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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
@Gypsy Nirvana . Hey man. I have been reading a little about the history of Overgrow. I find these things fascinating the way people get organized to work against these unjust laws. I was wondering if you could tell me how ICM came about? I mean what was the social climate like then? I would love to hear some stories about the history of that time. 🌈


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
As a member of “The Brotherhood of The Screaming Abyss” I must admit that I love shrooms. I dont grow them because I have too many plants and animals. Nothing in my world is sterile. However, from spring to winter I find some almost everyday. I do have many spore prints for genetic preservation. I think I have about 30 different species of spore prints. I have never had a bad trip even though I have been to the edge of existence and touched the face of GOD. You only find the answers that are already inside you.
Gymnopilus luteus found less than 10 feet from my front door. These little guys follow me home all the time. 🤪 View attachment 19019670
I too have never had a bad trip on shrooms. A few on LSD but never shrooms. I learned on my last bad trip that the secret is to just let go and experience the experience. It also helps to not listen to Tangerine Dream in a room by yourself. :biggrin:

I was listening to this very song when I started to freak out. I saw this pulsating, spinning geometeric pattern start at my feet and move up my body, I mean it looked like my body was just merging into the pattern. I felt that if I let it go and let the pattern overtake me I would go insane and be tripping balls the rest of my life. Then eventually the song ended and I was in a much calmer state and everything was just amazing. I believe it's the fear that does it to us but once I stopped being afraid of something going wrong after that I never had a bad trip.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
@Gypsy Nirvana . Hey man. I have been reading a little about the history of Overgrow. I find these things fascinating the way people get organized to work against these unjust laws. I was wondering if you could tell me how ICM came about? I mean what was the social climate like then? I would love to hear some stories about the history of that time. 🌈
I'm sure Gypsy will expaned more but his basic premiss is not unlike OverGrow's was. Which for his with his seed business out of Amsterdam was to just get good genetics into as many hands as possible. ICM was just a vehicle to drive people towards that. Overgrow as you've probably read by now was mainly running in conjunction with another seed shop called Heaven's Stairway. Both sites and shops came into being about the same time and between the two of them anyone that had a mind to, could come and learn everything there is to know about growing Cannabis. Either from scores of information gathered and compiled into a hand guide that contained everything from growing the plant to designing a grow room, how to make your own carbon scrubber, etc etc. It was an incredible resource. Equally ingredible was thousands of experienced growers between the two sites all sharing knowledge freely and in a friendly helpful way. Overgrows premise was more just get everyone growing in every part of the world and Overgrow the World with cannabis.

I think overgrow was a bit bigger and had been around a bit longer but i'm not certain because they were both here when I first came on the scene. Alas all good things seem to come to an end. The owner of Overgrow and Heaven's Stairway got busted by the Canadian Mounties and locked up a few years Everyone freaked thinking the cops where going to use the site they captured to track everyone down and throw them in jail. So everyone scattered and since this was the next best site many came here. Most knew Gypsy because he was active on OG too I belive he was even considering merging he two sites if he could work something out with the owners of OG. Alas with all the panic people got weird. Even though Gypsy graciously opened his site (which caused an increased burden and expense) and went ot of his way to create subforms just for OG people to gather and regain their bearings quite a few louder voices decided to start a bunch of drama. Some stayed here, a bg chunk broke off into a site that was called Planet Ganja at the time and for a bit that site started to reviel this one. Most of the drama went there fortunately. I went there for a while because of friends I wanted to keep in touch with. The drama persisted and I stopped going there years ago. I'm not even sure if it is still there?

Some even smaller groups broke off from here and PG and formed other sites like CannaCabana and RollItUp. I never joined either of those sites but I know some of the bigger names on the scene at the time went to those places. Someone even tried to bring OverGrow back up after a few years. Supposedly from the same server with all the same site structure but not all the files. I'm not sure if it's still out there? It was for a few years but it seemed like nobody did anything with it. A lot of really good info was lost but it also stayed in some form at most of the sites. I mean if you look you can find everything you need here to grow good cannabis.
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Well-known member
I too have never had a bad trip on shrooms. A few on LSD but never shrooms. I learned on my last bad trip that the secret is to just let go and experience the experience. It also helps to not listen to Tangerine Dream in a room by yourself. :biggrin:

I was listening to this very song when I started to freak out. I saw this pulsating, spinning geometeric pattern start at my feet and move up my body, I mean it looked like my body was just merging into the pattern. I felt that if I let it go and let the pattern overtake me I would go insane and be tripping balls the rest of my life. Then eventually the song ended and I was in a much calmer state and everything was just amazing. I believe it's the fear that does it to us but once I stopped being afraid of something going wrong after that I never had a bad trip.

Yes. Once you understand that sight, hearing, smell ect… are just different ways that you sense your enviroment and your brain has to interpret that data you can let go. It is very real but it is only in your mind all at the same time. Reality is a dream.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
@Gray Wolf Wanna know the sekrit** to getting to the top 0.5%?

Learn to get wounded. I've been shot, stabbed, blown up, run really right over, and poisoned. <-- I think this kinda living builds sekrit antibodies.

They are created naturally (and science knows that), but if you continue your addiction to getting shot/crushed whatever, then them there sekrit antibodies get so powerful, you just can't die.

** The "other sekrit" is one thing I learned at the monastery where, like their fathers before them, all the monks have sworn a vow of celibacy.

It is: the Secret Of Unendurable Pleasure Indefinitely Prolonged

Like the spice on Arrakis, SOUPIP extends life... expands consciousness.

@Boo's killer weed helps, too.
Looks like I need two years and three months to move from the 1.9% to the 0.5% and have been shot and stabbed, so sounds like a glass of Hemlock and standing in traffic should put me over the top on secrit antibodies.

