him on the bar, and he begins playing. "Wow! Okay your drinks are on the house, but where did you get him from?" says the bartender. "Oh there's a genie just in the alley behind here, granting a free wish to anyone." replies the man.
The bartender quickly rushes out to the alley, and sure enough there's a genie who asks what he would like. "I wish I had a million quid!" All of a sudden thousands of squids begin to appear, flooding the alley, causing the bartender to rush back into the bar for cover. He screams to the man "Bloody hell, I wished for a million quid and he's given me a million squid instead, must be a bit deaf that genie." The man laughs "Well of course he is, you didn't think I wished for a 12 inch pianist did you??"


Well-known member
Naa - I'm on a mission - to seek out new life - and new civilizations - to boldly go where no man has gone before -

- but I doubt very much if I will find it - where I'm going end of the first week in November - but allegedly it will be all new to me - and the plan is to spend a coupla days there - discovering things - then posting what transpires - because it may well be of interest to others - as it seems to be of interest to me now -
<does curiosity abound?>
Im going go have to back up and read some this thread to see what I missed. 🤔 Anyway, have fun @Gypsy Nirvana . ✌️😁👍


Well-known member
I never eat lunch and red meat twice a month....chicken (turkey) and fish...
Hello there Pute!
It's a good thing to pay attention to to how meat affects a person, neither my Mrs. or myself can eat a lot of red meat. Does not digest well, sits heavy. Don't get that with the poultry or fish.

Never eat breakfast. I'm a light lunch eater, usually a cheese and vegetable sandwich. Supper I can chow down, especially if a cookie is involved:)


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hello there Pute!
It's a good thing to pay attention to to how meat affects a person, neither my Mrs. or myself can eat a lot of red meat. Does not digest well, sits heavy. Don't get that with the poultry or fish.

Never eat breakfast. I'm a light lunch eater, usually a cheese and vegetable sandwich. Supper I can chow down, especially if a cookie is involved:)

Mango and Sticky Rice - anyone? - I'm just tucking into this very Thai dessert - Mmmm -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Just because you can be a parent doesn't mean you should.
As a parent you have a responsibility to raise your children in such a way that when the time comes they are ready to face and succeed in today’s world.

Both mine and Mrs Pute‘s parents married too early in life. As a result, both were divorced and we were both just in the way.


Well-known member
Killing an animal and eating feels like a very natural thing to do. And I alone have hands on it, every step of the way. I hunt or raise an animal domestically, then I kill it. I dress it and hang the meat if needed. I process it. I make the sausages. The bratwurst, steaks, roasts. Some is canned for a quick and easy meat potato and gravy dinner.
We cut our own lamb chops. My freezer is well stocked. quail, rabbit, lamb, deer, all come from my land. I could eat a different meat every day of the week.
I’m just an average fellow. I keep my head down and I never draw attention to myself.
I’m no hardcore cocky dude.
But to provide my family with good quality meat for a fraction of the cost makes me feel pretty dang good. It’s very satisfying. The old saying is true. The more you put in something, the more you appreciate it.

I would encourage you to get closer to nature. We have been brainwashed for seventy years now, that factory farmed food is a better choice. The safety of your food, the quality of life of the animal raised.
I have to agree YD, not all foods are good choices, sometimes people just making the best choice with what's available. What they can afford
Country farm raised meat and vegetables has a lot going for it and natural game meat, as well.

Game meat can have it's problems, most good hunters would see unnatural behaviour in an animal and not take it.
I use to work for a driller at times, mostly water wells. One time he took on a contact for uranium exploration test holes. An hours drive to the village where we stayed and then to the heights of the mountains. There was a big tent camp on the mountain for all the workers of the company. Helicopter landing pad for investors, it was a sizable operation until the local folks decided they didn't want this going on in their neighborhood and serious vandalism happened. Ok, end of story. There was hundreds of test holes and they all leaked water. We had to wear a device that would show if you were being exposed to harmful vapors coming out of these holes. They poured cement into the holes at the end, it seemed like a cheap way to end the project but did it really prevent radioactive water coming out, I'm not so sure.

I use to see the deer coming there and drinking that water. It made me wonder about the people who would hunt these animals and eat their flesh.