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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
fogey, how would you handle a squatter that won't move out of a 6000sf office...I see my attorney tomorrow but I'm sure there's a better and more devious way...
Like you, I would use a lawyer. No point in going to jail. There are far too many cameras around to do what should be done in an honorable society. Tenants have all the rights. That is why I sold what I had.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This guy is living beyond a normal life. Spoiled and pampered. It WILL be hard when the day comes. Especially for Blondy but she has told me she wont take it to hard. Yal rite...
I told her from day 1. He IS DINNER. That's why his name is Ribeye.

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Everything but the moo's and farts.... I want the tung and heart. 🤤

Look at the shitter on this critter.

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Yeah it's got to be a lot harder for small farms where you get more up close and personal with them. Then it starts to feel more like a pet. I remember when I was like 10 years old my parents took me to this neat island in the Caribbean. What made it neat was the island was small and there was only enough accomodations for about a dozen couples or small families. Another thing that was neat is that everyone ate together in this covered open air patio. where you would be fed gourmet food using local resources. We stayed there for a week and early on I made friends with this young goat, well come to find out my new friend was dinner about 6 days later. I was heart broken when I realized he was dinner. I almost didn't eat I was so upset but i was hungry, so I calmed down and tried it and I had to admit it tasted pretty good.
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fogey, how would you handle a squatter that won't move out of a 6000sf office...I see my attorney tomorrow but I'm sure there's a better and more devious way...
Kick the door in and let the dogs handle it he pulls a gun shoot him...........the old I am in fear for my life as a old and ill man?

First day she felt safe enough to hop up on the couch.

A few hours of scrum time and walking a few miles gets me a couple hours peace and quiet in the end.


Well-known member
Premium user
Kick the door in and let the dogs handle it he pulls a gun shoot him...........the old I am in fear for my life as a old and ill man?
View attachment 19016873
First day she felt safe enough to hop up on the couch.
View attachment 19016874
A few hours of scrum time and walking a few miles gets me a couple hours peace and quiet in the end.
ho lee fuk tails like baseball bats


Cabana’s bitch
Mmm, snacks…

@dogzter, I ran the last two tenants out on a rail , but this guy is different. If I’m gonna force my hand, I’m gonna have to kill him. I see my attorney tomorrow and I will go upon his advice… the dude is a 40-year-old weightlifter and he looks like a monster


Well-known member
Me too. Well I'm not allergic but the next day I'm like retarded
The only alcohol I can drink now is straight vodka. Everything else gives me a terrible hangover. I dont drink often anymore. I used to party everyday and lived like a mountain man. My problem is that when I do drink, I drink the whole bottle in one day and get into trouble. That is why I live in the country. Less shit to bust up. 😂 If I lived in town I would be in jail all the time. 🤣


Well-known member
A neighbor of mine was out with his father getting firewood, dad had a heart attack and died in the bush. The son said it was a perfect place for his dad to die, this is where he loved to be.

Nothing wrong with dying while your fishing:)
I know a guy whose dad died while fishing. He was in a bass boat and was fine, then he just got quiet and went limp. Poof!! That was it.


Well-known member
Yeah say what you will about how he interacted with people UB has a wealth of knowledge. I didn't appreciate his take on my, in fact it pissed me off but i still have to respect his knowledge and contabution to the community.

This is almost unlikely but on the off chances sombody here doesn't know Uncle Ben or UB. The best way I can think of describing him is as a cantankerous old fart. He was pretty fun when he was in a good mood but if something rubbed himm the wrong way he would launch into these epic rants. He was the kind of guy peoplle usualllly came to for advice and was usd to people finding him in a thread and just ask him some grow question out of the blue, even if it had nothing to do with the topic of the thread. People that were ntertained by his rants got into the habit of following him in threads and out of the blue they would ask him a question they knew would trigger him For exampl he didn't thnk much of many of the nutrient manufacturers, especially one popular one, Advanced Nutrient. So a common question to get him started was to ask him what he thought of Avanced Nutirents. Of course you had to egg him on a little so they would simple question his first answer or two and then h would go off from there. Another popular one was to asking him what he thought of the practice of removing fan lease to get bigger buds. He was very much against the practice even though we've all seem for ourselves at one time or another it does seem to help. His position which makes sense was that if a particular leaf was under performing due to lack of light xposure, the plant would drain the leaf of water and nutrints and then let the leaf die off. in his book every leaf trimmed represent a liitle less food from light being made.. Many thrads on that classic debate of fan leaves was due to Unclee Ben. :biggrin:
I just got an answer from uncle ben 2 weeks ago to a question I asked him a month and a half earlier. 🤣


Well-known member
Good morning old farts! 🌞 This is a doe that has been following me around for two years. Everytime I go to the woods or pasture feild to work she is waiting for me. She stays about 10 feet away. Never closer or much farther. She is completely wild and not a pet. More like a friend. I talk to her and sometimes sing to her. She likes “Locomotive Breath” by Jethro Tull. 🤣

