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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
Thanks Charles...I am sure I am gonna find out. Just as long as I can tend my gardens and smoke pot I will survive.
I have noticed as my back has gotten to be in every day bother that my gardening time is diminish greatly. My last crop turned out to be garbage but I figured I’d go ahead and start another one and just see where it ends up. I usually have a couple of pounds laying around so, if I do shut down, I’ll be in good shape. I would avoid surgery at all costs.


Howdy gang. Spent 2 hours on the cat visit. We are thinking about it over night. There were 2 to look at and the person from the shelter wouldn't stop ......on and on. Must be lonely. Anyway we decided on a little girl. We will probably get her tomorrow.

Got a text from the Doctor on my back. Here is his text.

MRI L spine report reviewed
1. degenerative changes noted especially the lower lumbar spine, these can cause potential nerve root impingement lower lumbar spine
2. has moderate lumbar spinal stenosis which is narrowing of the spinal canal at L3-4, which may be contributing as well.
3. recommend pain clinic eval, consider injections for symptoms.
4. other option would be neurosurgery referral, however may wish to start with pain clinic.

so, does anybody here know how fked I am?
I got all that and a few more.
I would avoid the surgery and shots unless in absolute agony.
Start out with the least you need to do your day.
They will radically over prescribe at first so hou need to be the final say on if its actually necessary and dosages..
I take two pills 4 times a day of tramadol and robaxin.
They tried much heavier opiates but I couldn't do it.......I was less functional on the pills than the pain.
Finally found a balance that works really well but most of that was lifestyle change and mental acceptance.


@dogzter major rips my man! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Effortless clouds. I am going to have to experiment with temps in a few days because I have a crappy cold preventing me from telling oranges from pine needles, and even my terppeist of terpes is not coming through. Leah says it was producing outstanding flavor, but F if I got any.

I had to order a few things to complete the package. I misunderstood the dimensions given on the glass and am forced to use a downstem that's 2.5 inches short until my new one shows up. I'm sitting on 9 cultivars presently so I needed 8 more bowls. I found 3 different exotics..Cocobolo, Bloodwood, and Olivewood. I'm like a kid in a candy store, but a very expensive candy store. Seriously, I need to unload a few knives.

I'll post up some pics when everything gets sorted. I really need to make a tray or a stand with a drawer and get it all under control and easily moveable. Sounds like a fun project.
One other thing it comes with 3mm beads in it if you swap to 5mm quartz the airflow opens up and it works betterer.
@BubbasPlace I forgot to mention that sorry!
Joe no worry yours is already good to go.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I have noticed as my back has gotten to be in every day bother that my gardening time is diminish greatly. My last crop turned out to be garbage but I figured I’d go ahead and start another one and just see where it ends up. I usually have a couple of pounds laying around so, if I do shut down, I’ll be in good shape. I would avoid surgery at all costs.
Yup I have read all about back surgeries...

I got all that and a few more.
I would avoid the surgery and shots unless in absolute agony.
Start out with the least you need to do your day.
They will radically over prescribe at first so hou need to be the final say on if its actually necessary and dosages..
I take two pills 4 times a day of tramadol and robaxin.
They tried much heavier opiates but I couldn't do it.......I was less functional on the pills than the pain.
Finally found a balance that works really well but most of that was lifestyle change and mental acceptance.
For sure...I hate pills. All I want Is to feel normal.

@Boo, without my lawn, my veggie garden and my grow I would be a mess
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My best wishes to all the Old Farts - (myself being one too) - most all of us going thru some sort of litany of medical procedures in our old age - but at least there is medical help out there for us - just keep in mind that many millions of other old farts worldwide - don't have this sort of assistance in old age - that we have - so in many respects - we are lucky - tend to live longer - and have a better quality of life - due to being able to access medical care -


Well-known member
just logged on to say a big fuck off to back pain.

Just wish it would listen :rolleyes:

The steroid shots i had in december in L4 has now worn off. It was great while it lasted. I had a few weeks totally pain free.

But it's back again, haha, literally

I wanted some 2mg morphine pills to get me through the worst days but the young doctor doesnt really know what pain is although i could see he sympathised.

