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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
I will say that after 10 years I was invited to the local mens social club for dinner and a lot of lies...I was accepted as a good guy but I wasn't ever gonna be one of them...I built a wall on the banks of my stream,,,1100' in length and 6' tall...all by hand...one afternoon while I was digging stones out of the stream floor one of the locals drove down my drive with a excavator...he moved boulders for me and asked for nothing...some of the locals referred to me as a half back...they certainly loved my flowers...sold many an .lb to them...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So sorry about the buddy, watching the downward spiral is very difficult. I've obviously seen it many times, just played out in a different environment.

Btw, your kids, and if you have them or eventually have them, grandkids are going to be _so_ glad you're writing down and documenting the life you have lived.

I'm doing something similar with my website, letting them know about a lot of parts of my life that you really can't talk about face to face, because they're so intimate. But because of my situation, it's totally anonymous, they will never know about it until I'm long gone. It's probably 80% cannabis related, the how's and why's it was integrated into my life. It'll surprise a lot of them to even know that I've done anything more than smoke the occasional joint. ;)

One of my kids is a daily user but we've talked about it after he was an adult. Ask him if he was ever aware that we were smoking cannabis and he said he had _no_ idea.

But we knew he was, and he came about it all on his own, by his own curiosity. My wife and I used to hover around the crapper, turn the fart fan on, take big lung bulgers and blow it into toilet paper, to keep this smell down.

I was quite proud that we were successful for 18+ years. (y)
Yeah - hard to hide the fact that I'm a lifetime stoner/grower from my kids - we all live in a 400sqft 3rd floor apartment in the London suburbs - and I grow a few plants 🪴 on me balcony every year - but I only toke on the balcony - where the wind takes the surplus smoke away - so I'm not ever hot-boxing them with cannabis fumes - and I've told them that if they ever want to try cannabis - then they can do that once they have finished their studies - because I don't believe that cannabis consumption and academic learning mixes too well - my boy is 14 in 2 weeks time - and my daughter will be sweet sixteen in June - so is a crucial time not to get into drug taking methinks - or it's bound to adversely affect their studies in a not so good way -

I left school when I was 15 years old - and that's when I started toking the Moroccan - Lebanese and Paki black hash - waaay back in 1975 -

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
And chiggers.................
I could tell you a story about getting those on my balls, my grandmother knowing a cure that involved nail polish, and an absolutely screaming 13-year-old. 🤪

Btw, the FNG doesn't want to do get all fanboy and blow smoke up your ass but I've been a _long_ time admirer of your website. I'm an autodidac and an early internet researcher, Alta Vista :rolleyes: and have used your site for reference more times than I can remember. Not so much for the process, because I figured that out on my own, just some of the technical details about butane purity.

You have saved more dumbasses from immolating themselves with the BHO process then probably any other human on earth. You are one of the very few in the cannabis community that I would bow down and say, "I'm not worthy I'm not worthy." (y)

An engineer who can write, imagine that?? o_O By the way one of our kids is a software engineer and the other kid is a network engineer and for about 5 years, I was a mainframe systems programmer headhunter.

Sorry about the absolute cluster fuck of your website. I've had one up and running for six plus years now, and even just a basic show and display site takes a lot of maintenance, once the site starts to grow.

Google just did something with Chrome's rendering engine that has totally fucked up the photo displays and web navigation on my site, especially on phones and tablets. How that thing gets up is a super complex bizarre process that I'm just not willing chase down all the bugs.

Since I know you understand some of the bullshit that comes with designing, producing content, and maintaining a website, you should get a kick out of the legal/privacy page of my website. :p

That's what you can do when you have absolute freedom to say and do what you want.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
@CharlesU Farley - as for anonymity - I'm most probably the only grower on this site that actually uses their own legal name when posting - so I don't give a flying copulative event whether some asshat coppers or feds know what I'm doing - because I'm not hurting anyone doing what I do - and they've already jailed me and railed me enough in the past - to make me militant about cannabis - and 'A Righteous Man is a Militant Man' - so they can all fuck right off!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I’m liking the Gentlemen series. Watching with subtitles because the Kings English gets a bit dicey for me.
You have all sorts of different English accents and dialects in 'The Gentlemen' oldfogey - so yeah subtitles would be needed for most people to understand what the fug is going on in that series - but it's good - real good 👍


Well-known member
Yeah - hard to hide the fact that I'm a lifetime stoner/grower from my kids - we all live in a 400sqft 3rd floor apartment in the London suburbs - and I grow a few plants 🪴 on me balcony every year - but I only toke on the balcony - where the wind takes the surplus smoke away - so I'm not ever hot-boxing them with cannabis fumes - and I've told them that if they ever want to try cannabis - then they can do that once they have finished their studies - because I don't believe that cannabis consumption and academic learning mixes too well - my boy is 14 in 2 weeks time - and my daughter will be sweet sixteen in June - so is a crucial time not to get into drug taking methinks - or it's bound to adversely affect their studies in a not so good way -