Alas, as far as celibacy, how soon do you have to start and does masturbation count? Asking for a friend.

Unendurable Pleasure Indefinitely Prolonged sounds like more fun than celibacy and can understand why the monks switched.

My guess is that the monks started out studying pigs to learn the technique. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/100659-longest-orgasm-in-mammals
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah if you don't focus on the sugar coated history. When the Native Americans first sold land to the pilgrims they thought they were getting over on them by getting blankets and trinkets because they thought the idea of someone actually owning land was just crazy. Alas little did they know, the white man was going to keep coming and coming and taking and taking. Eventually driving them to the edge of extinction and then eventually herd them into some of the worst lands left and think they did right by the Indians. I guess because they let them have Casinos? :rolleyes:
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous day in PNW Paradise, starting at 57F and predicted to reach 88F.

Met with my last vendor for a bid on the front walk, but have yet to receive the bid. As soon as I see it, I will start placing orders for both the sewer repair and the new walkway. The total if everything goes well is about $6200.

The low bidder on the sewer repairs wants to put a lien on our house before starting work. Their contract also disavows any damages they cause, soooo I will be negotiating with the next closest vendor for a discount that makes them more competitive, while staying accountable.

Dinner out last night at Tein Hong and breakfast out this morning at the Tin Shed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Is the microdose of psylocybin a certain amount, say half a gram or more or less?
I could be wrong but I think it varies person to person based on body mass, tolerance and which strain. What I have heard numerous people duggest you start off with a small amout thet seems right and adjust from there until you figure the right dose for you.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That wasn’t directed at you Big, I’m catching up on the thread. Some people hate them, but they not as bad as some would make people believe.
I don't hate them or like them. I look at it this way if you're growing that much that you can't handle it by yourself and it all has to have great bag appeal, then obviously you're selling. So just hire some good friends to help you out? If it was a good strain I'd be happy to help a friend out if he just let me keep the sugar leaves off what I trim. :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
@Gypsy Nirvana . Hey man. I have been reading a little about the history of Overgrow. I find these things fascinating the way people get organized to work against these unjust laws. I was wondering if you could tell me how ICM came about? I mean what was the social climate like then? I would love to hear some stories about the history of that time. 🌈
After getting busted for some rather nice Manali hash back in '85 - then spending a month in jail because of it - a victimless crime no less - I started to formulate ideas of how to prevent this from happening again - not just to me - but anyone - I figured that those who needed or wanted cannabis could just grow it at home/garden - but to do so would take seeds and instructions - then they wouldn't have to smuggle it - and risk getting penalised - and the more growers I could encourage to grow the better - so initially I started a seed company (Seedsdirect) - that gave free seeds with every order - on condition they would be shared - hopefully creating a new grower with every order - and was Overgrows first advertiser when it took off in 2000 - and by 2003 had designs on starting my own growers site - so launched ICMAG - aimed at growing more growers - and breeding more breeders of cannabis - and creating a community 😀 - as we still have today - and over the years we have helped to grow 1000's of growers worldwide - and continue to do so -

My seed business took a dive when I got arrested in the Philippines - due to an indictment from the USA for seed sales - back in 2013 - and never really recovered - much of the stock I had became inviable to sell - by the time I had eventually cleared my name - and the USA had dropped the charges by 2018 - after 5 years of attrition - an attempted extra judicial rendition - 2 and a half years in a Philippino detention jail - and a failed extradition attempt and a failed appeal in the High Court of Justice by the USA from the UK - 🇬🇧 - but finally I was free - but relatively broke financially - since my seed biz was no more - and these days I try to live off the advertising that comes into ICMAG - which is sporadic and not enough sometimes - but still have managed to keep the lights on around here - and hope that will continue - into the future - so if you know some bizz that might want to advertise here - just let me or @explosiv know about it 😉


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Disagree, for me any way. I used to go through an oz a week. I don't smoke anywhere near that now. Plus, last night before dinner I took 3 and or 4 hits of TK X LB and was so stoned i could hsrdly concentrate enough to drive.
I'm in agreement now that I'm older and have more obligations and responsibilities I can't be getting high all the tim. So it's far nough between now that I only need a couple of hits or about half a joint and I'm usually good for the night.

I think for many its the abundance and easy access. Back when I was doing multiple crops a year and storing multiple jars of well cured, neatly trimmed bud, I would smoke 5-6 joints a day easy and I'm talking nice cigarette sized joints not pinners. Because it was there, I could and it tasted so good my tolerance was shot. It wasn't that I had come down completely though, it was just that i wanted more and had it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm in agreement now that I'm older and have more obligations and responsibilities I can't be getting high all the tim. So it's far nough between now that I only need a couple of hits or about half a joint and I'm usually good for the night.

I think for many its the abundance and easy access. Back when I was doing multiple crops a year and storing multiple jars of well cured, neatly trimmed bud, I would smoke 5-6 joints a day easy and I'm talking nice cigarette sized joints not pinners. Because it was there, I could and it tasted so good my tolerance was shot. It wasn't that I had come down completely though, it was just that i wanted more and had it.
Ya - same with me - it's been feast or famine - as far as cannabis is concerned over the years - when you are growing alot then you seem to consume several joints per day - but I'm not growing much - these days - I only have some 'erb in the fall - once I've grown a few plants 🪴 on my balcony - because I refuse to buy any - that money is best spent on food/bills and my kids - so often I don't have any at all - unless occasionally someone might give me a bit of bud/hash or a vape pen to try -

Due to the above - I'm not addicted to cannabis in any way really - although I do enjoy it immensely - when it's around - it helps me to sleep and not worry about things - that otherwise would bother me -

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