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Well-known member
A couple of steaks mmmmmmmm



In my empire of dirt
Its been known to happen from time to time ;)

Guns are complicated - there is no denying US has by far the most amount of gun violence of any first world country. But fixing it is a whole different problem.

Canada has fairly high gun ownership but less violence. Its not zero though. We definitely have a lot of restrictions on the types of firearms you can have.

The thing lots of people forget too is the most likely person to die by a gun you own is yourself - just owning a gun means you are more likely to have a successful suicide.
suicide is a mental health issue
lets not muddle the two together
woman are more likely to use otc pills or other means to kill themselves, lets outlaw them too!
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
I guess Unca Walt I should have more clarity with my intended humor. It was not intended to be taken seriously. I shall endeavor to bring more precision to my wording.

But being the age I am with all the health problems I have , I am not always on my game, nor do I suspect I always will. Sorry, if you found my words to be offensive, that was not the intention.
(*snork*) Pissed? I wuzzn't pissed atall, atall. I wuz tryna make you happier with hope. Thought you was serious.

THE major shortcoming of this medium.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
You blew holes in your wall? If I was your mom I’d take away your BB gun for that…
That made me smile. My Daddy would not even let me think of getting a BB gun. He knew, sure as Gawd made little boys...

He told me if I saved up enough money for a real rifle and a box of ammo, I could buy them. So I saved literally everything. Even 2c Coke bottles in vacant lots. Mowed lawns (25c), shoveled neighbor's snow (25c) -- Took most of a full year to get $11.95 plus $.50.

Back then, it was a time when America still honored and observed the 2A. So this kid came into the big store with a paper bag full of coins. Gave them to the guy behind the counter, and he handed me my beautiful rifle and a box of Long Rifle .22's.

I walked out, proud as punch. Eleven years old. Carried it prominently two miles home through town, with people smiling when they looked at me.

NFW would I ever aim that real gun at something I did not want to kill or smash. A BB-gun? I woulda shot that nasty Jeanie Barrie right inna ass for breaking my balsa wood glider.


Well-known member
I dont have any problem with people owning guns. What irritates me is when some dude buys a gun and then wears it like he is now invincible. I want to kick his ass and take his $ 1200 dollar gun. Most people do not have the balls to shoot and kill someone. Maybe that is a good thing but they make it easy for “hard men” to access guns.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
just got back in from the kidney doc, he says carry on, you're doing great...hearing that bothers me...make an appointment and we'll see how it looks in 6 months...I never realized how sick you can be and still carry on...:rolleyes:
Hey, brother -- As a doctor's Daddy, lemme give ya a bit of happy:

When your kidney doc says, "See me in six months." <-- That is about 725 times better than if he said, "Make an appointment for two weeks from now." <-- Or any variant

"Six months" is the golden term for "Lookin' good, dude."

Sure, you can feel shitty (especially after damn' near tearing off a fingie, and changing the blocks out of two diesels, and mucking out the oink pen) but that is part of the game.

Shitfire, I gots a dozen fargin years onya. We useta say, "they can kill us, but they can't eat us -- that's against the law." <-- Get old enuf that they don't want to eat you.

Ohboy. I just looked it up. You, @Boo, just made it into a new category: The whole fargin world is BEHIND YOU NOW as far as longevity is concerned. The life expectancy of a male is 70.8 years. <-- You are now in the black, having outlived the rest of the planet.

I got to checkin'... The world population is 8,120,000,000 and there are only 86 million of guys my age. Hang in there and join me in OUTLIVING OVER 99% OF HUMANITY.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I wouldn't count on it if it was super important because the reason the person that I previously described added the urinal cakes, was because I told him I could smell it walking by his house.
I wouldn't count on it either which is why I clarified that I haven't tested it and therefore don't know if it's true. Let me ask you this though, did you know it was coming from his house because it was obvious or because you knew he was growing? or to ask a slightly different way if somebody didn't know in advance that he was growing would it have been obvious it came from his house?

Ultimately though when it comes to security, if it's important to you then you should never take risks on unproven methods you hear about 2nd or 3rd hand because the person you heard it from most likely won't be bailing you out if you get caught. If it matters to you then always go with proven tried and true security measures.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
and italian car makers it seems
/ive also heard stories, no pics of receipts that she like lux handbags

the us send the ukr old stockpiles of old military surplus as well, but i dont know how that count that in the aid numbers
I don't know either if it counts or not but if there is a way for someone in the US to get credit for it then i imagine they would add that to the total.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
One thing I didn't know that they pulled on Hunter Biden was they could take penaltys clear back to the day he bought it.
Thought it was just possession but clear back to the day he bought it.
Well in his case they say the crime he commited was that he said he wasn't a drug addict on his application. To be fair his defense was since he had completed rehab and was sober at the time, he felt it was fair to claim he wasn't an addict. But then someone pulled the old "Once an addict, always and addict" card on him. Which is kind of messed up because there is no scientific evidence that's true, it's just something people at AA and NA meetings say to each other so that nobody gets too complacent in their sobriety.
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