Oh well, another year wait to wait for pain referral clinic to call and ask me why i missed an appointment they never told me about.

ima roll a fatty :rasta:

All i want is to be pain free, grow, smoke and have regular pussy.

is that too much to ask?


Well-known member
i hope your back feels better @Putembk and you get some relief.

I am thinking about getting one of these

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 06.00.56.png

i have the cervical one which totally sorted out my neck pain.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Waaay back in the early 90's - found myself under a 300 kilo leg press - got one rep - then failed on the 2nd - the weight made a pretzel out of me - due to my 'spotter' not being there to stop it - (he went for a piss) - by the time he got back - I had hurt my lower spine - and spent around 2 months on the couch - moaning and groaning in pain 😢 - the pain never left for around 30 years - it just got worse as I got heavier - till I couldn't walk 100 meters without having to stop in pain (around 3 years ago) -

- Since then I have managed to turn it all around - firstly starting on a keto diet with 18/6 intermittent fasting daily - combined with an hour doing gentle aqua-aerobics core work - in the pool - every day - with lots of stretching and hanging from a bar - then after a few months - and considerable weight loss - I once again started to do an hour of weight resistance training - in the gym - as well as ramping up my pool core work - to include swimming as well -

- After 2 years of that routine - I had to cut back the physical exercise due to the signs of overtraining (tendonitis etc) - so now train every other day - and nowadays my back injury is hardly noticeable - due to all the surrounding/supporting muscles being much stronger and more stretched out - it really is such a HUGE relief - and has made the darkness (pain) go away mostly - making this Gypsy - a much happier chap -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh - just a side note for CONSISTENCY - you have to keep stretching and decompressing the spine - by hanging from a bar every day - if your can - while also working all of those spine supporting muscles - every other day - so strengthening your core - more -
- and try not to sit down for too long every day - try and stay on your feet - walking and active as much as is possible - the spine/back is our major column of support - and without it - our lives fall down -

- Some members here have VERY serious back problems - that are perhaps now beyond this advice - and only surgery might be able to fix - if that is so - then this advice could be good in recovery from surgery - to build a stronger back -


Well-known member
I went and looked up my lumbar MRI from 2012 for reference. Similar medical gobbledygook jargon.


Lumbar scoliosis and diffuse spondylosis with multilevel lateral
recess and foraminal stenosis as discussed. Moderately severe right
foraminal stenosis at L5-S1 with mass effect on intraforaminal right
L5 root. No evidence of limiting central canal stenosis. Lumbar facet

I bought an inversion table and used that and as Gypsy stated, did lots of stretching and low stress exercise. I was able to avoid pharmaceuticals for the pain but I was a younger man at the time and was working 50-60 hr workweeks where I couldn’t be under the influence of anything that would compromise the safety of the machinery, my coworkers or myself (in the companies view of priorities😁). I think at this point in my life, if my back was bothering me to the point it affected me living as I want to, I would take as few of the the prescriptions as I could and stretch/exercise as much as I could. There is a lot of great advice and anecdotal testimony in the above posts. It is always better to have that and use it to minimize medical interventions(though using them when all else fails). The medical interventions always seem to lead to more medical interventions. Knowing what you know, I am sure you will be feeling better in due time. Take care.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
my heart goes out to all you humans out there who have to deal with pain on a daily basis

pain has become my partner in life…we dance together on just about a daily basis , we curse each other , and we cry together

the mind can be an amazing tool , sometimes….like denial , it can be so powerful that it can make me forget and ignore some pains

i cannot take opiates , they trigger migraines….so it has been an unbelievable journey to find what works for me and I still keep an open mind to try new stuff

magic mushrooms do appear to help at certain stages of pain but no trophies…I don’t mind feeling strange all day , if it takes my mind off the pain and puts my brain in another world , I am gonna try it

i am saving the poppies for the End Times lol….i think homemade heroin and opium will help me make it to the finish line with a smile 😀 on my mug…

what the hell?!..It is about 5 am here and I need moar coffee!…


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good morning peoples. It’s been a very slow day for me today. While I was watching the news I saw the space shuttle was going up in 30 seconds so I bolted out of bed and the first thing I ran across was Dutch laying in the threshold. My entire body weight went down on my right knee and split the skin but I still made it out to see the launch, my blood pressure this morning was in the basement once again so I decided the driving to the gym this morning was not a prudent idea. If I were a car, I wouldn’t buy myself. The bodywork looks nice, but the mechanics are pitiful…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning old farts!

