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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
So you like them topless eh?

if you’ve ever walked through a commercial kitchen like a restaurant, you have no idea what you’re eating and what was crawling on it the day before… The reputation of fast food restaurants speaks for themselves… I prefer to cook my own meals

Agree, know what you mean. I was raised where most of what we ate was home grown or hunted.

But I am a city boy now.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Wild pig is extremely clean. It's the penned pig that will be nasty. Wild pig only roll in mud to keep cool and remove parasites. The penned pig has no other choice. Penned pigs should have their pen moved every few weeks. Then they can stay clean. Free range pig is the happiest/healthiest pig.

Down in southern NM and Texas. They tell hunters not to eat the feral pig. Why? they eat the dead migrants. That die crossing. Now that's when they would be considered nasty/contaminated.

Have you even seen how turkeys are raised...That's nasty.
Wild and feral pigs are a carrier of trichinosis.

Amen on how turkeys are raised!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Agree, know what you mean. I was raised where most of what we ate was home grown or hunted.

But I am a city boy now.
I grew up on a farm too, so have waded through and been dragged through barnyard muck.

We raised or grew most of our own food, as well as hunted and fished the local game, so where food comes from is no mystery.

As a city boy I don't miss getting up early to milk and tend the livestock rain or shine, but wish they were treating the livestock that we are buying the parts of as humanely as we did our animals.


Well-known member
I don't believe in killing anymore. I believe I will try to go vegetarian again. Last time lasted like 3 months. Will miss bacon, gyros, hotdogs, McDoubles, McChickens, pepperoni, breakfast sausage,steak. Last time I didn't even eat dairy. I'm glad there are cage-free egg options at the store. Jesus is a chicken.
My wife and I started off with 1 day a week of no meat now we eat meatless 2 days a week. Quitting meat entirely would not be easy. It's easy to ignore the killing of animals when you don't do the killing yourself.

All the power to you DB


Making me hungry for a steak with all this meat chatter.