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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user

Glad to see everybody got just what they wanted.


Well-known member
The folks here are an amalgalm of weird overachievers, no error.

You want the best for fresh water fishing? We gots Pute.

You see NASA man-rated plumbing? We gots Big.

Electrical, Software, Yada.

Even yer Unca Walt has sumpin': I just came back in from calling Fancy Pants the Peacock out of the woods and up to me sitting in my garage so he could eat some peanuts out of my hand.

On second thought, mebbe that ain't in the same class as the above crowd... But at least it is 79F and sunny with puffy clouds.

My grief counselor died recently. But luckily, he was so good, I didn't give a shit.
Did he die of a broken heart?


Well-known member
Sorry I don't know my P's and Q's. And I will fagin talk any way I want to.

By the way .....Rip is my favorite character on that show which was canceled because it was to white macho....If if offends.....don't watch...I don't watch woke...don't watch mine.
And Beth is my favorite character. When she destroys people verbally, it is magical(and she is very kind on the eyes).

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Absolutely hate to reply to my own post, on Usenet we used to call that fucking pathetic because people were trying to draw attention to themselves, and that's not what I'm trying to do now.

In addition to praising whoever came up with the idea of a Veteran badge, I want to give special praise to whoever power may be, whether it's gypsy, some corporate overlord, or anybody else that matter, for keeping US politics _out_ of this forum, at least the readily visible areas.

There are so many other fucking venues to discuss those issues besides a _cannabis_ forum. As you all know, I'm a refugee from RIU and the thing I hated most about that forum, other than how poorly it was moderated, was every time I would go to the New Posts section of the site, the top four or five threads were _always_ about US politics, on either one side of the other. There was an absolutely no way you could not see them if you were viewing the New Posts selection.

Please leave politics out of this very entertaining, thought-provoking, and educational thread.

Gypsy, if I'm wrong, kick my ass out.
Politics-Scmolitics - its a sham-of-a-mockery-democracy - and I never ever have had the impetus nor inclination to ever vote for any of these mass murderers - or their apprentice mass-murderers in waiting - just couldn't live happily - with that on my conscience - the people that make and control the money - control most of the media - so the minds and wallets of the masses - and that is what power is -

We used to have that problem with the new posts being dominated by political threads - so we found a way to fix it - by banning The Speakers Corner forum posts from showing in the new posts selection - but still kept those happy that wanted to talk politics - keeping The Speakers Corner forum open - since I am a firm believer in letting people speak freely - but not if it pisses off the vast majority of growers on the site - that are just here to grow - or chat about all the other more interesting things in life - just like we do on this thread -

I ain't about to kick anyone's arse right now - for it could prove personally lethal - with this dodgy ticker - lol

Oh - and I was the guy who came up with the Veterans badge do-hicky - because we have had troopers (growers) - in the trenches - the basements - the lofts - the attics - the sheds - the greenhouses - the out houses - the nuclear bunkers - the fields and gardens - the porches and veranda's - the patio's and the balconies - the mountains and the deserts - on boats and up trees - and in a thousand other places - and for their efforts - they deserve to be recognized and celebrated -


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Politics-Scmolitics - its a sham-of-a-mockery-democracy - and I never ever have had the impetus nor inclination to ever vote for any of these mass murderers - or their apprentice mass-murderers in waiting - just couldn't live happily - with that on my conscience - the people that make and control the money - control most of the media - so the minds and wallets of the masses - and that is what power is -

We used to have that problem with the new posts being dominated by political threads - so we found a way to fix it - by banning The Speakers Corner forum posts from showing in the new posts selection - but still kept those happy that wanted to talk politics - keeping The Speakers Corner forum open - since I am a firm believer in letting people speak freely - but not if it pisses off the vast majority of growers on the site - that are just here to grow - or chat about all the other more interesting things in life - just like we do on this thread -

I ain't about to kick anyone's arse right now - for it could prove personally lethal - with this dodgy ticker - lol

Oh - and I was the guy who came up with the Veterans badge do-hicky - because we have had troopers in th

you Cats are doing an awesome job and have come a long way in the last 15 or so years

the place runs very smooth , the Mods really do a good job in keeping the place clean

and like you said , we have the Speakers Forum and that is an excellent way to keep free speech alive and censorship in check….