Cloudy today starting at 35F and predicted to reach 47F.

Alas, Miss Layla's Scottish Terrier walking buddy named Hamish started feeling poorly and appeared in pain, so they took him to the emergency vet clinic, where they discovered that his organs were in the final grip of Stage 5 cancer, so they put him down to save him suffering.

Grayfox was providing hugs and solace to Hamish's mom on a neighborhood walk about sharing Miss Layla, and a young white Husky female came bounding up and followed them home. I took her picture and Grayfox posted a notice with the Humane Societies, and we let her roam the house with Layla until we got a response.

She was gregarious and full of it, with Layla being a good host, even after the pup stole her rawhide chew and began taunting her with it. Some romping and chasing, as well as some studiously ignoring before the pup's mom contacted us and picked her up.

She offered us a reward, which we declined, and her husband came by later to again offer us a reward, which I declined, only to have him leave a $100 bill in our mailbox, soooo we donated that $100 to the Humane Society in Hamish's memory, as well as thanks for being there to connect us finders with the frantic and heartbroken owners.


Well-known member
Premium user
Howdy gang. Spent 2 hours on the cat visit. We are thinking about it over night. There were 2 to look at and the person from the shelter wouldn't stop ......on and on. Must be lonely. Anyway we decided on a little girl. We will probably get her tomorrow.

Got a text from the Doctor on my back. Here is his text.

MRI L spine report reviewed
1. degenerative changes noted especially the lower lumbar spine, these can cause potential nerve root impingement lower lumbar spine
2. has moderate lumbar spinal stenosis which is narrowing of the spinal canal at L3-4, which may be contributing as well.
3. recommend pain clinic eval, consider injections for symptoms.
4. other option would be neurosurgery referral, however may wish to start with pain clinic.

so, does anybody here know how fked I am?
Not fked, just wearing out…🙁

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well shucky darn. Mrs Pute was doing laundry and a piece of plastic broke on the lid......Called the repairman and said it would be $600 or more to fix. Plus had to order parts.....2 to 3 weeks to get the part. Fk that....only 5 years old.

Off to the appliance store for a new one. Everything today is junk. Planned obsolesce.....Piece of fargin plastic.....
Hey @Putembk -- Sit down, take a good look at the busted part... and use yer noggin to Haitian-rig a fix.

The big handle busted offa the door of our electric stove. There was no fix, and a cheaper model replacement stove was $713.

I got out a drill, scrounged a stainless bolt and nut from my scrounge box, and made the handle better than new.

If the fix is pointed out, you can see it. Otherwise, it is invisibobble.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good morning old farts! View attachment 18969212 View attachment 18969213

Cloudy today starting at 35F and predicted to reach 47F.

Alas, Miss Layla's Scottish Terrier walking buddy named Hamish started feeling poorly and appeared in pain, so they took him to the emergency vet clinic, where they discovered that his organs were in the final grip of Stage 5 cancer, so they put him down to save him suffering.

Grayfox was providing hugs and solace to Hamish's mom on a neighborhood walk about sharing Miss Layla, and a young white Husky female came bounding up and followed them home. I took her picture and Grayfox posted a notice with the Humane Societies, and we let her roam the house with Layla until we got a response.

She was gregarious and full of it, with Layla being a good host, even after the pup stole her rawhide chew and began taunting her with it. Some romping and chasing, as well as some studiously ignoring before the pup's mom contacted us and picked her up.

She offered us a reward, which we declined, and her husband came by later to again offer us a reward, which I declined, only to have him leave a $100 bill in our mailbox, soooo we donated that $100 to the Humane Society in Hamish's memory, as well as thanks for being there to connect us finders with the frantic and heartbroken owners.
Ever. Fargin. Kewl.

You got another star in your crown in heaven.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
If I had my way, I would have a few donkeys and other larger farm animals but Ivan is too aggressive with animals and he would not tolerate it. Yesterday, one of the piglets got out of the pen, and Ivan saw it, and he was heading towards dinner time until I told him to stop. he did and I was very proud of him for doing so.
That was a milestone, no error.