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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
So I stopped in a smokeystore. The kid behind the counter was about 18. Only one in the store besides me. He did not know doodly squat about ANYTHING in the store. There were racks and stacks of what MIGHT be the thingy I was looking for, but everything was wrapped and sealed and clearly non-returnable...

...So I turned around drove home and ordered what @oldfogey8 got. I hadda pay a dollar more. $116.

I hope the thing comes with destructions for use. Looking at the pictures of parts makes no sense yet.

But right off, I know that when I get the thing and take a hit, I will exhale into the Volcano bag. No vapor/smoke/exhudation to the air to be wasted.
There are instructions. The buttons take some getting used to. To turn it on, you need to hold the center button and the ring around it down for about 5 seconds then once the led readout is lit, press the ring button again to get it to heat up. Sounds complicated but it really isn’t. You will figure it out pretty quickly, I have mine set to 390 deg F. Others here can advise better on good vape temps(or maybe just use what you did with your Volcano).


On a mailtrain.
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sometimes X is really useful. i found a new knot last night. no, that undersells the discovery, not "a" new knot, THE knot, that i have been waiting to appear since 2009.

my vape is powered from a battery pack with two wires. i have been looking for a way to bundle the wires every 6" of the 36" length. zip ties are too cumbersome. i was using dental floss to tie the wires but did not have a good enough knot.

last night the AI presented "the constrictor". what a tease. it could have shown this to me years ago.

looks like a winner. now undergoing stress testing.

learning how to tie a new knot at age 76.5