ya all ain’t gonna please everybody , but hey , ya ain’t in this to win any popularity contests anyway….

please pass the jelly…..🤡😂🤡

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Politics-Scmolitics - its a sham-of-a-mockery-democracy - and I never ever have had the impetus nor inclination to ever vote for any of these mass murderers - or their apprentice mass-murderers in waiting - just couldn't live happily - with that on my conscience - the people that make and control the money - control most of the media - so the minds and wallets of the masses - and that is what power is -

We used to have that problem with the new posts being dominated by political threads - so we found a way to fix it - by banning The Speakers Corner forum posts from showing in the new posts selection - but still kept those happy that wanted to talk politics - keeping The Speakers Corner forum open - since I am a firm believer in letting people speak freely - but not if it pisses off the vast majority of growers on the site - that are just here to grow - or chat about all the other more interesting things in life - just like we do on this thread -

I ain't about to kick anyone's arse right now - for it could prove personally lethal - with this dodgy ticker - lol

Oh - and I was the guy who came up with the Veterans badge do-hicky - because we have had troopers in th
Great idea on the Vets badge! Saves me a lot of time because if somebody's been here 10 plus years, I doubt that they're looking for a magic CaMg elixer, so I'll actually read the post.

"... but not if it pisses off the vast majority of growers on the site - that are just here to grow - or chat about all the other more interesting things in life - just like we do on this thread -"

The whole ICMag site, and this thread in particular, have been like a breath of totally fresh, clean air in a polluted fucking world for me. There are several highly experienced and knowledgeable growers/developers in this thread, and I could care less what their politics are, as long as they don't shovel it in my face. Mentioning certain names and spouting certain cliches, however thinly veiled, should _not_ have a place in any other place besides the Speaker's Corner.

And even though I'm a FNG here, I learned a long time ago not to try to bend or alter a long-term, established forum to fit my needs. I didn't build the playground and I don't maintain it, I'm just here enjoying the ride, which is totally _free_. As Popeye the Sailor Man said, I yam what I yam.

I either get kicked out like I did on RIU or bail like I did on Mr Nice. On Mr. Nice, couldn't deal with disrespectful newbies and Mu is trying to create a congenial, collaborative environment there and I just don't have the patience anymore.

Thanks for responding Gypsy, I'm sure you can tell I'm a passionate and emotional man, about a lot of things.

Putembk, I'm right there with you with Alfred E!! (y)
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- and as for regarding this thread from my standpoint - I really think that its great for me to find so many people around here in the autumn/winter of their years - with so much experience and humour - wit and sarcasm to share - as I think that I do too - after all of these years - although I might seem a bit young to some of you - I'll be 64 years old on March 26th - that's next Tuesday - so lets all have a BIG party on my birthday - I'll supply the baked beans on toast - and you lot can supply the strippers and hookers - the champers and the cake -sounds like a good deal to me - LMAO! -


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Great idea on the Vets badge! Saves me a lot of time because if somebody's been here 10 plus years, I doubt that they're looking for a magic CaMg elixer, so I'll actually read the post.

"... but not if it pisses off the vast majority of growers on the site - that are just here to grow - or chat about all the other more interesting things in life - just like we do on this thread -"

The whole ICMag site, and this thread in particular, have been like a breath of totally fresh, clean air in a polluted fucking world for me. There are several highly experienced and knowledgeable growers/developers in this thread, and I could care less what their politics are, as long as they don't shovel it in my face. Mentioning certain names and spouting certain cliches, however thinly veiled, should _not_ have a place in any other place besides the Speaker's Corner.

And even though I'm a FNG here, I learned a long time ago not to try to bend or alter a long-term, established forum to fit my needs. I didn't build the playground and I don't maintain it, I'm just here enjoying the ride, which is totally _free_. As Popeye the Sailor Man said, I yam what I yam.

I either get kicked out like I did on RIU or bail like I did on Mr Nice. On Mr. Nice, couldn't deal with disrespectful newbies and Mu is trying to create a congenial, collaborative environment there and I just don't have the patience anymore.

Thanks for responding Gypsy, I'm sure you can tell I'm a passionate and emotional man, about a lot of things.

Putembk, I'm right there with you with Alfred E!! (y)