I left school when I was 15 years old - and that's when I started toking the Moroccan - Lebanese and Paki black hash - waaay back in 1975 -
I started growing so my kids wouldn’t have to get weed from nefarious sources and in hopes it would keep them away from harder stuff. I already knew they were partaking in the herb. The best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go astray. Both did more than their share of drugs but both turned out to be productive members of society. My youngest got addicted to kratom of all things. He finally admitted it after his third trip to the ER for having seizures. Docs checked his blood thinking it was opiates but found none. He eventually admitted he was taking up to a quarter ounce a day to help him train in MMA. Took him about a month going cold turkey to get over his withdrawals. Who-da thunk it?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I started growing so my kids wouldn’t have to get weed from nefarious sources and in hopes it would keep them away from harder stuff. I already knew they were partaking in the herb. The best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go astray. Both did more than their share of drugs but both turned out to be productive members of society. My youngest got addicted to kratom of all things. He finally admitted it after his third trip to the ER for having seizures. Docs checked his blood thinking it was opiates but found none. He eventually admitted he was taking up to a quarter ounce a day to help him train in MMA. Took him about a month going cold turkey to get over his withdrawals. Who-da thunk it?
I've taught all my kids how to grow (except for 3 of them in the Philippines who I support but dont live with ) - they've been watching and helping me do it for years anyway - it's an interesting botanic science lesson for them - and could afford them a good living doing it - in the future - if whatever they do decide to do in life doesn't work out - or just to augment whatever they do do -

My eldest is 36 - and my youngest is 10 years old - and I have 7 kids in total around the world - (that I know of) -
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
As I said earlier, I'm a total and complete mutt but there's a whole mess of Scotch/Irish up here.

I once told the census takers that there was no choice for my nationality…

for example , there were choices for Caucasians , African Americans , Native Americans , etc etc etc

but no place for my nationality , so he asked me what it was and I told him , Euro American…..

he said he would ask his supervisor about it and come back later

he never returned…

Citizens , hear me out.


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I've taught all my kids how to grow (except for 3 of them in the Philippines who I support but dont live with ) - they've been watching and helping me do it for years anyway - it's an interesting botanic science lesson for them - and could afford them a good living doing it - in the future - if whatever they do decide to do in life doesn't work out - or just to augment whatever they do do -

My eldest is 36 - and my youngest is 10 years old - and I have 7 kids in total around the world - (that I know of) -
Four kids, nine grandkids, and two great-grandkids. From 48 years down to a year and a couple months. They have absolutely no clue whatsoever what I do with cannabis... the curse of living in a Prohibition state. When all the kids were 16 - 12, sat them down and told them I had done every drug except for crack and heroin. Had to counter that fucking DARE program here in the States. Always kept the lines of communication open and none of them ever have had a problem with drugs, thank God.

Don't see them enough, a common parental wine. But a couple live close by, and we always get together, at least all those who can travel here, for Christmas or Thanksgiving.

Again, I'm lucky as shit.

But by God I worked hard and sacrificed for that shit, and we all did without, a whole lot of times, while they were growing up.

So I don't feel too terribly guilty. ;)
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I’ve got a question for you guys. I buy Peter’s 20 20,20 in bulk and I have a need for 666 Fertilizer. My pineapples require a special fertilizer so I’m thinking if I put a third of a tablespoon per gallon would that not give me 66-6-6 from 20-20-20 or close to it
1\2 teaspoon per gal is 3-3-3 and the 20-20-20 is based on a tablespoon if I remember right.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I could tell you a story about getting those on my balls, my grandmother knowing a cure that involved nail polish, and an absolutely screaming 13-year-old. 🤪

Btw, the FNG doesn't want to do get all fanboy and blow smoke up your ass but I've been a _long_ time admirer of your website. I'm an autodidac and an early internet researcher, Alta Vista :rolleyes: and have used your site for reference more times than I can remember. Not so much for the process, because I figured that out on my own, just some of the technical details about butane purity.

You have saved more dumbasses from immolating themselves with the BHO process then probably any other human on earth. You are one of the very few in the cannabis community that I would bow down and say, "I'm not worthy I'm not worthy." (y)

An engineer who can write, imagine that?? o_O By the way one of our kids is a software engineer and the other kid is a network engineer and for about 5 years, I was a mainframe systems programmer headhunter.

Sorry about the absolute cluster fuck of your website. I've had one up and running for six plus years now, and even just a basic show and display site takes a lot of maintenance, once the site starts to grow.

Google just did something with Chrome's rendering engine that has totally fucked up the photo displays and web navigation on my site, especially on phones and tablets. How that thing gets up is a super complex bizarre process that I'm just not willing chase down all the bugs.

Since I know you understand some of the bullshit that comes with designing, producing content, and maintaining a website, you should get a kick out of the legal/privacy page of my website. :p

That's what you can do when you have absolute freedom to say and do what you want.
Thanks for the recognition and good thoughts brother CF! I was fortunate to be retired and in the right place at the right time, with the right skill set. I'm pleased that you found information that was useful to you and that bright brothers and sisters like you have taken the ball and run with it!

True communication is a message sent and the same message received. I retired as an engineering program manager, who wrote up justifications for capital expenditures to be read and signed by everyone ranging from the chairman of the board to the third helper, and I had decades to refine my writing skills.

The best part was that I was comfortably retired when I got involved with medical cannabis, so didn't have to try and figure out how to make money at it.

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