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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Part of my problem, as a child of Depression-era parents, is the old 'waste not, want not,' and to have those lights burning seems to demand the spaces be filled. Plant counts be damned.

Of course, then comes trimming time... and there's new muscles and nerves each year that scream out in those moments. Nerves and muscles I wasn't even aware existed before. Then the loss of up-close vision after sitting in a hardwood chair with a cushion on it, bent over and squinting.

And no market anymore to speak of, by choice.

Thus, at times the bottom of my primary 21.5 cu. ft. upright freezer looks like it's been taken over by the swamp creature for all the green bags that are sealed and stored there.
of course with rec legal now most grows are still pumping out mids...so no problem making the excess to my needs part go away...and it's a sorta grey area,you can "gift" someone buds from your garden,and they can give you an in kind gift in return,and cash fits everyone so the perfect gift...
that said,going back to being a legal wage slave again soon

moose eater

Well-known member
as i would say,"no space in the inn,not even for a baby jesus og cut"
yeah,not even sure how many strains i have in house...is too many a number?
I killed 2 mothers, 1 each of 2 different strains of my six different strains total this last season as a matter of just thinking about expanding my harem, in light of the number of untried seeds I have here.

Though my Dronker's Sensi Seeds California Indica I'd brought back in 1997 from A-dam was 25 years old, clone to clone to clone, and she was looking weary, mostly due to my neglect this past many months, so I decided that after 2.5 decades of her producing really nice weed, she could take the walk out onto the proverbial ice flow and waved goodbye.

moose eater

Well-known member
of course with rec legal now most grows are still pumping out mids...so no problem making the excess to my needs part go away...and it's a sorta grey area,you can "gift" someone buds from your garden,and they can give you an in kind gift in return,and cash fits everyone so the perfect gift...
that said,going back to being a legal wage slave again soon
Re. the wage slave job....


moose eater

Well-known member
I only have room for 6 in flower. I simply have no room.
If I run 1200 Classic or 2000 Classic size pots I can run 64, with 16 per box.

But the last several rounds I've been using 7-gallon pots and stay to 5 per box, or a max of 20 total between the 4 boxes in bloom, so they have greater light in the sides and down lower.

I can run a max of 6 to 8 mothers in my mother cupboards, but when they get bushy from me topping them and trying to keep them out of the florescent lights in the mother cupboards, they start running out of room to the sides, and 6 mothers becomes more workable.

moose eater

Well-known member
I replace my mother's every 3 rd run.....to much maintenance....get to bushy on most strains.
I used to replace them every run when I had more energy. I'd just work the numbers into the clone count when I cloned, but back then I didn't discard mothers until I was sure of my count of total plants.

'These days' (in quotes because I haven't grown out a crop to fruition since the summer of 2022, a bit over a year ago, waiting for energy and motivation) there've been several instances when I just rolled the dice and killed mothers before the clones were rooted. Living dangerously, or just not caring as much as I should..


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I used to replace them every run when I had more energy. I'd just work the numbers into the clone count when I cloned, but back then I didn't discard mothers until I was sure of my count of total plants.

'These days' (in quotes because I haven't grown out a crop to fruition since the summer of 2022, a bit over a year ago, waiting for energy and motivation) there've been several instances when I just rolled the dice and killed mothers before the clones were rooted. Living dangerously, or just not caring as much as I should..
I have hit that same wall. Not long ago. But I simply like growing. There is always day time TV I guess.....
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moose eater

Well-known member
I have hit that same wall. Not long ago. But I simply like growing. There is always the view I guess.....
After my younger brother died, the third of my family of origin, I had a lucid/clear vision of boiler gauges dropping in pressure from up and solid to way down low, but gracefully dropping the way pressure gauges often do. Literally. And I felt very little. That was, at that time, the final straw in many ways. The gauges were the mental and poetic image of my ability to move forward and feel at that time.

