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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
When I first went out there, the little piglets couldn’t get across the pen because their legs weren’t as long as the mud was deep. Now that I’ve thrown all that hay on the ground, they’re ripping around the place like her Formula One cars… three little piglets are getting quite big. I remember the day they were born and they could fit in your pocket. I’ve got two males and three females so it should get interesting by Christmas. I’m taking reservations for piglets if anybody’s interested…🤣
Is that dressed?


Well-known member
I just stripped down from my working clothes, jumped in the shower and now I’m sitting here smoking one. When I took off the pants the bottom 12 inches smelled like pig shit. I’m just really taking back with the foulness of the odor that comes from those pigs. I can’t imagine trying to swim in the pool when it’s 50 feet away from the smelliest thing I’ve ever smelled… Needless to say, the pants are outside… I just scoped my girl crush at 9 1/2 weeks and it comes down tomorrow when I get home from the gym… I’m looking forward to trimming it with my new trim machine…😉
Could you please show or possibly post a link to your machine? I have been looking for a soution, and the prices I have seen makes it so that I do not want to consider it. And, not sure I have te volume that warrants.
Thanks!! :)


Well-known member
One of the good things in composting manure , is killing off unwanted weed seeds. I think horse manure is the worst I have used fresh.
No I would not use fresh pig manure directly. I have also read of parasites that pigs have in fresh manure.
The parasites could wind up on garden vegetable. I wonder if it would be so bad for ornamental plants?

Hope you are enjoying your day Magu:)
Good to see you. 😁 It has been a very good day. 🌈


Cabana’s bitch
Could you please show or possibly post a link to your machine? I have been looking for a soution, and the prices I have seen makes it so that I do not want to consider it. And, not sure I have te volume that warrants.
Thanks!! :)
I don’t have a link, but the name of the company that makes it is infinity, the same guys who sell the tents and lights. This is a picture of it as clean as it will ever be…


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Well-known member
I'm not eating anything that eats and wallers in it's own feces..turkey bacon..
Wild pig is extremely clean. It's the penned pig that will be nasty. Wild pig only roll in mud to keep cool and remove parasites. The penned pig has no other choice. Penned pigs should have their pen moved every few weeks. Then they can stay clean. Free range pig is the happiest/healthiest pig.

Down in southern NM and Texas. They tell hunters not to eat the feral pig. Why? they eat the dead migrants. That die crossing. Now that's when they would be considered nasty/contaminated.

Have you even seen how turkeys are raised...That's nasty.


Cabana’s bitch
So you like them topless eh?
I'm not eating anything that eats and wallers in it's own feces..turkey bacon..
if you’ve ever walked through a commercial kitchen like a restaurant, you have no idea what you’re eating and what was crawling on it the day before… The reputation of fast food restaurants speaks for themselves… I prefer to cook my own meals


Cabana’s bitch
Thank you! Maybe after you give it a whirl later you could tell us if it worked up to your expectations! :)(y)
I used one about a year ago, but it was an older unit so it didn’t have the precise movement that the new one will. I was amazed at how high quality of trim it did without beating up the buds at all… I will certainly post up the plant. I hope to do tomorrow.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
That's an interesting theory and one I could easily believe in. I say that based on several cats I rased over the years and how they reacted when I gave them the more poular treatment for fleas in modern times such as Revolution, that involved placing a small amount of liquid on the cruff of their neck which would then kill off any fleas that got on them for several months. Now I never had any of my cats that I used ths stuff on die of cancer. Thhey market this stuff as if it's completely harmless to the animal you apply it to, however what I noticed verytime I ever used it,, each and every cat I used it on had a distinct and noticeable reastion to it almoost instantly as if it caused a burning sensation. Since all my cats wee strictly indoor cats and due to their reactions and how it bothered me, I eventually stopped giving it to them. Which didn't seem to make much of a difference because we were always giving it to them as a preventative measure on the chance we might track some fleas inside on us. Which apparently wasn't happening since they never developed a flea infestation after we sto[[ed using it. Which was a relief to me because the stuff was pretty damned expensive.
My mom adopted a flea ridden stray can and bathed it in dog flea shampoo. It went into seizures and died.
Hot as heck here. We were out this morning for a dog walk and stopped at an estate sale on the way to pick up a few supplies. I got so hot that I decided to stay inside the rest of the day.
‘picked up my new toy and am trying to make some dry kief.
I had a generous amount of product to play with as I e been waiting for the store to get dry ice. I haven't checked in a while so maybe they have it now. Anyways, the new trimming try is working real nice making this dry kief.

‘something to do and stay cool and even sitting down
love the new toy Santa Claus 🥰
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Nice! Do you dry trim over your sieving tray?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yeah but just keep thinkin' about the smell of that delicious bacon cooking. Yummy yummy.
Suckling pig roasts would reduce the smell faster. Pigs, like humans have a lot of ammonia in their urine.
I never had cancer issues with dogs either and I had a kennel for many years but I feed them leftovers,raw liver once a week, milk,and basically the same as we eat and Fromm Gold here and there.I don't believe that otc dog food keeps them in upmost health and think it's just for owner convenience. The wet food is trash and just tripe.I only go to the vet as a last resort or an injury I can't deal with .A lot of health problems people have with dogs is because they bring them in the house too much which makes for a poor immune system,they are meant to live outdoors andbecome much stonger , I only bring mine in at night. I have to give them the rabies vaccine for liability but if you give them a shot and repeat the second shot within a year then you don't have to go back for at least 5 years. My dogs usually live to around 13 and they're big dogs . JMO
I cooked whole chickens for Lola, so as to avoid the canned wet food and she still died at age eight from a heart tumor.