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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Back 10 years ago and more - getting from Manila to Subic Bay in the Philippines was always a pain by road - just getting out of Manila could take 2-3 hours - then another coupla hours on the motorway till you would arrive at the old USA naval base of Subic Bay - where I had a nice house in West Kalayan - (just up the hill from the base) -

Vasco's was the bar 🍸 restaurant - I used to drink/eat at right over the water on Subic Bay - run and owned by an Aussie mate of mine called Brian Homan - an old treasure diver - who had a dive museum - behind the bar -

- anyway - next to Brian's place was Subic Seaplane - owned and operated by an ex US Marine - who had an old Cessna seaplane - he would pilot for hire - and over the years he would fly me all over that area - and beyond - but mostly the Manila-Subic-Manila route - which was a far-far better way to arrive at or leave Subic - landings and takeoff's were always exciting - and the view - Wow!
* 5 hours by road (heavy traffic) or 25 minutes by seaplane - was a no-brainer
Were you there when Mt. Pinatubo erupted?


Well-known member
On another note what's a fair price to charge for rooted cuts shipped?
I have no idea what would be right there.
Seeds seem easy to price at $0.25 cents each with a $25 minimum.
I am just wondering out loud not making a offer as the wife is asking.
There's a wide range.



Well-known member
When I bought my first Harley, a '92 FLHS, all my wife wanted was a new $1,500 Kirby vacuum with all of the attachments.

"I think I'll keep her..." (The old Geritol commercial line).

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Were you there when Mt. Pinatubo erupted?
Naaa - gladly missed that event - but flew over the Pinatubu area at a later date and observed all the lahar flows - (mud and lava ) - at that time the USA decided to not renew their lease on the Subic Bay Naval Base - so the Philippine government decided to turn it into a metropolitan zone with tax advantages for new businesses to set up in -

- Subic was covered in about 4ft of ash from the volcanic eruption - so there was a huge clean-up effort going on afterwards - that's when I first discovered that area of Luzon - after first visiting the Philippines 🇵🇭 in 1986 when I was living in Hong Kong -


Well-known member
What a crappy week a head I see rain starting weds.
Thurs rain and snow.

The big Ice Fishing Extravaganaza has turned into a hybrid again for this year this weekend.

Over 10k participate in this normally for over close to a half a mill in prizes.
Boats , trucks, atvs you name it.
People come from everywhere for this event even internationally.

Trucks on the ice has come to a standstill, the lake behind my cabin no way I'd go out and drill a hole with the amount of weight on that ice.
It'd be like a geyser. You'd be standing in 4' of water in a bowl.


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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
What a crappy week a head I see rain starting weds.
Thurs rain and snow.

The big Ice Fishing Extravaganaza has turned into a hybrid again for this year this weekend.

Over 10k participate in this normally for over close to a half a mill in prizes.
Boats , trucks, atvs you name it.
People come from everywhere for this event even internationally.

Trucks on the ice has come to a standstill, the lake behind my cabin no way I'd go out and drill a hole with the amount of weight on that ice.
It'd be like a geyser. You'd be standing in 4' of water in a bowl.
Ice is really bad here....not an ice fisherman in sight at the lake.