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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I absolutely envy you. Honest to Pete. My path was the only one open to me -- It was my life plan to save a percentage of every paycheck, and when I got enough to buy a Krugerrand, I did so.

And then continued with the percentage-stashing. It was ungodly slow, but with K-Rands for $198 in hand at first, and that price never even glanced back...

By the time 45 years of this steady plodding was past, I achieved my life-goal, and completed buying junk silver with a fireworks cashed-in annuity.

There was just no dollar way for me to deviate. I bought land, had a house built, sent my kids to college -- all done with zerio debt. I owe nobody nuthin'.

But I not only missed the boat, I missed the fargin pier.

So good on you.

I would LOVE to have speculated. But it was the antithesis of my rigid life-plan, so I could not.

HAH. I remember one guy on the Net GIVING a whole Bitcoin to another as a "Thank You." <-- TINS

But it still stands: Carrington Event, EMP, sabotage, civil breakdown <-- Any of them leave you without anything until (IF) some sort of grid comes up, and your time ration for usage comes up. <-- Limited resources in the event of any of the four occurring.
I know a guy who lost 30k in this in
just a few short days last year.
Blew his back check from Social Security disability.
He bought a new Ravin crossbow 3k and lost the rest


Well-known member
Premium user
morning everybody. been waiting on my surgeon to get back to me, looks like i'm gonna have to go back under the knife. i have a abscess that just will not go away. i may have caused it to myself. when i started the recovery i pushed real hard and may have torn it and it has been the root of this problem. grandson brought in some smoke, showed it to me. i took a real close look at it and told him it was hemp. delta 8 or 9, he's pissed. i told him look real close and if you don't see the tricombs (spelling) then it is hemp. took two down yesterday so i should have a little bit in a week or so. thinking about running about 12 acapulco gold 12/12 from seed in one box, haven't done that is a long time. been wanting so sativa for awhile but my grow area is small and them babies get big. i did find out to much cal/mag will burn your plants just like to much food will, as me i know now. got out my ppm pen and am going to test everything as i go. if i catch on to this i think i'll change to dwc. any rate, how are all yall doing? i hope well.
They sell that stuff at the smoke shack down the street where I buy cigs now and then. Looks like weed in the selection of jars with cool names on them. They have other stuff too which I don’t trust. Never thought about taking my scope in there to look for trichomes but maybe I will next time I’m in there. Did your grandsons weed have a smell to it? I haven’t sniffed the jars at the smoke shack but I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to sell herb here so I’m all confused about what exactly that stuff is.
‘still raining here so I’ll find more inside stuff to do. Sorry to hear you will have to go thru more surgery Giggy. Gotta take it easier next round of recoop. 🥰


Well-known member
Winkelmans camera man, his back and shoulders is all torched from carrying that shit over hill and dale..

On another note 31 for a high today flurries tonight.

Everyone got their valentines boughton yet last day.

Started therapy yesterday, he had me sitting in a chair yesterday while he made me flinch hitting all the hot spots.
Seems it's stemming from my upper back stenosis, coming from my back upto my neck, into my trapz and back down my shoulder blade into my arm now.
Nerve holes are getting closed nerves being fucked with.
Stuck a Tim's machine on me, the pulse was making me flinch, ha ha.
Back to weight machine again.

I broke my foot using it for a sledgehammer over the summer and slowed down quite a bit.
I think this is the reprocussions of it- slowing down.
Can't help.it ya hurt ya hurt


For a long time after my first wedge fracture in the thorassic spine my feet hurt bad.
Constant throbbing hot pain with zero physical injury.
About a year ago I collapsed another vertebra and instantly the foot pain ceased and hasn't returned.
Hoping the next one makes my bald spot start to fill back in or maybe the hair on my legs will grow back.
That all fell out about 12 years ago went from monkey fur to smooth as a babies butt.
Makes pulling up my pants and sock easier.


Well-known member
buy bitcoin before it goes to $100,000………
before Christmas

i once started a Thread on Gold , The New Heavy Metal , and it ran for about 10 years

at the beginning of the Thread , i encouraged everyone to buy gold when it was around $400 an ounce and silver when it was about $9 an ounce

now it is deja vu all over again with bitcoin

i started encouraging everyone to buy bitcoin when it was around $20,000 ea

and then pretty soon it topped at about $64,000

bitcoin hit $50,000 this morning

we bout some more a few weeks ago when it bottomed around $39,000

we will buy some more on the next dip , if there is a next dip…Bitcoin may shoot right up,to $100,000 pronto

not investment advice

do your own due diligence

View attachment 18959003
I remember looking at Bitcoin @ 25 bucks....


Well-known member
all we have to do with the small pens are just take a drag….no cords , buttons , or lights..

we do have to push a button on the snail but it is an instant hit , no waiting or warming up

here are some of the descriptions of concentrates

Harmony Live Sugar consists of THCa crystals enveloped in rich terpene sauce delivering a customizable dab in an easy to use texture. Always from Harmony-grown, fresh-frozen flower, preserving the terpene profile of the live plant for consistent and delicious concentrates.