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The only alcohol I can drink now is straight vodka. Everything else gives me a terrible hangover. I dont drink often anymore. I used to party everyday and lived like a mountain man. My problem is that when I do drink, I drink the whole bottle in one day and get into trouble. That is why I live in the country. Less shit to bust up. 😂 If I lived in town I would be in jail all the time. 🤣
Ya - sounds familiar - that's why I pretty much quit booze early in the last decade - especially since I had young'uns (babies) at home - and didn't want to be the archetypal drunk Dad that fucks up all the time - and have had a very few drinks since - just one or two max - once a year on average - but don't buy booze now - for ages haven't - and my kids have grown up with a stoned Dad on and off instead - which is much more sensible - and less dangerous generally - since booze can get me to do things that I can regret -

When I was boozing - all them years ago - it was cold beers after 12 noon - then Gin and Tonics from when the sun went down - till I fell down -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good morning old farts! 🌞 This is a doe that has been following me around for two years. Everytime I go to the woods or pasture feild to work she is waiting for me. She stays about 10 feet away. Never closer or much farther. She is completely wild and not a pet. More like a friend. I talk to her and sometimes sing to her. She likes “Locomotive Breath” by Jethro Tull. 🤣 View attachment 19016911
My mind works in mysterious ways - read that post - and a song pops up in my head - a really cheesy old song that my Mum used to play on an electric record player - from 'The Sound of Music' - with Julie Andrews singing it - and it's the line 'Doe a deer - a female deer' - that gave me the hook to Magu's post above - that song was drilled into us - and we all learned to sing it as kids -

I'm getting that all the time - I read a post and my brain links me to some sorta music/song - anyone else experienced this?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Maybe it's sitting on someone's desk somewhere and someone will revisit it soon. I see a lot of remakes and show that are just someone else'd take of a previously popular shw. So they need to start injecting something new. Maybe one day someone will pick up your novel and say "Yeah yeah, that's the ticket." :biggrin:
Thanks for the kind wishes. (*snork*) It is a damn' good thing I do not rely on hardcover sales for income:

Two of my hardcover novels are sold out (now e-books only) and the company that produced them took a Brodie during the Plandemic. Not only that, they had the plates.

So there are no more hardcopies of The Bat and Balloon War <-- and that one got stellar reviews in the UK Sealion Press and was touted by the Deputy Director of Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures in the Pentagon as having great battle scenes.

(*sigh*) In the field of writing, without the Plandemic, I coulda been a contendah...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the kind wishes. (*snork*) It is a damn' good thing I do not rely on hardcover sales for income:

Two of my hardcover novels are sold out (now e-books only) and the company that produced them took a Brodie during the Plandemic. Not only that, they had the plates.

So there are no more hardcopies of The Bat and Balloon War <-- and that one got stellar reviews in the UK Sealion Press and was touted by the Deputy Director of Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures in the Pentagon as having great battle scenes.

(*sigh*) In the field of writing, without the Plandemic, I coulda been a contendah...
I have a vintage hard copy. Let the bidding begin!


Well-known member
Atlantic Giant is the pumpkin seeds i gotta buy...i only have so much super soil and it's labor intensive to make more, so i can either do 200 small pots, a mix of large and small, or only 50 plants and a ginormous pumpkin....i do want that photo tho of me next to a monster orange mutant looking thing

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good Thor's Day morning brothers and sisters!

Yet another double gorgeous day, starting at 49F and predicted to reach 74F.

I finally figured out why the Jacuzzi is often luke-warm in the mornings at the gym. I thought they were turning the heat up and down at night and figured out they were adding cold water to top it off. I'm going to suggest an automatic level monitor so that they add water a little at a time and offer to design it for them if they will add it.

Breakfast out this morning and some fence repairs.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hello Unca Walt, as being a first time reader of your work any suggestions, I am a big fan of adventure stories.
Yeah -- Amazon -- just type in the bolded titles, and you can read five chapters of each by clicking on the book's picture.

Faerie Diamonds <-- Based on a real, giant diamond. There's excitement and wonder and... fairies? Not really... But? The bad guys are really bad, the good-bad guys are funny, and the redhead on the cover is my beautiful Scottish Witch.

The Bat and Balloon War -- An Alternate History of WWII <-- Based on actual history that was changed to our timeline because a GI left a cage of bats open which caused the commanding officer's car and house to burn down (FACT! snork) <-- This caused the cancellation of an official program. This novel has the program continued... as well as another genuine-but-cancelled program with balloons. Battle scenes in Europe and Pacific. I created the cover. The sub is real.

The Cadet -- The Adventures of a New World Pioneer in the 17th Century <-- Unique in that every event happened as depicted, and all the characters are real. That's me on the cover, dressed in 17th Century Amsterdam Militia clobber. I will lay confident claim to it being a gripping novel: 87% of respondents said they cried at least once while reading it. Both for sad and for happy. One guy wrote in total: "You sonuvabitch. You got me on the last page!"

If you look at what an e-book costs (99 fargin cents for Faerie Diamonds, fer gosh sakes! Can you snicker spare it?), you can see I make zerio money on sales. I just like folks to have the fun of reading my novels.
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