I'd sit in front of my only grow box at that time, my first prototype of what I run now, but half-size, sitting in front of it with a 400-watt MH lit, with the door wide open, in a chair, staring into the greenery and light..

The thing was a source of life. Literally and figuratively.

Long before that, growing had been a hobby. Dealing had been a long-time business.

When I got informally but effectively blacklisted less than a decade later, we'd just closed on our house we'd built, and we were perched on divorce.

Then, after the head-butting with the Powers that Be/blacklisting, licking my wounds, the potential loss of the house we'd just zeroed our retirements building, etc. I (after rolling around on the ground for a while whining while trying to raise what were then 2 very young children) I decided I was going to grow the best weed I could, full-time. Period.. I was damned if the folks I'd wrestled with were going to take the dream from us..

Wrestling with how to manage a cash flow that wasn't safe to flaunt, to pay some bills without being noticed, to not pay bills that might bring the wrong eyes, etc. And being both very serious and somewhat knowledgeable about it. Never turning away from that serious reality, which generates its own stressors.. during a time of already existing stress.

And growing weed became a full-time job, no longer a hobby.

That changed the perspective a lot. Most of us love to grow and smoke weed. But most of us resent a job with high stress.

Weed saved our home, maybe my marriage (though that was a double-edged proposition) and my future.

And now there's some serious changes, too.

Guilt and stress provide two motivating factors for me. Even if the only criticism or guilting is coming from within.

I've gone through at least 4 cloning phases this last year to keep the strains viable, without planting a single actual crop to bring about flowers, gave away 35 or 45 packets of seeds to one fellow, going back as far as the later 1970s and forward, and smaller lots of seeds to 2 others, and still have a bunch of seeds here to test, too.

It'll come in time. Probably with me grabbing myself by my metaphorical lapels, jacking myself up against the wall, and chewing my own ass about lethargy.

There's some Blissful Wizard that I need to grow, among what's probably a dozen other untried strains. Eventually it'll happen.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The second he started coming off that bike, it'd been all over real fast.
He'd look pretty funny with a handle bar stuck up his ass.
I'm just waiting, patiently I got some penned up aggression that needs to be let out.
After years of working in security - dealing with thousands of people - many with an axe to grind over some slight or other - at the door of nightclubs - or backstage at gigs - it's generally recommended to try and diplomatically resolve any potentially violent situations - while getting the awkward person to adhere to whatever rules there are - that they might be about to break - using speech and body language effectively - trying not to let your own passion and possibly penned up aggression escalate the situation - into a broken bones blood bath - which can be very messy - and involve the coppers - so I don't resort to violence - unless absolutely necessary - in self defence -

Still - you do get the urge to go into physical combat mode - and yesterday that awkward person on the bicycle - right next to the river - was looking likely to get wet 😜 in the river - but saved himself by not getting physically violent with me - words alone won't propel me to violence - its better that way -

* as my old Mum used to say - 'sticks and stones will break your bones - but names can never hurt you' -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around!

A partly cloudy day here, starting at 37F and predicted to reach 51F.

Breakfast out at the Screen Door this morning with Grayfox and Nutrition Magician.


Well-known member
Every now and then a youngun' has to spread their wings, or paws, and find out what lies beyond the horizon.

We saw that when the polar bears began (in limited numbers) moving away from the coast and some were encountered by truckers on the Haul Rd up to Prudhoe Bay.

Yours were probably just a little more motivated than the average.

I suspect amphetamines.

I read about how to trap polar bears recently. It involves ice holes and garden peas. You have to look for active bear sign around the ice hole. Once identified as active drop a line of frozen peas around the edge. When a polar comes up to take a pea, kick him in the ice hole.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good morning

unusual as it is , we have rain , started yesterday , on and off , some real heavy downpours too

wheat farmers are farting in n tall cotton

in the meantime , plenty of coffee to go around , lots of flower to smoke , let’s say we just party all day today and leave all our worries for Monday…
