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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I don’t know about hiding the wrinkles tho…
Wrinkles are the last of my worries. A couple months ago I noticed a little bump on the very end of my nose. Thought it was a pimple....even Mrs Pute told me to pop it.

It would never come to a head though.......I slowly began to realize it is a mole right in the tip of my snoz....

I am already ugly enough....now along with other issues I will look like a warlock.....




Well-known member
Wrinkles are the last of my worries. A couple months ago I noticed a little bump on the very end of my nose. Thought it was a pimple....even Mrs Pute told me to pop it.

It would never come to a head though.......I slowly began to realize it is a mole right in the tip of my snoz....

I am already ugly enough....now along with other issues I will look like a warlock.....

View attachment 19026875
Too much brown nosing or wut??


Well-known member
why would you need shears like that?
are you a seamstress?
do you own animals or shear sheep?
those are the type things that normal people should not have access too
I am a sewist and do unfortunately fully understand how a pair of 4 inch
snipping shears will wreak havoc upon human flesh. Slip the grips over
the middle and third finger and curl up the fingers. It will suffice very
well when it's all one has and an attack is imminent.
I was not the one harmed in this scenario.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Wrinkles are the last of my worries. A couple months ago I noticed a little bump on the very end of my nose. Thought it was a pimple....even Mrs Pute told me to pop it.

It would never come to a head though.......I slowly began to realize it is a mole right in the tip of my snoz....

I am already ugly enough....now along with other issues I will look like a warlock.....

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Ummmmmm, I got lots from childhood, but would have any new moles that popped up on my face marveled at by my dermatologist.


Well-known member
That made me smile. My Daddy would not even let me think of getting a BB gun. He knew, sure as Gawd made little boys...

He told me if I saved up enough money for a real rifle and a box of ammo, I could buy them. So I saved literally everything. Even 2c Coke bottles in vacant lots. Mowed lawns (25c), shoveled neighbor's snow (25c) -- Took most of a full year to get $11.95 plus $.50.

Back then, it was a time when America still honored and observed the 2A. So this kid came into the big store with a paper bag full of coins. Gave them to the guy behind the counter, and he handed me my beautiful rifle and a box of Long Rifle .22's.

I walked out, proud as punch. Eleven years old. Carried it prominently two miles home through town, with people smiling when they looked at me.

NFW would I ever aim that real gun at something I did not want to kill or smash. A BB-gun? I woulda shot that nasty Jeanie Barrie right inna ass for breaking my balsa wood glider.
I was shot in both ass cheeks by the neighbor kid and I didn't even break his glider!
He was a little bastard towards every one. Hurt like hell too. Then, I beat him up.

Was also shot in my left face cheek years later and that was by accident and
luckily a ricochet from a misfiring of the BB gun. Hurt like hell, the BB stuck
in my cheek and I'm damn lucky it wasn't an inch higher as I may have lost
my left eye that day.
Guns, no matter what type are dangerous in the hands of irresponsible users.


Well-known member
Here is the new walkway! We still need to replant on the left where the drain line repairs were done.

Alas, the 120 year old Douglas Fir that was on the left also blew over in 2016 and is what wrecked the kitchen drain line.

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I'm curious as to what the reason is that the stump was not removed prior to laying in the new walkway?
The walkway looks marvelous. Congratulations for a job well done and finally completed :)

So Hai

Well-known member
I understand what he meant. I agree with his sentiment.

My different take is that I am a tad lazy. I might shoot the knees first, but I would not want to pull a muscle or crack a knuckle. Besides... One can be very precise with a 5-shot .22mag.
Yes the sentiment that disarming someone is fraught with risk and it would be better for someone else to take that risk, and then engage like a hero once the threat level has decreased.

And that is why you do not fight with close fists.


Well-known member
Wrinkles are the last of my worries. A couple months ago I noticed a little bump on the very end of my nose. Thought it was a pimple....even Mrs Pute told me to pop it.

It would never come to a head though.......I slowly began to realize it is a mole right in the tip of my snoz....

I am already ugly enough....now along with other issues I will look like a warlock.....

View attachment 19026875
Maybe it will give you special powers 🤪

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