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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That is normal. I have to go back to my retina surgeon for a 6 mo follow up for macular degeneration. When the insurance co will pay for that then I go back for cataract surgery. Not gonna be fun.
Cataracts surgery is not really all that bad. The aftercare is a pain in the butt for some but the benefits of getting it done can be pretty life changing. My wife got both her eyes done when she was still around and afterwards she went from needing some pretty strong bifocals to not needing glasses at all. Now that's not always the same for everyone it depends on what vision problems you had before. When my Mom got hers done, she still needed her glasses but she did say that colors were much more vivid then before.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
just got back in from the kidney doc, he says carry on, you're doing great...hearing that bothers me...make an appointment and we'll see how it looks in 6 months...I never realized how sick you can be and still carry on...:rolleyes:
6 months means they just want to keep an eye on it so that if it changes they can get on top of it right away. Do enough stretches of 6 months with no chang and they'll likely extend it to once per year.


Well-known member
I wouldn't count on it either which is why I clarified that I haven't tested it and therefore don't know if it's true. Let me ask you this though, did you know it was coming from his house because it was obvious or because you knew he was growing? or to ask a slightly different way if somebody didn't know in advance that he was growing would it have been obvious it came from his house?

Ultimately though when it comes to security, if it's important to you then you should never take risks on unproven methods you hear about 2nd or 3rd hand because the person you heard it from most likely won't be bailing you out if you get caught. If it matters to you then always go with proven tried and true security measures.
The first and most important rule of “ Pot Farming” that I learned 43 years ago is “ never show your plants to anyone ! “

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I wouldn't count on it either which is why I clarified that I haven't tested it and therefore don't know if it's true. Let me ask you this though, did you know it was coming from his house because it was obvious or because you knew he was growing? or to ask a slightly different way if somebody didn't know in advance that he was growing would it have been obvious it came from his house?

Ultimately though when it comes to security, if it's important to you then you should never take risks on unproven methods you hear about 2nd or 3rd hand because the person you heard it from most likely won't be bailing you out if you get caught. If it matters to you then always go with proven tried and true security measures.
His house was isolated enough that it was obvious where the smell was coming from. He was my dealer at the time, so I let him know.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Farting around (as old farts do) on YT, learnin' how to fix a loose axe head.
Not currently information in my repertoire of skills but I got an old axe at
Habitat for Humanity for 2 bucks maybe? as I needed one for a quick job
and it was just the right price :) Job completed but just at the tail end,
the head fell off (oh cripes, now that dandilion game/ sing song...
"mama had a baby and it's head popped off" is in my head haha).
Kinda like having an axe now that I do have one so... gonna fix it
up if I'm able.
If I succeed, put another tool into this old gals box (dbl entendre was
not intended but, can be read as so if, that's the way your mind leans ;) ).
The most common way that I've seen is put the axe head back in place and then hammer in a nice long thick nail into the handle starting at the top part that shows thru the axe head. The nail expands the wood of the handle helping it to hold onto the axe head more securely. if the handle isn't made of wood then i haven't a clue.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The most common way that I've seen is put the axe head back in place and then hammer in a nice long thick nail into the handle starting at the top part that shows thru the axe head. The nail expands the wood of the handle helping it to hold onto the axe head more securely. if the handle isn't made of wood then i haven't a clue.
They actually make wedges for installing axe handles. https://www.amazon.com/axe-wedge-kit/s?k=axe+wedge+kit

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well in his case they say the crim he commited was that he said he wasn't a drug addict on his application. To be fair his defense was since he had completed rehab and was sober at the time, he felt it was fair to claim he wasn't an addict. But then someone pulled the old "Once an addict, always and addict" card on him. Which is kind of messed up because there is no scientific evidence that's true, ut's just something people at AA and NA meetings say to each other so that nobody gets too complacent in their sobriety.
What curdles my sperm is that the "big" deal is a lying pistol permit paper. WGASAT?

Who Gives A Shit About That??!! <-- Looking at an ant, while the elephant stands by it.

Looking at a cracked toothpick half floating while the Titanic goes down right next to it.

What about furgling the underage girl (proven by the pampered bitch's credit card in the damning photo)?

What about the coke in the White House? The coke in the selfies? Using "The Big Guy" in actual recorded threats for payoffs?

What about the MILLIONS of dollars and zerio taxes paid?

What about being a representative of a foreign (China) country?

What about Burisma???

What about transporting whores across state lines? <-- proven on his cc.

eg: The Mann Act
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I dont have any problem with people owning guns. What irritates me is when some dude buys a gun and then wears it like he is now invincible. I want to kick his ass and take his $ 1200 dollar gun. Most people do not have the balls to shoot and kill someone. Maybe that is a good thing but they make it easy for “hard men” to access guns.
I don't have a problem with people owning guns either. What I do have a problem with are the ones who decide to go in malls, schools or other places where lots of easy targets are at and just randomly shoot at innocent people who have nothing to do with what made them want to do such a cowardly and horrific thing in the first place. I would love to get ahold of someone like that and literally beat him to death with my fists. After someone gets the gun away from him of course.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
The most common way that I've seen is put the axe head back in place and then hammer in a nice long thick nail into the handle starting at the top part that shows thru the axe head. The nail expands the wood of the handle helping it to hold onto the axe head more securely. if the handle isn't made of wood then i haven't a clue.
eek eek

Wood to wood. The reason: A nail is a single thin rod expanding 360. A wooden wedge is flat side to flat side twice -- expanding the right two directions to seal, and incrementally at that (eg: wider and wider as it goes in, unlike a nail). Much better than an emergency temp nail.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning finely aging pooters!

