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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
So now I know what Death taking a shit feels like. (*snork*) I gotta get better to die.

83 and ugly is a dangerous combination for the Yuk Flu.

Shaky as Grandma's tits, weak as these quips. However, there is one benefit: I don't even think about my electrified left arm and the other trivia.

Had an odd fever-dream... I was half-assed awake somehow. This story was told always on the down-low.

It was about two LRRPs who'd been in the grass for a long time and had been out of rations for three full days. Both were "cut" with super-low body fat. <-- They starve quicker. Much quicker.

It was mid-afternoon.

A Sandy had naped a half-dozen NVA earlier that morning. As they walked past the smoking corpses, they were assailed with the aroma of broiled meat.

They looked at each other, and both nodded. One of them took out his knife and began cutting. He paused and looked up at his buddy. Then came the quotes that made the story:

"I say old chap, would you like white meat or dark?"

"I'll have the yellow."

Unca Walt

Well-known member

in the meantime , I am gonna use this Magic Voodoo crypto prestidigitation , called bitcoin , to exchange the mystical into Fungible Bank 🏦 of Big currency

this is what Bitcoin looks like to me..

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I got in right about here

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I absolutely envy you. Honest to Pete. My path was the only one open to me -- It was my life plan to save a percentage of every paycheck, and when I got enough to buy a Krugerrand, I did so.

And then continued with the percentage-stashing. It was ungodly slow, but with K-Rands for $198 in hand at first, and that price never even glanced back...

By the time 45 years of this steady plodding was past, I achieved my life-goal, and completed buying junk silver with a fireworks cashed-in annuity.

There was just no dollar way for me to deviate. I bought land, had a house built, sent my kids to college -- all done with zerio debt. I owe nobody nuthin'.

But I not only missed the boat, I missed the fargin pier.

So good on you.

I would LOVE to have speculated. But it was the antithesis of my rigid life-plan, so I could not.

HAH. I remember one guy on the Net GIVING a whole Bitcoin to another as a "Thank You." <-- TINS

But it still stands: Carrington Event, EMP, sabotage, civil breakdown <-- Any of them leave you without anything until (IF) some sort of grid comes up, and your time ration for usage comes up. <-- Limited resources in the event of any of the four occurring.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Partially cloudy here starting at 36F and predicted to reach 53F.

My twin little sister's birthday today. They are 76 years old today.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Bitcoins will survive an EMP
But the system won't. In 1859, a solar storm erupted. It hit the earth and fried all communications. For days, people would be shocked by disconnected telegraph wires.

Survival of a wallet is immaterial if it cannot communicate. Gold, silver, copper communicate everywhere in every language.

This is a Carrington Effect and/or EMP.

In the case of the above, cars won't run, battery-powered stuff won't work, radios, TV, Internet -- gone.

But what remains untouched? PM's.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What a crowd!
What a crowd!

24 degrees here going up to a scorching 54!..

time to hit the beach!

isn’t the imagination a wonderful thing!….

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Yes - a good imagination will keep you going in bad times - if you are really good at it - you can turn the bad into good even - and even enjoy the badness - because you have convinced yourself its goodness - (some call it deluded) -

This Rottie pup looks like he knows when he's being talked about -


Well-known member
morning everybody. been waiting on my surgeon to get back to me, looks like i'm gonna have to go back under the knife. i have a abscess that just will not go away. i may have caused it to myself. when i started the recovery i pushed real hard and may have torn it and it has been the root of this problem. grandson brought in some smoke, showed it to me. i took a real close look at it and told him it was hemp. delta 8 or 9, he's pissed. i told him look real close and if you don't see the tricombs (spelling) then it is hemp. took two down yesterday so i should have a little bit in a week or so. thinking about running about 12 acapulco gold 12/12 from seed in one box, haven't done that is a long time. been wanting so sativa for awhile but my grow area is small and them babies get big. i did find out to much cal/mag will burn your plants just like to much food will, as me i know now. got out my ppm pen and am going to test everything as i go. if i catch on to this i think i'll change to dwc. any rate, how are all yall doing? i hope well.