Rosin Lava is gently heated Live Rosin – which like all of their rosin is first-press only – to grow THC crystals while preserving terps. This grade of lava is made from either mixed micron trichome heads, "Premo", or 90-119 micron trichome heads, "UltraPremo". Lava is low maintenance – it doesn’t readily degrade and should be stored at room temp.

A truly OG old-world hash method of resin separation using only ice, water and a little agitation. 710 Labs has perfected the process to isolate just the trichome heads to produce the cleanest, translucent sap at room temp. Tier III means the flower was grown hydro or in living soil, has high yields and good flavor. Should be stored in a freezer (30ºF or below).

Fresh Press is stable, live rosin pressed from mixed micron water hash. Fresh Press is rosin in its raw and pure form with a shatter-like consistency. Its high quality is seen in the visual clarity and transparency. You'll experience a full terpene profile that is ready to dab or to cure, whip or jam at home!

Live rosin from Might Melts is cold cured until it reaches the proper terpene separation. Once achieved, the rosin is whipped to a perfect batter-like consistency. Cold Cure brings forth the most pungent and intoxicating terpenes from the rosin. Mighty Melts Cold Cure is easy to dab, easy to dose, and melts nicely in your glass. Cold Cure is also ideal for those who like to roll their own infused joints and blunts.
No cords buttons lights OR temp control....


Well-known member
No cords buttons lights OR temp control....
I bought a pile of pens and fumers, the dogzter put me straight. Thevoo poo is actually for tobacco juices. Throw that top in the trash and install a Sequoia. Set it up for perfect temp control, and enjoy. Press button, inhale etc.

Using it for flower, take off Sequoia and screw on a stem pot. Set for watts, it's filament doesn't off gas, but won't run temp control.

Pens and lesser stuff off gas metals and other trash.



Well-known member
Finally finished in the grow....busy day. All have been fed and many up-potted. Glad that's done. Now I get to farg off and wait for the guests to show up for the Super Bowl. SF 27 KC 24 Since the Chiefs lost there will be no marriage proposal.

Sunny but cold out. I should go feed the birds. Then again maybe not.
The Lemon Betty x Triangle kush is STRETCHING! 😁😯😁😯.


Well-known member
@bigsur51 ive been wearing out tht new pizza oven the crust is better I think every time I use it making a better char on the bottom What I was going for when I bought it as my oven won’t get hot enough. We have had pizza almost every day, even breakfast pizza which I highly recommend. I’ve tried a couple new crust recipes but so far like mine best. I did pick up some 00 pizza flour for my next batch.
tonight’s pizza was just a simple onion garlic and pepper pizza.
View attachment 18958807 View attachment 18958806
Ok, I broke down and bought an Ooni Pizza Oven to join in the fun.


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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I bought a pile of pens and fumers, the dogzter put me straight. Thevoo poo is actually for tobacco juices. Throw that top in the trash and install a Sequoia. Set it up for perfect temp control, and enjoy. Press button, inhale etc.

Using it for flower, take off Sequoia and screw on a stem pot. Set for watts, it's filament doesn't off gas, but won't run temp control.

Pens and lesser stuff off gas metals and other trash.


what cho’ talkin‘ bout Willis?




On a mailtrain.
Premium user
For a long time after my first wedge fracture in the thorassic spine my feet hurt bad.
Constant throbbing hot pain with zero physical injury.
About a year ago I collapsed another vertebra and instantly the foot pain ceased and hasn't returned.
Hoping the next one makes my bald spot start to fill back in or maybe the hair on my legs will grow back.
That all fell out about 12 years ago went from monkey fur to smooth as a babies butt.
Makes pulling up my pants and sock easier.

we can always hope there is some growth in every appendage…😂😂

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
morning everybody. been waiting on my surgeon to get back to me, looks like i'm gonna have to go back under the knife. i have a abscess that just will not go away. i may have caused it to myself. when i started the recovery i pushed real hard and may have torn it and it has been the root of this problem. grandson brought in some smoke, showed it to me. i took a real close look at it and told him it was hemp. delta 8 or 9, he's pissed. i told him look real close and if you don't see the tricombs (spelling) then it is hemp. took two down yesterday so i should have a little bit in a week or so. thinking about running about 12 acapulco gold 12/12 from seed in one box, haven't done that is a long time. been wanting so sativa for awhile but my grow area is small and them babies get big. i did find out to much cal/mag will burn your plants just like to much food will, as me i know now. got out my ppm pen and am going to test everything as i go. if i catch on to this i think i'll change to dwc. any rate, how are all yall doing? i hope well.
Good luck with the abscess brother!


what cho’ talkin‘ bout Willis?


Yes that one with titanium bucket coils.
we can always hope there is some growth in every appendage…😂😂
Wifes been praying quite a bit.........😆