Double gorgeous here again starting at 52F and predicted to reach 82F.

Our new walkway is complete and turned out nice. I'll take a dirty peecture come daylight.

The twenty pounds of corn sugar that I ordered arrived, but no Turbo Yeast yet. Time to make my annual gallon of 130 proof corn squeezing's as barter to keep one of my key contractors happy.

Off to the gym this morning for my workout and jacuzzi soak!

The housekeepers are due today, so me and the slick sly pup will be headed to Fernhill Dog park to sniff some butt and chase the ball.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Got up at 5:30, went to the store to get my grizzly snuff. The Stinkdan has to do inventory and books for 15 minutes while I stood there. Why open then? Waiting for Mom to call me at 8 for Starbucks coffee and a ride to the dispensary. Getting 2 grams of kief and a half of preground flower. Television still broken. July 4th tomorrow. Almost time for iced coffee

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I don't have a problem with people owning guns either. What I do have a problem with are the ones who decide to go in malls, schools or other places where lots of easy targets are at and just randomly shoot at innocent people who have nothing to do with what made them want to do such a cowardly and horrific thing in the first place. I would love to get ahold of someone like that and literally beat him to death with my fists. After someone gets the gun away from him of course.
That is one of the reasons that if you see me, I am carrying. Even in my YouTube peacock bromance video. I always have a PUG in my pocket no matter where I go. (*snock*) Even as I am sitting here now.

If shit like somebody starting shooting at a mall or whatever happens and there are more -- many more -- folks with my mindset, all these shootings would be short... and eventually only history. I've been shot already. It only pisses me off.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Maybe next time you imagine killing people with your bare hands you can try to imagine taking the gun from them as well :ROFLMAO:
I understand what he meant. I agree with his sentiment.

My different take is that I am a tad lazy. I might shoot the knees first, but I would not want to pull a muscle or crack a knuckle. Besides... One can be very precise with a 5-shot .22mag.


Well-known member
Oh dear. I hope I can get this software to post this data... lessee... YES!

View attachment 19026850
Here is a link to the study:

It is certainly satisfying that there is a peer reviewed study indicating that there is a link between what many of us didn’t believe was a safe(or effective) injection but I get no joy from that confirmation. I know quite a few people(including family members) who accepted the narrative and got the jab(even as I cautioned against it,and was admonished, for my beliefs). I have 2 family members who continue to wait with bated breath for their next jab in spite of clear evidence that a)it will not protect them and b) it could damage them. The ‘will not protect them’ piece is pretty much a wash but even if the adverse reactions are extremely rare(which seems untrue), getting damaged is tragic.


Well-known member
That made me smile. My Daddy would not even let me think of getting a BB gun. He knew, sure as Gawd made little boys...

He told me if I saved up enough money for a real rifle and a box of ammo, I could buy them. So I saved literally everything. Even 2c Coke bottles in vacant lots. Mowed lawns (25c), shoveled neighbor's snow (25c) -- Took most of a full year to get $11.95 plus $.50.

Back then, it was a time when America still honored and observed the 2A. So this kid came into the big store with a paper bag full of coins. Gave them to the guy behind the counter, and he handed me my beautiful rifle and a box of Long Rifle .22's.

I walked out, proud as punch. Eleven years old. Carried it prominently two miles home through town, with people smiling when they looked at me.

NFW would I ever aim that real gun at something I did not want to kill or smash. A BB-gun? I woulda shot that nasty Jeanie Barrie right inna ass for breaking my balsa wood glider.
That’s a funny story Walt. I also cut huge yards (front yard pastures) for 5.00 with my brother, and babysitting for .50 an hour saving up for stuff my parents couldn’t afford or thought (Levi’s are much more expensive than the off brand clothes she would spring for). She also made many of my clothes which I loved but at that time nothing like a cool pair of Levi’s. 😁
‘My grandkids have no idea where money comes from and it worries me some…


Well-known member
Premium user
Farting around (as old farts do) on YT, learnin' how to fix a loose axe head.
Not currently information in my repertoire of skills but I got an old axe at
Habitat for Humanity for 2 bucks maybe? as I needed one for a quick job
and it was just the right price :) Job completed but just at the tail end,
the head fell off (oh cripes, now that dandilion game/ sing song...
"mama had a baby and it's head popped off" is in my head haha).
Kinda like having an axe now that I do have one so... gonna fix it
up if I'm able.
If I succeed, put another tool into this old gals box (dbl entendre was
not intended but, can be read as so if, that's the way your mind leans ;) ).
Me tinks you have been hanging around a unruly bunch 😊☝️❤️