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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I will also partake in a little Tito’s vodka too when the feeling hits me but don’t drink as much these days. My body can only take the shock now and then. 😁
Vodka, that was what I drank last besides beer, Stolichnaya Vodka is what I liked. The small town I lived in a high population of a Russian ethnic background.

Yep, aging makes it harder to metabolize the alcohol.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
a buddy of mine was doing a house cleanout and found a 1988 high times and a bottle of whisky...the whisky was valued at $2100 for the bottle and the box...boy did he score...don't know much about the bottle but is was jack daniels from a long time ago...
Something my step dad told me long ago.....after a couple of stiff belts it all tastes the same....


Well-known member
One of the tenants had a clogged drain, which I snaked and recovered three Tampax pads wrapped around the snake, after which it drained.

During the drain work I found out that two of the porcelain light fixtures in the basement were broken, as was the GFC for the washer and dryer. I picked up the parts and installed them this morning, only to find that the drain was clogged again.

I snaked it again and again found three Tampax pads wrapped around the snake. The tenant says he can’t imagine how they got there. I asked if his wife or teenage daughter used Tampax and she said they did, but they knew better than flush them, so it must be one of his daughter’s friends……………….

I told him I would leave in his hands to resolve………..
I’m pretty sure I have told the story about the clogged house sewer trap at a multi family I owned but will relay it again to hopefully make you glad it was only tampax in your drains. My tenant was flushing cat litter because he said garbage bags were too expensive(in Worcester, residents have to buy special bags at $1 or $1.50 per bag or the city won’t pick them up). So for his $1, he flooded his entire basement apt with sewage which he walked around in for around a week. The whole apt needed to be decontaminated, dried out and rehabbed. Insurance covered most of it and I had the management company take care of all the details but I saw the bills and it was over $25,000! That was the last straw and my partners and I sold the place shortly after that. I was concerned that the insurance company would cancel us if we didn’t evict the tenant and I didn’t have the heart to evict him. He had lived there for 20 years that I was aware of(and no, pets were not allowed but I am a softy and couldn’t tell someone to get rid of pets). So though your tenant is an a-hole for allowing that to happen twice, it could be worse. I have also have an ejector pump impeller clogged by sanitary pads in my own home from my sons female friends. I hollered at my boys and they in turn shamed the girls and it never happened again.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I'm sorry you can't smoke man , that really stinks. I hope you are able to enjoy good edibles man 👍

see now , how different we all be…

now me , I cannot do edibles , triggers some killer headaches for some odd reason

but I smoke 5-10 joints a day and glad I still have good lungs into my 70’s…..



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That is exactly the way I did it. Started in my mid 20's. That plus my 401K. Slow, safe and steady. i have never bought a lottery ticket and never will.
I have to admit I've bought one here and there, only when the prize is big but not even always then. I get why you say you'll never buy one from a savings point of view. It's almost a guarentee you're just throwing your money away. That said the few times I have bought them it's when I could afford to lose the little bit I spent and always it's with the understanding that I probably won't win....but there is always that chance. Plus you know what they say, "you got to be in it to win it." The way my luck goes I'll probably get my big winner on the day I die and the C.O.D. will be a heart attack from the sudden shock and excitement of winning the lottery. :biggrin:
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
yeah, i learned a lot about myself from interacting with that fucker.

and POM - very entertaining. i enjoyed his writing.

i was traumatized when OG was taken down.
Yeah say what you will about how he interacted with people UB has a wealth of knowledge. I didn't appreciate his take on my, in fact it pissed me off but i still have to respect his knowledge and contabution to the community.

This is almost unlikely but on the off chances sombody here doesn't know Uncle Ben or UB. The best way I can think of describing him is as a cantankerous old fart. He was pretty fun when he was in a good mood but if something rubbed him the wrong way he would launch into these epic rants. He was the kind of guy people usually came to for advice and was used to people finding him in a thread and just asking him some grow question out of the blue, even if it had nothing to do with the topic of the thread. People that were entertained by his rants got into the habit of following him in threads and out of the blue they would ask him a question they knew would trigger him For example he didn't think much of many of the nutrient manufacturers, especially one popular one, Advanced Nutrients. So a common question to get him started was to ask him what he thought of Avanced Nutirents. Of course you had to egg him on a little so they would simply question his first answer or two and then he would go off from there. Another popular one was to ask him what he thought of the practice of removing fan leaves to get bigger buds. He was very much against the practice even though we've all seen for ourselves at one time or another it does seem to help. His position which makes sense was that if a particular leaf was under performing due to lack of light exposure, the plant would drain the leaf of water and nutrients and then let the leaf die off. in his book every leaf trimmed represent a liitle less food from light being made. Many threads on that classic debate of fan leaves was due to Uncle Ben. :biggrin:
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