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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Working on the genealogy on my Dad's side.. I found our coat of arms issued by the Kingdom of Poland in 1849 along with the land.. Ya, mon .. I am nobility and szlachta! Found out my Great-Great-Great Grandfather was a 'known insurgent' and 'political criminal' at the age of 21 during the January Uprising against the Russian occupation in 1863. The furthest I can go back is 1744 - - Now I'm stuck.


Well-known member
G'Afternoon, y'all. Well I sold the coats 220 tire machine. I was asking $500 and took $450. Now all I need to do is finish rearranging/cleaning the garage so I can put a pneumatic bike lift in place. So when the Baker 6 into a 4-speed transmission comes in, I will be ready to work on my Shovelhead. Ironhead Sporty will be next on the lift after the Shovelhead is done.

As far as my grow is going along just fine. Hope to chop top half Zkitty X GG inside of a week maybe 2. It feels good having the tent full again!

moose eater

Well-known member
NOAA/NWS calling for +12 f. in my 'hood on this next Wednesday.

If this holds true, -IF-, then Wednesday looks like the day to change oil and the three filter types on the RAV and maybe better clean the alloy rims in the basement and see if I still want to drop the money on swapping them out for the rusty steel take-offs that are on there now.

Less vibration on a vehicle meaning fewer parts receiving undue wear.

Still -47 f at our house on the front porch.


Well-known member
NOAA/NWS calling for +12 f. in my 'hood on this next Wednesday.

If this holds true, -IF-, then Wednesday looks like the day to change oil and the three filter types on the RAV and maybe better clean the alloy rims in the basement and see if I still want to drop the money on swapping them out for the rusty steel take-offs that are on there now.

Less vibration on a vehicle meaning fewer parts receiving undue wear.

Still -47 f at our house on the front porch.
It’s +40 F here but it’s still not warm enuff for my liking. But it’s February in Chicago so I guess I should be happy. CL🍀

moose eater

Well-known member
Car thefts and break-ins/home invasions are on the rise due to the economy and our new future citizens. Brought to you by your current government working to make the country more equitable…
Here it's good ol' American meth heads and addicts.

This time of year, with bitter cold and fuel oil being fairly high in price at the moment, almost any fuel tank outside, even in the ground, is a target.

moose eater

Well-known member
The bluebirds have started mating here. They have been working on the nesting box and I hear and see them a lot in the pecan trees.

Very cool hummingbirds in Costa Rica. The howler monkeys will make some noise for you, especially in the early morning hours. What part of Costa Rica are you staying?

How much of a shake-down do you experience with US Customs, when you're flying back from Costa Rica into either Miami or Atlanta, buzz? (*Assuming one or both of those are your re-entry ports).

(*Years ago, Black women, in particular, flying from Jamaica into Atlanta and Miami were getting all kinds of unpleasant searches).

Edit: JFK was also a 'hot' airport to transit from the Carribean back then, too, and likewise, more so for Black women; body cavity searches, even on pregnant women. I recall one case (or 2) in particular wherein US Customs induced early labor via such tactics. Cost them some money in the end, if I recall correctly.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Had the delayed brunch a bit ago, as described. But my wife added some nice home-fried spuds from our crop of German Butterballs from last summer. (We used to grow 7 or 8 varieties of really nice spuds. This last summer we grew 2 varieties: Yellow Finn and the German Butterballs).

Delectable, but not good for glucose beyond a tiny amount. I won't tell anyone, though.


Well-known member
Premium user
5 gal pot and right at 5' tall. Looking good. Hoping for some really good smoke.
She’s all groomed up. Nice looking plant. I guess I need to do some more leaf stripping. Seems like I take them off every time I look in there. I can see thru to the pots from the top and it doesn’t seem crowded but looking at yours, I need to get rid of a lot more.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
break time!

that means coffee and cannabis!




Well-known member
Aren't they a bit dull for that, or are you talking about holding the stem with the hemostats while you run scissors with the other hand?
I don't snip when I trim, I snap. Because they aren't sharp I can tuck them down deep and push break the fan leaf stem off at the base without too much damage. Sometimes early in the trim when I come across stubborn stems I clamp down on them an twist em off. I also use a pointed 90 degree pick like this picture of one I'm borrowing from the web


This is for sugar leaves and finer jobs.

Once I get my choice buds trimmed then I go with scissors for the rest since that is what gets pressed.