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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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rest well Amigo!



Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today's Tuesday. The week cruises on and the work week continues. One day closer to a weekend!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning venerable brothers and sister women! Let's start the morning on and upbeat note by hugging the person or pup next to you.

Partly cloudy here starting at 49F and predicted to reach 78F.

Well, our first-floor windows are all clean on the outside, but I had them wash them twice. The teens bought a window washing rig to make the job easier but failed to realize that you also have to scrub with it, versus just rinsing. To the washer's credit, once I showed him all that he was missing, he redid it without debate.

I usually don't respond to door-to-door solicitors but appreciate the teens entrepreneurial spirit to make some honest bucks, instead of hands out. I wouldn't let them clean the second story windows, because they weren't a licensed contractor with insurance.

The roof treatment crew is due this morning. Adult licensed contractors in this case, so I infer they will require less supervision......


Well-known member
Driving to the packie last night I saw this odd looking vapor trail. Very dark in color(the pic doesn’t do it justice) and obviously at a sharp angle to the rest of the clouds. Within about 30 seconds it had tripled in width then in another 30 seconds it was gone. I’m wondering if an engine flamed out or the silver nitrate nozzle clogged 😂