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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
back from my procedure, had a killer breakfast on the way home...back is a bit sore but not as sore as it will be tomorrow...the anesthesia doc, same one as last time was vacilating about not wanting to put me out...after the last time I'm not in the mood to argue with her...I told them to remove the IV, give me my clothing and let me go home to call my lawyer...those words gave her the motivation to get off her ass and do her job...all went well and hopefully by weeks end I will be 100%...Ivan seemed to sense I was not normal, he was more than excited to see daddy again...
Bet you are glad that is over. Walk done. Hip is throbbing......fargin sciatic nerve. I have can wrap my knee that puts pressure on the nerve behind my knee which helps but my azz is throbbing from the walk.


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I'm not saying anything....

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